Title Integrating Performance Measures to Exert Effective Leadership in Managing Project Portfolios Frank T. Anbari, Denis F. Cioffi, and Ernest H. Forman Department of Decision Sciences, School of Business The George Washington University Funger Hall, Suite 415 2201 G Street, NW Washington, DC 20052 Abstract The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is used to integrate measures from the relatively objective earned value management method with other, more subjective, evaluation methods to enhance the likelihood of success in exerting leadership in the management of a portfolio of projects. AHP is used to not only measure the performance of individual projects, but also to evaluate the contribution of these projects towards an organization’s tactical and strategic objectives. These measures are crucial components of the iterative process of selecting projects for a portfolio, monitoring and controlling their progress, allocating and re-allocating resources, and terminating projects when they under-perform or are no longer competitive in light of new opportunities or because of shifts in organizational strategy or tactics. Keywords Analytical hierarchy process (AHP), earned value management method (EVM), project and portfolio performance measures, project portfolio management, success factors, measurement, integration, synthesis. Introduction In many organizations, the selection of projects that constitute an organization’s portfolio, and their regular adjustment, continual refinement, and possible termination are important, recurring efforts. These efforts involve effective prioritization and adjustments of resource allocations among projects within the portfolio. These processes often influence the future of the organization in a big way. In this paper, we show how the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) can be used to integrate project measures from the earned value management method (EVM) (Anbari, 2003) and other sources to enhance the likelihood of successful portfolio management and leadership. The prioritization and selection of projects for an organization’s portfolio has been discussed elsewhere (Forman & Gass 2001 and Forman & Selly, 2001). Here we focus on the measurement of individual project performance and the synthesis of the performance of the portfolio’s constituent projects into measures reflecting the performance of units at higher levels in the organization. Our understanding of a successful project has evolved throughout the past 40 years; Jugdev & Müller (2005) offer a “Retrospective Look” at this evolution. Often judgment occurs after the completion of a project, and we are reminded to differentiate end-project deliverables from the processes, i.e., the management, required to produce them (Wateridge, 1995; Wateridge, 1998; de Wit, 1988; Lim & Mohamed, 1999). We should also differentiate success criteria — how we measure success — from the factors that generate success (Cooke-Davies, 2002). Leaders need to understand these factors and the relevant criteria both during the active life of a project and after its completion so they can implement their organization’s strategy by guiding a dynamic portfolio of projects. Here we demonstrate that through AHP disparate measures and managerial judgment can be integrated to synthesize a cohesive view of individual project performance as well as the performance of a portfolio of projects. The Analytic Hierarchy Process The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a method for structuring complexity, measurement and synthesis. The AHP has been applied to a wide range of problems, including selecting among competing strategic and tactical alternatives, the allocation of scarce resources, and forecasting. It is based on the well-defined mathematical structure of consistent matrices and the ability to generate true or approximate ratio scale priorities using them (Mirkin & Fishburn, 1979; Saaty, 1980 and 1994). Forman & Gass (2001) discuss the objectives of AHP as a general method for a variety of decisions and other applications, briefly describe successful applications of AHP, and elaborate on the efficacy and applicability of AHP compared to competing methods. We will illustrate where ratio measures produced by AHP are instrumental in deriving sound, mathematically meaningful measures of individual projects as well as measures of a portfolio of projects. According to Stevens (1946), there are four levels of measurement. The levels, ranging from lowest to highest in terms of meaning, are nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Each scale has all of the properties (both meaning and statistical) of the levels above, plus additional ones. For example, a ratio measure has ratio, interval, ordinal, and nominal properties. An interval measure does not have ratio properties, but it does have interval, ordinal and nominal properties. Ratio measures are necessary to represent proportion and are fundamental to good physical measurement. Prior Applications of AHP in Project, Program, and Portfolio Management Dyer & Forman (1992) discussed the benefits of AHP as a synthesizing mechanism in group decision making and explained why AHP is so well-suited to group decisionmaking. Because AHP is structured yet flexible, it is a powerful and straightforward method that can be brought into almost any group decision support system and applied in a variety of group decision contexts. Archer & Ghasemzadeh (1999) highlighted the importance and recurrence of project portfolio selection in many organizations. They indicated that many individual techniques are available to assist in this process, but without AHP they saw no integrated framework to affect it. They therefore developed a framework that separates the work into distinct stages to simplify the project portfolio selection process. Each stage accomplishes a particular objective and produces inputs for the next stage. Users are free to choose the techniques they find most suitable for each stage or to omit or modify a stage to expedite the process or tailor it to their individual specifications. The framework may be implemented in the form of a decision support system, and Archer & Ghasemzadeh described a prototype system that supports many related decision-making activities. Al-Harbi (2001) discussed the potential use of AHP as a decision-making method in project management and used contractor prequalification as an example. He constructed a hierarchical structure for the prequalification criteria and the contractors wishing to prequalify for a project. He applied AHP to prioritize prequalification criteria and generated a descending-order list of contractors to select the best contractors for performing the project. He performed a sensitivity analysis to check the sensitivity of the final decisions to minor changes in judgments, and pointed out that AHP implementation would be simplified with Expert Choice software, which is available commercially. Mahdi & Alreshaid (2005) examined the compatibility of various project delivery methods with specific types of owners and projects. Options for project delivery include design-bid-build, construction management, and design-build methods. Depending on the requirements of the project, one method may be better suited than another. Project requirements should be evaluated to determine the option most likely to produce the best outcome for the owners. Mahdi & Alreshaid used AHP as a multi-criterion decisionmaking method to assist decision-makers in selecting the proper delivery method for their projects, and they provided an example of selecting the proper project delivery method for an actual project. Selecting an Organization’s Portfolio of Projects Deciding what projects to include in an organization’s portfolio of projects is extremely important and entails a variety of challenges. Forman & Gass (2001) described how AHP is used in allocating scarce resources to optimize the achievement of the organization’s objectives within the constraints of scarce resources and project dependencies: An effective allocation of resources is instrumental to achieving an organization’s strategic and tactical objectives. Information about what resources are available to management is usually easy to determine. Much more difficult to ascertain is the relative effectiveness of resources toward the achievement of the organization’s goals, since all organizations have multiple objectives. Resource allocation decisions are perhaps the most political aspect of organizational behavior. Because there are multiple perspectives, multiple objectives, and numerous resource allocation alternatives, a process such as the AHP is necessary to measure and to synthesize the often conflicting objective and subjective information. An organization must be able to: Identify and structure its goals into objectives, sub-objectives, sub-subobjectives, and so on Identify design alternatives (e.g., alternative R&D projects, or operational plans for alternative levels of funding for each of the organization's departments) Measure (on a ratio scale) the relative importance of the objectives and subobjectives as well as how well each alternative is expected to contribute to each of the lowest level sub objectives Find the best combination of alternatives, subject to budgetary, environmental and organizational constraints. Deriving Priorities for Organizational Objectives Priorities for the elements in the organization’s objectives hierarchy (see Error! Reference source not found. for the hierarchy of objectives of the example used in this paper) are typically derived by teams, the compositions and participation of which are determined by the knowledge, experience and responsibilities of the participants. Figure 1 – Example Objectives Hierarchy For example, top-level executives (e.g., at the vice presidential or chief level) typically make pairwise comparisons of the relative importance of the organization’s top level objectives. The actual procedure often occurs at a meeting(s) where face to face discussion and an exchanging of ideas are important. Electronic keypads can be used to record judgments about the relative importance of the top level objectives. The judgments can be anonymous at first, and then shared so that individuals can see other perspectives. Error! Reference source not found. shows judgments about the relative importance of the top-level objectives from five executives. Since there may be considerable difference of opinion about the relative importance of the objectives, a meeting facilitator is often employed to lead a discussion to bring out more fully what the executives had in mind, including definitions, assumptions, and information that might not be commonly available or expressed. This discourse, which most often leads to a high degree of consensus, is an import part of the process. Because of AHP’s reciprocity axiom (if A is 5 times B, then B is 1/5th A), the geometric mean is used to calculate a combined judgment for the group. Referring again to Error! Reference source not found., two of the executives thought that leveraging knowledge was more important than improving organizational efficiency, two thought just the opposite, and one thought the two objectives were equally important. The geometric average of these judgments was that leveraging knowledge was just slightly more important. If desired, a supporting evaluation can be used to weight each executive’s judgment based on criteria such as knowledge, experience, and responsibility. This extra, outside step is rarely practiced because discussion and eventual consensus will lead to more buy in by the participants. Figure 2 – Pairwise Comparisons of Relative Importance of Two Top Level Objectives Priorities derived from the complete set of combined judgments for the objectives in a cluster are then calculated with standard AHP mathematics (using the “normalized principal right eigenvector”). Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found. shows the calculated priorities for the top level cluster. Figure 3 – Derived Priorities for Top Level Corporate Objectives The local and global priorities for the organization’s objectives are shown in Error! Reference source not found.. The derived priorities within any cluster (such as the top level cluster shown in Error! Reference source not found.) are called local priorities, always sum to one, and distribute the total cluster priority among its elements. Furthermore, because all these priorities are ratio level measures, any element may then be further subdivided into smaller elements that conserve the parent element’s total priority, and their fraction of the global priority is easily calculated through simple multiplication. Figure 4 -- Prioritized Corporate Objectives For example, “Leveraging Knowledge” represents a global priority of 0.278 of the total priority with respect to “Measuring Project Portfolio Performance.” We can further divide this fraction of the total priority into three sub-elements that have priorities 0.324, 0.276, and 0.400 with respect to “Leveraging Knowledge,” i.e., these new sub-elements together must retain the total priority of their parent and so sum to 1. If, however, we want to understand these sub-elements as a fraction of the whole (i.e., as grandchildren of “Measuring Project Performance”), we simply multiply their sub-element proportions by the global priority of their parent, “Leveraging Knowledge,” to obtain global proportions of 0.324*0.278= 0.090; 0.276*0.278=0.077; and 0.400*0.278=0.111. We stress again that this calculation is possible only because all these numbers represent ratio scale measures provided by the priority derivation process of AHP. Evaluating Anticipated Project Benefits Evaluating the anticipated benefits of projects toward an organization’s objectives is useful for at least two purposes: (1) to decide which projects should and should not be included in the portfolio of projects — a resource allocation problem that is not discussed in detail in this paper; and (2) to roll up the individual project’s performance to derive measures of how well the portfolio is performing at various levels of the organization. Measures of the anticipated benefits as well as the priorities of the objectives must be ratio scale measures if they are to be multiplied and rolled up to derive integrated or synthesized performance measures for higher levels in the organization, such as Vendor/Partner Access, Leveraging Knowledge, and Project Portfolio Performance shown in Error! Reference source not found.. Project Alignment Some projects are designed with a single objective in mind while others may have multiple objectives. The lowest-level elements of the organization’s objectives hierarchy (for example vendor partner access and improve service efficiencies in Error! Reference source not found.) are called “covering objectives,” and a project’s anticipated benefit is the sum of its anticipated contributions to those covering objectives to which it contributes. Each of these in turn, is the product of the covering objectives’ relative importance and the relative contribution of the project toward that covering objective. The relative contribution of a project toward a covering objective can be evaluated using either pairwise comparisons, or a ratings scale of intensities that possess ratio level priorities. (The derivation of ratio scale priorities for rating intensities will be illustrated later.) Error! Reference source not found. shows that the AS/400 Replacements project was judged to make a very good (.722) anticipated contribution toward the Leveraging Proven Technology objective. Figure 5 – Rating the Anticipated Benefit of AS/400 Replacements to Leveraging Proven Technology This priority is incorporated in two ways. First, it is used to derive the overall anticipated benefit of the AS/400 Replacements project toward the organizations objectives, which in turn is used in an optimization to determine which projects should be included in the organizations portfolio of projects (which we will not discuss in this paper). Secondly, as discussed above, it is used in rolling up the portfolio’s individual project’s performance to derive measures of how well the portfolio is performing at various levels of the organization. Evaluating Project Performance We next turn our attention to the evaluation of a project’s performance once it has been funded, after which we will look at how the to ‘roll up’ individual project performance to derive measures of how well the portfolio is performing at various levels of the organization. A meaningful measure of a project’s performance cannot be made in isolation, but must be relative to how well the project is performing in relation to the organizations goals. This entails more than an “earned value” computation. It requires an integration of multiple objective numerical measures as well as factors requiring subjective judgment that may originally be expressed non-numerically. AHP is well suited to eliciting subjective judgments and producing accurate ratio scale measures from those judgments, thereby enabling integration of all the factors relevant to the performance of a project. Project performance measures have widened beyond measuring against the three measures of planned budget, schedule, and scope. For example, Anbari (2004) maintains that project performance needs to be measured against the quadruple measures/objectives of scope, time, cost, and quality. Similarly, customer satisfaction has become an essential ingredient of success, although it “remains a nebulous and complex concept” (Jugdev & Müller, 2005) that might be largely explained simply by bringing projects in at cost (Cioffi & Voetsch, 2006). Whatever the collected criteria, measuring project success now demands a “diversified understanding” at both the project management and executive levels of the organization (Jugdev & Müller, 2005). Atkinson (1999), for example, suggested three categories for measuring a project's success after it has been completed: the “technical strength” of the project deliverable; “direct benefits,” i.e., to the organization itself; and “indirect benefits” to a “wider stakeholder community.” AHP can help with these measures too. Project Performance Measurement Components Project success, as discussed above, is some combination of the project’s management performance, its deliverables, and its contribution to the organization's objectives. Project performance measurement usually involves multiple measurement components. The complexity and details of these components are, in general, a function of the size of the project as well as its importance to the organization. For large projects, formal, standardized, more objective performance indicators such as those provided by the Earned Value Method (EVM) are becoming more common. Kim, Wells, & Duffey (2003) found that EVM is gaining higher acceptance due to favorable views of diminishing EVM problems and improving utilities. They also found that a broader approach considering users, methodology, project environment, and implementation process can improve significantly the acceptance and performance of EVM in different types of organizations and projects. EVM performance indicators may be supplemented by other factors, such as project quality, that may require more subjective judgments. Judgment is also required to integrate the various performance components into one measure of a project's performance. This integration can be accomplished using ratio scale priorities derived from pairwise comparisons, as is typical when using AHP (but not necessarily typical with other methods). Small projects may not warrant the effort (and thus the expense) needed to implement EVM, and one or several more subjective factors may play a greater role in evaluating project performance. Instead of using the same set of performance measurement components to evaluate every project, we propose defining a set of measures, each with one or more components, such that the performance of each project is evaluated with that measure (and its constituent components) most suited to the size, impact, type (e.g., product or service), environment (e.g., international or domestic), or other characteristics of the project. Error! Reference source not found. shows one such measure, consisting of a hierarchy of measurement components that could be applied to a class of projects large enough to merit the expense: Example of a Measure and Its Components for a Large Project Figure 6 – Hierarchy of Component Measures Each of the lowest-level elements in the above hierarchy represents something that is measured either objectively or subjectively. In either case, we transform the measure into a value between 0 and 1 using a direct rating scale, a step function or an increasing or decreasing utility curve that may be linear, concave, or convex. For example, a concave increasing utility curve, such as that shown in Error! Reference source not found. might be appropriate for transforming a project’s earned value cost performance index to a range from 0 to 2, where a cost performance index of .1 or less maps to a priority value of 0 and a cost performance index of 2 or more maps to a priority value of 1.0. Figure 7. A Possible Utility Curve for EVM’s Cost Performance Index Error! Reference source not found. shows a linear utility curve for a project’s schedule variance percentage. It is defined such that a project that is 200% or more behind schedule has no priority value for this measure, whereas one that is 200% or more ahead of schedule has a value of 100%. Figure 8. A Possible Utility Curve for Schedule Variance Percentage As an example, applying this linear function to one of the projects in our example, the AS/400 replacement, which is 15% behind schedule yields a value of 46%. Component Priorities To integrate or synthesize the various measure components for a project, managers and team members must obtain ratio scale priorities that represent the relative importance of the measure components. These priorities can best be derived using the traditional AHP pairwise comparison process. Humans are more capable of making relative, rather than absolute judgments, and much of the AHP process involves making pairwise relative judgments. We illustrate this next. In any given organization, some projects are more time-sensitive than others; some are so heavily schedule driven that “time is of the essence” is often used in the contract to highlight this mandate. Error! Reference source not found. shows an example of the pairwise comparisons of the relative importance of the Earned Value components of projects where meeting schedule is mandatory, such as systems remediation projects or projects that will implement an organization's compliance with some governmental regulations going into effect at a specific, near date. The rationale for these judgments was made by two experts with more than 50 years of combined project management experience, and the diagonal in the figure below shows the numerical representations of their verbal judgments, which follow. Figure 9 – Pairwise Relative Comparisons To start, because project schedule is so important, the Earned Value Schedule Performance Index was judged “strongly” more important than the Earned Value Cost Performance Index. (Entries in the table are red if the column element is more important than the row element). Despite this emphasis, the Schedule Performance Index is only “moderately” more important than Cost Variance because performance indices are less commonly used and therefore less readily understood. Schedule Variance was judged “very strongly” more important than Cost Variance because this project is so "very strongly" schedule driven. Nonetheless, Schedule Variance is only “moderately” more important than the cost Variance at Completion because although this project is schedule driven, expected cost overruns at the end of the project cannot be ignored completely. The verbal judgments for elements not on the diagonal (and not discussed here) are not necessary for calculating the relative numerical priorities of measure components. However, they are important because they provide redundancy that leads to derived priorities that more accurately approximate the ratio-scale priorities in the decisionmakers’ minds. Although the fundamental verbal scale used to elicit judgments is an ordinal scale, Saaty’s (1980) empirical research showed that the principle eigenvector of a pairwise verbal judgment matrix often produces priorities that approximate the true priorities seen in ratio scales of common physical parameters such as distance, area, and brightness (because, as Saaty showed, the eigenvector calculation has an averaging effect – corresponding to finding the dominance of each alternative along all walks of length k, as k goes to infinity). Therefore, if there is enough variety and redundancy, errors in judgment, such as those introduced by using an ordinal verbal scale, can be reduced greatly (Forman & Gass, 2001). The priorities resulting from the judgments shown above (as well as their proportions represented in bar graph form) are exhibited Error! Reference source not found.. An important advantage of AHP is its ability to measure the extent to which an expert’s judgments are consistent, as shown by the inconsistency ratio. (The inconsistency of this set of judgments is a bit high, but the experts felt that each judgment was warranted and the resulting priorities accurately reflected what they thought at the time.) Figure 10 – Resulting Priorities Integrating Component Measures Once we have ratio scale measures of a project's performance with respect to each of the components, as well as ratio scale measures of the relative importance of the components, we can roll up the performance to higher levels in the component hierarchy. For example, in Error! Reference source not found. we see the subcomponents of earned value, along with their priorities from Error! Reference source not found. and the performance priorities. The scheduled variance subcomponent in Error! Reference source not found., for example, has a performance priority of 49% and an importance priority of 46%, which when multiplied and added to the corresponding products of the other sub-components, results in a performance priority of 49.92% for the earned value component. We emphasize that the multiplication of the priorities of the components by the project’s performance measures in the roll up process is mathematically meaningful only because the measures are ratio scale measures. Figure 11 – Integrated Earned Value Measure of a Project’s Performance Moving up one more level in the hierarchy of measure components (Error! Reference source not found. above) we see earned value measures integrated or synthesized with the other measure components for the AS/400 project in Figure 12. The 16.15% priority for the AS/400 project represents the relative contribution of this project toward one of the organization's objectives and will be discussed below. Figure 12 – Integrated Project Performance Measure Example of Measure for a Small Project Small projects (in some organizations, $20,000 or less) may not warrant measure components as involved as those shown above for a large project. The simplest measure might be a verbal ratings scale, consisting of rating adjectives such as High Performance, Strong Performance, Moderate Performance, and so forth. However, the priorities associated with these adjectives must be ratio scale measures if they are to be combined with the other measures to produce an integrated measure that is mathematically meaningful and in proportion to the project's performance. This is accomplished by first performing pairwise comparisons of the rating intensities themselves e.g., comparing “High Performance” to “Strong Performance” (see the relative lengths of the bars in Figure 13), and “Strong Performance” to “Good Performance” (see Figure 14), which results in ratio scale priorities for the rating intensities (see Figure 15) that are then used to evaluate one or more projects (see Figure 16). Figure 13 – Relative Preference for a High Performance vs. Strong Performance Project Figure 14 – Relative Preference for a Strong Performance vs. Moderate Performance Project Figure 15 – Ratio Scale Priorities for Rating Intensities Figure 16 – Rating a Project’s Performance with Only One Component Measure Management Action at Project Level The results obtained thus far can be used for management action at the project level, to understand better the progress of the project in light of the stated priorities. Consequently, one may analyze tradeoffs among the traditional project dimensions (scope, schedule, budget) and other project objectives (quality, customer satisfaction, repeat business); request additional resources; reassign personnel; crash selected project activities; adjust scope; conduct an audit; and so forth. Evaluating Portfolio Performance -- Synthesizing to Derive Performance Measures above the Project Level We have described how to measure the performance of individual projects, taking into account multiple measure components. While this information is important to project managers, organizational leadership above the project management level has no way to understand and track the performance of the entire portfolio of projects. Some projects may be performing well and some not so well. Some of those performing well may be relatively important or relatively unimportant, and similarly for those projects not performing well. The question arises – how do we aggregate the performance of the individual projects to derive composite measures of performance at higher levels in the organization to produce a “performance dashboard”? The answer lies with the ratio scale measures of the anticipated project benefits toward the organization’s objectives (that were derived when the projects were considered for funding in the resource allocation process) and the ratio scale measures of the actual performance of each of the projects that were selected to be in organization’s portfolio (such as the performance illustrated for the AS400 project in Figure 12. These ratio scale measures can be summed (“rolled up”) to determine performance toward meeting the higher-level organizational objectives to obtain a single integrated measure of the performance of the entire project portfolio. The rollup is illustrated in Figure 17, which is a view of the organization’s objectives hierarchy (Figure 1) expanded to show nodes below leverage knowledge and vendor partner access. We see in this example that there are two projects in the portfolio that contribute to the vendor partner access objective, one of which is the AS400/Replacement project and the other of which is the Cisco Routers project, each shown with their derived ratio scale performance measures of 51.80 (from Figure 12) and 95.17% respectively. The relative ratio scale priorities of these two projects (16.15% and 83.85%), that are used to ‘roll up’ the performances to the next higher level are determined by normalizing each of the project’s anticipated contribution to the Vendor Partner objective, as was derived during the resource allocation process (the details of which are not shown in this paper). Figure 17 – Dashboard Expanded to Show Projects Contributing to Leverage Knowledge > Vendor Partner Access The “dashboard” in Figure 17 contains colors according to an adjustable legend. The colors enable management to get a fast visual impression of the performance throughout the organization. (A more elaborate ‘wallboard’ view, also containing these colors is presented below). However, the colors are somewhat arbitrary whereas the ratio scale measures of performance, such as 71.77% overall and 85.26% for leveraging knowledge) are more meaningful than the colors because colors are ordinal measures. So for example, if one measure were just below the arbitrary cutoff for yellow, and another just above, they would show yellow and green respectively, even though their performance might be almost the same. In addition, the colors are subject to the arbitrary ranges selected for the legend. Thus, a manager should examine the actual ratio performance values and not just the colors. The contribution of a specific objective to organizational performance can differ depending on the objective to which it contributes. For example, a different dashboard view is shown in Figure 18, where it can be seen that even though the AS/400 Project’s performance is the same as that in Figure 17, its relative contribution toward the Leveraging Proven Technology objective is 48.45% as compared to only 16.15% toward the Vendor Partner Access objective. Figure 18 – Dashboard Expanded to Show Projects Contributing to > Minimize Risks > Leveraging Proven Technology Wallboard Whereas a picture of the performance toward the organization’s entire hierarchy of objectives would require many of the dashboard views shown in Figure 17 and Figure 18, a “wallboard” view, even more elaborate than that shown in Figure 19 (the details of which are not important here) can be posted on the wall of a room to depict the performance of the portfolio of projects toward the entire hierarchy of objectives. Figure 19 – Wallboard Showing Objectives/Sub-Objectives and All Projects Leadership through Management Action at the Portfolio Level In a business world where change is constant, projects — which by definition effect change — represent the major tactical mechanisms for implementing an organization’s strategy. Projects exist at all levels in an organization and should align with organizational goals. Thus, just as individual project plans need to be integrated to make the best use of organizational resources, an ensemble of projects in a portfolio should be viewed as an integrated unit that contributes to advancing organizational strategy. Leadership is required to move away from established plans, when such change is needed. The combination of project performance measures and organizational priorities, as described above, determines the actions to be contemplated. Often resources need to be re-allocated. Modern project management, when properly performed, allows tradeoffs among schedule, budget, and scope while maintaining an integrated project, i.e., the project’s schedule, budget, and scope remain consistent. For example, with careful, iterative planning, schedules can be lengthened or shortened (“crashed,” if necessary) by temporarily removing or adding resources. This resource re-allocation will affect a project’s short-term budget, but it need not always change the total project budget. The priorities of the organization determine the proper mix of short-term and long-term goals, and these change, too. Resource re-allocation can result in termination of projects. Terminating a project before its planned completion may seem to represent an extreme or punitive action, but if a project’s performance measure indicates poor achievement and it is not adequately contributing to important organizational objectives, that project’s resources can best be used elsewhere. The so-called sunk costs of a project should not be allowed to affect an organization’s future. The proper questions to ask are what costs are necessary to complete a project, what are the currently anticipated benefits, and what other project opportunities are competing for scarce resources? The original plans serve only as mileposts against which to measure progress. An organization’s strategic direction may change due to changes in competition. New opportunities continually emerge. Terminating a project forcefully requires courage, but too often we see projects allowed to continue until they die by a variety of means such as attrition. A decision-maker’s job is to use available (or to-be-available) resources in a way that maximizes the organization’s objectives. This maximization can and should include qualitative ‘morale’ costs of terminating projects that are meeting their goals but are no longer competitive for the organization. The mechanism that we have described in this paper allows decision makers to measure their project portfolios against the objectives to which they themselves have carefully prioritized. Conclusions We have shown how the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) can be used to (1) measure and integrate project performance from EVM and other sources, as well as (2) roll up project performance to derive measures of performance at higher levels in the organization. This ability enhances the likelihood of success in leading project portfolio management. The approach presented in this paper is an extension of the process of selecting projects for an organization’s portfolio. It brings consistency and rationality to the efforts subsequently required: the continual refinement of projects, their effective prioritization, adjustments of resource allocations among them, and possible termination of projects that no longer are in optimal alignment with the organization’s goals (some of which may have changed since the original project concept). In a business world that depends more and more on successful project implementation for tactical and ultimately strategic achievement, these important management and leadership efforts are vital to the future of the any organization. References Al-Harbi, K. M. Al-S. (2001). Application of the AHP in project management. International Journal of Project Management, 19 (1), 19-27. Anbari, F. T. (2004). A Systems Approach to Six Sigma Quality, Innovation, and Project Management. 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