2010-11 Student/Parent Honors Algebra I Contract

2010-11 Student/Parent Honors Algebra I Contract
In Honors Algebra I, student must:
Must keep pace with the class (note taking, discussions, and projects). If unable to do so, it is
the responsibility of the student to copy notes from another student.
Must have homework complete everyday and prepared according to teacher expectations
(showing work as expected). Honors level students are to be self driven and committed to their
work without daily inspections by the teacher.
Must demonstrate a work ethic consistent with the challenges of an honors level class.
Must maintain at least a C average to remain in the Honors class for the year.
Demonstrate a level of maturity in keeping with an honors class:
Keeping on subject when discussion takes place
Following the rules of class (i.e. not speaking out, not disrupting, raising hand to speak)
Students should participate in and contribute to class discussions and projects.
Students should always ask questions if they do not understand.
Students should attend tutorials if they feel they need extra help. Tutorial attendance is
required if the average of the student falls below 80.
Tests or quizzes will be completed on the assigned testing day.
In the case of an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to schedule a time with the teacher to
make up the test or quiz.
Student progress and grades will be evaluated at the mid-quarter and end of the quarter, beginning
Maintaining a B+ average is recommended for a student to be given serious consideration for Honors
Geometry the next school year.
If student does not meet the requirements of this contract for this honors class, recommendation may
not be made for honors next year.
Student Signature _________________________________
Parent Signature __________________________________