CLOSE TO NATURE MANAGEMENT IN FORESTS WITH PREVAILING ECOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL FUNCTIONS Martin MORAVČÍK, Bohdan KONÔPKA Forest Research Institute Zvolen, T. G. Masaryka 22, SK – 960 92 Zvolen, SLOVAK REPUBLIC,, Abstract MORAVČÍK, M., KONÔPKA, B.: Close to Nature Management in Forests with Prevailing Ecological and Environmental Functions. The article deals with objectivisation of forest management planning in forests with prevailing ecological and environmental functions on the example mountain forests of Norway spruce vegetation altitudinal zone. The target is to enforce a new, close to nature approach, at planning and care about these forests in dependence on degree of deviation of structure of particular forest stands from the structure of primeval forests eventually natural forests. Article submits a proposal of management models as well as procedure in decision making about need and urgency of measures. Key words: management models, management targets, basic decisions, management principles Introduction The Slovak Republic represents rather small area (49,034 km2) but belongs to the most forested countries in Europe. The forests cover about 20 thousand km2, i. e. about 41% of the total area of the country. The substantial part of the country is occupied by the mountains of the Carpathians Arch with the highest point of the Gerlachovsky Pick (2,655 m above see level). The forests have not only wood–producing, but also public–beneficial functions. For instance, a lot of rivers, important also for neighboring countries, spring just on the Slovak territory. Because of the mountainous nature and the above–mentioned water supply significance, Slovakia is sometimes called “the roof of the Central Europe”. The Slovak forests are classified according to dominating tree species into eight vegetation zones: 1. Oak (located on altitudes below approximately 300 m), 2. Beech–oak (about 200–500 m), 3. Oak– beech (300–700 m), 4. Beech (400–800 m), 5. Fir–beech (500–1,000 m), 6. Spruce–beech–fir (900– 1,300 m), 7. Spruce (1,250–1,550 m) and 8. Mountain pine (over 1,500 m). From public–beneficial point of view, the most important forest ecosystems are those located in the seventh, i.e. spruce vegetation zone (SVZ). All these forest ecosystems belong to the category of protective forests. Particularly, there are important mainly from water management, soil erosion control, avalanche control, nature conservation, tourism and aesthetic aspects. In this vegetation zone, the sum of annual precipitation is between 1,000–1,300 mm, mean annual temperature 2.0–4.0ºC, vegetation period lasts 70–100 days. The area of the forests of the SVZ is about 40 thousand ha, that is 2% of the total forest area in Slovakia. The forests of the SVZ are located in the central and northern parts of Slovakia. In fact, the SVZ conforms to the potential forest vegetation of mountain spruce. The original forests of the SVZ were made up mostly of sparse stands or groups of trees with a Norway spruce as a dominant species. Except this species, some forests are composed also by European larches, European beech, mountain ash and even–species fragments of dense mountain pine stands. Also, silver fir, cembra pine, and sycamore maple can be found there. 1 The large area of forests of the SVZ spreads on the territories of the national parks. The most frequent forest type groups are Sorbeto–Piceetum (Mountain ash–spruce) and Lariceto–Picetum (Larch–spruce). The forest type groups express original tree species composition, i.e. how should look like in the case of no man influence. This phytocenological units reflect also site and climatic conditions. The main problems in the spruce vegetation zone In Slovakia, attention of scientists has been focused on forest ecosystems growing in the SVZ (the term “high–mountain forests” is often used for them as well) usually in term of worsening health conditions of trees. Decline of forests on some areas located in the SVZ was demonstrated through monitoring of forest health, which showed that about 90% of the forest area in the SVZ could be considered as effected by air pollution of different intensities (the A, B, and C zones with high, middle and low concentrations of air pollution, particularly). The C zone, typical with a low air pollution load, i.e. existing growth conditions allow spruce trees to survive further about 60 years, is the most frequent in the SVZ. In this SVZ, a rise of ozone concentration with altitude was proved. Also, the significant decrease of pH values was recorded in the soils of the high–mountain forests. Particularly, since 60’s the pH values decreased by 0.5 – 1.0 unit in the forest soils. In the last decade, the emissions of sulphur and nitrogen matters were considerably cut down but still are accumulated in the soils. Another negative ecological factor influencing significantly health of the Slovak high–mountain forests, especially in the last two decades, are unfavourable climatic conditions. It concerns a lack or unsuitable distribution of annual precipitation and temperature extremes. Formerly, the Slovak high– mountain forests were considered as ecosystems with sufficient amount of precipitation and having favourable soil moisture. However, resent studies showed dramatic changes of water regime in mountain forest soils. This is the most evident in sparse spruce stands. Soil acidification and lack of soil moisture are considered as the most negative factors worsening, or on some sites even disabling the natural regeneration in the high–mountain forests. In addition, windstorm damages to mountain forests are serious. Trees damaged by wind as well as those physiologically weakened by climatic extremes create favourable conditions for bark beetle outbreaks. While in the past bark beetles outbreaks occurred up to altitude of about 1,000 m above see level, presently this limit is in 1, 300 m, on certain areas even on the timberline. High ozone concentration, nitrogen and sulphur depositions accumulated in the soil, climatic extremes and some other harmful agents, individually or in combination, cause weakening of forest ecosystems or even their collapse. Consequently forest stands become sparse and fragmented. This phenomenon is the most evident on mountain ridges in altitudes of 1,300 – 1,600 m a.s.l. Previously, mainly in the Low Tatra National Park, the issues of restoration (reforestation) of mountain pine stands, reduced due to livestock grazing in the previous centuries, were figured out by researchers. Also, reclamation measures, e.g. liming and fertilizing in spruce forests of the SVZ weakened by air pollution or other agents have been studied. The forest stands of the SVZ have changed, vertically and horizontally little differentiated stand structure on a large part of them. Remoteness, technological inaccessibility and economic non– profitability of management caused neglect of care about these forests in the last decades. A great part of these forests had been gradually grown old. Further neglect of care would necessarily lead to reduction eventually loss of their utility. Therefore with the aim of intensifying the care, improvement stability, health condition and securing of required utility objectivized methods and procedures of forest management planning in these forests were elaborated. 2 Material and Methods Elaboration of objectivised methods and procedures of framework and detailed forest management planning goes out the principles formulated by GREGUŠ (1989) according to which management of forests should lead to achievement of maximal benefits of forest and their permanent and effective providing. Forests fulfil their ecological and mostly also social functions the best in such status that responds to the status of primeval forests, untouched by man (permanent existence of forest with suitable spatial, age and tree species structure, preserved self–regulating abilities, good health condition). These principles represent starting points and recommendations for elaboration of management models for the forests with prevailing ecological and social functions. From these reasons we proposed to elaborate management models for the SVZ differentiated by level of retaining / conservation of natural structure (naturalness class). Another criteria for differentiation of the management models are site and stand conditions and altitude (altitudinal zone: below 1400 m and above 1400 m). The main part of empirical material came from field measurement and observations designed in a two–level scheme. The higher level was made up by five research areas, the lower level by 122 research plots. The research areas represented a size from 20 to 135 hectares, a size of research plots was from 2 to 10 are (set of at least 25 trees). Research plots were distributed so that they represented variety of types of stand structure and different levels of man influence of forests and comprehended all important typological units particularly the forest type groups. Table 1. Frequency and distribution of the research plots by site, naturalness and height above see level Forest type groups, n /% AcP (Acereto– CP (Cembreto– FP (Fageto–Piceetum) Piceetum) Piceetum) 22 / 18,0 9 / 7,4 7 / 5,7 Naturalness class, n /% A/B B B/C C D E 16 / 13,1 49 / 40,2 25 / 20,5 20 / 16,4 7 / 5,7 4 / 3,3 Height above see level, n /% 1351 – 1400 1401 – 1450 1451 – 1500 1501 – 1550 nad 1551 21 / 17,2 29 / 23,8 32 / 26,2 19 / 15,6 7 / 5,7 SP (Sorbeto–Piceetum) LP (Lariceto–Piceetum) 84 / 68,9 A 1 / 0,8 do 1350 14 / 11,5 Status of forest on the research plots was complexly analyzed. There were done also comprehensive studies all parts forest ecosystems, particularly bedrock, soil, water, herb layer, woody plants, bioclimate and air quality. Mainly results of these analyses were used as a background material on elaboration of management models. Classification of the naturalness was performed on the research plots through the visual signs left by human activities that caused changes in age, spatial and tree species structure. For practical needs these three kind of aggregated naturalness class were specified: Table 2. Aggregated naturalness classes and their development stages 1 – Primeval forests 11 – In stage of growing up 12 – In stage of optimum 13 – In stage of destruction 2 – Natural forests 21 – In stage of growing up 22 – In stage of optimum 23 – In stage of destruction 3 – Man–made forests 31 – In period of tending 32 – In period of regeneration – 3 The empirical material of the research plots was processed and evaluated through the specifically formed database system in the scope of programme MS Access 2000 which enable: – archiving of all values and parameters, – immediate threedimensionatial visualization of the research plots, – primary data processing of individual research plots (computation of basic characteristics, indicators of spatial structure and indexes of horizontal and vertical structure), – interactive classification of data with consecutive calculations of average values and basic statistical characteristics for defined sets of data. Evaluated empirical material together with knowledge obtained from literary sources were used for elaboration management models in following classification: Management models Management targets Basic decisions Management principles – outlook – available Target tree species composition Target stand structure Target stocking Target production Forest category Management system Rotation Regeneration period Period of securing consecutive stand Especially principles: Tending, silvidulture Regeneration Formation of forest Results achieved Management targets Target tree species composition In tree species composition of the original high–mountain forests, the Norway spruce represented absolute prevalence. It is the tree species, which tolerates harsh living conditions of the SVZ the best. Therefore, also at present, Norway spruce stands are dominant on these sites. The other premixing species were proposed according to site and climatic conditions with the main aim of ensuring public– beneficial functions and stability of forests. Target stand structure The limit values for selected indicators of target stand structure were derived from data collected on the research plots classified in the first naturalness class (primeval forests). These characterize the most original forest stands of the SVZ. Therefore, they were considered as a model of target stand structure. Naturally, the primeval forests have three development stages growing up, optimum, and declination. 4 Table 3. Criteria for target stand structure 1st natural– Development stage (adjusted average values) ness class Growing up Optimum Declination 50 ± 15 60 45 50 Tree diameter variability (Sx%) 3 3 2–3 3 Degree of diameter dispersion 40 ± 20 50 30 40 Tree height variability (Sx%) 55 ± 15 45 65 60 Upper 25 ± 15 30 25 20 Share of canopy level (%) Middle 20 ± 15 25 15 20 Downer 75 ± 10 80 75 75 Crown length / tree height (%) 60 ± 10 55 60 55 Tree height / tree diameter Texture: Mosaic of stand clumps and clusters with the maximal size by 0.5 hectare Indicator Because of large area of man–made forest stands with neglected management in the past it will not be possible to reach desired stand structure even in the next generation. Therefore, available target stand structure was derived too, from the data representing the second degree of naturalness (natural forest). Outlook target stand structure (Primeval forest) Available target stand structure (Natural forest) Man–made forest Fig. 1. Demonstration of the target stand structure. 5 Table 4. General characteristic of target stand structure according to forest type groups and altitudinal zone SFT SP LP AcP FP upper d. PiL upper d. Target Stand Structure The target is strongly age, diameter and height (horizontally and vertically) differentiated structure that secure fulfilment important ecological functions of forests of SVZ. First–rate is also static stability and adequate stocking of these forests. Permanent, continual effect of stand structure to forest functions is desirable. The target is irregular stair–step stand structure where trees and their clusters of various age, differentiated diameter and height alternate in mosaics. Trees have favourable indicators of static stability with deeply and lively branched crowns. Their height gradually declines with growing above–Sea altitude. In upper zone (above 1 400 m) the trees grow mostly in squad set–up. Target stocking Target stocking was derived on the basis of original procedure respecting requirements of soil and water protection, stability and natural regeneration. Relationships between stocking, indicators of stability and complex of preconditions for natural regeneration were analysed. Combining these aspects, the value of 0.7 (0.6 at the upper forest limit) proved to be optimal for the stand stocking. Basic decisions The basic decisions in the Slovak forest management practice are mainly: category of forest (commercial, protective, special purposes), silvicultural system (clear cutting, shelterwood, selective), rotation and regeneration period. The baisc decisions were elaborated for the three classes of naturalness (primeval, natural, and man–made forests), which reflect intensity of man effects on the forest ecosystems. Table 5. Basic decisions differentiated according to naturalness class Naturalness class Category of forest Silvicultural system Rotation (years) Regeneration period 1–Primeval forest Protective Retain for self–regulating processes without interventions 250 – 300 Continual 2–Natural forest Protective Shelterwood system but mostly retain for self–regulating processes without interventions 200 Continual 3–Man–made forest Protective Shelterwood system – gradual reconstruction for close to nature forests 150 Continual Management principles On a large area of the forests of the SVZ the management target is aimed at restoration, improvement or maintenance their self–regulating abilities. To achieve this target it is necessary to form functionally effective stand structure. The more the stand structure approaches to the status of primeval or natural forests the more are forests able to develop themselves through the internal self– regulating processes. The restoration or improvement of self–regulating abilities of these forests has 6 also a great economic significance because by achievement the forests close to nature the interventions of the manager will be decreased to the minimum and so the providing public beneficial functions by this forests is getting very effective. Respecting these starting–points we propose to plan and carry out any measures in these forests on the basis of actual naturalness class, which has to be decisive criterion for substantiation of need and urgency of proposed measures. For identification and expression of the naturalness class were chosen indicators listed in the Table 3: degree of diameter dispersion (for assessment of the tree diameter variability), share of canopy level (for assessment of the tree height variability), ratio between crown length and tree height and mosaic of stand clumps and clusters. For specification of need and urgency of measures is necessary to carry out also assessment of the static stability, natural regeneration, health condition and stocking as an indicator of fulfilment of ecological functions mainly soil– and water– protective ones. Basically it can be stated that the forest stands classified by the 1st naturalness class could be left without any measures. Such stands generally meet also another criteria, i.e. natural regeneration is fully corresponding to actual stand structure and static stability as well as health condition are excellent. If the forest stand does not meet above mentioned criteria it requires performing the concrete measures that can be, regarding its actual status, differentiated into three degrees of urgency (high, medium, low). Such forests are mostly man–made, even–aged, vertically and horizontally little differentiated, but also natural forests in various development stage with insufficient natural regeneration belong among them. Table 6. Criteria for determination of the need and urgency of the measures Forest stand or its part doesn´t require any measures 1st naturalness class Static stability – excellent Health condition – excellent Natural regeneration – fully corresponding Forest stand or its part requires measures in the 2nd degree of urgency (within 10 years) 3rd or 2nd naturalness class Static stability – satisfactory Health condition – mediumly declined Natural regeneration – slight or minimal at the age of forest less than 50 years under rotation Forest stand or its part requires measures in the 1st degree of urgency (within 3 years) 3rd (2nd) naturalness class Static stability – unsatisfactory Health condition – caduceus or died forest Natural regeneration – slight or minimal Forest stand or its part requires measures in the 3rd degree of urgency (postponable) 2nd (3rd) naturalness class Static stability – good Health condition – slightly declined Natural regeneration – slight or minimal at the age of forest more than 50 years under rotation Conclusions Further perspectives of the spruce vegetation zone Better high–mountain forest management will request built up comprehensive net of forestry roads ecologically designed in the terrain. It will be necessary to perform ecologization of all forestry activities in the high–mountain forests, especially by means of introducing the newest techniques and technologies. Clear cutting system is forbidden in the SVZ. It was fully replaced by the shelterwood and selection systems. Implementation of recovery measures on the sites with deteriorated soils will create suitable growth conditions for subsequent forest stands. Generally, the natural regeneration is preferred. However, on certain sites, tree species diversity will be enhanced by planting desired tree species. The monitoring of health status of forests and occurrence of harmful agents will necessary continue. Preventive methods will be preferred to suppressive methods in the field of forest protection. 7 Decreasing volume of emitted pollutants will influence health status of high–mountain forests positively. On the other hand, harmful effect of climatic changes will have growing tendency and might be a further threat for existence of the forest ecosystems. Thus, the newest findings achieved in forestry research would be largely implemented. One of the possibilities will be applying knowledge from population genetics, especially issues concerning individual resistance of trees to climatic extremes and others harmful agents. References MORAVCIK, M. et al., 2002: Research of method of management of mountain forests on the principle of sustainable development. Final research report. Forest Research Institute Zvolen, 350 p. MORAVCIK, M., 2003: Management models for stable forests of spruce vegetation zone. Topical problems in forest protection 2003. Forest research Institute Zvolen, p. 81–88. 8