IND 130 Power Plant Boiler Operations

Common Syllabi, 4-9-02, p. 1
MACC Catalog #IND 130
CIP # 15.0613
DATE: June 30, 2005
Moberly Area Community College
Common Syllabus
IND 130 Power Plant Boiler Operations
Current Term
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Catalog Description:
IND 130 Power Plant Boiler Operations
This introductory course will give a general overview of power plant boiler operations, functions
and terminology. The course will prepare the student to describe the operations of most power
plant boiler systems and have a working knowledge of the terminology concerning those
systems. Topics will include boiler theory and principals, boiler construction and design, steam
systems and controls, water supply systems and controls, water treatment systems and controls,
fuel systems and controls, draft system and controls, instrumentation systems and controls, boiler
operations and maintenance, and boiler system optimization. (FA,SP)
Prerequisite/Co-requisite: None.
Text(s): R. Dean Wilson, Boiler Operator’s Workbook, 4th Edition, American Technical Publisher,
ISBN: 0-8269-4497-9.
Resource, Steam & Mechanical Fund, V. 1 & 2, Resource ISBN: unknown.
Other Required Materials: None
Purpose of Course:
In this 42 contact hour lecture/lab workshop, participants will learn the practical application of power
plant systems. Course topics include: generator systems, turbine systems, boiler operation, coal handling
system, water treatment systems, compressed air system, power plant definitions, heat transfer theory,
energy conversion theory, temperature and pressure theory, safety issues in a power plant system.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Discuss the operations and
theory in regards to power plant boiler operations. Identify major components of a power plant
boiler system. State the major function of each system within a power plant boiler system.
Common Syllabi, 4-9-02, p. 2
Know the definitions of power plant boiler terminology. Identify safety issues within a power
plant boiler system.
Course Content:
Lectures will cover the following: Boiler Theory and Principles, Boiler Construction and
Design, Steam Systems and Controls, Water Supply Systems and Controls, Water Treatment and
Controls, Fuel Systems and Controls, Draft and Flue Gas Systems and Controls, Instrumentation
and Controls, Boiler Operation and Maintenance, and Boiler System Optimization.
Drawings of piping for steam system, condensate systems, feedwater systems and water
systems will be used in the lectures.
Instrumentation and electrical prints will used in the lectures.
Construction drawings of a boiler will be used in the lectures.
Students will present two articles on safety issues for boiler operations.
Students will prepare a term paper on either a component of the boiler system, a system
of the boiler or an environmental issue for fossil fuel boilers.
Statement to Connect Course with Technical Program Outcome Statement:
In compliance with MACC’s General Education outcomes, the student who successfully
completes this course will be able to:
I. Demonstrate effective written and oral communication;
Assessment of Student Learning:
20% Quizzes
20% Mid-term exam
40% Final exam
10% Paper & Safety Articles
A = 93-100%
B = 85-92%
C = 76-84%
D = 70-75%
F = 69% or below
DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS: Knowledge skill objectives will be achieved via
lecture, VCR presentations, class discussions, projects, reading assignments, and homework.
Participant evaluation will be by paper/pencil testing, consisting of short quizzes, outside
homework, lab projects, mid-term exam and final exam.
EXAMS AND QUIZZES: Exams and Quizzes: 70% of the final course grade will be based on
exams and quizzes. Periodic unannounced exams will be given. A mid-term and comprehensive
final exam will also be scheduled. Missed exams will not be made up except under special
Participation: Classroom participation is an important ingredient of learning. Accordingly,
participation by students in classroom discussion is encouraged and will become an important of
the final grade. Several opportunities will be provided for students to contribute in a formal
participation process via group participation and presentation of written term papers.
Other Methods of Assessment: Teamwork is a valued work skill. To this end, the class will be
divided into functional area process teams for the purpose of plant field tours and formal after
action reviews. Students will receive grades as a team for their efforts in connection to the formal
after action reviews.
Common Syllabi, 4-9-02, p. 3
Description of Major Assignment(s)/Project(s): A five page term paper on either a component
of the boiler system, a system of the boiler or an environmental issue for fossil fuel boilers will
be turned in and presented before the last class session.
Statement to Connect Course with General Education Outcomes or Technical Program
Outcome Statement:
{Discipline-specific faculty will identify and state which (1 to 4) of the General Education
outcomes listed below applies to each course.}
In compliance with MACC’s General Education outcomes, the student who successfully
completes this course will be able to: Identify and discuss the major components of a power plant
boiler system.
Instructor Policies:
Academic Dishonesty: MACC board policy is as follows: “Academic dishonesty by students
damages institutional credibility and unfairly jeopardizes honest students; therefore, it will not be
tolerated in any form.” Forms of academic dishonesty include but are not limited to the
following: violations of copyright law, plagiarism, fabrication, cheating, collusion, and other
academic misconduct.
Incidents of dishonesty regarding assignments, examinations,
classroom/laboratory activities, and/or the submission of misleading or false information to the
College will be treated seriously. The procedure for handling academic dishonesty is outlined in
the Student Handbook (Policy Handbook M.010). In cases of alleged academic dishonesty, the
burden of proof is on the student, not on the instructor.
Any student who misses two consecutive weeks of class during a regular sixteen-week semester
or the equivalent proportion of class time during a shorter session will be dropped from the class
by the instructor unless acceptable justification is supplied. Additionally, any student who misses
more than one-fourth of the entire number of in-seat class meetings in a regular 16-week
semester or the equivalent proportion of class time during a shorter session, may be dropped
from that class by the instructor if, in the opinion of the instructor, the student does not have
reasonable opportunity to succeed in the class. A student’s attendance rate will be calculated
based upon the first day of the semester (not the student’s date of enrollment in the course).
Student attendance must be defined in a different manner for online, hybrid, and virtual courses.
Student attendance in these courses is defined as active participation in the course. Online,
hybrid, and virtual courses will, at a minimum, have weekly mechanisms for student
participation, such as any or all of the following methods:
a. Completion of quizzes or exams
b. Submission of assignments
c. Participation in threaded discussions
d. Communication with the instructor
A student who does not participate in an online, hybrid, or virtual course for two consecutive
weeks will be dropped by the instructor unless acceptable justification is supplied. As with
ground courses, a student’s attendance rate in online courses will also be calculated based
upon the first day of the semester. If a student does not demonstrate active participation in
Common Syllabi, 4-9-02, p. 4
the online course within the first two weeks (or the equivalent proportion of class time
during a short session), the student will be dropped as “never attended.” Simply logging
into an online class does not constitute active participation.
Students should be aware that their dropping a course and their last date of attendance in
the course may impact their financial aid.
Tardiness: per instructor’s policy
Make-up and late work: per instructor’s policy
Extra-credit work: per instructor’s policy
Schedule of Student Assignments/Activities:
Instructors will identify a Student Assignment/Activities schedule. Instructors have the
prerogative to construct the schedule by class periods, weeks, or an overview of topics to be
ADA Statement
Students who have disabilities that qualify under the Americans with Disabilities
Act may register for assistance through the Office of Access and ADA Services.
Students are invited to contact the Access Office to confidentially discuss
disability information, academic accommodations, appropriate documentation
and procedures. For more information, please call either the Moberly office at
(660) 263-4100 x 11240 or the Columbia office at (573) 234-1067 x 12120, or
visit our web page at