Appendix S1 Determination of the length (years) for the recent floristic survey from the DIGITALE database to improve completeness of the recent floristic list 2500 120 100 2000 80 1500 60 1000 40 500 0 1900 20 0 1920 1940 1960 1980 Number of visited 4 by 4 km grid squares (bars) Total number of records of species last recorded in 4 by 4 km grid squares (line) Botanical recording in the Thiérache during the second half of the 20th century has known periods with little botanical activity and periods with high botanical activity (Figure C.1). It was our goal to compare the historical floristic data with a recent period of reliable length in order to avoid that some areas in the Thiérache were less recorded than others. 2000 Year Figure C.1: The total number of records of last recorded species in any given 4 km square and the number of visited 4 km squares in each year. We looked at increasingly longer periods, starting from 2005 and going backwards, using the year of last recording of a species in a 4 x 4 km grid square. To make sure that all 4 km squares (n = 129) were visited, at least a 1971-2005 or longer period had to be taken into account. Shorter periods resulted in some 4 km squares with no species. The period was subsequently lengthened until in each 4 km square at least 50 species were recorded. This resulted in 1958-2005 as the recent period for comparison with the historical floras. The cumulative number of records (i.e. last recorded species - 4 km square combinations) equalled 24 226. The number of species per 4 km square ranged between 77 and 365 (mean = 188, median = 178, standard deviation = 60). Further extending the period did not substantially increase the number of species sited in a 4 km square. 1