Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 11am – 12:15pm
Call Summary
Present: Ann Hitchcock, NPS, Co-chair
Alan Aiches, FEMA
Debbie Hess Norris, HP/UofDel
Ann Seibert, NARA
Laura Word, NEH
Jane Long, Heritage Preservation
Mary Rogers, Heritage Preservation
1. Short-term Goals Status Report
Identify recommended training package for cultural heritage responders
Several panelists had taken IS-100, Introduction to Incident Command System
( www.training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/IS/crslist.asp
), and noted that they found the content helpful in understanding the Incident Command System. Ann Seibert stated that several training courses are being revamped at NARA, including Vital
Records and Emergency Planning and Response for Records and Information.
NARA staff have provided regional training sessions and collaborated with AIC on training courses. The NARA web-site also has resources for emergency response. Ann Seibert also reported on the Council of State Archivists’ emergency initiative, PREP. Information is available at www.statearchivists.org
Daniel Lobo will forward to the panel information about
American Institute of Architects’ training program.
Nancy Odegaard will contact Eric Pourchot about AIC’s use of
FEMA courses in new training curriculum. (Several panelists have seen an AIC email that mentions the requirement of ICS training.)
Ann Seibert has a list of other recommended FEMA courses that she will send to Alan Aiches at FEMA to vet. The edited list can then be circulated to the panel so that panelists can take the courses by April 1, 2007 and implement its recommended package in May 2007.
Alan Aiches will get information about training at Library of
Debbie Norris will research Regional Alliance for Preservation training courses/offerings to see if any new material has been added since Katrina.
National Response Plan, Emergency Support Function #11
Language changes to the ESF #11 Annex in the National Response Plan to identify the Heritage Emergency National Task Force’s role as a clearinghouse for information exchange during an emergency have been submitted as well as information on NARA. Alan Aiches spoke with Jan Thorman at the Department
4. of Interior, who says that the new ESF #11 is scheduled to be in place by June
Long-term Goals Status Report
Regional supply caches
Debbie Hess Norris contacted Julie Page for more specific information about the
California Preservation Program’s supply cache system and presented the details to the panel. Laura Word contacted Tom Clareson for information about the
OCLC network, who advised that each affiliate would need to be approached separately about its interest in housing the cache. Ann Hitchcock reported that the
National Park Service could participate in this program by way of a general agreement (called cooperative agreement/memorandum of understanding by some agencies).
Doris Hamburg is examining NARA regional authority to house supplies.
Brian Robinson will survey selected state historic preservation offices’ status of planning for emergencies. Ann Seibert noted that this type of information (links between archives and SHPOs) could be gained from looking at the results of CoSA’s survey of state archivists ( www.statearchivists.org
To aid the panel in refining its vision for the regional supply caches and identify major obstacles, Julie Page will be asked to participate in the panel’s next conference call.
The panel proposed to develop guidelines for the implementation of a shared supply cache, a network agreement, protocols, and possibly funding sources. The guidelines would be distributed to existing local and regional preservation networks.
Interim report
Ann Hitchcock will draft the interim report, due January 31, 2007. Ann sent the draft to panelists on January 23, 2007 and would like comments by COB January
29, 2007.
Next conference call
The next conference call will take place on Tuesday, February 6, 2007 from
11:30am – 12:45pm. Ann Hitchcock will send call-in information to panelists and
Julie Page.
Items for the agenda include:
discussion of how to approach the long-term goal of establishing regional supply caches, guided by Julie Page. This goal will be the main topic of the call.