speaking and listening

Oregon English Language Proficiency Standards
Proficiency Level Descriptors
1. CCG (K-12): Listen critically and respond appropriately across the subject areas.
Early Intermediate
Students demonstrate
Students demonstrate
Students demonstrate good
increased comprehension of comprehension of general
comprehension of
general meaning and some
meaning and increased
general meaning; gain
specific meaning. They use
comprehension of specific
familiarity with the
routine expressions
meaning. They respond in more
sounds, rhythms and
independently and respond
complex sentences with more
patterns of English.
using phrases and simple
detail using newly acquired
Early stages show no
sentences, which include a
vocabulary to experiment and
verbal responses while
subject and predicate.
form messages. (The brown
in later stages one or
Students show basic errors
bear lived with his family in the
two word responses are in speech. (The bear is
expected. Students
brown. He is eating.)
respond in single words
and phrases, which may
include subject or a
predicate. Many speech
errors are observed.
(bear, brown)
Participates in sustained
1 Responds to short simple Responds to familiar
questions with support
conversations on familiar
discussions in small and large
from visual clues,
questions and prompts.
Follows simple directions Follows directions when
with support from visual given familiar vocabulary and
clues, gestures.
concepts related to specific
subjects or themes, with some
Early Advanced
Students demonstrate
consistent comprehension of
general meaning and good
understanding of implied
meaning. They sustain
conversation, respond with
detail in compound and
complex sentences, actively
participate using more
extensive vocabulary, use
standard grammar with few
random errors. (Can bears
live in the forest if they find
food there?)
Students comprehend
general and implied
meaning, including
idiomatic and figurative
language. Students
initiate and negotiate
using appropriate
discourse, varied
grammatical structures
and vocabulary, use
conventions for formal
and informal language.
(Would you like me to
bring pictures of the bear
that I saw last summer?)
With contextual support,
responds to a discussion
identifying the main ideas and
supporting details.
Formulates own judgments
and states them in nativelike form with convincing
Follows directions when given
Follows with more complex
familiar vocabulary and concepts instructions that include
related to specific subjects or
technical vocabulary.
themes, with minimal errors.
English Language
Arts Standards
Formulate judgments
about ideas under
discussion, and
support those
judgments with
convincing evidence.
With some support, follows Follow complex
complex verbal instructions verbal instructions
of technical vocabulary.
that include technical
vocabulary and
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Oregon English Language Proficiency Standards
Proficiency Level Descriptors
2. CCG (K-12): Evaluate the significance and accuracy of information and ideas presented in oral, visual, and multi-media communications across the subject areas (1996 Analysis).
Early Intermediate
Early Advanced
Students demonstrate
Students demonstrate
Students demonstrate good
Students demonstrate
Students comprehend
English Language
increased comprehension of comprehension of general
consistent comprehension of general and implied
Arts Standards
comprehension of
general meaning and some
meaning and increased
general meaning and good
meaning, including
general meaning; gain
specific meaning. They use
comprehension of specific
understanding of implied
idiomatic and figurative
familiarity with the
routine expressions
meaning. They respond in more meaning. They sustain
language. Students
sounds, rhythms and
independently and respond
complex sentences with more
conversation, respond with
initiate and negotiate
patterns of English.
using phrases and simple
detail using newly acquired
detail in compound and
using appropriate
Early stages show no
sentences, which include a
vocabulary to experiment and
complex sentences, actively discourse, varied
verbal responses while
subject and predicate.
form messages. (The brown
participate using more
grammatical structures
in later stages one or
Students show basic errors
and vocabulary, use
bear lived with his family in the extensive vocabulary, use
two word responses are in speech. (The bear is
standard grammar with few
conventions for formal
expected. Students
random errors. (Can bears
and informal language.
brown. He is eating.)
respond in single words
live in the forest if they find (Would you like me to
and phrases, which may
food there?)
bring pictures of the bear
include subject or a
that I saw last summer?)
predicate. Many speech
errors are observed.
(bear, brown)
Responds to simplistic
Recognizes, understands, and Participates in interviews and
Recognizes that the clarity,
Evaluates the clarity,
Evaluate the clarity,
discussions using appropriate
quality, and effectiveness of a quality, and effectiveness of quality, and
1 commands, statements, speaks in simple sentences,
and questions. May
which are comprehensible and level, audience, and vocabulary. speaker’s important
a speaker’s important
effectiveness of a
communicate nonappropriate though may
arguments, evidence,
arguments, evidence,
speaker’s important
verbally and may imitate contain grammatical errors.
organization of ideas,
organization of ideas,
points, arguments,
the verbalization of
delivery, diction, and syntax delivery, diction, and syntax evidence,
others by using simple
influences the message
with minimal teacher
organization of ideas,
words or simple phrases.
delivery, diction, and
Recognizes statements of
Recognizes statements of opinion Recognizes various types of Identifies and analyzes the Identify and analyze
2 Develops social
vocabulary and listening opinions and emotion.
and emotion.
arguments used by the
types of arguments used by the types of
comprehension to meet
speaker, including argument the speaker, including
arguments used by
day-to-day needs.
by causation, analogy,
argument by causation,
the speaker,
authority, emotion, and logic. analogy, authority, emotion, including argument
and logic with minimal
by causation,
teacher support.
analogy, authority,
emotion, and logic.
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Oregon English Language Proficiency Standards
ANALYSIS (cont.)
Early Intermediate
3 Recognizes the various
forms of media.
Recognizes the aesthetic
Demonstrates familiarity with a
effects of a media presentation media presentation and the
and the techniques used to
techniques used to create them.
create them.
4 Demonstrates minimal
understanding of the
different media genres.
Distinguishes between the
various forms of media
5 Recognizes highfrequency words and
Identifies key words in a
6 Uses proper body
language and words to
respond to others.
Uses proper body language
and phrases to respond to
Early Advanced
Identifies the aesthetic effects
of a media presentation and
the techniques used to create
them with teacher support.
Identifies the aesthetic
effects of a media
presentation and evaluates
the techniques used to create
them with minimal teacher
Compares and contrasts the
ways in which media genres
(e.g., televised news, news
magazines, documentaries,
online information) cover
the same event with minimal
teacher support.
Identify the aesthetic
effects of a media
presentation, and
evaluate the
techniques used to
create them.
Identifies the various forms of
Identifies the ways in which
Compare and
media genres (e.g., televised news, media genres (e.g., televised
contrast the ways in
news magazines, documentaries, news, news magazines,
which media genres
online information) used to cover documentaries, online
(e.g., televised news,
the same event.
information) cover the same
news magazines,
online information)
cover the same event.
Identifies key patterns in speeches Recognizes rhetorical devices Analyzes historically
Analyze historically
that enhance the speaker’s
and features in historically
significant speeches (e.g.,
significant speeches
significant speeches (e.g.,
Abraham Lincoln’s
(e.g., Abraham
Abraham Lincoln’s
“Gettysburg Address”,
“Gettysburg Address”, Martin Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I “Gettysburg
Luther King, Jr’s “I have a
have a Dream”) to find the Address,” Martin
rhetorical devices and
Luther King, Jr.’s “I
features that make them
Have a Dream”) to
memorable with minimal
find the rhetorical
teacher support.
devices and features
that make them
Uses proper body language and
Identifies language and
Analyzes how language and Analyze how
words to respond to an audience. delivery that affect oral
delivery affect the mood and language and
communication and make an tone of the oral communi- delivery affect the
impact on the audience.
cation and make an impact mood and tone of the
on the audience with
oral communication
minimal teacher support.
and make an impact
on the audience.
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