Rubrica para la conversación Pronunciation Grammatical Structure Vocabulary Communication Content 100 POINTS Completely comprehensible to a native speaker 10 Minimal errors (comprehension not affected) 10 Uses rich and varied vocabulary 20 80 POINTS Mostly comprehensible to a native speaker 60 POINTS Partially comprehensible to a native speaker 40 POINT Nearly incomprehensible to a native speaker Occasional errors (comprehension not affected) Errors sometimes interfere with comprehension Errors frequently interfere with comprehension Uses limited vocabulary (minimal variety) Vocabulary inconsistent with course level Able to understand and respond appropriately some of the time Shows limited awareness of purpose. Content is sound and solid; ideas are present but not particularly developed or supported; some evidence, but usually of a generalized nature. Frequently is unable to understand or respond appropriately Uses a moderate variety of vocabulary and decriptors 1 Able to understand and Able to understand and respond appropriately all of respond appropriately the time most of the time 20 16 Shows awareness of Purpose is clear. purpose. WellExceptionally wellpresented and argued; ideas presented and argued; ideas are detailed, are detailed, welldeveloped and developed, supported with supported with specific evidence & facts, as evidence and details, well as examples and mostly specific specific details. 40 50 No awareness. Content is not sound