CLONING Cloning as a reproductive technology arouses more controversy than other reproductive technologies. Images of drone armies or Nazi inspired super-races quickly arise, along with more subtle and far-reaching fears such as humanness valued only within the limited scope of what is understood as desirable within specific cultural contexts. Cloning is a term popularly used to describe any procedure asexually producing a genetic replica of a biological object. This might be replication of a DNA sequence, a cell or a whole organism, either plant or animal. Identical twins may be said to be clones, as they are formed through cell splitting or mitotic reproduction. To take a cutting from a plant and grow the cutting, is cloning. Scientists have been cloning frogs from around 1970. It is the actual cloning of mammals, the cloning of human tissue and cells and with this, the potential cloning of human beings, which is deeply provocative. Some of the discussion surrounding the alleged human cloning by the Raelian sect may be relevant, but is not addressed here as the claim is yet to be substantiated. Cloning might be performed for two reasons: To produce beings genetically identical to the cell donor. This is known as human reproductive cloning. To produce human cell tissue for research or manufacture theraputic products including tissues for transplantation. This is known as human theraputic cloning. or In order to perform different tasks within the body, cells are differentiated. From fertilisation until around the 16 cell stage, cells are totipotent, or totally potent. This means they are undifferentiated and are capable of forming into any type of body cell. Theoretically, each totipotent cell might replicate to become a new human being. These totipotent cells are also known as blastomeres and stem cells. From the 16 cell stage and onwards, cells differentiate. At this stage and until implantation of the blastocyst or very early embryo, into the uterus at around 6 days, differentiation is limited to cells that will become the placenta and cells that will become the foetus. After implantation and with the continuing growth of the blastocyst into the embryo, cells differentiate into the three major tissue types: endoderm or interior gut lining, mesoderm or muscle, bone, blood, and ectoderm or epidermal tissues and nervous system. Cells continue to differentiate further into all body cells. These early differentiated cells are called pluripotent or multipotent cells and are still known as stem cells. Blastocyst at 5 days Research on stem cells is permitted in Australia up until the 14 day stage. This means until around 8 days after implantation in the uterus would have taken place. Depending on the level of cell differentiation, stem cells may eventually become any specialised body tissue. However, also depending on the degree of differentiation, they may not become a whole new human being. For example, stem cells that have differentiated into placenta cells may not develop into a whole new human being, but stem cells that have differentiated into foetal cells may theoretically develop into a whole new human being. Much stem cell research is focused around understanding and manipulating the transformation of totipotent cells into pluripotent cells and vice versa, along with understanding and manipulating the processes of cell differentiation. Thus the very early fertilized ova might be used for human reproductive cloning and for human theraputic cloning (Human reproductive cloning is banned within Australia), and older blastocysts, embryos or aborted foetuses used for human theraputic cloning, experimentation on returning pluripotent cells to lower levels of differentiation or totipotentcy, or germ line research. Cloning such as that producing Dolly the Sheep, seems to have returned a highly differentiated cell to totipotentcy. In Dolly’s case, the differentiated cell was an udder cell. The procedure producing Dolly is known as somatic nuclear transfer. In this procedure, a cell is starved so that it goes into a resting state known as G0. Then the nucleus of the egg cell - containing the DNA telling it how to grow is removed and a cell nucleus from the organism to be cloned is inserted in its place. (The DNA inserted must match the DNA removed, hence at this point in time, it is only possible to clone females.) The egg cell now has the full DNA to create a new organism. It is then implanted into the uterus. However, a key bit of DNA, known as mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA, actually lies outside of the nucleus and this is not removed. mtDNA is passed through the maternal line and scientists think it plays a key part in ageing. It is very important though often not stated in literature, that genotypical or genetic identicality does not necessarily imply phenotypical or appearance/performance identicality. This divergence between genotypicality and phenotypicality is something science does not understand. Some scientists are convinced that in time, all human behaviours will be explained genetically, whilst others take a more critical and wholistic view of humanness.* Despite genes being identified or associated with phenotypical behaviours and characteristics such as alchoholism, red hair or mathematical genius, it is very unclear what this means in actual knowledge of these characteristics and behaviours and their possible manipulation.# At the time of writing, perhaps the most promising uses of cloning for humans are: To produce cells or body parts to replace those that have been damaged or worn out, for example growing new spinal tissue, skin or ears. Spin-off technologies. In the process of developing cloning technologies, many spin-off technologies have been developed. One such technology is the ability to very close examine nuclear DNA to permit the selection of zygotes and blastomeres possessing desirable genes, without damaging the fertilised cell. However neither of these functions are without a large amount of controversy and the following two learning activities focus on these two areas of use and some of the controversy surrounding them. For further reading *, A cure for stupidity? and It’s getting the genes to fit, Weekend Australian March 1-2, 2003. #Warning On Linking Genes and Human Behaviour, The Guardian, October 2, 2002, included in the following resources file. Oh, give me a clone Of my own flesh and bone With its Y chromosome changed to X And after it's grown Then my own little clone Will be of the opposite sex. A stem cell The Clone Song by Isaac Asimov A stem cell