Outline Notes

Ch 5a Notes Matter
I. Matter - ____________________________________________________
_________________________________ matter - once alive
inorganic matter - ___________________________________
A. _______________________________________________- a physical
change, change in which the kind of matter is not altered; paper is still paper
after it is ripped.
ex. _____________________________________________________
ductility (metal with the ability to be bent ,stretched or shaped w/o
breaking), buoyancy, solubility, phase change
Phase change - change between the states of matter
1. Solid - __________________________________________
Ex. ________________________________________________
2. Liquid - ________________________________________
Ex. ________________________________________________
3. Gas - __________________________________________
Ex. ________________________________________________
4. ____________________ - matter composed mostly of ions &
electrons; most common state of matter in the universe
Ex. _______________________________________________
B. _______________________________________________ - how a substance
reacts with another substance; the type of matter is usually changed paper
burning = soot, smoke & energy as light & heat
Ex. __________________________________________
II. Changes in the state of matter
A. Temperature
1. Boiling pt. of water __________________ 0C
2. Freezing pt. of water _________________ 0C
____________________ is the only substance to naturally occur as a solid, liquid,
& a gas on Earth
Water is most dense at ________ Not at 0 0C (freezing) or ice would sink
Matter must gain (+) or lose (-) energy to change phases
Phase Change
Solid to
Liquid to
Gas to
Energy is +/-
B. Pressure –
1. _________________________ makes a gas go to a liquid or solid
2. ________________________ makes a solid go to a liquid or gas
III. Atomic structure
A. Atom – “building blocks of matter”;____________________________
Parts of an atom:
1________________________ (_____) – positively
charged particle found in the nucleus (center)
2. Neutron (n0) – ____________________________________
3. Electron (____) – __________________________________
particle found out side of the nucleus; has almost no _________
B. ________________________– matter that contains only one type of atom
Ex. __________________________________
C. ______________________________________ – English chemist who
stated the concept of ____________________________________: each
element is made up of tiny particles called atoms
D. Compound – _______________________________________________
E. __________________________________ – the smallest particle of a
compound that still keeps all the properties of that compound; formed by
combining two or more atoms
Ex. ________________________________________________
F. Mixture – a ________________________combination of different
substances in which each of the items keeps its own properties
Ex. ____________________________________________
G. ___________________________________– when one substance of a
mixture is dissolved in another substance
Ex. ___________________________________
H. Atomic # - _________________________________________________
I. Mass # / atomic mass ________________________________________
mass # - atomic # = _________________________
J. _____________________ – an electrically charged atom;
losing an e- makes the atom have a ________ charge
gaining an e- makes the atom have a _______ charge
Ex. __________________________________
Na lost the e-
_____________________________ nonmetals gain eK. Isotopes – __________________________________________________
some are unstable & radioactive
Ex. U235, C14
IV. _______________________________ - attachments between atoms
A. Ionic Bond –________________________________________________
Ex. _____________________________
B. Covalent Bond – the kind of attachment where ___________________
by atoms
Ex. ____________________________
C. Chemical Formula – a representation of a substance using symbols for
its elements
Ex. NaCl = ____________________________ or salt
D. ________________________________________ - representation of a
chemical reaction, usually written in symbols. Quantities of the reactants are
separated from those of the products by an equal sign, an arrow, or a set of
opposing arrows.
V. Nuclear Energy- an energy source produced from atomic reactions during
which the nucleus of a heavy element is split & lighter elements are formed
releasing energy
A. ______________________ – the splitting of the nucleus or nuclei of
atoms in heavy elements
Ex. Uranium 235