Cherokee Nation REQUEST FOR BIDS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION GROUP VARIOUS PARTS FOR ECOTECH AIR MONITORING SYSTEM Bid Due Date: January 31, 2012 CHEROKEE NATION P.O. Box 948 Tahlequah, OK 74465 (918) 453-5000 1 CHEROKEE NATION REQUEST FOR BIDS Various Parts for Ecotech Air Monitoring System The Cherokee Nation is accepting bids from interested parties to provide various air monitoring parts, vital to the departments air monitoring and the info exchange programs to keep air data flowing to CDX for the Cherokee Nation Environmental Protection Group Program, located in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. The specifications are included in this bid packet. Interested parties are to provide a bid to furnish product equal to or better than the specifications provided. Interested bidders must follow all directions outlined in this bid packet including the utilization of mandatory bid response sheet to be considered fully responsive. The lowest most responsive, responsible bid will be the determining factor in awarding this bid taking Indian Preference into consideration in accordance with Cherokee Nation Acquisition Management Policy & Procedures. The successful bidder will be issued a purchase order incorporating the bid response. Bids are due Tuesday, January 31, by 5:00 p.m. The Cherokee Nation invites bids on the form attached hereto, all blanks of which must be appropriately filled in. Bids will be received by the NATION at the Acquisition Management Department until January 31, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. Bids may be faxed to 918-458-7695 or 918-458-4493 Attn: Jeananna Hendricks. Bids may also be e-mailed to or hand delivered to Cherokee Nation Acquisition Management, Attn: Jeananna Hendricks, 17665 S. Muskogee Avenue, Tahlequah, Oklahoma 74464. Interpretation of the Bid Documents: All questions or requests for interpretation of the bid must be submitted in written format to Cherokee Nation Acquisition Management. Requests maybe e-mailed to Requests may also be faxed to (918) 458-4493 or (918) 458-7695, Attention: Jeananna Hendricks. Bid Acceptance: Bids will be accepted from Indian and Non-Indian bidders. Cherokee Nation reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Cherokee Nation reserves the right to determine if a bid meets stated requirements, and to award a purchase order for the bid that is in the best interest of the Cherokee Nation including but not limited to the total cost and capability of the bidder. Bidders are responsible for any and all costs associated with the preparation and submission of bids. To be considered, bids must be received by the specified date and time; any bid received after stipulated date and time will be returned unopened. No bidder may withdraw their bid within 30 days after proposal due date. 2 TERO Certification: Indian preference will be given only to bidders who provide proof of current certification from the Cherokee Nation Tribal Employments Office (TERO) located in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, telephone number (918) 456-0671. Proof of TERO certification must accompany and be included in bid submittal. Indian Preference applies to all Cherokee Nation requests for bids or proposals. To receive preference, bidder must be TERO certified through the Cherokee Nation Tribal Employment Rights Office; proof of certification must accompany submittals. Successful bidder will be obligated to comply with Tribal rules and regulations and TERO. Qualifications of Bidder: The NATION may make such investigations as deemed necessary to determine the ability of the bidder to perform the work, and the bidder shall furnish to the NATION all such information and data for this purpose as the NATION may request. The NATION reserves the right to reject any bid if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such bidder fails to satisfy the NATION such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. Conditional bids will not be accepted. Subcontracts: The successful bidder is specifically advised that any person, firm, or other party to whom it is proposed to award a subcontract under this contract must also be acceptable to NATION. Any proposed subcontracts must be approved by the NATION, and the TERO office must be consulted prior to subcontractor being on site to ensure all appropriate forms, paperwork, and approvals are in place. Successful bidder will be required to complete the Request for Acceptance of Subcontractor at time of contract signing if subcontractor to be utilized. Method of Award – Lowest Bid That Contains Lowest Most Responsive/Reasonable Offer From Qualified Bidder: After consideration of price and other factors, the purchase order will be awarded to the bidder whose bid is determined to be the lowest most responsive/reasonable offer and in the best interest of the Nation to accept. Award shall be to the lowest, most responsive/reasonable bid in accordance with Cherokee Nation Acquisition Management Policy and Procedures. TERO Preference will be given only to bidders who provide proof of current TERO certification from the Cherokee Nation Tribal Employments Office (TERO). Proof of TERO certification must accompany and be included in sealed bid submittal. Debarment, Suspension, Proposed Debarment, and Other Responsibility Matters: The responding party certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that the person, the firm, or any of its principals are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or declared ineligible for the award of contracts by any Federal agency or Indian tribe. The bidder will also certify they have not, within a three-year period preceding this Request for Proposal, been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for: commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, Local or Tribal) contract or subcontract; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes relating to the submission of offers; or commissions of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsifications or destruction of records, making false statements, and are not presently 3 indicted for, or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity with, commission of any of the offenses enumerated in this provision. The responding party certifies they have not, within a three-year period preceding this Request for Proposal, had one or more contracts terminated for default by a Federal, State, Local or Tribal agency. The responding party shall provide immediate written notice to the Cherokee Nation if, at any time prior to contract award, the person learns its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. General Information: Cherokee Nation reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any and all bids. Award of purchase order will be to the lowest most responsible responsive bidder and will be subject to availability of funds. Indian preference will be given to Contractors certified as an Indian-Owned firm by the Cherokee Nation Tribal Employment Rights Office (T.E.R.O.). Proof of certification must accompany all bids. No bidder may withdraw their bid within thirty (30) days after bid opening date. A prospective contractor seeking to receive Indian Preference under this contract must be certified as an Indian-owned firm by the Cherokee Nation Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) and submit proof of that certification with their bid. 4 MANDATORY BID RESPONSE SHEET Cherokee Nation Environmental Protection Grp. Various Parts for Ecotech Air Monitoring System Bid Amount: ___________________ Shipping: _______________________ PLEASE INCLUDE DETAILED BREAKDOWN OF PRICE QUOTE LEAD TIME ARO: ___________________________________________ NOTE TO BIDDERS REGARDING INDIAN PREFERENCE: TERO Certified Contractor: _____ Yes _____ No (Proof of certification must accompany all bids) SUBMITTED: ________________________________________________ Company Name ________________________________________________ Company Address ________________________________________________ Authorized Signature ________________________________________________ Print Name & Title 5 Specifications Air Monitoring Parts: 8 EACH 98107012-KIT-1 FLOW ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE KIT #1 FOR ECOTECH MODEL EC9810B INCLUDES: 25000447-007 O-RING, ORIFICE, AND SINTERED FILTER (KIT CONTAINS 2) 25000447-104 O-RING, FLOW BLOCK PRESSURE TRANSDUCER (KIT CONTAINS 4) 025-031000 O-RING, FLOW BLOCK FITTINGS (ALSO KNOWN AS ORI-1009 O-RING S110) (KIT CONTAINS 1) 98000181-1 SINTERED FILTER SS WITH O-RING GROOVE (KIT CONTAINS 1) 9 EACH 98110019-KIT 1 REACTION CELL ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE KIT # 1 FOR ECOTECH MODEL EC9810B INCLUDES: 65000430-012 O-RING, QUARTZ WINDOW (KIT CONTAINS 2) 25000430-204 O-RING, REACTION CELL TUBE (KIT CONTAINS 2) 38000083-1 QUARTZ WINDOW (KIT CONTAINS 2) 1 EACH GAGE 1 EACH ABS 1 EACH 4 EACH 1 EACH 55000014-1 PRESSURE SENSOR FOR EC9810B FLOW BLOCK, 5 PSIG, 55000014-2 PRESSURE SENSOR FOR EC9810B FLOW BLOCK, 15 PSIA, 881-050900 REACTION CELL TUBE FOR EC9810/9811 98100011 UV MEASUREMENT LAMP FOR EC980/9811 98300061 HEATER/THERMISTOR ASSEMBLY FOR EC9810B/9811 UV MEASUREMENT LAMP BLOCK 1 EACH 9810717-1 HEATER/THERMISTOR ASSEMBLY, EC9810B WITH IZS 1 EACH 98110013 HEATER/THERMISTOR ASSEMBLY, EC9810B INTERNAL ZERO/SPAN 6 EACH 25000442-111 O-RING, IZS QUARTZ TUBE FOR EC9810B 5 EACH 98110012 UV LAMP ASSEMBLY (OZONE GENERATING) FOR EC9810B/9814 INTERNAL ZERO/SPAN 10 EACH 025-030850 O-RING FOR EC9810B/9811 INTERNAL ZERO/SPAN ZERO AIR SCRUBBER 10 EACH 002-051300 FELT PAD FOR EC9810B/9811 INTERNAL ZERO/SPAN ZERO AIR SCRUBBER 25 EACH 036-040180 DISPOSABLE FILTER UNIT FOR ZERO PUMP INLET, ECOTECH GASCAL CALIBRATOR AND GAS ANALYZERS 5 EACH 881-025001 OZONE FILTER SCRUBBER ASSEMBLY EC9810B/9811 1 EACH 98000180-01 ORIFICE, 3MIL, EC9810B 8 EACH 98412027-KIT-1 REACTION CELL ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE KIT #1 FOR ECOTECH MODELS EC 9841/9842/9843 INCLUDES: 002-024900 SINTERED FILTER SS (KIT CONTAINS 1) PACKS) 025-030410-AE O-RING, REACTION CELL COLLECT AND REACTION CELL FITTINGS, .364 ID X .070W (KIT CONTAINS 4) 25000419-3 O-RING, ORIFICE/SS FILTER, .114 ID X .07 W, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 2) 6 25000423 O-RING, RACTION CELL HOUSING, 1 5/8 X 1/16W, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 1) 25000426 O-RING, OPTICAL FILTER, 13/16 ID X 1/16W, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 1) 25000447-008 O-RING, O-SEAL PLUG, 3/16 ID X 1/16W, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 1) 25000449 O-RING, PRESSURE TRANSDUCER, 0.660 ID X 0.040W VITON (KIT CONTAINS 1) 26000260 DESSICANT 5G PACK (KIT CONTAINS 2 2 EACH 98412027-KIT2 REACTION CELL ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE KIT # 2 FOR ECOTECH MODELS EC9841/9842/9843 INCLUDES ALL ITEMS IN KIT 1, PLUS THE FOLLOWING: 859-073900 QUARTZ WIBDOW (KIT CONTAINS 1) 98000180-02 ORIFICE WITH O-RING GROOVE, 4 MIL (KIT CONTAINS 1) 98410012 OPTICAL FILTER (KIT CONTAINS 1) 98412033SP PRESSURE TRANSDUCER ASSEMBL;Y (KIT CONATINS 1) 8 EACH 98412021-KIT1 MANIFOLD MAINTENANCE KIT #1 FOR ECOTECH MODELS EC9841/9842/9843 INCLUDES: 002-24900 SINTERED FILTER SS (KIT CONTAINS 2) 025-030410 O-RING, VALVE ASSEMBLY IN FLOW BLOCK, 0.364 ID X 0.070W, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 9) 25000419-3 O-RING, ORIFICE AND FILTER IN MANIFOLD, 0.114 ID X 0.070W, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 4) 25000425-1 O-RING, VALVE 5 OF MANIFOLD BLOCK, 1/4 ID X 1/16W, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 1) 25000426 O-RING, VALVES ON MANIFOLD BLOCK, 13/16 ID X 1/16W, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 5) 25000447-008 O-RING, PLUG O-SEAL ON MANIFOLD BLOCK, 3/16 ID X 1/16W, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 3) 25000449 O-RING, PRESSURE TRANSDUCER, 0.660 ID X 0.040W, VITON, (KIT A-ORI-1005 O-RING, VALVE MANIFOLD, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 5) 2 EACH 98412021KIT2 MANIFOLD MAITNENANCE KIT # 2 FOR ECOTECH MODELS EC9841/9842/9843 INCLUDES ALL ITEMS IN KIT 1, PLUS THE FOLLOWING: 98412033SP PRESSURE TRANSDUCER ASSEMBLY (KIT CONTAINS 1) 2 EACH 98000180-06 ORIFICE, 8 MIL, EC9841/9842/9843 1 EACH 57000010 PHOTO MULTIPLIER TUBE FOR EC9841/9842/9843 1 EACH 98415207 MOLYCON ASSEMBLY FOR EC9841 (NO2 TO NO CONVERTER) 1 EACH 9841017 MOLYCON ASSEMBLY FOR EC9842 (NO2 TO NO CONVERTER) 2 EACH H040002 MOLYCON ASSEMBLY FOR EC9843 (NO2 TO NO CONVERTER), EXTERNAL, TO SUIT NOy 1000 2 EACH 98412100 O3 GENERATOR TUBE/SPRING ASSEMBLY FOR EC9841/9842/9843 20 EACH 25000455-106 O-RING, O3 GENERATOR CONDUCTING ROD, 3/1" ID X 3/8" ODX 3/32"W 20 EACH 25000455-114 O-RING, O3 GENERATOR QUARTZ TUBE, 5/8 X 3/32 EP 7 1 EACH 98412101-1 O3 GENERATOR SERVICE KIT (INCLUDES GLASS TUBE, ORINGS AND INDUCTOR PLUG) 1 EACH 98412046 MEMBRANE DRYER WITH FLOW CONTROL AND DFU FOR EC9841/9842/9843 1 EACH 98500061-KIT 1 REACTION CELL MAINTENANCE MKIT # 1 FOR ECOTECH MODEL EC9850 INCLUDES: 025-030410 O-RING, CELL ASSEMBLY, 0.364 ID X 0.070W, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 2) 025-030610 O-RING, CELL LENS, 0.987 ID X 0.103W , VITON (KIT CONTAINS 1) 025-030770 O-RING, DUMP CELL, 1.364 ID X 0.070W, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 1) 025-030810 O-RING, COVER PLATE, 2.864 ID X 0.070W, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 1) 025-030830 O-RING, OPTICAL FILTER, 0.799ID X 0.103W, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 1) 25000419-1 O-RING, OPTICAL BENCH, 1.739ID X 0.070W, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 1) 25000419-4 O-RING, DUMP HOUSING, 1 1/4ID X 1/16W, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 1) 25000420-2 O-RING, REACTION CELL COLLAR, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 1) 25000423 O-RING, REACTION CELL ASSEMBLY, 1 5/8ID X 1/16, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 1) 25000425-1 O-RING CELL ASSEMBLY, 1/4 ID X 1/16 W, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 1) 25000429 O-RING, UV FILTER, 7/8 ID X 1/16W, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 1) 25000447-007 O-RING, CELL ASSEMBLY (ORIFICE/SINTERED FILTER), 5/32ID X 1/16W, VITON (KIT CONTAINS 1 ) 26000260 DESSICANT 5G PACK (KIT CONTAINS 2 PACKS) 1 1 1 1 1 8 EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 002-057401 80340371 98300023 98300032 58500037 98000242 INFRARED FILTER (OPTICAL FILTER) FOR EC9830 IR SOURCE FOR EC9830 CO TO CO2 CONVERTER ASSEMBLY FOR EC9830 CORRELATION WHEEL MOTOR FOR EC9830 INTERNAL PUMP, EC9810/9811 SERVICE KIT, EXTERNAL PUMP (SINGLE HEAD) 1 EACH A-CAB-1050 OZONE GENERATING LAMP FOR GASCAL 1000/1100 GPT (GC100060) 4 EACH 016-00370 CANULITE CATALYST (PER LB) FOR ZERO AIR GENERATOR CANISTERS 30 EACH A-ECO-1036-13X MOLECULAR SIEVE (PER LB) FOR ZERO AIR GENERATOR CANISTERS 15 EACH A-ECO-1039 SILICA GEL FOR ZERO AIR GENERATOR CANISTERS 2 EACH 98415105-E CANISTER ASSEMBLY (EMPTY) FOR ZERO AIR GENERATORS 20 EACH 025-030410-AE O-RING, CANISTER ASSEMBLY FITTINGS, 0.364 ID X 0.070W 10 EACH ORI-1011-AE O-RING, CANISTER ASSEMBLY END CAPS 8 45 EACH 98415105-F FELT PAD FOR CANISTERS 4 EACH A-ZAG-AF20 MOISTURE TRAP/FILTER FOR ZERO AIR GENERATOR 2 EACH A-ECO-IDG1-NO2 MEMBRANE DRYER FOR ECOTECH ZERO AIR GENERATOR (FITTINGS SOLD SEPERATELY) 1 EACH A-ECO-1010-115 GLASS SAMPLING MANIFOLD INCLUDES: GLASS MANIFOLD WITH INLET CAP AND 8 OUTLETS, P.V.C. PROTECTION TUBING, INSULATION AND SAMPLE PUMP: 115 VAC AND ROOF FLANGE 9