CENTRAL PLAINS WATER TRUST ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2006 Table of Contents DIRECTORY .......................................................................................................... 3 CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT ................................................................................. 4 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ................................................................................ 8 Statement of Financial Performance ................................................................. 9 Statement of Movements in Equity ................................................................... 9 Statement of Financial Position ........................................................................ 10 Statement of Cash Flows ................................................................................... 11 Statement of Accounting Policies ..................................................................... 12 Notes to the Financial Statements .................................................................... 14 AUDITOR’S REPORT ............................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Annual Report 2006 Central Plains Water Trust Directory For the year ended 30 June 2006 Trustees Doug Marsh (Chairperson) Doug Catherwood Derek Crombie * Dick Davison (reappointed 30 June 2006) John Donkers (retired 30 June 2006) David Haslam Bruce Irvine (retired 30 June 2006) Claire Mulcock (term expires 30 June 2006 nominated by Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment and appointed by the Councils) Denis O’Rourke Willie Palmer Viv Smart (appointed by Ngai Tahu) Clare Williams (reappointed by Ngai Tahu on 30 June 2006) * The Trust has approved a leave of absence from 7 April 2005 Trust Settlors Christchurch City Council (50%) Selwyn District Council (50%) Auditors Audit New Zealand On behalf of the Auditor-General PO Box 2 CHRISTCHURCH Solicitors Buddle Findlay PO Box 322 CHRISTCHURCH 3 Annual Report 2006 Central Plains Water Trust Chairperson’s Report Highlights Resource and land use consent applications lodged. Resource consent applications publicly notified by Environment Canterbury (ECAN) Sustainability Code progressed. Recreation potential identified. A culture and philosophy of open transparent stakeholder community driven consultation maintained. Close consultation and collaboration with Central Plains Water Limited maintained. Scientific studies to support consent application notification process initiated. Consultation continuing with a wide range of interest groups. The natural advantages of Canterbury for water enhancement and agriculture are not equalled any where in the world nor are the opportunities afforded to the Central Plains Water Trust (CPWT) for protecting water quality, restoring degraded waterways, over-allocated aquifers, while pursuing ecological, recreational, cultural and social sustainability with regional economic growth. The year ending June 2006 was a milestone for Central Plains Water and one step closer towards achieving Councils’ vision for Canterbury’s economic transformation while enhancing environmental and recreational values. The Central Plains Water Trust was established by the Christchurch City and Selwyn District Councils to facilitate sustainable development of Central Canterbury’s water resource. This evolved to become a large scale community water enhancement scheme providing water for irrigation between the Rakaia and the Waimakariri Rivers. Trust Performance The Trustees met their obligations through managing the affairs of CPWT strictly in accordance with the objectives and terms of the CPWT trust deed and communicating regularly and comprehensively to both Councils through quarterly reports, supplementary reports, seminars and the half-yearly report. In accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement approved by Councils, the Trust contracted Central Plains Water Limited (CPWL) to prepare and make application for resource consents for the Scheme. As at 30 June 2006 good progress was made by CPWL as it addressed the issues that needed to be resolved before consent applications for the Base Scheme could be lodged and notified. The Memorandum of Understanding between the Trust and the Company provides that the conduct of the resource consent application by CPWL will be “in conjunction with and close consultation with the Trust”. The Trust established non-negotiable absolutes for this process and defines “close consultation” as meaning. 4 Adherence to best practice environmental standards (as contained in the Memorandum of Agreement) Annual Report 2006 Central Plains Water Trust The culture and philosophy of open transparent stakeholder community driven collaboration, sustainable development principles and triple bottom line values. Joint decision-making on all major issues, mitigation, consent strategy, proposals and milestones. Joint decision-making in respect to: - Critical Path Planning - Budget - Risk sensitivity analysis - Milestone timing Adherence to budget. Full and timely disclosure of all pertinent information and data concerning the scheme and decision-making inputs to the Executive. Some may construe close consultation as potential for conflict of interest whereas the collaborative approach ensures that sustainability principles will be balanced with economic, cultural, social and environmental values. Only if and when consents are granted will there be a Scheme, until that time it remains a conceptual vision. At the point consents are granted, and in accordance with recommendations made previously to both Councils, the Trust should be restructured reflecting its changing role and purpose. Governance Claire Mulcock has withdrawn from the Project Management Team and resumed her role as a Trustee. Her term of appointment recommended by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment expired on 30 June 2006 Dr. Rod East the other PCE appointee who retired in 2005 has not been replaced by the Councils. The Trust was advised by Christchurch City Council staff that in November 2002 the Council passed a resolution requiring the yet to be formed Trust to submit the Assessment of Environmental Effects to Christchurch City Council and Selwyn District Council for approval before lodging with Environment Canterbury. This resolution was not properly communicated nor was it included in the Trust Deed or Memorandum of Understanding that established the Trust. Both documents were approved and signed by the Christchurch City Council. While advice has been received that Selwyn District Council approved the Statement of Intent for the period ending 30 June 2007, Christchurch City Council’s position is unclear. The question of conflict of interest has arisen as a consequence of certain Trustees (three from a total of nine Trustees) who also serve as directors of Central Plains Water Limited. Those concerned include Doug Marsh, Doug Catherwood and Willie Palmer. The Trust, recognising that commonality exists between the two entities; namely, the obtaining of resource consents, recommended to both Councils in 2003 that the Trust be restructured following the consent process. The restructure is to include trustee composition having regard to the changed role of the Trust and future competency and capability profiles. 5 Annual Report 2006 Central Plains Water Trust Conflicts of interest are dealt with in accordance with the Trust Governance Best Practice Code which provides as follows: “Conflicts of Interest A Trustee should not have any significant conflict of interest that is potentially detrimental to the Trust including Affiliations with a competitor. Affiliations with parties that contract or provide services to the Trust. A Trustee who is interested in a transaction entered into, or to be entered into by the Trust; Shall declare that interest to the Trust immediately the Trustee becomes aware of the interest. Shall refrain from voting If requested withdraw from the meeting during discussion. The Trust shall maintain an interests register in which shall be entered the required disclosures made by Trustees. Entries in the register shall be available for disclosure. Trustees who are also Directors of CPWL acknowledge that they serve in dual capacities only until consents hearings take place. This recognizes both entities commonality of purpose as expressed in the MOU; namely, that consents applications will be pursued having regard to environmental, social, recreational, and cultural values as well as economic drivers”. Trust Strategic Direction The Trust’s goals remain consistent with the Trust Deed and target the following outcomes: Sustainable development of the region’s water resource Facilitate opportunities for agricultural and horticultural diversity Facilitate education of water issues affecting the region Balance enhancement of economic benefit with ecological, social and recreational values. Following the confirmation of the resource consents, the Trust’s focus will be directed towards sustainable development of the water resources and executing agreements with Central Plains Water Limited to make the consents available to the Company on agreed terms and conditions. This will comprise: Establishing protocols necessary to monitor the activities of CPWL Establishing and operating a public complaints procedure Establishing protocols necessary to: - monitor the users of the Scheme in respect of Water Use Agreements and resource consent conditions and - dealing with non-compliance A secondary goal will be identifying projects to further pursue the Trust’s charitable and environmental objectives and to seek funding from the Company including an environmental levy to be administered by the Trust. 6 Annual Report 2006 Central Plains Water Trust The Trust, recognising that the health and well-being market is one the world’s fastest growing sectors, will champion the application of science & technology as drivers of agricultural, horticultural diversity. A vision of what Canterbury is capable of becoming. The pursuit of new generation, high value bio-foods, nutriceuticals and bio-medical alternatives to agriculture commodities as a catalyst for land use change. Acknowledgements Central Plains Water achievements are the culmination of a hard working team of Trustees and professionals who have collectively contributed immeasurably to the year’s success. The advisory input and financial services from the Selwyn District Council and in particular Marion Seyb are gratefully acknowledged as is the strategic wisdom provided by Geoff Barnes, Christchurch City Council and Douglas Marshall, Selwyn District Council. For and on behalf of Central Plains Water Trust Doug G Marsh Chairman 27 September 2006 7 Annual Report 2006 Central Plains Water Trust FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 30 June 2006 8 Annual Report 2006 Central Plains Water Trust Statement of Financial Performance For the year ended 30 June 2006 2006 $ 2005 $ Operating Revenue Management and Administration Fees 40,276 113,424 Total Revenue 40,276 113,424 Operating Expenditure Trustee Honorarium Trustee Meeting Fees Trustee Expenses Administation Audit Fee Consultants Insurance 26,504 7,955 2,102 150 1,000 2,565 45,289 31,733 9,584 1,944 1,000 20,274 3,600 Total Expenditure 40,276 113,424 Net Surplus/(Deficit) $ - $ - Statement of Movements in Equity For the year ended 30 June 2006 2006 $ 2005 $ Equity at the Start of the Period 1 1 Surplus for the Period - - Total Recognised Revenues and Expenses for the period - - Contributions from owners during the period - - Equity at the End of the Period $ 1 $ 1 The accompanying Statement of Accounting Policies and Notes to the Financial Statements form part of and are to be read in conjunction with these financial statements 9 Annual Report 2006 Central Plains Water Trust Statement of Financial Position As at 30 June 2006 2006 $ 2005 $ 1 1 Equity General Reserves TOTAL EQUITY $ 1 $ 1 Represented by: Current Assets Cash and Bank Accounts Receivable 1 Total Current Assets 111,311 839 30,324 50,884 112,150 81,208 2,704 109,445 81,207 - 112,149 81,207 Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Revenue in Advance 2 3 Total Current Liabilities NET ASSETS $ 1 D G Marsh Chairperson D O’Rourke Trustee 27 September 2006 27 September 2006 10 $ 1 The accompanying Statement of Accounting Policies and Notes to the Financial Statements form part of and are to be read in conjunction with these financial statements Annual Report 2006 Central Plains Water Trust Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended 30 June 2006 2006 $ 2005 $ 196,900 196,900 214,454 214,454 110,432 5,481 115,913 181,755 11,688 193,443 80,987 21,011 Net Cash from Investing Activities Net Cash from Financing Activities - - Net increase/(decrease) in cash Plus opening cash balance 80,987 30,324 21,011 9,313 Operating Activities Cash was provided from: Receipts from Customers Cash was distributed to: Trustees/Suppliers Net GST Net Cash from Operating Activities Closing Cash Balance 9 $ Consists of: Cash and Bank Closing Cash Balance 111,311 $ 30,324 111,311 $ 111,311 30,324 $ 30,324 The accompanying Statement of Accounting Policies and Notes to the Financial Statements form part of and are to be read in conjunction with these financial statements 11 Annual Report 2006 Central Plains Water Trust Statement of Accounting Policies For the year ended 30 June 2006 Statement of Reporting Entity Central Plains Water Trust was formed through a Declaration of Trust on 4 April 2003. The Trust is a Council Controlled Organisation, as defined by Section 6 of the Local Government Act 2002. The Trust is jointly controlled by Christchurch City Council (50%) and Selwyn District Council (50%). The financial statements of Central Plains Water Trust have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 and Financial Reporting Standards issued by the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants. Measurement Base Accounting policies recognised as appropriate for the measurement and reporting of the financial performance and financial position under the historical cost method have been followed in the preparation of these financial statements. Accounting Policies The following specific accounting policies, which have a material effect on the measurement of the financial performance and financial position, have been applied. Revenue Recognition Revenue is recognised on an accruals basis. Revenue in Advance Revenue in Advance is recognised as revenue when expenditure is incurred. This practice is based on the Reimbursement Agreement with Central Plains Water Limited dated 6 May 2004. Income Tax As the Trust is a Charitable Trust it is exempt from income tax under sections CB 4(1)(c) and CB 4(1)(e) of the Income Tax Act 1994. Goods and Services Tax These financial statements have been prepared on a GST exclusive basis except for Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable which are stated GST inclusive. Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable is stated at estimated realisable value after an allowance for amounts which are not considered recoverable. Financial Instruments The Trust is party to financial instrument arrangements as part of its everyday operations. These financial instruments include bank deposits, debtors and creditors. Revenue and expenditure in relation to all financial instruments is recognised in the Statement of Financial Performance. All financial instruments are recognised in the Statement of Financial Position at their fair value. The Trust has not entered into any off-balance sheet instruments. 12 Annual Report 2006 Central Plains Water Trust Statement of Cash Flows Cash means cash balances on hand, held in bank accounts, demand deposits and other highly liquid investments in which the Trust invests as part of its day-to-day cash management. Operating activities include cash received from all income sources of the Trust and record the cash payments made for the supply of goods and services. Investing activities are those activities relation to the acquisition and disposal of non-current assets. Financing activities comprise activities that change the equity and debt capital structure of the Trust. Changes in Accounting Policies In the prior years the Trust has prepared its financial statements based on the differential reporting requirements of the Financial Reporting Standards issued by the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants. In the current year the Trust has prepared financial statements in accordance with the full requirements of the Financial Reporting Standards. The Trust has moved to full compliance on the basis that full disclosure could be achieved at minimal cost while providing additional information to stakeholders. Full compliance with the Financial Reporting Standards has required additional disclosure in the accounting policies and notes for Financial Instruments. It has not impacted on the disclosure or method of preparing any of the figures in the financial statements. All other policies have been applied on a basis consistent with the prior year. 13 Annual Report 2006 Central Plains Water Trust Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2006 1. Accounts Receivable Central Plains Water Limited GST Receivable Christchurch City and Selwyn District Councils (Capital) 2006 $ 2005 $ 838 1 47,179 3,704 1 839 50,884 2006 $ 2005 $ 1,654 1,050 58,151 13,435 8,571 1,050 2,704 81,207 2. Accounts Payable Selwyn District Council Trustees of Central Plains Water Trust Trade Creditors Other Accruals 3. Revenue in Advance The Trust provides assistance to Central Plains Water Limited to raise the capital required to carry on its business and obtain the resource consents necessary for the operation of the Scheme. The Trust has also promised to make the resource consents available to the Company on various terms. In consideration for this the Company has agreed to reimburse the Trust for all trustee payments incurred up to the date the resource consents are obtained. This agreement is documented in the Reimbursement Agreement dated 6 May 2004. In prior year’s the Trust periodically invoiced the Company for reimbursement of expenditure as it was incurred. During the 2005/2006 financial year the Company advanced the budgeted expenditure of the Trust until 31 March 2008 to the Trust. The Revenue in Advance amount of $109,445 represents the remaining balance of the Company’s advance. 14 Annual Report 2006 Central Plains Water Trust 4. Transactions with Related Parties During the reporting period Central Plains Water Trust entered into the following transactions with related parties: Central Plains Water Limited The following Trustee’s are also directors of Central Plains Water Limited: - Doug Marsh - Doug Catherwood - John Donkers - Bruce Irvine - Willie Palmer During the year, the Trust provided management and administration services to the Company to the value of $40,276 (2005: $113,424). The Company has paid the Trust in advance for its services to 31 March 2008. At year end the revenue in advance balance was $109,445 (2005: Nil). Selwyn District Council Selwyn District Council makes payments to suppliers on behalf of the Trust who then reimburse the Council. These payments total $63,475 for the reporting period (2005: $99,464). The Council is owed nil at balance date (2005: $58,151). Selwyn District Council completed accounting services for the Trust for which no charge is made. Trustees There were no transactions directly with the Trustees other than the payment of honorarium, meeting fees and expenses. Mr W J Palmer is a trustee of Central Plains Water Trust and partner in Buddle Findlay. Buddle Findlay acts for the Trust as required. During the reporting period there were no transactions between the Trust and Buddle Findlay (2005: Nil). Mr W D M Crombie is a trustee of Central Plains Water Trust and employee of G H D Limited. Mr Crombie has been granted a leave of absence from the Trust from 7 April 2005. There were no transactions between G H D Limited and the Trust during the reporting period (2005: $19,394). The amount owed by the Trust at balance date is nil (2005: $7,651). 5. Financial Instruments Credit Risk Financial instruments, which potentially subject the Trust to credit risk, principally consist of bank balances and debtors. The maximum exposure to credit risk at balance date is the fair value of the financial instruments as stated in the Statement of Financial Position. Significant concentrations of credit risk apply principally in respect of cash. The Trust reduces this risk by investing with high credit rating institutions. Interest Rate Risk The Trust has no interest rate risk as it has no non-current liabilities. 15 Annual Report 2006 Central Plains Water Trust Fair Value The fair value of financial instruments is equivalent to the carrying amount as stated in the Statement of Financial Position. Currency Risk The Trust has no currency risk since all financial instruments are dealt with in New Zealand dollars. 6. Statement of Commitments The Trust has no capital or lease commitments as at 30 June 2006 (2005: Nil). 7. Statement of Contingencies The Trust has no contingent assets or liabilities as at 30 June 2006 (2005: Nil). 8. Post Balance Date Events There have been no significant post balance date events. 9. Reconciliation of Surplus to Statement of Cash Flows 2006 $ Deficit after Taxation Movement in Working Capital items: Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Revenue in Advance Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities 2005 $ - - 50,045 (78,503) 109,445 109,343 (88,332) - 80,987 21,011 10. Performance Information Performance Indicator 1 To provide assistance to, and monitor the progress of, Central Plains Water Limited as it pursues resource consent for the Central Plains irrigation scheme on behalf of the Trust. Achievement 1 The consent application was lodged in December 2005, however work is continuing on the scientific studies necessary to support the application notification process. Consultation is continuing with a wide range of interest groups. Resource consent applications were publicly notified by Environment Canterbury on 24 June 2006. Applications for Land Designation and Land Use resource consents were lodged on 12 June with Selwyn District Council. This was accompanied by a substantial effort to notify all stakeholders including affected landowners and both Councils. 16 Annual Report 2006 Central Plains Water Trust If Selwyn District Council notifies within 30 days and allows a 20 working day submission period, closing dates for both Environment Canterbury and SDC hearing submissions will be very close. Ngai Tahu Property Ltd The request for a declaration on Waimakariri River water priority was heard on 26 June 2006. An Environment Court decision is expected by September 2006. Performance Indicator 2 Monitor the Sustainable Farming Fund (SFF) project to develop a draft generic sustainability code in consultation with core stakeholders. Achievement 2 The code has been adopted in principle and has determined the extent to which Trust stakeholder/community expectations are met. Progress is continuing on the draft SFF Irrigation Scheme Sustainability Code that addresses the following; Scheme Sustainable Management Policy Sustainable Management Agreement Sustainable Irrigation Plan Monitor/Review/Revise The framework is receiving favour with stakeholders consulted including the Water Rights Trust, Fish and Game, Environment Canterbury Water Portfolio Group and Ngai Tahu. Two further research studies under the umbrella of the Sustainable Farming Fund and Ritso Society have commenced: Market Based Instruments to achieve resource use efficiency. This study will include water trading and consider transfer systems as well as credit or nonmonetary rewards. Open channel versus piped distribution systems for both existing and new largescale water enhancement projects in New Zealand. The Ashburton Community Water Trust (ACWT), Central Plains Water Trust and Central Plains Water Limited have all signed the agreement setting out how Rakaia River water will be shared between Central Plains Water and ACWT – essentially 50/50 or 20 cubic metres each if a 40 cubic metre take is granted. Discussions between the parties including Ashburton District Council (ADC) and Selwyn District Council have taken place. This has resulted in a new draft cost sharing agreement providing for a $500,000 contribution paid by ADC and ACWT to Central Plains Water. This contribution is to recognise historic contributions made by Central Plains Water in ACWT’s interests and also the work CPW will do to secure the Rakaia River take of 40 cubic metres. This agreement lies with ADC/ACWT waiting ratifying by the ADC. 17 Annual Report 2006 Central Plains Water Trust Performance Indicator 3 To identify and promote the Scheme’s recreational opportunities and environmental/ community enhancers. Achievement 3 The services of acclaimed multi-sport athlete Steve Gurney have been contracted to examine the potential recreational benefits of the Scheme, creating a world class adventure exponential hub and gate way to the Southern Alps The study is complete and under consideration. It is proposed to incorporate a range of recreational benefits into the Scheme’s ultimate design and operation including off-road walking and cycling, artificial white and flat water kayaking, yachting, windsurfing and rowing on the headrace canal and storage lake infrastructure. Final decisions on what will be built will be developed in consultation with shareholders, local communities and user groups. 18