Physical Map of the United States

Physical Map of the United States
Refer to the maps on pages R2 – R5 of the Holt United States History textbook to complete the following:
1. Label each state (in black pen or thin tipped sharpie)
a. Label horizontally (for the smaller states on the east coast you can write the full state name to the
right of the state, then draw a line connecting it to the state).
b. Spell correctly
c. Capitalize first letter only (except for two word names, capitalize first letter of each word,
example New York, North Dakota)
2. Outline each state with thin tipped black sharpie.
3. Identify the following physical features (these can be labeled vertically, horizontally, or at a diagonal; the
label should run along the length of the feature if a mountain range; draw rivers and label):
Atlantic Ocean
Llano Estacado*
Pacific Ocean
Missouri River
Platte River
Gulf of Mexico
Columbia River
Colorado River
Great Lakes (all 5)
Mississippi River
Kauai Channel –folded
Central Valley
(source, mid-point,
Red River
Bristol Bay –folded map
Hudson River
Kilauea Volcano
Ohio River
Appalachian Mountains
Mississippi Delta
Sierra Nevada Range
Cascade Range
Rocky Mountains
Great Plains
Interior Plains
Great Basin
Columbia River Basin
Rio Grande River
Ozark Plateau
Gulf Coastal Plain
Snake River
Atlantic Coastal Plain*
Bering Sea
Cape Cod
Arkansas River
Cape Canaveral
Keweenaw Peninsula*
Mojave Desert
Chesapeake Bay
Puget Sound
*Need an additional source
4. Color the map to identify physical features (see pages R4 – R5)
Must use colored pencil or crayon NO MARKERS
Below Sea Level (green)
Plains 0 – 1,639 feet (lighter green)
High Plains 1,640 – 6,559 (yellow)
Mountains 6,560 – 13,119 (orange)
Above 13,120 (red)