Subject Matter Curriculum and Trends

Chipola College
Subject Matter Curriculum and Trends - Assessment System Product/Performance
MAE/SCE 4945 – Student Teaching in Mathematics/Science
Task Number:
Task Name:
Portfolio of Student Work (Product)
Educator Accomplished Practice Indicators: 4.01, 4.02, 4.03, 4.08, 8.01
INTASC Indicators:
4.06, 4.07, 4.08, 1.11, 1.13
EAP-ACP Critical Skills:
4.2, 4.3 8.1, 8.3
Scoring Rubric
View the complete text of Standard and Indicators for this Task
Task 4.3.2 is the same as Task 8.2.2 with a different rubric. You should only
complete the task one time, but it will be scored with both rubrics.
Task Description
The teacher creates a showcase portfolio of student work over a unit. This portfolio
includes samples of work from students in the teacher's class who have exceeded and/or
met expectations with regard to targets for critical, creative, or higher-level thinking and
those who have not met expectations (at least on an initial evaluation). All samples
presented also show that students have acquired and used knowledge in the content area.
The final product includes work samples from ten different students, a reflection for each
student, and a copy of the lesson plan that was used to generate the work.
What to submit?
Submit the portfolio with work samples from ten students (including the original and
corrected versions of student work associated with performance tasks (homework, tests,
and any other graded work assigned during the unit.
Your students' work is the best evidence of your success as a teacher. If they have learned
the content well from you, then there is clear evidence that you not only know your
content but can also teach it (FEAP 8). Similarly, the best way to know if a teacher can
teach critical/creative thinking and/or problem-solving (FEAP 4) in the context of
specific subjects is to look at the results. Some students are performing at a high level
already, so that anyone could teach them. For that reason we are asking you to show us
not just the best work from the best students, but also samples of work that caused you to
give extra attention to students who were not as easy to teach. This demonstrates the
impact of your teaching. This showcase portfolio of student work is to be completed over
the length of a unit.
Collect student work samples from ten different students. The
samples should be from the specific unit you have selected in the
other tasks (1.5.1. and 1.3.2). Wherever possible, use examples that
can be linked to real-world experiences.
Note: For the samples that are (or were) below expectations (FEAP 4 and 8 samples), you
should use work that has been corrected to meet expectations, including both the original
and final work to show growth. These are the students who were a challenge to you and
required some extra effort on your part. Ideally, you will be able to include their first and
final attempts on a project so you can demonstrate how much you have helped them
2. For each work sample, also include the lesson plan, performance task or test for
which it was created. For the two FEAPs assessed, these teacher-generated
documents should be designed to show the following:
a. Critical/creative thinking: a taxonomic classification or reference to a
theory that supports such higher-level learning (e.g., Bloom, Torrance,
Guilford, Gardner, Williams).
b. Content knowledge: use of the materials of a professional content
organization (e.g., a national council for (subject area), an association of
teachers of (subject area), or other current literature
3. Write a reflection with each student in which you do the following:
a. State how each student meet the objectives that you set for the unit. Be sure to
included your post assessment standards as stated in the Task 1.5.1.
b. What strategies did you use to enable the low performing students to meet the post
assessment standards.
c. If a student did not meet the post assessment standard, state why you thihk that the
student did not. i.e. lack of homework, lack of class participation, lack of recall
because of poor understanding, etc.
© Copyright 2002, Florida Department of Education
Task 8.2.2: Portfolio of Student Work (Product)
Print Page
Name: _____________
Submission #: ____
Decision for E.A.P. on this Task (check one):
4 or more ratings are acceptable; none are unacceptable.
Partially Demonstrated: 3 to 6 ratings are marginal; none are unacceptable.
Not Demonstrated:
1 or more ratings are unacceptable.
View an explanation of the rating scale.
Rating Scale Key: A = acceptable; M = marginal; U = unacceptable
Student work
Tasks used to
Criteria for "acceptable" rating
1 Ten student work samples were submitted showing
application of content knowledge.
__ A __ M __ U
2 The students have generated knowledge and/or
tested hypotheses according to the methods of
inquiry and standards of evidence used in the
discipline. (Math- manipulative, graphing
calculators, etc.)
__ A __ M __ U
3 The teacher has correctly identified and attempted
to resolve content acquisition problems for those
students who require additional support. A
progression or improvement in knowledge is
apparent or explained adequately.
__ A __ M __ U
4 The students' work is based on tasks developed by
the teacher that use current materials in the field.
__ A __ M __ U
5 The teacher has taught students the content
addressed in the Sunshine State Standards in
meaningful ways.
__ A __ M __ U
6 The assignments are linked to real world
Improvements Needed:
© Copyright 2002, Florida Department of Education
__ A __ M __ U