Park Planning and Design Code

Park Planning & Design Code
Performance Criteria and Acceptable Solutions
Performance Criteria
Acceptable Solutions
Parkland is provided:
• to maximise recreational, visual, cultural
and biodiversity values
• of a sufficient size appropriate to
anticipated intensity and level of use
• to meet the requirements of intended users
• in appropriate locations that will provide
for a range of diverse opportunities
Parkland is dedicated to Council
At the time of registration of title, parkland
is transferred to Council without cost
Parkland must be within close proximity of its
intended users
District Informal Urban Common Park Sub
Type is located in or adjacent to a Centre,
otherwise parkland is located in accordance
with the relevant Infrastructure Charges Plan
District Informal Urban Common Park Sub
Type has a minimum area of 2000m2 or is in
accordance with a Local Plan or Centres
Concept Plan. Otherwise the size of
proposed parkland is in accordance with the
relevant Infrastructure Charges Plan
The proposed parkland is of a regular shape
and of sufficient dimensions to
accommodate the proposed or potential uses
The width of proposed parkland is not less
than 10m at any point
Proposed parkland is of a suitable gradient
for intended use, in accordance with the
Subdivision and Development Guidelines
Parkland is provided in accordance with the
• Infrastructure Charges Plans
• Local Plans
• Neighbourhood Structure Plans
and in accordance with the Park
Classification System parkland types and
Refer to the Park Classification System for a
description of park types
Parkland must be of suitable shape, size and
topography for intended recreational use and
pedestrian and cycle network
Refer to the Park Classification System for a
description of park types
Parkland must be flood immune, except
where flood liable land would benefit
Proposed parkland is located above:
• Q5 flood level for recreation areas,
except where agreed by Council that
provision of land, free from regular
inundation and below the Q5 flood level
would benefit recreation eg. flat land for
sports fields, or where otherwise
indicated in a Local Plan or
Infrastructure Charges Plan area
• Q100 flood level where buildings
(clubhouse, equipment store, etc) are
proposed to be located
Parkland must not be subjected to
unreasonable impacts from industrial
activities or major transport corridors
Proposed parkland intended primarily for
residential users is not located within 150m
of an industrial activity identified in
Schedule 1 or 2
Proposed parkland does not serve primarily
as a buffer to a transport corridor
Printed on 12/02/2016
Access to the parkland must not be restricted
by physical barriers
Proposed parkland is not separated from the
community it is intended to serve by
physical barriers such as fenced service
utilities, arterial routes or motorways
Parkland must not be constrained by public
utilities or infrastructure
Proposed parkland does not contain power,
oil or gas easements
Proposed parkland does not contain services
and infrastructure associated with
residential, industrial or other development
Where contaminated land is proposed as part
of a parkland contribution it is appropriately
remediated in accordance with an approved
Landscape Management and Siteworks Plan
and/or an approved EPA Site Management
Plan, to meet EPA and Council requirements
At its discretion of Council may accept
parkland affected by an easement or other
In this instance works within the easement
must be carried out in accordance with the
Subdivision and Development Guidelines
and the requirements of the relevant service
authority. Services and infrastructure are to
be aligned with the pedestrian/cycle network
to minimise impacts on vegetation and
Where easements or infrastructure is
proposed to be located within parkland, a
Landscape Concept Plan will be required are
part of the development application
Proposed parkland is not listed on the
Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA)
Environmental Management Register or
Contaminated Land Register
Completed Site Investigations and evidence
of removal from the Contaminated Land
Register are to be provided prior to the
acceptance of the land
Parkland accessibility and use must not be
compromised by stormwater Infrastructure
and discharge
Proposed parkland does not contain major
stormwater components, including areas
designated as high velocity overland flow
paths, detention basins or other long term
stormwater storage areas
At its discretion of Council may accept
parkland affected by stormwater
In this instance the design and construction of
stormwater infrastructure must be in
accordance with Water Sensitive Urban
Design principles and the Subdivision and
Development Guidelines and Stormwater
Outlets in Parks and Waterways Guidelines
Where stormwater infrastructure is proposed
to be located within parkland, a Landscape
Concept Plan is to be provided with the
Printed on 12/02/2016
Water bodies located in parkland must
contribute to the multiple values of open
The proposed parkland does not contain
dams and lakes
At its discretion of Council may accept
parkland containing waterways or water
bodies where they contribute multiple open
space and recreation values
Clearance of vegetation and modification to
existing landform within parkland must be
A12.1 Parkland design accommodates the retention
of significant vegetation and topographic
features of the site
Compliance with this Acceptable Solution
can be demonstrated by the submission of a
Landscape Concept Plan identifying major
elements of the parkland design including
location and extent of existing vegetation
and topographic feature
A12.2 Earthworks associated with parkland
construction are to be carried out utilising
methods that minimise impacts on existing
vegetation, in accordance with the
Subdivision and Development Guidelines
A12.3 The design of the proposed parkland does
not contain retaining walls that are built to
A12.4 Where retaining walls are proposed to be
located within parkland, materials and
heights must be in accordance with the
Subdivision and Development Guidelines,
and a Landscape Concept Plan is to be
Personal security is enhanced through casual
surveillance of parkland to deter crime and
A13.1 Parkland design facilitates safety for all
users in accordance with Crime Prevention
Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
The Crime Prevention Through
Environmental Design (CPTED) Planning
Scheme Policy provides guidance on meeting
this Performance Criteria
A13.2 The proposed parkland perimeter contains a
minimum 50% road frontage, in accordance
with the Subdivision and Development
A13.3 Surveillance opportunities to the proposed
parkland are maximised with the provision
of minimum 50% visually permeable
fencing to adjoining residential allotments
Printed on 12/02/2016
Landscape works, improvements and
maintenance and management requirements
within parkland must be consistent with
relevant Council policies and guidelines
A14.1 Proposed landscape works and
improvements are designed and
implemented in accordance with the
Subdivision and Development Guidelines
and an approved Landscape Management
and Siteworks Plan
A14.2 Maintenance and management requirements
are incorporated within parkland planning
and design, in accordance with the
Subdivision and Development Guidelines,
and a maintenance schedule approved as part
of a Landscape Management and Siteworks
Parkland is maintained in accordance with
relevant Council policies and guidelines
Parkland is maintained in accordance with
the Subdivision and Development
Guidelines prior to handover to Council
While every care is taken by Brisbane City Council to ensure the accuracy of this extract of the code,
Council make no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability or completeness and
disclaim all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all
expenses losses and damages (including direct and consequential damage) and costs that may be
incurred as a result of the document being inaccurate in any way and for any reason.
Printed on 12/02/2016