REEF-SUNSET UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 20, 2014 DISTRICT STAFF/BOARD DEVELOPMENT ROOM A regular meeting of the Reef-Sunset Unified School District Board of Trustees was held on this date in the District Staff/Board Development Room located at 205 N. Park Ave., Avenal, CA 93204. Mr. Barrera, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. The Board convened to closed session. The meeting was reconvened to open session at 6:00 p.m. Mr. Barrera welcomed everyone and led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jose Barrera, President Gail Monohon, Clerk Ricardo Verdugo (absent) Leticia Lopez Chris Collins Genevie Araiza, Student Board Member CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS/ACTIONS: None APPROVAL OF AGENDA FOR NOVEMBER 20, 2014: Motion by Collins seconded by Lopez to approve the agenda as amended. Removed Item B - Presentations Roll Call Vote: Lopez – Yes, Verdugo – Absent, Collins – Yes, Monohon – Yes, Barrera – Yes. Preferential Vote: Araiza – Yes Motion Carried PUBLIC COMMENT: Lupe Chavez, Block A Booster Club representative introduced the club to the board. The club supports all sports at Avenal High School. Mr. Hyer, AHS art teacher and electives chair expressed he hopes the block schedule can be worked on in the future so that more electives can be offered. Ms. Bollweg read a report submitted by Mrs. Wilkinson, AHS English teacher, describing projects students are currently working on. PRESENTATIONS: A. Student Representatives: TES, AES, RSMS and AHS Jada Robinson, Ella Viera, Diego Bonilla, Angel Magallan, Ashley Ramirez, Monique Soto student representatives and via a pre-recorded video, KCES student representatives Diamond Sanchez and Eva-Lexia Rodriguez reported on current and upcoming school activities. B. Avenal High School FFA Officers: Item removed C. Dr. East – RSUSD Strategic Plan / AGB Report: Provided a handout on Board Policy 0200 goals for the school district and explained that the district’s LCAP needs to be aligned with the board’s goals. Dr. East reviewed in detail the five goals the strategic planning committee developed with the help of consultant, Art Davis. Dr. East stated that he would like to define and condense the goals so that the board can formally adopt them. Finally, he recognized newly elected board members, Claudia Cazares and Enrique Jimenez. D. CSEA/WKCTA Representatives: None STAFF/BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: A. Board Members- Ms. Monohon reported that she watched the two-day SBE meeting online. She then asked Miss Araiza to read the State Student Advisory Board recommendations that were made to the SBE. Ms. Monohon also watched the CSBA’s Legal Update Part 2 presentation on the Brown Act and attended the district’s AGB and Technology meetings. She also visited B. C. D. RSMS, AHS and AES. Ms. Lopez reported she attended the TUPE conference and heard positive feedback regarding how our students were well behaved. She also attended a resource fair at Kings Canyon Unified School District in Reedley and would like the district to model the same resource fair and invite the community. Mrs. Cutillo- Reported that the business department is currently working on budget clean up. Congratulated Jared Johnson for completing the CTO tech training. Ms. Cunningham – Reported that the district selected a prevention/intervention specialist, Mina Valdeabella. AHS and RSMS had a Rachel’s Challenge assembly. Ms. Valdeabella will be working with the student activity groups that were formed for Rachel’s Challenge. A group of administrators and teachers will be attending the Cal Endowment training on November 14th. Finally, Ms. Cunningham reported that there will be music performances in various school sites next month. Dr. East- Reported and provided a handout on the activities of the AGB which is facilitated by Art Davis. He reported on recommendations suggested for RSMS and AES. Dr. East also reported on the WHCCD Trading Partners conference at Harris Ranch; there are potential additional pathways for our students that could be explored in the future. He also reported that he met with our CVT representative regarding the district’s responsibilities for implementing the upcoming requirements for offering and providing insurance for part-time employees and subs. He discussed preliminary data for K-8 iReady; there was growth in Math especially in upper grades. Finally, he reported that our suspension rate this school year was down by half compared to last year. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Minutes of October 9, 16, 2014 B. Warrants C. Personnel Report D. Request to Approve Overnight AHS Field Trip to UC Davis – Students Attending PACA Harvest Tour, November 24-25, 2014 E. Request to Approve the Out of State Travel for Mrs. Snyder to Attend the Google Teacher Academy in Austin, Texas – December 2-3, 2014 Motion by Monohon seconded by Lopez to approve the Consent Calendar as amended. Pulled Item E Roll Call Vote: Lopez – Yes, Verdugo – Absent, Collins – Yes, Monohon – Yes, Barrera – Yes. Preferential Vote: Araiza – Yes Motion Carried E. Request to Approve the Out of State Travel for Mrs. Snyder to Attend the Google Teacher Academy in Austin, Texas – December 2-3, 2014: Motion by Monohon seconded by Collins to approve the request as presented. Roll Call Vote: Lopez – Yes, Verdugo – Absent, Collins – Yes, Monohon – Yes, Barrera – Yes. Preferential Vote: Araiza – Yes Motion Carried ACTION ITEMS: A. Request to Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between RSUSD and KCOE for Common Core Math Coaching: Motion by Monohon to separate item into two separate requests; lack of a second motion. Motion Not Carried Motion by Collins seconded by Lopez to approve the memorandums as presented with caveat for follow up. Roll Call Vote: Lopez – Yes, Verdugo – Absent, Collins – Yes, Monohon – No, Barrera – Yes. Preferential Vote: Araiza – Yes Motion Carried B. Request to Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between RSUSD and KCOE for WiMax Services: Motion by Lopez seconded by Monohon to approve the memorandum as presented. Roll Call Vote: Lopez – Yes, Verdugo – Absent, Collins – Yes, Monohon – Yes, Barrera – Yes. Preferential Vote: Araiza – Yes Motion Carried C. Resolution 2014:15, Determining Tie Breaking Criteria for 2015/16: Motion by Monohon seconded by Lopez to approve Resolution 2014: 15, as presented. Roll Call Vote: Lopez – Yes, Verdugo – Absent, Collins – Yes, Monohon – Yes, Barrera – Yes. Preferential Vote: Araiza – Yes Motion Carried D. Request to Approve the Pre-Construction Agreement with BUSH Construction for the AHS Science Classrooms Upgrade Project: Motion by Collins seconded by Lopez to approve the pre-construction agreement as presented. Roll Call Vote: Lopez – Yes, Verdugo – Absent, Collins – Yes, Monohon – Yes, Barrera – Yes. Preferential Vote: Araiza – Yes Motion Carried E. Consider Termination of Agreement between RSUSD and the City of Avenal for Tamarack Recreational Facility: Motion by Collins seconded by Lopez to approve the termination of the agreement as presented. Roll Call Vote: Lopez – Yes, Verdugo – Absent, Collins – Yes, Monohon – Yes, Barrera – Yes. Preferential Vote: Araiza – Yes Motion Carried F. Adoption of New/Revised August 2014 Policies and Administrative Regulations: Motion by Collins seconded by Lopez to approve the adoption as amended. Roll Call Vote: Lopez – Yes, Verdugo – Yes, Collins – Yes, Monohon – Yes, Barrera – Yes. Preferential Vote: Araiza – Yes Motion Carried First Reading of New/Revised October 2014 Policies and Administrative Regulations: Motion by Collins seconded by Monohon to approve the first reading as amended. Roll Call Vote: Lopez – Yes, Verdugo – Absent, Collins – Yes, Monohon – Yes, Barrera – Yes. Preferential Vote: Araiza – Yes G. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Grade Level Configurations for Avenal Schools K-8: Dr. East reported he met with administrators. They’ve concluded that TES can house TK-5th grade if they hold enrollment cap. Any new or late arriving students would then attend Avenal Elementary. At AES they can maintain TK-6th grades. Administration discussed the possibility of moving 6th grade to RSMS since they have empty classrooms. However, after discussing internal changes that would need to be worked through with RSMS staff, Dr. East concluded that the district should keep 6th grade at AES for at least one more year. B. QZAB / Prop 39 Future Study Session: Dr. East asked the Board about having a study session or discussion item regarding QZAB/Prop 39 funding. After much discussion, it was concluded that Mrs. Cutillo will ask Advisor, Jon Isom to prepare back up documentation so that board may review and act on in January. C. LCAP Update: Dr. East reported that the state board adopted a revised template where districts can plug in goals, activities and expenditures. Ms. Monohon suggested the district place on the D. website, the CA PTA’s LCAP form ED 100 that parents can complete in an attempt to obtain greater LCAP stakeholder input. Future Agenda Items: For discussion, resources available to all stakeholders, AHS block schedule and possibility of change to schedule, opportunity class at RSMS and report on WHC at AHS. REPORTS: A. Enrollment Report B. Cafeteria Report C. Suspension Report ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:53 pm. ____________________________________ Secretary to the Board