REEF-SUNSET UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 19, 2013 KETTLEMAN CITY SCHOOL LIBRARY A regular meeting of the Reef-Sunset Unified School District Board of Trustees was held on this date in the Kettleman City School Library located at 701General Petroleum, Kettleman City, CA. Ms. Monohon, Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The Board convened to closed session. The meeting was reconvened to open session at 7:03 p.m. Ms. Monohon welcomed everyone and led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Gail Monohon, President Jose Barrera, Clerk(absent) Ricardo Verdugo Leticia Lopez(absent) Chris Collins CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS/ACTIONS: None PUBLIC COMMENT: Parent, Claudia Cazares expressed discontent due to locked gates at KCES during after school hours. She asked the board to reconsider leaving the gates opened so that students can have access to the school playground and equipment. There was discussion about leaving the school gates opened during daylight hours. APPROVAL OF AGENDA FOR SEPTEMBER 19, 2013: Motion by Verdugo seconded by Collins to approve the agenda as presented. UNANIMOUS PUBLIC HEARING: SUFFICIENCY OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS- Opened for comment at 7:09 pm. Ms. Cunningham explained the Williams Act and requirement for sufficiency of instructional materials hearing. There being no other comments, the hearing was closed at 7:11 pm. PRESENTATIONS: A. Student Representatives: KCES students Mariah Ramos and Diamond Sanchez reported on current and upcoming school activities. B. J. Ruiz – AHS Progress Report: Showed a Power Point presentation and highlighted new AHS programs and activities: issuance of Chromebooks, hall supervisor, female PE teacher, Apple TV, ERWC training, National Novel Project through English class, Aeries parent portal, special education transition period-life skills, Ag Academy, coaches handbook, addition of Journalism class, and salad bar for students, which is still under the discussion stage. Mr. Ruiz also reported on schedule changes and having seniors being the only teacher aides. He reported that they had started the Buc of the Week, recognizing exemplary students. Mr. Ruiz explained that UC Davis came to help students register on Oct. 24th. Mr. Ruiz concluded by saying he was happy to hear positive feedback from students and staff. C. Dr. East – 2012/13 Program Improvement Year 3 End of Year Progress Report: Dr. East reviewed the Program Improvement and the End of Year progress report as required by CDE. He revealed there was partial implementation of district initiatives. There was concern with long-term EL’s that are not reading by third grade. D. J. Cunningham – Common Core Implementation Fund Expenditure Plan: Ms. Cunningham explained that this presentation is required by CDE. She explained that the expenditure plan follows all allowed expenditures by education code. Ms. Monohon felt we should have more tech support for our newly acquired devices. E. CSEA/WKCTA Representatives: Tammy Ware, CSEA President reported that she has been appointed as the regional representative for CSEA. She also expressed that the district as a whole should incorporate fun activities not only for students, but for employees as well. STAFF/BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: A. Board Members- Mr. Verdugo expressed he was happy with the new stadium and felt the community was proud of it. Mr. Collins stated he felt that the high school is heading in a good direction. Ms. Monohon mentioned articles she has recently read in the Hanford Sentinel about Valley students participating in Job Training Office programs and attending the annual CADA Leadership Conference. She said that she believes that RSUSD students must have the same opportunities as other Kings County students. B. Mrs. Cutillo- Reported that CDE is requiring districts to report on their free and reduced lunch applications again this year. She also reported that we do not have any clear regulations on LCFF until April. Ms. Cutillo reported that the Kings County Sheriff’s office was awarded funding for additional JSO’s. She will put some scenarios together for the possibility of having JSO services at KCES and bring next month for board action. Ms. Cutillo reported that Jose Ramirez is fighting at the Tachi Palace in November and feels the district should participate by attending so that we can show our support for our local athletes. This would also serve as an opportunity to build rapport with staff. Dee Clements reported that they have implemented hot breakfast at the school sites and has heard excitement from staff and students. Ms. Cutillo appreciates Mrs. Clements efforts for meeting the needs of principals and students and stated that Mrs. Clements and her staff are very accommodating. Mrs. Clements then introduced Griselda Bravo, Cafeteria Clerk. C. Ms. Cunningham- Reported on the TK teacher and administrator team site visit to Kingsburg Elementary TK Program and expressed that she would like to make our transitional program effective. The AVID program has multiplied as we’ve had parent requests at the 7th grade level to get their students in this program. Ms. Cunningham reported that Assemblyman Rudy Salas will visit RSMS and AHS as an AVID Speaker. She also reported on the TB serum shortage throughout the county. Ms. Cunningham reported on new health laws and requiring the presence of a nurse/LVN on school site campus within a two minute response time to address the needs of our diabetic students. Finally, she reported that Sam Nofziger from FCOE will be conducting an ELD audit of instructional practice for English Learners in October. D. Dr. East- Recognized all the individuals that helped make the stadium ribbon cutting ceremony a success. He also reminded the board about the community meeting with Jon Isom, Financial Advisor scheduled for November 7th. Dr. East reported that he met with landscape maintenance contractors to get bids ranging from $40,000 - $140,000 to maintain the AHS fields and stated that he would bring some bids from contractors for board action in October. Dr. East as well as Mr. Ruiz and Dr. Barba met with WHC Coalinga administration to discuss needs for the Paramount Ag Academy design. They discussed course sequencing and schedule proposals for the upcoming two years. Finally, Dr. East handed the board a copy of the AHS Coaches’ Handbook. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Minutes of August 15 & September 5, 12, 2013 B. Warrants C. Personnel Report D. Interdistrict Transfer Requests Motion by Collins seconded by Verdugo to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. UNANIMOUS ACTION ITEMS: A. Resolution 2013: 19, Sufficiency of Instructional Materials: Motion by Verdugo seconded by Collins to approve Resolution 2013: 19, as presented. Roll Call Vote: Barrera–Absent, Lopez–Absent, Verdugo–Yes, Collins–Yes, Monohon–Yes. Motion Carried Conditional Upon the Board Receiving Amended List to Add Alternative Ed. B. Resolution 2013: 20, Gann Limit: Motion by Collins seconded by Verdugo to approve Resolution 2013: 20, as presented: Roll Call Vote: Barrera–Absent, Lopez–Absent, Verdugo–Yes, Collins–Yes, Monohon–Yes. Motion Carried C. J-200, Unaudited Actual Financial Report: Motion by Collins seconded by Verdugo to approve J-200 as presented. UANIMOUS D. Request to Approve the Independent Contract between RSUSD and Diane Wentworth: Motion by Collins seconded by Verdugo to approve the independent contract as presented. UNANIMOUS E. Request to Approve the Revised Addendum to the LEA Plan for 2013-14: Motion by Verdugo seconded by Collins to approve revised addendum as presented. UNANIMOUS F. Request to Approve the Amended Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Roster for Measure A: Motion by Collins seconded by Verdugo to approve the amended roster as presented. UANIMOUS G. Intent to Employ a Teacher on a Provisional Internship Permit (PIP): Motion by Collins seconded by Verdugo to approved the provisional internship permit as presented. UNANIMOUS H. Approval of Supplemental Educational Service Providers for 2013/14: Motion by Collins seconded by Verdugo to approve the SES providers as presented. UNANIMOUS I. Request to Approve the Agreement between CSUF Fresno and RSUSD for Parental Digital Literacy Courses: Motion by Collins seconded by Verdugo to approve the agreement as presented. UNANIMOUS J. Adoption of the RSUSD Governance Handbook: Motion by Verdugo seconded by Collins to TABLE item for next month. UANIMOUS K. First Reading of New/Updated August Board Policies and Administrative Regulations: Motion by Verdugo seconded by Collins to acknowledge the first reading as amended. UNANIMOUS DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Baseball Grant: Dr. East reported that a local philanthropist may be interested in donating funds to help rebuild our baseball facilities. B. C. D. Football Memorial - Even Lopez: Dr. East reported that Coach Earls proposal is to build a memorial for Even Lopez and establish a fund and hand out a scholarship in his name. Future Study Session Dates & Topics: Ms. Monohon reported she attended the CSBA LCFF workshop and shared copies with the rest of the board. There was discussion about having a study session on LCFF at the already established Nov. 7th study session where Jon Isom, Financial Advisor will be discussing capital financing options. The board also discussed the possibility of starting Closed Session at 6:30pm. Future Agenda Items: AHS field maintenance contract, common core implementation plan, RSUSD governance handbook, and JSO agreement for KCES. REPORTS: A. Enrollment Report B. Suspension Report ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 pm. ________________________________ Secretary to the Board