Jackie Hunter (Chair), Gillian Hemmings (Secretary), Alison Cameron, Anne Rave, Sharon Henderson,
Lynn Peoples, Mrs Mahindru, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Deans.
Welcome and Apologies
Jackie welcomed everyone to the meeting, apologies from Val Gerry, Jackie McAulay, Sandra Earle,
Donna Liyanage and Morag Neilson.
Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes were proposed by Lynn Peoples and seconded by Anne Rave.
Matters Arising
The commission from the school photographs was £296.00 with the potential of another £20.30. This was
lower than expected, however there is to be a new commission rate coming out in the future and the school
photographs are more of a service for pupils and families rather than a money spinner. The photographs
were very good, everyone really pleased with them and Artimage are still going to take the picture of the
new school building free of charge.
Treasurers Report
Unfortunately Anne Rave’s friend can no longer check our accounts for the AGM due to work
commitments, however, Alison has spoken to her friend Nicole Neef and she is happy to look at them for
us but this may not be done in time for the A.G.M.
After the meeting it was confirmed that the A.G.M. had to be postponed for two weeks until 17/09/08 to
confirm that the accounts are accurate, Gillian sent a flyer into the school and Mrs Mahindru also intimated
this in the school newsletter.
Future Events
A.G.M. 17/09/08
Gillian has confirmed that she is staying on as Secretary and as this will be year three it is her last as an
Office Bearer.
Lynn Peoples, Jackie Hunter, Jackie McAulay and Donna Liyanage are coming off the Committee and also
Sandra Earle will no longer be an Associate Member as Alasdair has moved to Secondary School.
Therefore we will still have Gillian Hemmings, Sharon Henderson, Val Gerry, Anne Rave, Morag Neilson
and Alison Cameron and the Office Bearer positions that are available are Chairperson and Treasurer. This
information will be taken to the A.G.M.
Pupil Council Closure Event
The event will take place on Saturday 4 October 10am-12pm. Mrs Murray has applied for the let on their
behalf. Gillian to send more information to Mrs Mahindru reference bouncy castles. It will be a ticketed
event but entrance will be free. Hot Dogs will be for sale. It was confirmed that the Pupil Council will send
out letter to the teachers and the Parents Association to ask for help on the day. Other ideas were tuck
shop, penalty shoot out, face painting, tombolas, home baking, teas and coffees.
Bookfair Scholastics
The dates for the Bookfair are as follows:
Main Building delivered 24 October and picked up 31 October
Annexe dates to be confirmed at next meeting and to see if it will be a postal fair or the same as the main
Glasgow City Council has not yet decided if they are paying for the PA Insurance for 2008/2009 session.
Gillian to contact SPTC for more details.
Catherine Scott (Isla P5 Mum) has donated 72 lovely Christmas decorations to the school; they could be
used either for fundraising or for decoration purposes, many thanks to Catherine for this.
It was also decided that this year we would not have Christmas Fair due to the fact of moving into the new
building and the amount of work that is involved in the event.
New School Update
Mrs Mahindru confirmed that the funding is again in place for the natural play area in the playground.
The handover date for the school to GCC is still on track for 11/11/08.
The pitch is not to be Astroturf but felt with sand on top, Mrs Sutherland is to take this further as she was
under the impression that it was going to be Astroturf. The PA members saw the plans for the classrooms
and the computer room which has 34 computers, also the samples of the carpets, tiles and wall coverings.
Football Club/Team
Starts back first Saturday in September.
Teaching Staff Representative
Mrs Thomson said that the teachers would like a new flat screen television for the foyer of the new school
building and also rounded pin boards.
The school will also be doing another show in June 2009 and it will be held in the Couper Institute again at
a cost of £3500. Gillian is to speak to Irene Sutherland about completing a Lottery Funding Application on
behalf of the school for £5000 for the show.
Date of next meeting is Wednesday 1st October 2008 7.30-9.00pm Staffroom Main Building.