Department of Instructional Design and Technology Western Illinois University Instructional Design and Technology Internship IDT 620 Manual 1 This manual is subject to change. Instructional Technology Internship IDT 620 (4 sh) Internship Guidelines Internship Objectives The Instructional Design and Technology Internship provides qualified students with a supervised opportunity of practical work experience in various career options. The internship is a unique experience that offers specific goals relative to the intern’s career and educational objectives. This manual contains information about internship objectives, eligibility, requirements, applications process, and forms specific to the internship. The major objectives of the internship are: • To provide the intern with relevant information about his/her career choice. • To acquaint the intern with the physical, technical, and environmental requirements of his/her chosen career. • To develop the intern’s ability to search for and find employment. • To provide the intern the opportunity to plan a practice program in his/her chosen career. • To provide the intern with practical experience in the field. Internship Eligibility • Student must have completed 15 hours of IDT Graduate course work. Internship Requirements •The intern will participate in planning the internship program with the on-site mentor. • Intern could be given opportunities to plan, organize, and lead activities as well as opportunities to observe and participate in other activities. •The internship should include multiple experiences with more than one facet of the sponsoring organization in order to provide an understanding of the total scope of its instructional technology operations. • Specific duties and opportunities are negotiated between the intern and the on-site mentor. •The intern will spend no less than 45 clock hours in professional fieldwork for each semester hour of credit, for a total of 180 clock hours. 2 • IDT 620 “Instructional Design and Technology Internship” is graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. • The intern will follow the rules, regulations, and policies of the sponsoring organization. • The intern will prepare all forms, submits record, and reports required by the department. Internship Process 1. Four months prior to internship, student submits Request to Register in IDT 620 Internship and all documentation. Earlier applications are encouraged for some competitive internship opportunities. 2. Student supplies all information and documentation about himself/herself, about the company he/she proposes to intern with, about the site mentor, proposed duties, and other relevant information. 3. Student meets with the Department Chair or his/her designee to present request and discuss internship. 4. Once the student has received approval to do an internship, and a potential location has been identified, the student may contact the sponsoring organization to determine necessary application procedures. 5. Once accepted, the Department and the sponsoring organization will complete and sign Internship Agreement Forms. When necessary, the sponsoring organization may alter the specific statements to make the requirements appropriate to the institutional setting or to meet the individual intern's needs. However, the Department of Instructional Design and Technology must be made aware of these changes when the form is signed. Selection of Internship Location and On-Site Mentor • Students are responsible for locating their own internship placement. However, a list of locations where former students have done internships is available from the Department. Also, companies and other entities may list themselves with the Department expressing a desire to have interns. Student Responsibilities The Intern will: • Complete all forms and arrangements regarding the setup of the internship. Forms must be filed with the Department of Instructional Design and Technology. 3 • Prepare a statement that delineates the philosophy and objectives of the internship; the progression and scope of the internship; and any policies and procedures agreed to by the sponsoring organization. The Department Chair must approve this statement before the student can begin his/her internship experience. A copy of the completed “Internship Statement” will be given to the On-site Mentor. • The intern will submit a Bi-weekly Activity Log to the Department Chair or his/her designee. • The intern will schedule periodic conferences with the on-site mentor, including midterm and final evaluation meetings. The intern will submit a final report, “Evaluation of Internship Experience,” and a copy of all projects completed during the internship to the Department Chair. On-site Mentor Responsibilities The Mentor will: • Negotiate with the prospective intern the goals and objectives of the internship experience as well as specific arrangements such as scheduling, parking, etc. • Read and sign Form 4: Internship Agreement. • Provide supervision throughout the internship experience. • Consult with the intern on a regular basis regarding progress. Review and revise the learning experience as needed. Complete a midterm report of the intern Complete a final evaluation of intern. Faculty Advisor Responsibilities The Advisor will: • Keep a copy of all forms signed by students, the internship sponsoring organization, and the department. • Receive, respond to and file student and on-site mentor documents. • Visit the internship location once during the internship experience. 4 • Review all intern and mentor documents in order to evaluate the internship. • File an S/U grade. Internship Forms 1. Internship Checklist 2. Internship Request Form IDT 620 3. Request to Register in IDT 620 4. Internship Waiver and Release 5. Internship Statement of Insurance Coverage 6. Internship Agreement 7. Bi-Weekly Activity Log 8. On-site Mentor Midterm Report of Intern 9. On-site Mentor Final Evaluation of Intern 10. Evaluation of Internship Experience by Intern 5 IDT 620 Instructional Technology Internship Frequently Asked Questions 1. Why should I consider doing an internship? The IDT Internship will help you develop skills in searching for and acquiring employment in a relevant field. During the internship you will discover your strengths and weaknesses related to career expectations. You will have an opportunity to observe and work with professionals in your field. The IDT Internship provides you with job experience in your field, looks good on your resume, helps you get a better job upon graduation, and gives you practical experience in the field. It also gets you out of the classroom and into the real world. 2. When can I do the IDT Internship? After you have completed 15 s.h. of IDT graduate courses. 3. What are other requirements for the IDT Internship? The IDT Internship must provide valuable practical work experience in instructional technology, training or development, distance learning, multimedia or telecommunication. 4. Where do I find information about the IDT Internship? Most IDT students find their own internships from friends, family, and professional contacts that they have. IDT faculty, WIU Placement Office and Job Market, professional publications, and Sunday papers are examples of sources for organizations that offer internships. The first rule of all internships is that your current paid employer cannot provide you with an internship. 5. How many credits can I earn on the IDT Internship? You will earn four credits; IDT 620 is graded S/U. 6. How many hours do I need to work on my internship? In order to earn one credit hour you will need to work 45 clock hours. Your internship can earn four credits, which equals 180 clock hours. For example: if you worked 30 hours per week, you would need to find an internship for approximately six weeks. For this reason most students do their internships in the summertime. 7. How can I apply for the IDT Internship? First discuss your plans with the IDT Chair. Have some specific goals and objectives as well as possible places for the internship. Search for the organizations for which you wish to intern. Then identify the supervisor at each organization who is willing to be your mentor during the internship. Discuss with him/her your plans and seek his/her input. 6 Fill out the Internship Request Form and turn it in with the other required documents to the IDT Chair. After reading your application, you and your proposed mentor will be contacted by an IDT faculty member. Details, legal, and sometimes financial obligation and documentation need to be completed. Then a copy of your application form will be returned to you with signatures indicating your internship contract haws been approved by all. You will also need to complete the “Request to enroll in IDT 620” form and turn it in to the IDT department. 8. Who assesses my work and how do I get a grade? You mail in a bi-weekly report detailing your progress and internship activities during that week. A copy of this report should be filed with your mentor as well. Reports should be sent to the Chair of the Department of Instructional Design and Technology. 9. Where do I go if I have more questions? Talk to the Department Chair, your favorite faculty members, and fellow students. IDT Office: 309-298-1952; email:, fax: 309-298-2978. 7 Undergraduate Internship Checklist Getting Started ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Completed 15 s.h. of IDT Graduate Courses. File IDT 620 Internship Application Upon notification of internship approval, establish internship location. Negotiate internship activities with sponsoring organization. Secure signatures on Internship Agreement Complete Internship Waiver and Release and Internship Statement of Insurance Coverage ____ Prepare Internship Statement for faculty advisor approval and give a copy to the on-site mentor. _____ Complete “Request to Enroll in IDT 620” form and submit it to the IDT department. During internship ____ Complete at least 45 clock hours of professional fieldwork for each semester hour of credit. ____ File Bi-Weekly Activity Logs. ____ Meet periodically with On-site Mentor to discuss progress and plan continued internship experiences. ____ Make sure the On-site Mentor has a copy of On-site Mentor Midterm Report of Intern to complete and return to the Department at the midterm of the internship. At conclusion of internship: ____ Make sure the On-site Mentor has a copy of On-site Mentor Final Assessment of Intern to complete and return to the Department at the end of the internship. ____ Write thank you notes to sponsoring organization and On-site Mentor. ____ Submit Evaluation of Internship Experience by Intern, a report of experiences, and a sample of work completed by the due date agreed upon. 8 Internship Locator -1 Graduate and Undergraduate Internships Companies/areas where previous IDT students have interned: • Apex Communications and Training Solutions P.O. Box 119 Effingham, IL 62401 217-342-6367 Argonne National Laboratory 9700 S. Cass Ave. Argonne, IL 60439 630-252-2000 Arrowhead Ranch Residential School www.arrowhead 12200 104th Street Coal Valley, IL 61240 309-743-6100 Aspect Communications 1310 Ridder Park Drive San Jose CA 95131-2313 Aspect Education Services Bldg. 1A 409-325-4420 Atomic Learning c/o MediaSpinners, LLC 15088 22nd Avenue NE Little Falls, MN 56345 855-259-6890 Black Hawk College Teaching and Learning Center 6600 34th Avenue Moline, IL 61265 309-796-5036 9 • Blue Interactive Productions P.O. Box 102 Blandinsville, IL 61420 309-652-3255 Caterpillar, Inc. 501 S.W. Jefferson Peoria, IL 61630 309-636-5547 Carl Sandburg College 2400 Tom L. Wilson Boulevard Galesburg, IL 61401 309-344-2518 Carthage Veterinary Service 34 W. Main Carthage, IL 62321 217-357-2811 • Center for the Application of Information Technologies (CAIT) Western Illinois University College of Education and Human Services Horrabin Hall 90 Macomb, IL 61455 309-298-1804 Center for Innovation in Teaching & Research Western Illinois University 637 Malpass Library Macomb, IL 61455 309-298-2434 Central State Bank 301 Iowa Ave Muscatine, IA 52761-0074 563-262-3134 10 Cohen Financial 2 N. LaSalle St. Suite 800 Chicago, IL 60602 312-346-5680/312-803-5747 • Collaborative Connections Ltd. The Red Barn Marchants Close Hurstpierpoint BN6 9UZ United Kingdom Consolidated High School District #230 9001 W. 171st Street Tinley Park, IL 60477 708-342-5800 Dallas City Elementary School 921 Creamery Hill Road Dallas City, IL 62330 217-852-3201 • Deere & Co. 1 John Deer Place Moline, IL 61265 309-765-4599 Design and Graphics 225 Sheridan St. Rockford, IL 61103 815-963-2089 Document and Publication Services www/ 1 University Circle Macomb, IL 309-298-1000 11 Duncan Scott Productions 1526 145I #102 Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-393-806 • Dwight Township High School 801 S. Franklin Dwight, IL 60420 815-584-2904 Forsythe Technology 7770 Frontage Road Skokie, IL 60077 847-213-7447 GenSoft Systems 319 J. F. Edwards Drive Geneseo, IL 61254 309-944-8875 Heartland Centers for Public Health & Community Capacity Development St. Louis University School of Public Health St. Louis, MO 63104 319-977-8289 • iExplore 600 W. Fulton St. STE. 301 Chicago, IL 60661 312-627-8700 • Illinois Central College One College Drive East Peoria, IL 61635 309-694-5422 12 Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Highways-District 2 819 Dept Ave. Dixon, IL 61021 815-284-5492 Illinois Department of Public Health 828 S. 2nd Street Springfield, IL 62704 2217-524-6817 IT Resource Center 29 E. Madison Avenue, Suite 1005 Chicago, IL 60602 312-372-4872 John Deere Health, Inc. 1300 River Dr. Suite 200 Moline, IL 61265 309-765-1503 John Deere Training Center 8000 Jersey Ridge Road Davenport, IA 52807 563-388-4507 John Deere C&F Training Center 8000 Jersey Road Davenport, IA 52807 563-388-4538 John Wood Community College 1301 S. 48th Street Quincy, IL 62305 217-641-4536 13 • Karmak One Karmak Plaza P.O.Box 680 Carlinville, IL 62626-0680 800-252-7625 Kirkwood Community College 6301 Kirkwood Blvd SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 800-363-2220 Kennecott Utah Copper 8363 W 10200 S Bingham County, UT 84006 801-569-6000 Keokuk Area Convention and Tourism Bureau 329 Main Street Keokuk, IA 52632 319-524-5599 Keokuk School District 2940 Decatur St. Keokuk, IA 52632 319-524-1402 • Knox College 3 E. South Street Galesburg, IL 61401 309-341-7355 K & R Express Systems, Inc. 15 W. 460 Frontage Road Hinsdale, IL 60521 312-323-3230 • Kraft Foods, Inc. Three Lakes Drive Northfield, IL 60093 847-646-2000 14 Lakeview Planetarium 1125 W. Lake Ave. Peoria, IL 61614 309-686-6682 L.C.N. Closers 121 W. Railroad Avenue Princeton, IL 61356 815-875-3311 Lewiston CUSD #97 15501 E Avenue L. Lewiston, IL 61542 309-547-2240 Liventus • 3400 Dundee Road Northbrook, IL 60062 847-291-1395 Martin Engineering One Martin Place Neponset, IL 61345 309-852-2384 Mary Kay Cosmetics, Independent Sales LaHarpe, IL 61450 217-659-3070 McDonough District Hospital 525 E. Grant Macomb, IL 61455 309-833-4101 MGM Studios 2450 Broadway Street Santa Monica, CA 90404 310-449-3000/800-405-4646 15 • Monmouth College 700 E. Broadway Monmouth,IL 61462 309-457-2325 • Motorola 1475 W. Shore Drive Arlington Heights, IL 60004 847-632-2678 Mundelein High School 1350 W. Hawley Mundelein, IL 60060 847-949-2200 Nelson Public School Dist. 8 PO. Box 880 Rock Falls, IL 61071 815-251-4412 Neuromedical Services, Inc. Practice Developers of IL, Inc. 7900 Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 800-766-3870 New Worlds Post Productions 5257 Shaw St. Louis, MO 63110 314-367-1111 NTN Bower 711 Bower Road Macomb, IL 61455 309-837-0440 Painted Imaginations 2933 N. Sheridan Chicago, IL 60622 773-477-4092 16 Palatine Dairy Queen 307 E. Northwest Highway Palatine, IL 60067 847-934-0269 Peerless Industries, Inc. 3215 W. North Avenue Melrose Park, IL 60160 708-236-1000 • Players Connection Inc. Urban Centre One STE. 147 4830 W. Kennedy Tampa, FL 33609 Pleasant Paradise/Salon and Day Spa 4937 Butterfield Road Hillside, IL 60162 708-449-7535 Price Elementary School 4351 S. Drexel Blvd. Chicago, IL 60653 773-535-1324 Quad Cities Regional Program UIC College of Nursing 1515 5th Avenue, Suite 400 Moline, Illinois 61265 309-757-9467 Sourcebooks Inc. 1935 Brookdale Road Suite 139 Naperville, IL 60563 630-961-3900 Southwest Montessori Preschool 8620 S. Racine Chicago, IL 60620 773-224-5437 17 Spoon River College 23235 N County Hwy 22 Canton, IL 61520 309-647-4645 • State Farm Insurance Companies Three State Farm Plaza South Bloomington, IL 61791-00-1 309-735-3157 Syntax Media 3s230 Warren Avenue B Warrenville, IL 60555 630-393-4100 • The How-To Network 4603 Atoll Avenue Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-380-6612 United States Army Ft. Shafter 1557 Pass Street Honolulu, HI and Bellows AFS 808-438-1600 Wapello CSD 501 Buchanan Wapello, IA 52653 319-527-1209 • Western Illinois University Admissions 115 Sherman Hall Macomb, IL 61455-1390 309-298-3157 18 Western Illinois University Athletic Media Services Western Hall 309-298-1133 Western Illinois University Kinesiology Dept. 212 Brophy Hall Macomb, IL 61455 309-298-1981 Western Illinois University Tri-States Audio Information Services 504 University Services Building Macomb, IL 61455 309-298-2403 Western Illinois University University Relations 302 Sherman Hall Macomb, IL 61455 309-298-1993 • Western Illinois University Visual Production Center 207 Tillman Hall Macomb, IL 61455-1390 309-298-1358 • Western Illinois University Western Courier Heating Plant Annex P.O. Box 6009 Macomb, IL 61455-1390 309-298-1876 WHOI TV 2907 Springfield Road East Peoria, IL 61611 309-698-2525 19 Internship Forms 20 Department of Instructional Design and Technology Western Illinois University INTERNSHIP REQUEST and APPROVAL FORM IDT 620 Name: Date: Semester/Year Internship Requested: Number of semester hours requested: __________s.h. List name and address of organization where you plan to do your internship: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Name of immediate supervisor at the organization: _____________________________________________ Attach to this request the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Description of the proposed organization for which you plan to intern. Attach fliers, advertisements, etc. Describe the duties of the proposed immediate supervisor and how it relates to the organization. Describe your proposed duties and objectives and how they relate to your immediate supervisor's job functions and how they relate to your career goals. Describe the duties that you will be performing and how these duties fit into the organization's long range plans. State any other considerations that might be a factor in the selection of your internship location (do you have children, is the internship on/off campus, will you be getting paid?) IDT Advisor's signature Date IDT Faculty signature Date Registered by: Date: Weekly Reports: Mentor’s Min-term Report: Mentor’s Final Evaluation: Intern’s Evaluation and Final Report by: 21 Department of Instructional Design and Technology Request to Register IDT 620 – Internship (4 sh): Star #:____________ Prerequisite: Completion of 15 hours of approved IDT coursework, and no Incomplete (I) grades. To register for the course, you must complete this form and meet with the department chair for approval and signature. You must also complete the Internship Agreement Form and procure your internship supervisor/mentor’s signature. Student Name: ___________________________________________ Student ID No: _____________ # of Semester Hours in IDT: ______ Semester: Fall 20__ Spring 20__ Summer 20__ Attach a copy of your proposal for internship to include information about the location of the internship, site supervisor, and other pertinent information, and completed Internship Agreement. Form from the IDT Internship packet. Student Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________ Faculty Member Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________ Dept. Chair Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Enrolled By: _________________________________________________ Date: ___________ 22 INTERNSHIP WAIVER AND RELEASE Department of Instructional Design and Technology Western Illinois University WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University on behalf of the Department of Instructional Design and Technology, Macomb, Illinois, has entered into agreements with various institutions, companies, agencies and other entities who have agreed to accept certain students in the Department of Instructional Design and Technology as interns with such entities for the purpose of furthering the education of such students, and WHEREAS, I have been accepted by ___________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Agency Accepting Intern) as such an intern, and whereas, the internship training program will include using institutional equipment and participating in other agency activities, as directed, NOW THEREFORE, I hereby, in consideration of my acceptance as such an intern by the above named institution, company or agency, and the effort of Western Illinois University in securing such placement, do release and waive any and all claims or demands of whatsoever nature that I now have or may have in the future against the Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University, and _____________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Agency Accepting Intern) together with the officers, agents, servants and employees of Western Illinois University and the _____________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Agency Accepting Intern) resulting from my services such as intern. I further covenant and agree, in consideration of my placement and acceptance as such intern, to indemnify and hold harmless the Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University and ___________________________ _________________________________, their officers, trustees, agents, and employees from any liability and/or lawsuits that may be incurred by them or either of them, resulting from my acts during such internship. I further represent that I am above the age of 21 years, with full understanding of all risks involved, and agree that this waiver and release shall be binding upon my heirs, executors, administrators, and assignors.* ____________________________ Student Signature ____________________________ Witness Signature 23 INTERNSHIP STATEMENT OF INSURANCE COVERAGE Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University on behalf of Department of Instructional Design and Technology I, _____________________________, certify that I have paid for the Student Health and (Student's Name) Major Medical Program which is provided to Western Illinois University Students (or have voluntarily waived University Insurance by providing, verifying, and maintaining an equivalent policy through a private insurance representative) and that I will not cancel or change this insurance coverage during the period of my Internship. I further represent that I am above the age of 21 years,* with full understanding of all risk involved and agree that this "Statement of Insurance" shall be binding upon my heirs, executors, administrators, and assignors. _____________________________ Student Signature ______________________________ Witness Signature * For persons under the age of 21, parental signature required: _______________________________ Parental Signature 24 INTERNSHIP AGREEMENT Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University on behalf of Department of Instructional Design and Technology The internship in Instructional Design and Technology is designed to provide an opportunity for practical application of classroom theory in a professional setting. The student should acquire experience in instructional design, technology applications, project management and evaluation by working with an approved agency, company or institution under highly trained personnel in varied settings. The student, the instructor, and the institution/company/agency/mentor involved in the internship experience will all share in the responsibilities of the experience. 1. The student will spend no less than 200 hours in professional fieldwork for which s/he will receive 4 semester hours of credit. The student is expected to follow the rules, regulations and policies of the institution/company/agency/mentor as if s/he is an employee. 2. The Department of Instructional Design and Technology will provide faculty advising and guidance to the intern. The intern will prepare a statement that delineates the philosophy and objectives of the internship; the progression and scope of the internship; any policies and procedures agreed to by the institution/company/agency/mentor, and any forms, records, or reports required for submission by the IDT department. 3. The Department of Instructional Design and Technology and its legal entity The Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University will provide the institution/company/agency/mentor with a Statement of Insurance and Waiver and Release Forms (attached). 4. The student will likely participate in planning his program for the internship and will submit weekly reports to the institution/company/agency/mentor and IDT faculty advisor; have periodic conferences with the institution/company/agency/mentor; and participate in the final evaluation of the internship. 5. The institution/company/agency/mentor and the Department of Instructional Design and Technology will jointly agree upon placement of a student at the institution/company/agency/mentor, after consultation with the student about the needs of the student in relation to what the institution/company/agency/mentor can provide. The student will arrange for an interview, if necessary, before a final decision is made. Upon selection of the institution/company/agency/mentor for placement, a general plan for the student during the entire internship should be developed that reflects the student's goals and objectives for this experience. 6. The internship should include multiple experiences with more than one facet of the institution/company/agency/mentor in order to provide an understanding of the total scope of its instructional technology operations. For example, interns could be given opportunities to plan, organize, and lead activities, as well as opportunities to observe and participate in other activities. 7. When necessary, the institution/company/agency/mentor may alter the above statements to make the requirements appropriate to the institutional setting or to meet the individual student's needs. However, the Department of Instructional Design and Technology must be notified of substantial changes. -1- 25 Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University on behalf of Department of Instructional Design and Technology and ______________________________________________________ (Agency) ______________________________________________________ (Agency Mentor/Supervisor) ________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Area Code/Phone agree to the above statement for the following student: __________________________________ Beginning date: _________ Ending Date: __________ Signatures _________________________________ (Student Signature) Date: ________________ _________________________________ (IDT Faculty Advisor) Date: ________________ _________________________________ (Agency Mentor) Date: ________________ _________________________________ (IDT Chairperson) Date: ________________ This form must be signed and returned to: Department of Instructional Design and Technology, Western Illinois University, One University Circle, Macomb, IL 61455 before a student can begin his/her internship. If accepted, the student will report to the institution or agency at a time designated. Fax: (309) 298-2978. -226 Department of Instructional Design and Technology IDT 620 - Internship Bi-Weekly Activity Log Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Internship Location: _________________________________________________________________ Weekly Period Beginning/Ending: ___________________________________________________ Assigned duties during this period: Goals and objectives progress: Learning activities during this period: Self appraisal of performance: General comments regarding the internship experience: __________________________________________ Intern’s Signature __________________________________________ Mentor’s Signature Department of Instructional Design and Technology 27 Department of Instructional Design and Technology IDT 620 - Internship Evaluation of Internship Experience by Intern Name: _________________________________________ Date: __________________ Internship Location: _____________________________________________________ On-Site Mentor: ________________________________________________________ Signature of Intern: _______________________________________________________ Please mail to: Chairperson, Department of Instructional Design and Technology, 47 Horrabin Hall, 1 University Circle, Macomb, IL 61455 28 Department of Instructional Design and Technology IDT 620 - Internship Evaluation of Internship Experience by Mentor Name: _________________________________________ Date: __________________ Internship Location: _____________________________________________________ On-Site Mentor: ________________________________________________________ Please comment at this time on the progress of the internship in the following areas: The intern’s progress toward the agreed-upon objectives for the internship: The intern’s professionalism and overall work habits: The intern’s overall strengths and weaknesses: Any other matters that you would like to bring to the intern’s or faculty advisor’s attention: Please mail to: Chairperson, Department of Instructional Design and Technology, 47 Horrabin Hall, 1 University Circle, Macomb, IL 61455 29 Department of Instructional Design and Technology IDT 620 - Internship On-Site Mentor Final Evaluation of Intern Name of Intern: ____________________________________________________________________ Internship Location: _________________________________________________________________ Name of Mentor: __________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Please check only one box in each category: RESPONSIBILITY QUALITY OF WORK ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) Deliberately avoids responsibility Reluctantly accepts responsibility Accepts responsibility well Readily accepts duties Actively seeks new responsibilities ) ) ) ) ) Very Poor Below average Average Very good Excellent ATTITUDE-APPLICATION TO WORK WRITTEN COMMUNICATION ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) Definitely not interested Somewhat indifferent Average in diligence and interest Very interested and industrious Outstanding in enthusiasm ) ) ) ) ) Vague, disorganized Not what is expected of a college graduate Average expression Concise, factual, effective Outstanding INITIATIVE DEPENDABILITY ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) Must be pushed frequently Hesitates Does all assigned work Goes ahead independently at times Proceeds well on ones own ) ) ) ) ) Unreliable Sometimes neglectful or careless Usually dependable Above average in dependability Completely dependable ORAL COMMUNICATIONS RELATIONS WITH OTHERS ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) Poorly conveys ideas Sometimes ambiguous Average expression Clearly communicates ideas Very articulate ) ) ) ) ) Works poorly with others Has difficulty working with others Gets along satisfactorily Works well with others Exceptionally well accepted ABILITY TO LEARN MATURITY - POISE ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) Very slow to learn Rather slow in learning Average in understanding work Learned work readily Learned work exceptionally well 30 ) ) ) ) ) Timid ( ) Brash Seldom asserts his/herself Average maturity and poise Has good self-assurance Quite poised and confident QUANTITY OF WORK KNOWLEDGE ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) Low output, slow Below average Normal amount More than average Usually high output ) ) ) ) ) Lacking in even the basic fundamentals Now what is expected of a college graduate Average In tune with operations Outstanding JUDGMENT ATTENDANCE ( ( ( ( ( ( ) Regular ( ) Irregular ) ) ) ) ) Consistently uses bad judgment Often uses poor judgment Average judgment Usually makes the right decisions Exceptionally mature in judgment PUNCTUALITY ( ) Regular ( ) Irregular OVERALL PERFORMANCE 1 2 Outstanding Very Good 3 Average 4 Marginal 5 Unsatisfactory The Intern’s outstanding personal qualities are: The personal qualities that the intern should strive most to improve are: The recommended areas of further study for the intern are: Additional remarks: Has this report been discussed with the student? ( ) yes ( ) no Signature: ______________________________________ Printed Name: _______________________ Position: _______________________________________ Date: ______________________________ Please return to: Chairperson, Department of Instructional Design and Technology, 47 Horrabin Hall, 1 University Circle, Macomb, IL 61455 31