ORDER FORM - Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders

To order the SCID, please print this form, complete it, and mail or fax to:
SCID Orders - Biometrics Research Department/Columbia University
1051 Riverside Drive – Unit 60
New York, NY 10032
fax: 212-543-5525
SCID-I Research Version (January
2007 version) (includes SCID User's
Guide and materials to configure all
3 editions – Patient edition [P], NonPatient edition [NP], & Patient with
Psychotic Screen edition
[P W/PsyScr]
Cost Per Item
$50.00 if sent to US
address: (no cost for
$70.00 if sent outside
US: (includes
mandatory $20.00
delivery charge).
Note: For educational and non-profit
research purposes, you have
permission to make as many copies
as needed.
Note: Clinician Version must be
ordered through American
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. See
APPI web page (www.appi.org) for
Bilingual SCID - Spanish
SCID for bilingual interviewers with
questions in Spanish, criteria in
English (translated from April 2005
SCID Files in Microsoft Word
(January 2007 version). Please
note, this is not a computer assisted
version, but rather document text
files of the SCID.
Indicate whether you prefer:
$50.00 if sent to US
address: (no cost for
$70.00 if sent outside
US: (includes
mandatory $20.00
delivery charge).
$250.00 if sent via
$270.00 if CD-ROM
sent to US address:
(includes mandatory
$20.00 delivery
Total Cost
(US Funds)
e-mail attachment
$300.00 if CD-ROM
sent outside US:
(includes $50.00
delivery charge).
Note: Before sending the SCID files,
you must sign a permission form
agreeing not to make or disseminate
file copies.
Click here for Permission Form.
SCID Files Upgrade in Microsoft
Word (January 2007 version).
Available to all previous purchasers
of the SCID Electronic Files, a.k.a.
Indicate whether you prefer:
e-mail attachment
Note: Before sending the SCID files,
you must resubmit a permission
form agreeing not to make or
disseminate file copies.
Click here for Permission Form.
SCID Files in Microsoft Word
Bilingual - Spanish Version
(April 2005 version). Please note,
this is not a computer assisted
version, but rather document text
files of the SCID.
Indicate whether you prefer:
e-mail attachment
Note: Before sending the SCID files,
you must sign a permission form
agreeing not to make or disseminate
$25.00 if sent via
$45.00 if CD-ROM
sent to US address:
(includes mandatory
$20.00 delivery
$75.00 if CD-ROM
sent outside US:
(includes $50.00
delivery charge).
file copies.
Click here for Permission Form
SCID-101 for DSM-IV Training
Series (Eight DVD’s plus User’s
*Please contact us if videotapes are
required. There is limited
availability of SCID 101 Training
Series on NTSC videotape format.
Note: You must have a copy of the
SCID-I Research Version in order
to follow along with the SCID 101
training series. Please order above if
you do not already own a copy.
$375.00 if sent to US
address: (includes
$25.00 delivery
$400.00 if sent to
Canada address:
(includes $50.00
delivery charge).
$415.00 if sent
outside of US &
Canada: (includes
$65.00 delivery
Recorded SCID Interviews
(Each DVD includes a paper SCID
completed with consensus ratings.)
Note: These interviews have been
recorded with actual Patients. As a
result, they are available for longterm rental only. Prior to
disseminating the Recorded SCID
interviews, you must sign a release
form affirming your understanding
that we may need to recall the DVDs
at any time, and agreement not to
make or disseminate copies.
Click here for form.
Please be sure to indicate below
which interviews you want and enter
quantity requested.
Supermom - covers mood,
anxiety and eating disorders
Supermom II – personality
disorders (SCID-II)
Born Again - covers mood
and psychotic disorders
Living on the Edge - covers
mood, substance use, anxiety
and eating disorders
Ain’t a Day When I’m Not
Sad - covers Mood, Psychotic,
and Substance use disorders
Outer Space - covers mood
Shipping for Recorded SCID
Interviews (There is a single
delivery charge for this item, even if
multiple titles are selected.)
$25.00 if sent to US
$50.00 if sent to
$65.00 if sent outside
US & Canada
Make payable to "Biometrics CU Account #4-56427" and mail to:
SCID Orders
Biometrics Research Department, Columbia University
1051 Riverside Drive – Unit 60
New York, NY 10032
Note: Non-US checks MUST use a bank that has an affiliation in the
United States and be presented for payment in U.S. currency.
Purchase order enclosed (Official Institution Purchase Order Forms Only)
Payment by credit card
First and Surname of Purchaser/Credit Cardholder:
If Different, Enter the Full Name of the Person who this order is to be delivered to:
Name of Institution/Organization:
Address 1 (Please note delivery carrier does not deliver to a post office box.) Enter complete street address:
Address 2 Suite/Department/Floor or Other Identifying Information:
Postal Code:
Fax #:
If required, please include other specific shipping instructions: