Reflection1 - herbertwarmstrong

‘A Man Still Ahead of His Time’
Herbert W. Armstrong died on January 16, 1986, after a long and illustrious career that
began with his ordination in June of 1931. During the course of that ministry he reached
hundreds of millions of people with the ‘Plain Truth’ of the Bible, much of it long hidden
since the time of the original apostles. The impact of that ministry is with notable
significance being unparalleled in the history of the Church of God. It is both
encouraging and exciting that the same ministry today is continuing to have a MAJOR
impact on the world! Though he has been asleep for over 28 years and waiting for the
resurrection and the glorious return of Jesus Christ, his efforts and labour still live on—
and are being carried forward by those who care, with great success.
One would assume with the passage of time, the impact and validity of a message would
grow dim and lose its significance. Not so, as Mr. Armstrong would say, “it is the most
important knowledge ever given to mankind”! As was written long ago in (Psalms 68:
11), ‘The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it’. So too,
God’s precious restored truth has been rescued and made available again to an entirely
new generation and audience—reaching millions of precious human lives.
The writings and recordings of Mr. Armstrong are still so crucial, because among other
things, they contain the ‘more sure word of prophecy’ spoken of by the apostle Peter (2
Pet. 1: 19). This was to be found among the Church of God which is in Philadelphia, in
the Last Days.
Labouring against almost insurmountable odds, many have selflessly and tirelessly
established HWA resource / legacy websites, in order to preserve and share this precious
knowledge. This despite a concerted effort to ‘mothball’ and destroy (for obvious
reasons) what was established through Christ’s apostle. We want to highlight one
particular site that was begun a little over two years ago, having established dizzying
heights and a level of impact in such a very short period of time. We believe that this site
in particular has the ‘fingerprints of Christ’ on it. went live to the public on November 1, 2011. As of March 2014, 956
videos have been uploaded to Youtube with at least 400 more to be added. There are now
6,637 titles and chapters on site with between 4 and 5 thousand more to be added. The
truly immense traffic that it is currently experiencing is going up exponentially with the
passing of each day and month. For example as of April 2014, it is currently ranked (by
the website tracking company in the low 300,000’s worldwide having shot
up well over 1 million in just the last year alone . This translates into an annual web
traffic rate of far in excess of 12 million and growing with each passing day!
Most interesting of all is the quality of visitors. They don’t just come they stay, on
average of over 23 minutes per visit! The bounce rate is also negligible.
While most Church of God funded and supported websites are happy to achieve a certain
level of statistical data (usually with multiple thousands of dollars of funding), the site has attained a level of internet recognition and presence that others
can only dream of. God and Christ must truly be well pleased!
Many of the corporate Churches of God have gone to great lengths to try to rewrite,
massive volumes of literature, while paying little heed to what was already produced
through Christ’s Apostle. Some have feared to violate copyright law, even though the
personal use of this heritage is protected under the ‘fair use’ statute of national and
international law. Interestingly, a significant amount of this material has already passed
from copyright protection to beyond the forty year statute of limitations, thus becoming
public domain.
Major world news sites like the, among others, have
attained major levels of traffic numbering in the tens and hundreds of millions (and with
a secular message). It is only fitting, that God’s end-time message through His end-time
Apostle should still have a major impact with the most important restored knowledge
given in the last 1,900 years—yes even since the time of the original apostles.
As one long time evangelist has said on a number of occasions; “It has been my
experience, that the more closely we follow Mr. Armstrong, the more blessed we are”!
How absolutely true!
So let your friends know about this marvellous website. And then let the world know as
well! Go to: