AP Biology Course Description 2015-2016

AP Biology Course Description
AP Biology is intended to be the equivalent of a two-semester college
introductory biology course taken by biology majors during their first year. Therefore, we
will be covering a large amount of material in a limited time period. You will be expected
to come prepared to class having appropriate assignments completed so that we can
maximize the time that we are given. These assignments may include reading from the
textbook, writing assignments, or lab write-ups.
The textbook we will be using is Life: The Science of Biology by Sadava, Heller, Orians,
Purves, and Hillis (Eighth Edition), $115. This class will meet during 4th period, and
sometimes we will be meeting through lunch in order to complete a lab. All students
enrolled in this class are required to take the AP exam.
a. Review summer assignment
i. Discuss readings from selected popular books that emphasize big
ideas that will be discussed in AP® Biology
b. Scientific Method
i. Readings In Life
1. Chapter 1 – Studying Life
2. Chapter 53 – Behavior and Behavioral Ecology
ii. Lecture Topics
1. Themes of Biology
2. Aspects of Animal Behavior
iii. Activities
1. Introduction to Inquiry – Students investigate four
unknown substances and make predictions using prior
knowledge, observations, and testing to predict the type of
2. Animal Behavior Lab – Students observe behavior of
pillbugs and then make predictions about the behavior
when introduced to varying environmental conditions. This
is a simple student-designed investigation intended to
introduce students to the concept of designing and carrying
out individual investigations.
a. Evolution
i. Readings in Life
1. Chapter 21 – The History of Life on Earth
2. Chapter 22 – The Mechanisms of Evolution
3. Chapter 23 – Species and Their Formation
ii. Lecture Topics
1. Microevolution and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
2. Variation and Natural Selection; Types of Natural Selection
3. Concepts of Species; Mechanisms of Speciation
4. Earth History and Macroevolution
iii. Activities
1. Natural Selection of Butterflies: Students will use various
backgrounds (environments) and colors of hole-punches
(butterflies) to track how frequencies change within
populations over several generations. Populations for each
generation are graphed to visually show the change over
2. Hardy-Weinberg problems: Various problems are given to
students that require them to use their knowledge of HardyWeinberg equilibrium equations in order to solve for
phenotypic and allelic frequencies.
3. Investigating Hardy-Weinberg with “Goldfish” populationStudents use a population of goldfish and the less desirable
pretzel fish to calculate H-W frequencies over 5
generations. The results are then graphed and analyzed.
b. Classification/Diversity of Life
i. Readings in Life
1. Chapter 25 – Reconstructing and Using Phylogenies
2. Chapters 26 – 33 – Selected readings from text; not whole
chapters – emphasis on evolution of organisms
ii. Lecture Topics
1. Construction of phylogenetic trees and evidence used to
create phylogenetic trees
2. Evolutionary trends - endosymbiosis, plants evolution to
land from water, derived characters within animal groups
iii. Big Idea #1 Laboratory Investigations
1. dnadarwin.org Case Studies: Students will choose a
specific case study working through the information to
either design or interpret a phylogenetic tree using gene
sequences from Geneious.
iv. Activities
1. Construction of cladograms using various tools –
hypotheses are made about the “relationships” of the tools
to each other and must construct a plausible cladogram
including an outgroup.
c. Ecology
i. Readings in Life
1. Chapter 52 – Ecology and the Distribution of Life
2. Chapter 54 – Population Ecology
3. Chapter 55 – Community Ecology
4. Chapter 56 – Ecosystems and Global Ecology
5. Chapter 57 – Conservation Ecology
ii. Lecture Topics
1. Influence of Abiotic and Biotic Factors in an Ecosystem
2. Population Ecology
3. Community Ecology
4. Ecosystems and energy within ecosystems
5. Conservation efforts
iii. Activities
1. Stream Ecosystem Survey/Study – Initially, we explore
abiotic vs. biotic factors by making observations about the
areas of study, then the collection of organisms and data
takes place, and finally we end the lab by determining the
relative importance of each species collected/observed by
calculating their density, size, or role in the ecosystem.
Students also construct an illustrative model of the
ecosystem components
a. Biochemistry
i. Readings in Life
1. Chapter 2 – The Chemistry of Life
2. Chapter 3 – Macromolecules and the Origin of Life
ii. Lecture Topics
1. Chemistry Review
2. Water Chemistry; Acids and Bases
3. Organic Compounds including the Origin of Life from
basic organic compounds
iii. Activities
1. Building of Organic Compounds: Students will use
monomers to construct polymers of the various organic
compounds. For the protein molecule, the students will also
have to describe each amino acid with its appropriate
characteristics (polar/nonpolar, charged, acidic, basic, etc.)
and predict a folding pattern based upon the interactions of
the amino acids for their group.
2. Investigating Macromolecules in Food – Students must
make predictions and then test for the presence of specific
organic compounds present in certain foods.
iv. Lab that tests various biological substances buffering capabilities
compared with a buffer solution and water.
b. Cell Structure
i. Readings in Life
1. Chapter 4 – Cells: The Working Units of Life
2. Chapter 5 – The Dynamic Cell Membrane
3. Chapter 51 – Salt and Water Balance and Nitrogen
4. Chapter 44 – Neurons and Nervous Systems
5. Chapter 45 – Sensory Systems
ii. Lecture Topics
1. Cell Sizes and Functions; Comparison of prokaryotic cells
to eukaryotic cells
2. Cell Organelles (organelles such as chloroplasts and
mitochondria are covered in greater detail during other
units, but discussion includes endosymbiotic theory)
3. Cytoskeleton and Related Structures
4. Structure of Cell Membrane and its Functions
5. Maintenance of homeostasis with nephrons in kidneys and
related osmoregulation in other animals
6. Structure and Function in nervous systems (neurons, resting
potential, action potential, synapses)
7. Structure and Function of the human brain
iii. Big Idea #2 Laboratory Investigation
1. Diffusion and Osmosis – Students will explore the concept
of diffusion using a model membrane system that will lead
into an investigation of osmosis. Students will use dialysis
tubing bags in various molarities to observe the rates of
diffusion when molarities change by calculating percent
change in mass of the bags. Students will then devise a set
of procedures to determine the solute potential of different
potato samples. The molarities are not labeled, so in
addition to calculating the solute potential of the potato,
they will also need to determine the correct “order” of the
solutions. After determining the solute potential of the
different potatoes, students must then hypothesize why the
solute potentials are different in the various potatoes.
iv. Activities
1. Microscope/Cell Lab – students gain practice using
microscope and identifying various types of cells (bacteria,
plant, animal). Students must make comparisons among
similar groups (why do some plants have pigment
producing structures while others do not) and between
groups (plant vs. animal cell) in addition to looking at
micrograph pictures and making identifications of various
2. Cell Size Limitations – adapted from various resources Students first cut out agar cubes in specified dimensions
and time how long it takes for diffusion to completely
occur. They then calculate the surface area to volume ratio
for each cube. They must then design their own ideal cell
that maximizes surface area to volume ratio. We then have
cell races to determine which cell has the highest mass, but
shortest diffusion time.
3. Lights, Camera, Action Potential: Students make a model
of the generation of the action potential focusing on the
movement of ions into and out of a cell and the resulting
charges and effects this has on the neuron. They will then
complete an extension of this activity by researching
epilepsy and the types of drugs that are used to treat
seizures. They must explain the efficacy of the drug and
then research to see if there are drugs currently being used
that are similar to their designs.
a. Respiration
i. Readings in Life
1. Chapter 6 – Energy, Enzymes, and Metabolism
2. Chapter 7 – Pathways that Harvest Chemical Energy
ii. Lecture Topics
1. Energy and the Cell – Energy conversions within the cell;
Role of ATP
2. Enzyme Chemistry
3. Cellular Respiration Overview/Energy Release and Storage
4. Stages of Cellular Respiration and Fermentation
iii. Big Ideas #2 and #4 Laboratory Investigations
1. Enzyme Catalysis - Students will use the enzyme catalase
to explore the effect time has on the rate of an enzymecatalyzed reaction by titrating to determine the amount of
hydrogen peroxide that was not broken down by catalase.
They will also compare non-catalyzed reaction to the effect
of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction. In analyzing the data,
students will have to complete rate calculations and relate
structure to function with the catalase enzyme.
2. Cellular Respiration in Germinating Peas – Students will
carry out an investigation exploring how
microrespirometers can be used to determine the amount of
oxygen consumed by germinating peas as they respire at
room temperarture. Students will analyze and graph their
data, using a report to explain the results that were obtained
by their group.
iv. Activities
1. Role-playing of Respiration – Using various labeled cards
and pieces of paper, students must model the pathway of
the electron transport chain in cellular respiration. Students
not involved in “moving” through the electron transport
chain are responsible for providing the narration to
illustrate this concept.
2. Fermentation of Sucrose: Students carry out an
investigation where the fermentation of sucrose is used to
create a desirable product, root beer. This activity allows
the students to see a connection to scientific methods in the
real world with production of food products.
b. Animal Systems in Support of Respiration
i. Readings in Life *Note – Entire chapters will not be read for this
unit. Selected portions highlighting the structure to function
relationship of functional units as well as portions that highlight
the maintenance of homeostasis within an organism.
1. Chapter 47 – Effectors: How Animals Get Things Done
2. Chapter 48 – Gas Exchange in Animals
3. Chapter 49 – Circulatory Systems
4. Chapter 50 – Nutrition, Digestion, and Absorption
5. Chapter 41 – Animal Hormones
6. Chapter 18 – Immunology
ii. Lecture Topics
1. Sarcomere as a functional unit; Interaction of the muscular
system with the nervous system
2. Alveoli and capillaries as functional units; Interactions
between respiratory and circulatory system in maintaining
3. Villi as a functional unit; Interaction between digestive and
circulatory system in maintaining homeostasis
4. Thermoregulation in animals
5. Cell communication and Signal transduction pathways in
6. Feedback control mechanisms in animals
7. Structure and function in immune systems
iii. Activities
1. Evolution of each system is shown through a development
of a cladogram that shows derived characteristics for each
animal group.
2. Great Animal Systems Challenge: Students must look at
systems and their interactions and connections through
structure to function relationships, processes occurring as a
result of conformational changes,etc. to complete this
c. Photosynthesis and Plant Systems in Support of Photosynthesis
i. Readings in Life
1. Chapter 8 – Photosynthesis: Energy from Sunlight
2. Chapter 34 – The Plant Body
3. Chapter 35 – Transport in Plants
4. Chapter 37 – Regulation of Plant Growth
5. Chapter 39 – Plant Responses to Environmental Challenges
ii. Lecture Topics
1. Overall reactions for photosynthesis
2. Light reactions for photosynthesis
3. Calvin cycle
4. Adaptations for C3, C4, and CAM plants
5. Evolutionary trends in plants (adaptations allowing plants
to move from water to land, reproductive roles of
6. Movement of molecules throughout plant body focusing on
role of transpiration in maintaining homeostasis
7. Cell communication and Roles of hormones in plants
8. Adaptations plants have developed for protection in
increased survival
iii. Big Idea #2 Laboratory Investigation
1. Photosynthesis – Students will first isolate and observe the
pigments present in a spinach leaf. The rates of
photosynthesis will then be determined with isolated
chloroplasts from spinach using DPIP. Environmental
factors such as amount of light present, presence of
chloroplasts, and temperature of chloroplasts will be tested.
iv. Activities
1. Role Playing of Photosynthesis – Students use various
labeled cards and pieces of paper to model the lightdependent reactions of photosynthesis. Students not
involved in “moving” through the light dependent reactions
are responsible for providing the narration to illustrate this
2. Activity where students propose a response to explain the
sequence of deaths of various plants (C3, C4, and CAM) in
an enclosed container. Students must have an
understanding of the differing strategies employed in the
metabolic pathways of these plants.
3. Transpiration lab- Students will mass plants over the course
of a week as they are exposed to various environmental
conditions (control, constant light, wind (fan), and high
humidity). After calculation the percent mass lost in each
plant, they must explain the results using their knowledge
about transpiration and concentration gradients
a. Mitosis, Meiosis, and Genetics
i. Readings in Life
1. Chapter 9 – The Eukaryotic Cell and Mitosis
2. Chapter 10: Genetics: Mendel and Beyond
ii. Lecture Topics
1. Role of cell cycle in asexual reproduction
2. Regulation of eukaryotic cell by a molecular control system
3. Role of meiosis in sexual life cycles
4. Significance of genetic variation that results from meiosis
5. Mendelian genetics and heredity patterns
6. Variations on Mendel’s principles – alternative inheritance
7. Chromosomal basis of inheritance
8. Sex chromosomes and sex-linked genes
iii. Big Idea #3 laboratory investigation
1. Cell Division: Mitosis and Meiosis – Students will first
begin by modeling the process of mitosis using Pop-It
beads. Students analyze cells using a prepared slide,
comparing the number of cells in interphase to the number
of mitotic cells. Percentages of each phase are calculated
which correspond with the approximate length of each
phase in the cell cycle. Data will be analyzed by
performing a Chi-square analysis.
In order to explore meiosis, students will examine Sordaria
ascospores. They will calculate the percentage of crossing
over that has occurred in these ascospores to determine the
location of the gene for spore color.
iv. Activities
1. Group activity investigating various incidences of cancer
and what environmental conditions led to that particular
type of cancer from National Institutes of Health: Cell
Biology and Cancer.
2. Various Punnett square problems involving dihybrid
crosses, probability predictions for crosses, alternative
inheritance pattern crosses, and gene linkage involving
calculation of recombination frequencies
3. Chi Square using M&M’s – Students are given the known
percentages of a package of M&M’s from the packaging
company. They then use the number of candies in the
package to apply the null hypothesis concept and calculate
Chi-Square calculations.
a. Protein Synthesis, Gene Regulation, and Biotechnology
i. Readings in Life
1. Chapter 11 – DNA and its Role in Heredity
2. Chapter 12 – From DNA to Protein: Genotype to
3. Chapter 14 – Eukaryotic Genome and its Expression
4. Chapter 16 – Recombinant DNA and Biotechnology
5. Chapter 17 – Genome Sequencing, Molecular Biology, and
ii. Lecture Topics
1. Structure of DNA
2. DNA Replication
3. DNA to Protein: Transcription
4. DNA to Protein: Translation
5. Viral DNA
6. Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes vs. Gene Regulation in
7. Gene Control in Embryonic Development
8. Restriction enzymes, Plasmids, and Transformation
9. DNA technology – gel electrophoresis
iii. Big Idea #3 Laboratory Investigations
1. Transformation lab – Students will perform a
transformation lab in which they will transform a bacterial
cell to contain a plasmid for the resistance to ampicillin.
They will calculate the transformation efficiency. Students
will then plan a controlled experiment in which they make
predictions about how to increase the transformation
efficiency. The lab reports will include a discussion of the
reasons the transformation efficiency was increased or
2. Gel Electrophoresis lab – Students will receive 4 DNA
samples labeled DNA marker strand, Suspect 1 DNA,
Suspect 2 DNA, and Crime Scene DNA. After setting up
the gels and electrophoresis apparatus, students will add the
DNA to the appropriate wells, allow it to run, stain and destain the gels, and then analyze them to determine matches.
After a match has been determined, students will use two
selected strands (one with known base pair lengths) to
predict the base pair lengths of the other strand. A
logarithmic graph will be used to make these predictions.
iv. Activities
1. Watson and Crick’s original article published in Nature on
the structure of DNA is read and discussed as a class.
2. Role Play of Protein Synthesis – Students participate in a
role play of the process of protein synthesis. Some students
are a part of the process where other students describe what
is happening in the process with each step.
3. Creation of paper recombinant DNA – from various
sources- This activity is performed prior to the
transformation lab in order to help students visualize how
the restriction enzymes act on certain sequences of DNA,
cut, and then ligase binds complementary sequences
4. Restriction map worksheet – obtained at an AP®
workshop- Students are given various problems in which
they have to sequence genes on prokaryotic chromosomes.
They are given scenarios where they have to construct a
restriction map from given base pair lengths or gel
electrophoresis results.