Form 100, X.Gu, PIN: 238500 Xijia Gu’s recent Publications and Submissions (Since July 2003) REFERRED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS AND SUBMISSIONS: 47) Gan Li, Xijia Gu, Joyce Y.C. Koo, Wanguo Liang, and Chang-qing Xu, , “Second Harmonic Generation Using an All-Fiber Q-Switched Yb-doped Fiber Laser and MgO:c-PPLN”, submitted to Special Issues of Advances in OptoElectronics, June 2008. 46) Xijia Gu, Waleed Mohammed, Li Qian and Peter W. E. Smith, “All-Fiber Laser Beam Shaping Using a Long-period Grating”, IEEE, Photonics Technology Letter, Vol. 20, No. 13, p1130, July 2008. 45) Scott S-H Yam, Xijia Gu, Waleed Mohammed and Peter W. Smith, “Multimode Fiber Bragg Grating Wavelength Filter in a 10 Gb/s System”, IEEE, Photonics Technology Letter, Vol. 20, No. 8, pp584-586, April, 2008. 44) Waleed Mohammed, Xijia Gu, P. W. E. Smith, “All fiber on-axis coupling scheme between single mode fiber and GRIN fiber”, J. of Modern Optics, Vol. 55, Issue 7, pp1033-1049, 2008. 43) Yifeng He, Brad Stimpson, Ivan Lee, Xijia Gu and Ling Guan, “Adaptive peer-to-peer streaming over hybrid wireless networks”, Int. J. Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Vol. 3, Nos. 3/4, pp257-276, 2007. 42) Hatice Kosek, Yifeng He, Xijia Gu, and Xavier N. Fernando, “All-Optical Demultiplexing of WLAN and Cellular CDMA Radio Signals”, IEEE, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp1401-1409, June 2007. 41) Lawrence R. Chen and Xijia Gu, “Dual-Wavelength Yb-doped fiber laser stabilized through four-wave mixing”, Optics Express, Vol. 15, No. 8, pp5083-5088, Apr. 2007. 40) John D. Taylor, Lawrence R. Chen, and Xijia Gu, “Simple reconfigurable photonic microwave filter using an arrayed waveguide grating and fiber Bragg gratings”, IEEE, Photonics Technology Letter, Vol. 19, No. 7, pp510-512, April 2007. 39) Waleed Mohammed, P. W. E. Smith and Xijia Gu, “All-fiber Multimode Interference Bandpass Filter", Optics Letters, Vol. 31, No.17, pp2547-2549, September, 2006. 38) Wen Zu and Xijia Gu, “Fast Fiber Optic Tunable Filter Based on Axial Compression of a Fiber Bragg Grating”, Applied Optics, Vol. 45, No. 25, pp6457-6462, September, 2006. 37) X.J. Gu, L. Guan, Y. He, H.B. Zhang and P.R. Herman, “High Strength Fiber Bragg Gratings for a Temperature Sensing Array”, IEEE, Sensor Journals, Vol. 6, No.3, pp668-671, June 2006. 36) Waleed Mohammed, Xijia Gu, P. W. E. Smith, “Rigorous Vectorial Modal Analysis of Specialty Fibers and Their Bragg Grating Characterization”, Applied Optics, Vol. 45, No. 14, pp 3307-3316 May, 2006. 5 Form 100, X.Gu, PIN: 238500 35) X.J. Gu, W. Mohammed and P.W. Smith, “Demonstration of All-fiber WDM for Multimode Fiber Local Area Networks”, IEEE, Photonics Technology Letter, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp 244246, January, 2006. 34) Yu Liu, John Lit, Xijia Gu and Li Wei, “Fiber comb filters based on UV-writing Bragg gratings in graded-index multimode fibers”, Optics Express, Vol. 13, No. 21, pp 8508-8513, November, 2005. 33) X.J. Gu, and Y. Liu, “The Efficient Light coupling in a Twin-core Fiber Waveguide”, IEEE, Photonics Technology Letter, Vol. 17, No. 10, pp 2125-2127, October, 2005. PATENTS: 5) Waleed Mohammed and Xijia Gu, “Shaping a laser beam with a fiber-based devices “US patent, pending, filed in Oct. 2007. REFERRED CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS: 20) 19) 18) Xijia Gu, Waleed Mohammed, Li Qian and Peter W. E. Smith, “All-Fiber Laser Beam Shaping in 1.0 μm Wavelength region in a Single-mode FiberUsing”, SPIE, Photonics North 2008, June. 2-4, Montreal, Canada 2008. Xijia Gu and Lawrence R. Chen, “Multi-wavelength generation in Yb-doped fiber laser through four-wave mixing”, OSA Nonlinear Photonics (NP) Topical Meeting, Quebec City, Canada Sept. 2-6, 2007. Waleed S. Mohammed, Xijia Gu, Joachim Meier, Peter W. E. Smith, "Maximizing On-Axis Coupling Efficiency between Single Mode Fiber and Multimode Specialty Fibers Using Multi-Mode Interference ", Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO 2006), Long Beach, CA, May 21-26, 2006, paper JTHC92. 17) 16) 15) 14) 13) 12) 11) Yu Liu, Li Qian, Bing Qi, Hoi-Kwong Lo, Xijia Gu, “Interrogation of multiplexed fiber grating sensors using frequency-shifted interferometer,” Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics (CLEO 2006), Long Beach, CA, May 21-26, 2006, paper JThC91 Y. Liu, L. Qian, B. Qi, and X. Gu, “Fiber Grating Sensor Array Interrogation Using a Frequency-Shifted Interferometer and Fourier Analysis", Optical Society of America's Topical Meeting on Coherent Optical Technologies and Applications (COTA ), June 28-30, 2006. Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. Li Qian, A.M.H. Wong, S.A. Neata, and Xijia Gu, "Simple and Efficient Optical Pulse Shaping: New Algorithm and Experimental Demonstration", Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO 2006), Long Beach, CA, May 21-26, 2006, paper JWB33. Y. Liu, L. Qian, B. Qi, H.-K. Lo, and X. Gu, “Interrogation of multiplexed fiber grating sensors using frequency-shifted interferometer”, Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO 2006), Long Beach, CA, May 21-26, 2006, paper JThC91. X.J. Gu, Y. He, H. Kosek, and X. Fernando, “Transmission Efficiency Improvement in Microwave Fiber-optic Link Using Sub-picometer Optic Bandpass Filter”, SPIE Photonics North 2005, Sept. 12-14, Toronto 2005. X. Fernando, H. Kosek, Y. He, and X.J. Gu, “Optical domain demultiplexing of subcarrier multiplexed cellular and wireless LAN radio signals”, SPIE Photonics North 2005, Sept. 1214, Toronto 2005. S.A. Neata, A. Wong, L. Qian, X. Gu, P.W.E Smith, “Versatile Optical Pulse Shaping Using a Linearly Chirped Fibre Bragg Grating and an Amplitude Mask”, SPIE Photonics North 2005, Sept. 12-14, Toronto 2005. 6 Form 100, X.Gu, PIN: 238500 10) W. Zu and X. J. Gu, “Amplified piezoelectric actuator with fine linear resolution”, Invited paper, SPIE Photonics North 2004, Sept. 27-29, Ottawa 2004, p373-380 7