Analysis of Stakeholder/ Value Dependency Patterns and Process Implications: A Controlled Experiment Di Wu1, Qi Li1, Mei He2, Barry Boehm1, Ye Yang2, Supannika Koolmanojwong1 1 University of Southern California, 941 W. 37th Place Los Angeles, CA 90089-0781 2 Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China {diwu, qli1, boehm, koolmano}, {hemei, ye} Abstract Different classes of information system stakeholders depend on different values to be successful. Understanding stakeholders’ value dependencies is critical for developing software intensive systems. However, there is no universal one-size-fits-all stakeholder/ value metric that can be applied for a given system. This paper presents an analysis of major classes of stakeholders’ value priorities using the win-win prioritization results from 16 real-client graduate software engineering course projects. Findings from this controlled experiment further verify and extend the hypotheses that “different stakeholders have different value propositions”, bridge the value understanding gaps among different stakeholders, beneficial for further reasoning about stakeholders’ utility functions and for providing process guidance for software projects involving various classes of stakeholders. 1. Introduction A major challenge in the development of software intensive systems is to define requirements to satisfy the needs of its multiple inter-dependent stakeholders [1, 25, 26]. The 2005 Standish Group research report [2] reported 53% of the projects were challenged due to lack of user input. Developing the wrong functionalities and developing the wrong user interface are among the top software risk items [4]. Making incorrect assumptions of different classes of users and the incompatible needs among these users have led to many product disasters [5]. This indicates that software developers need to better understand the dependability of the software they produce. By dependability, we mean “to what extent does the system satisfy the value propositions that its stakeholders are depending on” [6]? The USC 2004 NASA high dependability computing study [6] provides a good example of the resulting dependability conflicts across different classes of stakeholders, and provides high level guidance for reasoning about stakeholders’ desired levels of service. A key finding from the study is that different stakeholders have different value dependencies, but most of the relationships are hypotheses yet to be tested. Moreover, it is even more challenging for practitioners to come up with a win-win set of desired functional needs because functional dependencies must be considered within an operational context, which varies from system to system. However, we have had the opportunity to test the hypotheses in [6] and extend it to functional needs in the context of a graduate team-project software engineering course, since most projects are web-based applications for community service organizations and small businesses. We collected major classes of stakeholders’ priority ratings on their win-win agreements, and applied the analysis approach suggested in [6]. During the win-win prioritization, some students were instructed to role play as client, user, and maintainer. The role-play client’s ratings were then compared with real client’s ratings to assess the confidence of using role-player in this activity. The results from the controlled experiment quantitatively verify the hypotheses that “Different stakeholders have different value propositions” and by means of mutual learning process and experiences, role-play stakeholders could be able to represent missing real stakeholders to some extent. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: section 2 introduces related work; section 3 describes the experiment design step by step; section 4 presents results from the experiment; section 5 discusses threats to validity, and section 6, 7 concludes the paper with discussions on process implications and future work. 2. Related work 2.1. VBSSE “4+1” Theory -The underlying theory This paper aims to empirically verify the dependency theory from the “4+1” Value-Based Systems and Software Engineering (VBSSE) theory [7, 8]. The center of the theory is the success-critical stakeholder (SCS) win-win Theory W, which addresses what values are important and how success is assured for a given software engineering organization. The four supporting theories that it draws upon are dependency theory (Identifying all of the success-critical stakeholders), utility theory (Understanding how the success-critical stakeholders want to win), decision theory (Having the successcritical stakeholders negotiate win-win product and process plans) and control theory (Adaptively controlling progress toward a success-critical stakeholder win-win outcome). This process has been integrated with the spiral model of system and software development and evolution [7] and its nextgeneration system and software engineering successor, the Incremental Commitment Model [8]. Thus, the approach can be used for non-software intensive systems, but our experiment here was performed in the context of software-intensive systems. 2.2. Top-Level Stakeholder/ Value Dependency Framework-The hypotheses to be verified and extended The USC 2004 NASA high dependability computing study [6] provides a good example of the resulting dependability conflicts across different classes of stakeholders, and provides high level guidance for reasoning about stakeholders’ desired levels of service. Table 1 shows the top-level stakeholder/ value metric in the framework identified in [6]. The key elements in the framework are: A definition of major classes of success critical stakeholders; a classification of dependability attributes; and dependency strength on these attributes for each class of stakeholders. Table 1. Top-level stakeholder/ value metric The dependability attributes in Table 1 are essentially the same as the attributes frequently associated with software quality. In this paper, we will continue to refer to them as dependability attributes. As already mentioned in section 1, the main finding from this study is that different stakeholders have different value propositions of level of services, but most of the relationships are hypotheses yet to be tested quantitatively. Moreover, it is even more challenging for practitioners to come up with a winwin set of desired functional needs because functional dependencies must be considered within an operational context, which varies from system to system. In this paper, we try to empirically test the hypotheses in Table 1 and extend the dependability attributes to functional requirements based on 16 projects. 2.3. Other Related Work It is generally accepted that requirements need to consider multiple viewpoints perspectives. Darke and Shanks [9] pointed out that viewpoint “represent a particular perspective or set of perceptions of the problem domain”. The range of these perspectives is not limit to stakeholders. It also includes organizational and domain sources, such as database, policy, documents [10]. A number of requirements methods have been developed for defining different viewpoints. Such work include Easterbrook’s work [11] on identifying user viewpoints during requirements acquisition, Finkelstein et al.[12] and Niskier et al.[13]’s work on identifying developer viewpoints during requirements modeling, Kotonya and Sommerville [14] ‘s object-oriented approach to viewpoint analysis. Several researches also proposed techniques for identifying conflicting viewpoints [15, 16]. Our approach differs from these works in that we use the stakeholder WinWin negotiation approach to elicit and reconcile viewpoints. In addition, the prioritization step during negotiation enables stakeholders to identify value priorities from their viewpoints. Existing methods often lack this direct input from stakeholders. Early research on the characteristics of software quality and dependability were the 1973 TRW-NBS characteristics of software quality study [17] and the 1977 GE-RADC factors in software quality study [18]. Subsequent significant contributions were Gilb’s techniques of defining quantitative quality goals [19], Grady’s quality management metrics used at Hewlett-Packard [20, 21], Kitchenham’s COQUAMO estimation model [22], the SEI’s architecture tradeoff analysis method [23, 24], the U. of Toronto non-functional requirements method [25], and the Fraunhofer-Maryland survey of software dependability properties [3]. Links between these and stakeholder value propositions are addressed in the Basili et al. Goal Question Metric Paradigm [26], the stakeholder win-win related research [5, 6, 27], AlSaid’s study of stakeholder value model clashes [5], and several chapters in the Value-Based Software Engineering book [28]. These works provided the basics for defining and analyzing the dependability attributes used in this study. However, the main shortcoming of these works is lacking quantitative evidence. In this paper, we design a controlled experiment to collect and analyze data to quantitatively verify the hypotheses that “Different stakeholders have different value propositions” and this study can be used to complement the current research in this field. 3. Controlled Experiment Methodology 3.1. Experiment Objective and Background As mentioned in Section 1, the objective of this study is to identify stakeholder/ value dependence patterns using real-client projects being developed at the USC graduate software engineering course. More specifically, we want to 1) identify the primary dependability attributes in terms of functional tasks, level of service, and project related activities; 2) evaluate the hypotheses of dependency relationships shown in Table 1. Of the 16 projects in fall 2008, six belonged to a category called multi-media information services. The media included art gallery items, cinema artifacts, writing essays, theater scripts, housing information, and clothing and garment information. Five involved community services such as youth services, thrift stores, financial literacy education, rivers and parks, and housing services. The other five were miscellaneous applications such as neighborhood small businesses, anthropology research data management, and social networking. Project teams were formed by first year graduate students taking the course. The project clients came from USC-neighborhood small business, non-profit, and campus organizations needing improved eservices applications. 3.2. Experiment Design Preparation: Prior to the experiment, all teams conducted win-win negotiations with real client representatives and agreements were reached. To make sure the experiment is under control, we also gave students two tutorials, one is for teaching students how to role-play stakeholders in step 1, the other is for teaching students how to rate meaningfully in step 3. Step 1: Define major classes of success critical stakeholders (SCSs) and identify role players: We focused on three main types of stakeholders in the software engineering process: client, user, and maintainer. Al three types of stakeholders prioritize from the perspective of business importance. Developer prioritization was not included in this study because it was done from a different value perspective: ease of implementation. As happens with many software projects in practice, we often just had real clients and did not have real user and real maintainer representatives. As an alternative, students were instructed to role play client, user, and maintainer, which created an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of using role players to represent actual stakeholders. We will compare the results between real-client and role-play client. If the results show a strong correlation, it will provide some confidence for accepting results from role-play users and role-play maintainers. To make sure that the experiment is under control, in this step we teach students how to roleplay: A challenge in this experiment is to identify role players who are able to prioritize from the perspective of other stakeholders. We suggested to teams to identify role players based on who best understands the type of stakeholder. For example, the person who works on the operational concept could be a good candidate to role play user. We also provided some value proposition hints for the role players to consider. For example, the role play client may consider on time, within budget, functions are correctly implemented, and are interoperable with existing system, etc. Step 2: Extend the classification of dependability attributes: In order to analyze the dependency relationship, we extended attributes from Table 1, and defined three sets of attributes: level of service goals, functional tasks, and project activities, as shown in Table 2. The levels of service attributes were compatible with the corresponding dependability attributes in [6]. Functional tasks attributes were added according to 16 projects’ specific operational context. Project activities were extended from cost and schedule to more project related activities such as requirements of transition, deployment etc. The meanings and examples of these attributes can be found in [27]. Table 2. Classification of Dependability Attributes 1.Functional tasks Administration support 2.Level of services Correctness 3.Project Activities User interface standards Financial support Availability Hardware interface Query Security Communications interface Display Privacy Other software interface Update Interoperability Course required process& tools Storage Usability Other development tools Tracking Performance Language Scheduling Evolvability Computer hardware Notification Reusability Computer software Automation Computer communication Social networking Deployment Scan and conversion Transition Status message Support environment Usage analysis Budget Others Schedule Step 3: Rate dependency strength on these attributes: The WikiWinWin tool [30] has the capability of providing a rating page for each participant. The rating page displays all the win-win agreements to be rated as shown in Figure 1. All role players and real-client representatives rated on business importance on a scale of 1 to 9: 1-Not Worth Having, 3-Want to Have, 5-Could Have, 7-Should Have, 9-Must Have Use of intermediate values between two adjacent judgments (2, 4, 6, 8) was allowed. A participant might bypass rating on an agreement if he/ she felt it did not have direct significance. Participants were encouraged to provide comment for their ratings. In this step, we teach students how to rate meaningfully: It is likely that a participant would simply treat every agreement as equally important, e.g. all rated as “Must Have”. To minimize such instances, we encourage participants to consider the following factors when giving their priority ratings: Whether this is a core function: a basic function that a system must have. e.g. user administration is a must have function for most of the projects Whether this function depends on any other functions: if a function is rated highly, the functions that it is strongly dependent on should be at least that high. Figure 1 An Example of Rating Using WikiWinWin Step 4: Data collection and consolidation: After all participants submitted their ratings, the results were reviewed for completeness. Projects that didn’t have any priority ratings from real client representative were excluded. After this step, 10 projects remain for the study (6: multi-media, 2: community service, 2; other). Next, every rated agreement was classified based on the list of dependability attributes in Table 2. If duplicate ratings were given on one agreement, it counted as one rating. We calculated the following on each attribute: a). Mean rating from each participant - take the average of all his ratings belonging to that attribute. b). Mean rating from each project – for participants playing the same role, average their results from a). c). Mean rating from each domain – for projects belong to the same domain, average results from b). At the end of step 4, we had the dependency ratings per each stakeholder class and domain. 4. Experiment Results Here we will present and discuss the results from the multi-media projects, but only summarize results for community services and other projects due to their small numbers of projects that can be used. 4.1 Analysis of Stakeholder/ Value Dependency Patterns in 6 Multi-Media Projects For this part, we have done a thoroughly analysis for 6 multi-media projects, this would include the correlation analysis among different stakeholders and respective value dependency patterns for different stakeholders. 4.1.1 Correlation among Different Stakeholders in 6 Multi-Media Projects From Table 3, we can see that the average ratings from different stakeholders are all around 7 which mean “Should Have”. For one thing, the six projects are all new projects, the initial requirements are generally the core requirements with few goldenplating requirements, so the average ratings for all requirements are “Should Have”. For the other thing, generally, the rating given by a participant is subjective to his/ her own interpretation of the rating criteria. In this way, it might cause non-uniform understanding of rating criteria which might finally threat the validity of the experiment. However, in our experiment, similar average ratings with small standard deviation from different stakeholders might imply the uniform understanding of rating criteria from different stakeholders, which means that different stakeholders understand the rating “Must Have”, “Should Have”, “Want to Have” “Not Worth Having” the same way, which is also the expected result that we give students tutorials on how to rate meaningfully. Table 3. Average Ratings from Different Stakeholders Stakeholders Average Ratings rating sometimes included the user perspective since the client may also be the users themselves. Table 4. Correlation among Different Stakeholders *User 1.00 *User 0.32 *Maintainer 0.44 Client 0.29 *Client *-role play stakeholders *Maintainer Client *Client 1.00 0.05 0.33 1.00 0.53 1.00 To explore what the value dependency patterns for each type of stakeholder are, we sort the average ratings on attributes from each type of stakeholder according to the ratings, and list the top 10 attributes with the highest ratings and the last 10 attributes with the lowest ratings for each type of stakeholder in Table 5 . The number 1,2,3 before each attribute stands for that whether the attribute belong to Functional Tasks, Level of Services or Project Activities. And we will explain in details each type of stakeholder’s value dependency pattern respectively in the following three sections. Table 5. Stakeholder/ Value Dependency Patterns -Top 10 and Last 10 Attributes for Every Type of Stakeholders Top 10 Last 10 *User 1. Others 3. Deployment 3. Support environment 3. Computer software 1. Query 2. Security *User *Maintainer Client * Client 2. Availability 3. Other software interface 7.16 6.75 7.22 6.74 1. Automation 3. Schedule 3.Computer hardware 2. Interoperability 2. Correctness 1. Notification 2. Performance 3. Language 1. Update 3. Budget 3. Transition 3. Course required process& tools 1.53 Standard Deviation *-role play stakeholders 1.35 1.44 1.37 However, having a uniform understanding of rating criteria doesn’t mean that different stakeholders have the same value dependency pattern. We did a correlation analysis on the stakeholders’ ratings of 39 attributes listed in Table 2, and the result is shown in Table 4. We can see that except the client and the role play client’s highest correlation (0.53), correlations among other stakeholders are low. Especially the correlation between role play maintainer and real client is as low as 0.05, which implies that different stakeholders have different value dependency patterns. Another interesting finding is that the client and role-play user have a not low correlation (0.44). This might imply that client’s *Maintainer 2. Security 2. Performance 3. Transition 1.Others 2. Availability 2. Usability 1. Query 2. Interoperability 2. Correctness 1.Notification 3.Computer software 3.Course required process& tools 3.Deployment 1.Usage analysis 3.Language 3.Computer communication 3.Schedule 3.Budget 3.Computer hardware 3.Other software interface Client 2.Security 3.Computer hardware 2.Correctnes 3.Computer communication 3.Support environment 1. Display 1. Usage analysis 3. Budget 1. Administration support 3. Deployment 1. Notification 1. Scheduling 1. Query 3. Computer software 1. Others 3. Course required process& tools 1. Automation 3. User interface standards 3.Transition 3. Language * Client 1. Scheduling 3.User interface standards 2.Security 1 Others 2.Correctnes 3.Support environment 3.Budget 3.Computer communication 1.Administration support 3.Computer software 3.Schedule 3.Deployment 1. Usage analysis 3.Computer hardware 2.Availability 3.Course required process& tools 1. Storage 3.Other software interface 2.Usability 3.Language *: role- play stakeholders 1: this attribute belongs to Functional Tasks 2: this attribute belongs to Level of Services 3: this attribute belongs to Project Activities : The ratings decreases downwards, for the Top 10 part, it means the first one is the most important; for the Last 10 part, it means the last one is the least important. 4.1.2. Role-play user value dependency pattern From Table 5, we can see that among top 10 attributes of role-play user, 4 are functional attributes, 3 for level of services and project activities respectively. Users are more concerned about query, automation, update and other functional attributes. They also care about some level of services, such as availability, correctness and performance. Performance was valued to some extent, because too slow would disturb users but super powerful system was not required. Ratings on project activities depend on whether the activities are related to users. For example, users need to know whether end-user programming is necessary, whether there is an instructional user manual or not (support environment), whether a minimum of 512MB memory, 1GB hard-drive space and a Pentium 700MHz are enough for the system (Computer hardware), whether there is user training time or not (Transition). So these user-related project activities are rated higher. However, for other user-independent project activities, such as what process, agile or discipline, the development team will adopt, developing languages, Java or C#, software tools, Eclipse or .NET, whether the budget for the system is enough or not, the schedule for developing the system is reasonable or not, users tend to not care about them at all. 4.1.3. Role-play maintainer value dependency pattern For role-play maintainers, the most important levels of service attributes for maintainers are information security, availability, and correctness. Development software and hardware tools, languages, transition tasks (training, testing, and documentation) and deployment were major concern for ease of maintenance. And 4.1.4. Real client value dependency pattern For real clients, 6 out of Top 10 are functional attributes. The most important functional attributes are administration support, usage analysis, and email notifications. Since most clients are also administrative users, capabilities included in the administration support such as user and access management, are essential to know who has what access to the system. Usage analysis, including various report statistics etc. provides much benefit to clients. Notification is very important because users must be notified via email or message once appointment is scheduled or request is approved. Automation was rated high in this case, because administrative users prefer having computer do such tedious but necessary tasks, which is usually the reason why clients invest for the system. The most important levels of service attributes are security and correctness. This indicates clients concerned about the risks associated with loss of information and incorrect results from system operations. Since most of the systems are web-based, it is essential to be accessible via the internet, but some downtime is acceptable. When considering online viewing and accessing digital assets, security measures are important for keeping these assets secure. For online systems such as the online art gallery and film archives, clients consider usability a key factor for retaining their online shoppers. The most important project attributes are support environment and transition. These reflect clients’ concerns that the development teams will not be generally available for life-cycle support. Some further observations and explanations of anomalies are: clients generally do not consider development tools and languages important to business outcomes, as long as it works; user interface standard, including online form replicating exactly the paper form, was considered less important by clients because they believe users can learn how to use new system. It is also interesting to find that in this experiment, clients rated the budget lower importance that is because for these students’ courses, clients would not pay students to complete the system, so budget is not a sensitive factor for them in this case. 4.2 Role Player Representativeness Checking In this experiment, due to the unavailability of real users and maintainers, we train students to roleplay different stakeholders. Table 4 shows that the correlation between real clients and role-play clients is the largest (0.53) among all stakeholders. It also can be seen that for the most part, the role-players priority ratings could have been used as representative client ratings, but with some significant exceptions. However, correlation coefficient 0.53 only shows real clients and role-play clients’ rating are intermediately correlated overall. To further check the representativeness of role players, we track back to each project to get the respective correlations between real clients and role-play clients in the 6 multi-media projects. The correlation values in Table 6 show that three of the six projects have correlations above 0.6 for all ratings, and net five of the six have ratings above 0.6 when the top two differences from each project are excluded. Especially for project 2, 3, 4, all three are above 0.8, which means highly correlated. In the other side, these also points out the need for follow up with role-playing stakeholders on questionable ratings via interviews or other means. Table 6. Correlation between Real Clients and role-play Clients in 6 Multi-Media Projects Project P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 Correlation Correlation without top 2 differences 0.48 0.92 0.78 0.64 0.36 0.40 0.60 0.92 0.94 0.84 0.63 0.45 One explanation of the strong correlations is that the clients and developers have participated in several mutual-learning activities before and during the winwin negotiations. These include goal-setting exercises, visits to clients’ work sites, and development of operational scenarios, use cases, and benefits chains linking initiatives to desired outcomes. Without these, the correlations would likely have been considerably lower. Overall, the role-players’ ratings tend to be somewhat lower, with some exceptions. Across all six projects and all attributes, the average rating for clients is 7.22 and 6.74 for client role-player as shown in Table 3. Some further observations of role-players’ ratings are: clients’ major concerns such as system secure information, correct results, and availability were well identified, but there were some understanding problems on interoperability with the existing system and interfacing with related databases. The most obvious difference from real client is that role-play client rates budgets higher, and this might be explained by the reason that students are taught to think from client perspectives that they usually consider about the budget but neglecting the real situation for these projects, which is that clients don’t pay students for the course projects in this case. 4.3 Community Services Projects Results Most of the community services projects share common functions such as administration of community services, tracking of volunteers, donors, and grants, payment processing, event tracking and management, and community communications involving web sites, e-newsletters, and social networking capabilities. Due to client availabilities, only two of the five projects had well-formed negotiation records. But these two had consistent top priorities of administrative support, query, and usability, and also high priority for availability/ backup-restore, data correctness, performance and transition and deployment. The consistency between real and role-playing clients was generally quite high, with the exception of two wide differences on the second project in which the role-players undervalued backup and restore, treating it just as data storage; and schedule, for which the client had some under expressed earlyavailability needs. For the first project, the ratings correlation was 0.67. For the second project, the ratings correlation was 0.00 with the two wide differences, and 0.59 without them. These points out the need for follow up with role-playing stakeholders on questionable ratings. The consistency between clients and role-playing users and maintainers was lower, as with the multimedia projects. The corresponding correlations were 0.28 for users, and 0.37 for maintainers. Again, in the second project, role play user had a radically lower schedule rating; without this, the correlation was 0.34. 4.4 Other Projects Results As discussed earlier, the other projects were a mixed bag of neighborhood small businesses, research support, and social networking applications. Still, they had some consistency in top-ranked priorities: availability/ backup-recovery and administration support. Also, their correlations between real clients’ ratings were higher for roleplaying clients (0.64) than for users (0.51) and maintainers (0.32). 5. Limitation and Threats to Validity Non-representativeness of projects. The number of projects included in this study is fairly small. Although five projects were available for representing community service type, only two had sufficiently consistent and complete ratings to be used. Also, the projects are small and are performed by graduate level computer science students. However, the off-campus team members were working professionals, and the clients were from real-world organizations needing the resulting applications. The findings obtained in this study may not represent other projects in a broader population. Multiple perspectives. In this study, we experimented with using students to role play nondevelopment stakeholders. It was unknown whether a role-player’s rating was mixed with developer’s perspective. It was noticed during the analysis that client’s rating sometimes included the user perspective since the client may also be the users themselves. Attributes classification. Generalized classification of dependability attributes may bring some risks to the dependability strength. For example, end users may only be concerned with the training provided to their work responsibilities, and training provided to maintainers is less emphasized. When these two training requirements were classified by the same attribute - training, the averaged priority rating tended to underestimate a particular stakeholder’s priority on his concerned requirement. 6 Conclusions and Process Implications In this paper, a role-play experiment was conducted during the win-win prioritization to verify the hypotheses that “Different stakeholders have different value propositions” and at the same time to assess the confidence of using role-players for missing stakeholders. The results indicate that attributes such as correctness, availability, budget and schedule are generally high priorities for acquirers/clients; usability, performance, and interoperability are reasonably important for lessthan-critical application information consumers/users. As administrators, functional capabilities, such as administration support, notification, and information storage/query/update are generally high priorities. Maintainers have reasonably high priorities on development tools and transition attributes. Due to similar stakeholder profiles across projects and the multi-dimensional nature of stakeholder value propositions, there are some similarities among stakeholders’ priorities. The Results also show that with mutual-learning activities and experiences, there are generally high consistencies between client representatives’ priorities and role-players’ priorities. 6.1 Quantitative Extension of Table 1 One of the main objectives of the study has been to obtain more quantitative information than Table 1 in section 2.2 about the relative priority of various classes of system stakeholders with respect to various system dependability attributes. The study has some limitations in that the clients prioritizing the dependability attributes show some aspects of being information consumers, administrators, and acquirers. For the main class of six multi-media archive applications for which we have data, we would say that their applications are not mission-critical in terms of safety, but we would encounter a challenge with respect to their Maslow need hierarchy [31]. This is that lower-level needs in the Maslow hierarchy such as safety and security of one’s job or enterprise are high-priority until it meets a given level of satisfaction, but is not high priority thereafter. Thus, we see that the clients had high priorities for availability and backup/ recovery up to a basic level, but did not need more extreme levels such as needed in such mission critical domains as passenger aircraft and nuclear power plants. From a process standpoint, this implies that the use of Table 1 to baseline the attributes of interest to stakeholder classes needs to reflect whether their value dependencies are hygiene factors vs. mission-critical factors. We can see from Table 5 that attributes such as correctness, availability/ backup-recovery, budget, and schedule are generally high priorities from an acquirer standpoint. As administrators, functional capabilities such as administration support, notification, and information storage/ query / update are generally high priorities. And those as representatives, of less-than-critical information consumers, usability, performance, and interoperability are reasonably important, but not as high as most of the others. However, the multidimensional nature of the clients makes it more difficult to allocate priorities to stakeholder classes. As the other client classes were similar in their stakeholder profiles, it is not surprising that their priority profiles were generally similar. From a process standpoint, these conclusions imply that stakeholder negotiation process agendas need to consider multi-role stakeholders. 6.2 Representativeness Stakeholders of Role-Playing Even though the role-playing developers were initially inexperienced in their clients’ domains, they had gone through a sufficiently extensive set of mutual learning process and experiences (site visits, goal-setting, prototypes, etc.), which make their priorities comparable with those of the clients (correlations generally above 0.6 with some exceptions, and as high as 0.92). Without the mutual learning process and experiences (as with roleplaying as users or maintainers), there was generally a positive correlation, but below 0.6. However, there were occasional wide differences, indicating the process implication for follow up on questionable role-player ratings. 6.3 Future Work For the incoming fall 2009 semester, we plan to do replicate experiments to collect more date to further quantitatively validate the hypotheses that “Different stakeholders have different value propositions”. Lessons learned from this experiment could provide us refined guidelines to improve the experiment design and control. This would include how to teach students role play different stakeholders, how to teach students rate requirements importance meaningfully, how to make the dependability attributes’ granularity worthwhile and not ambiguous for stakeholders’ rating. And when un-ignored differences arise, how to follow up with these questionable ratings. We also plan to extend the classes of stakeholders, not only client, user, maintainer, but also tester, IIV&Ver, and developer to see their value dependency patterns respectively. Based on the repeated experiments, we plan to analyze the interaction among different attributes, further reason about stakeholders’ utility functions, and provide process guidance for software projects involving various classes of stakeholders. Acknowledge: This work is cooperatively supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 60573082, 60873072, and 60803023; the National Hi-Tech R&D Plan of China under Grant Nos. 2006AA01Z182 and 2007AA010303; the National Basic Research Program (973 program) under Grant No. 2007CB310802. References [1] B. Boehm, H. In, “Identifying Quality-Requirement Conflicts”, IEEE Software, 1996. [2] J. Johnson, “My Life Is Failure”, Standish Group, Inc., 2006. [3] I. Rus, et al., “Software Dependability Properties: A Survey of Definitions, Measures and Techniques”, Fraunhofer technical Report, 2003. [4] B. Boehm, “Software Risk Management”, IEEE CS Press, 1989. [5] M. 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