Common Rating Errors in Performance Appraisals

Distribution error happens when rater uses
only one part of the rating scale, such 4 or 5
on a 5-point rating scale.
Leniency error versus strictness error
Central tendency error
Overcoming distribution errors
Halo effect happens when one single attribute
or an overall impression on an individual
affect other ratings.
Judgement of the rater has been clouded by
the single attribute.
Occurs when rater has little knowledge of the
job and do not know he employee very much.
More common in peer ratings than in
supervisor ratings ( Viswesvaran, Schmidt,
and One, 2005, in Aamodt 2010)
Happens when the rating of one dimension
affects the rating on the other dimension
which follows.
Only the dimensions located nearest are
affected, not the overall as in the halo effect.
Rating of one employee is being influenced
by a previously evaluated person.
The rating of the particular employee has
been compared to the first employee rather
than the standard.
Contrast effect can also happen between two
separate evaluation of the same person.
Contrast effects only occur when the person
making the evaluation actually sees the
employee perform.
Due to halo effect, leniency etc
Due to different standards
Different raters see different behaviours of an
Recency effect
Infrequent observation
Observed behavior not properly remembered
or recalled.
Emotional state of raters