Reading strategy in Hong Kong school-aged children: The Development of Word Level and Character Level Processing Chu Mun-Ki Maggie & Leung Man-Tak Division of Speech & Hearing Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong ABSTRACT This study uses frequency effect to investigate the development of mental representation of Chinese disyllabic words in primary school-aged readers in Hong Kong. Unlike alphabetical languages, written Chinese is a logographic system with character as basic unit. As most of the Chinese words are composed of more than one character which can be viewed as single morpheme, theoretically Chinese compound word can be read as a meaningful whole, its component characters. Previous studies on Chinese reading (e.g. Zhang & Peng, 1992; Taft, Liu & Zhu, 1999; Peng, Liu & Wang, 1999) showed that adults used both whole word level and character level processing for reading Chinese multi-character words and there were interaction effect between word and component character frequencies. In the present study, subjects were asked to read aloud a list of two-character words which were controlled for word and component character frequencies across grades. The percentage of correct responses was analysed by a three-way ANOVA. Significant main effects of word frequency, component character frequency and grade were found. Significant three-way interaction effects were also found, indicating that children as early as grade one are able to make use of the word level and the component character level reading processing. Lower graders tended to use the component character level reading processing more when reading Chinese compound words, while higher graders tended to read words as whole units more. KEY WORDS: multi-character words, word level reading, character level reading, reading development. INTRODUCTION In alphabetic languages, the basic unit of orthography is letter (alphabet). Each letter corresponds to a phoneme and reading is facilitated by the reader’s phonemic awareness. Chinese language is a logographic writing system in which characters are the basic units. Each character (morpheme) has its phonological representation which is a syllable and its meaning. Most Chinese words are multicharacter compound words. Zhou, Shu, Bi & Shi (1999) reported that two-character compound words constitute about 73.6% of the words in Chinese. Compound words are composed of two or more characters. Each of the component characters can usually be viewed as single morpheme, which can combine with other characters to form other words. For example, the two-character word 毛衣 (sweater) is composed of the first character 毛 (on the left) which means ‘fur’ and the second character 衣 (on the right) which means ‘clothes’. Both component characters can combine with other characters to form another words like 毛巾 (towel) and 外衣 (overcoat). Unlike words in alphabetical language like English, there is no space demarcation for Chinese compound words in text, which appears as a continuous concatenation of characters. Theoretically, there are two possible ways of reading Chinese compound words: either reading it character by character or reading it as an unanalyzed whole. For example, the compound word 毛 衣 /mou21 ji55/ can be read as a whole meaning ‘sweater’, or read, from left to right, as characters 毛 /mou21/ (‘fur’) and 衣 /ji55/ (‘clothes’). Similarly, two possible patterns of acquisition of Chinese reading may exist. The first pattern suggests that when children are exposed to Chinese characters as units of meaningful wholes, which were usually multi-character words, such as 電話 /tin22 wa35/ (telephone), rather than individual character 電 /tin22/ (‘electricity’) and 話 /wa35/ (‘word’), and consequently, the word level representation develops first. The second pattern is based on the view that as there is no space demarcation for words in texts, children tend to read character by character and they develop the character level representation prior to that of the word level representation. The aim of the present study is to investigate the order of acquisition of the word level and the component character level reading strategies of Chinese multi-character words in children. The presence of representations at component character level was hypothesized to facilitate reading of new compound words (Liu and Peng 1997). With representation at single character level, children can read aloud new compound characters through accessing the representations of the component characters. Once they read aloud the component characters, they might be able to understand the new word through accessing their corresponding phonological lexicons which has already developed before six. On the other hand, the word level access was hypothesized to increase the efficiency of reading Chinese multi-character words. When children came across words with low frequency component characters, their ability to read aloud the words can be enhanced by the access at word level for high word frequency words. As Chinese word processing at both whole word level and component character level facilitated reading, it is assumed that both levels of lexical representations are developed in advanced readers. One of the well-known models of reading processing was the Augmented Addressed Morphology (Caramazza, Laudanna & Romani, 1988) model (AAM model). The model suggested that the whole word level and the character level of lexical representation were present as independent processing levels. It assumed that the access to lexical representation was carried out at whole word level for familiar words, and at morpheme level for unfamiliar words. Zhang & Peng (1992) carried out two experiments to testify the AAM model (Caramazza et al., 1988) and investigated processing levels of reading Chinese words in normal adults by measuring the response time of subjects in a lexical decision task when disyllabic character stimuli were presented. In the first experiment, they varied the word frequency and controlled the frequency of component characters. Their prediction was that if there were word level representation, word frequency effect would be obtained with the speed of word recognition on high frequency words faster than that of low frequency words. Predicted results were obtained, indicating that a whole word level processing is involved in adult’s reading processing of Chinese words. The second experiment by Zhang & Peng (1992) investigated the component character frequency effect in adults’ Chinese reading. They varied the component character frequency while the whole word frequency was controlled in a word decision task. The average response time for HH (high component character frequency on left and right positions, high-high) words was found to be shorter than HL (high-low) and LH (low-high) words. Component character frequency effect was found and the results suggested that component character level processing was involved in reading multi-character words. Taft, Huang & Zhu (1994), as reported by Peng, Liu & Wang (1999), found similar results for component character frequency effect in a lexical decision task. The response time for recognizing words with HH component character frequency was shorter than that for words with HL and LH character frequency, which in turns was shorter than words with LL component character frequency. Based on the findings of the previous studies (Zhang & Peng, 1992; Taft & Zhu, 1995; Taft, Liu & Zhu, 1999), Taft & Zhu (1995) and Taft, Liu & Zhu (1999) suggested a new model called Multilevel Interactive-activation Framework to represent the reading processing of Chinese multicharacter words (see Figure 1). Unlike the independent processing at different representation levels proposed by the AAM model, they proposed several interactive levels of orthographic representations including the stroke level, radical level, component character (morpheme) level and compound word level. It was hypothesised that activation passed up and back down the levels of the interactive-activation system. Each level of orthographic representation, except the stroke level, was linked to its semantic representation (meaning) and phonological representation. The connection strength of the links to each level of representation depended on the frequency the link was used. In other words, Chinese characters that were frequently shown at a particular level of representation would have stronger link to that representation at the corresponding level, and thus would be activated more readily. Insert Figure 1 about here Using the interactive-activation framework, Taft (1994) explained the difference between reading low frequency compound word and high frequency compounds. When reading high frequency words, representations at the word level was readily retrieved, therefore, little activation was required at the component character level. For low frequency compound word, activation at the word level was reduced, thus relatively more activation was required at the component character level. Peng, Liu & Wang (1999) investigated the interaction between whole word frequency and component character frequency by measuring adults’ response latency in a word decision task. They found significant main effects in both word frequency and component character frequency, and interaction effect between word and component character frequencies. Contrary to Taft’s (1994) predication, the component character frequency effect was found in high word frequency condition only, instead of in low word frequency condition. Peng et al. (1999) tried to explain the results by proposing that the connection strength from component character level to the word level representation was stronger for high frequency words. He went ahead explaining that the higher frequency the component characters exposed in a word, the greater the association of the component characters with that word. As the connection strength between the two levels was high in high frequency words, the access of representations at word level was suggested to be affected by the component character frequency more. In order to testify the two different put forward by Peng et al. (1999) and Taft (1994), the whole word frequency and the component character frequency of Chinese two-character words was varied in this experiment and the change of interaction between the frequencies across grades was explored. One possible explanation for the discrepancy between Peng et al.’s (1999) results and Taft’s (1994) predication was related to the paradigm used by Peng’s et al.’s (1999) study. The word decision task in Peng et al.’s (1999) experiment “forced” the subjects to access the word level representations in order to make a lexical decision (decide whether the two-character stimuli were words). The nature of the task induced the “so called” higher connection strength from component character level to the word level representation for high frequency words, instead of allowing subjects’ flexibility to process words at different levels of representations for different word and component character frequencies. Given the above consideration, a reading aloud task with percentage correct measurement were used in this study to prevent limiting the levels of reading processing used by the subjects. It was expected that there would be significant word frequency effect if the subjects processed words at the word level. Activation thresholds of high frequency words were lower than that of low frequency words and thus better reading performance in high frequency words was predicted. If children processed words at the component character level representation, significant component character frequency effect would be expected. The reading performance on HH words would be better than HL/LH words which in turn would be better than LL words. The interaction between the word frequency and the component character frequency across grade would tell us more about the development of reading strategy across age. Significant interaction effects between word frequency and component character frequency would be obtained if children accessed representations of the words at both whole word level and component character level when reading multi-character words. According to the AAM model and the interactive-activation system, component character frequency effect would be expected for low frequency but not for high frequency words. As the activation thresholds of low frequency words were high, access through component character level was required to aid in reading low frequency words. On the other hand, since it is easier to access representations of high frequency words at the word level representations, it is expected that little activation at the component character level is required to aid the access of high frequency words. While studies on Chinese reading processing in adults have been extensively done (Zhang & Peng, 1992; Taft & Zhu, 1995; Taft, Liu & Zhu, 1999; Peng, Liu & Wang, 1999), literature review indicates that the developmental trend of the reading processing of disyllabic words in Chinese has rarely been investigated. The aims of the present experiment are two folded: on top of testifying the effects of whole word frequency and component character frequency, children’s reading development and the change of the interaction between whole word frequency and component character frequency across grades will also be investigated. A reading aloud task was used and the percentage correct score of their reading performance was employed at the dependent variable. METHOD Subjects A pool of 120 children was obtained by picking 20 students (10%) above and 20 students (10%) below the median calculated by their examination marks on Chinese Language from Grade one, three and five. All subjects were born in Hong Kong and studied in local kindergartens. Each of the 120 children were administered Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (Raven, 1986), a standardised non-verbal intelligence test, and the Chinese word reading sub-test of the Hong Kong Test of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing (Ho, Chan & E.D., HKSAR Government, 2000). Twenty-four children in each grade, a total of seventy-two children, who obtained scores between the 25th and the 75th percentile in the two tests mentioned above were selected to be the subjects of the present study. Materials In order to study the levels of reading processing of the school-aged children, three sets of 80 two-character words were selected as stimuli for subjects from grade one, three and five respectively, from the Hong Kong Corpus of Primary School Chinese (Leung & Lee, 2002). Words in the corpus were from the primary-school textbooks of the Chinese subject. The criteria for word selection were based on (i) the whole word frequency and (ii) the component character frequency in the corpus. The frequencies were calculated cumulatively in each grade. For example, the cumulative frequency of a word in grade three was the sum of the frequency of that word in grade one, two and three. Similarly, the component character frequency of a character in grade five was the total frequency of that character, appeared individually or incorporated in compound words in the corpus, in grade one to five. The word frequency and the component character frequency calculated in this way represented children’s accumulative exposure to Chinese words and characters since the start of primary school education. The two-character words in each grade in the corpus were categorised into high frequency and low frequency words. Twenty percent of the total words in each grade with the highest frequencies were defined as high frequency words. All those words with a frequency of one, which occupied 41% to 46% of the total words in each grade, were categorised as low frequency words. The pool of characters in the corpus was also divided into high and low frequencies in each grade. The criterion for high frequency characters in the corpus was the 20% of total characters with the highest frequencies in each grade. The definition of low component character frequency was obtained by adjusting the percentage of characters with the lowest frequencies in the corpus to a level that there was just enough number of stimuli in each grade. There were two reasons for defining the low component character frequency using this method. First, there were limited words with low frequency component characters, especially in grade one. Another reason was to ensure that the component character frequencies in the stimuli were sufficiently low. Consequently, 75% of characters with the lowest frequencies in the character pool of grade one were defined as low frequency, which was 1 to 21. Fifty-eight percent of the lowest frequency characters in grade three and five in the corpus were categorised as low frequency, which was 1 to 16 in grade 3 and 1 to 22 in grade five. There were four types of component character frequency constructions in the two-character words: high-frequency first and second characters (HH), high-frequency first character and lowfrequency second character (HL), low-frequency first character and high-frequency second character (LH), and low-frequency first and second characters (LL). Combining whole word frequency with component character frequency, there were eight conditions of stimuli for each grade. In each condition, ten words were selected randomly from the Corpus according to the word frequency and component character frequency. Three lists of 80 two-character words were generated for each of the three grades involved in the study. Each stimulus was printed in black using the ‘biau kai’ (標楷體) font, sized 40 at the centre of a plain white paper in one-fourth of an A4 size. The default character spacing of the font was used. Design and Procedures The data collection was carried out individually in a classroom at the primary school that participated in this study. Every subject was asked to read aloud the 80 stimuli designed for each grade mentioned above. One word was presented at a time and there was no time limit for the child to read the stimuli. The children were instructed to read the word stimuli as many as they can. They were encouraged to guess when they were not sure or had no idea about the words. The children’s responses were audio-taped and recorded online with a scoring form. The read aloud task was repeated for 72 subjects and a total of 5760 word productions were collected. Measurement One mark was given for each correctly read character and zero mark was given for either no response or incorrect production of the character. The reading productions of the subjects were audio taped for double-checking and for transcription of the error productions in romanization. RESULTS AND DATA ANALYSIS The mean percentage correct in each frequency conditions of each subject was calculated. The mean scores were then entered into a 3 x 2 x 4 three-way ANOVA with repeated measures. The subjects’ grade was the between group factor, which had three levels: grade one, three and five. The whole word frequencies and the component character frequencies of the stimuli were the within group factors. The word frequency factor consisted of two levels, high and low word frequency, while the component character frequency factor had four levels: HH, HL, LH and LL. The mean scores of the subjects’ reading performance were the dependent factor. In order to understand the developmental trend of the primary school students’ reading of Chinese words, the means and standard deviations of the subjects’ overall percentage correct were calculated. The reading performance in each grade in different word frequency and component character frequency conditions was shown in Table 1. Insert Table 1 about here Result of the 3-way ANOVA with repeated measure revealed a significant main effect of grade (F(2,69) = 10.31, p < .001) with the reading performance increased with grade (Table 3). The differences between grades that contributed to the main effect were investigated with Tukey HSD test. Grade three and five students were found to perform significantly better than grade one students(p < .005). Since the frequency was controlled across grade, the results could not be accounted for by the fact that higher graders have more exposure to characters. An alternative explanation was that higher grades have acquired better reading skills when compared with the lower grade. Significant word frequency main effect was found (F(1, 69) = 300.01, p < .001), with the reading accuracy of high frequency words better than low frequency words. Significant component character frequency main effect was also found (F(3, 207) = 129.45, p < .001). Tukey HDS test showed that all pair-wise comparisons between levels of component character frequency were significant (p < .005) with HH > HL > LH > LL (Table 1). These findings agreed with Taft et al. (1994)’s result as reported by Peng et al. (1999). No significant interaction effect between grade and word frequency was found. However, there was a significant interaction effect between grade and component character frequency (F(6, 207) = 14.66, p < .001) (see Figure 2). Tukey HSD test was employed to study the contribution of each of the levels of the two factors in the interaction. Results showed that HH words were significantly different from LL in all three grades (p < .001) indicating that all three grades read words with HH words significantly better than words with LL component character frequencies. No significant difference was found when reading accuracy of HH words across grades were compared. However, in LL frequency condition, grade one students performed poorer than grade three and five students (Table 1). The pair-wise comparisons showed that the significant difference (p < .001) between grade one and grade three, and between grade one and grade five. Insert Figure 2 about here Significant interaction effect between word frequency and component character frequency was also found (F(3, 207) = 70.06, p < .001). The interaction was further investigated by using the Tukey HSD test. Results indicated that there was no significant difference among the levels of component character frequency in high word frequency condition, whereas, significant difference was found among the component character frequency constructions in low word frequency condition (p< .001). Figure 3 illustrated that the subject’s performance decreased in the order of HH > HL> LH > LL when the word frequency was low. Insert Figure 3 about here Three-way interaction among all factors was statistically significant (F(6, 207) = 3.99, p < .001). The Tukey HSD test was carried out to investigate what contributed to the significant interaction. No significant difference across grades could be found for HH words. Under HH condition, the performances of students across grades, word frequency were not significantly different. In contrast, under HL, LH and LL conditions, significant differences were found across word frequencies and grades (p < .001). In grade one, under high word frequency condition, performance on LL words were significantly poorer than HH, HL and LH words (p < .001). The higher graders read words with high word frequency similarly well, despite the variation in component character frequencies. In the low word frequency condition, the difference between HH and LL component character frequency was statistically significant in all three grades (p < .001). As shown in Figure 4, the difference was largest in grade one and the difference decreased across grades. Insert Figure 4 about here Difference between HL and LH component character frequencies was not significant in all word frequency conditions in grade one and three. However, grade 5 students performed significantly poorer for LH words than HL words in the low word frequency condition (p < .001), and LH words were not significantly different from LL words. In summary, significant main effects of grade, word frequency and component character frequency were found. Significant two-way interaction effects between word frequency and component character frequency, grade and component character frequency, as well as 3-way interaction of grade, word frequency and component character frequency were found. Two interesting differences were found in the patterns of grade one and five. Children in grade one performed worst on LL words when compared with HH, HL and LH words in the high word frequency condition than other grades, while poorest performance for LH than HL words was noted in the low word frequency condition in grade five. DISCUSSION Similar to the findings of previous studies (Zhang et al., 1992 & Peng et al., 1999) on word level reading processing, the results of the present study showed that there was word frequency effect in children’s reading. As mentioned in the introduction section (p.4), word frequency effect on reading performance was expected if there was processing at word level as high frequency words were more readily activated than low frequency words based on Taft et al.’s (1995) interactive-activation model. The significant word frequency effect in the current study supported the claim that primary school-aged children used word level processing in reading multi-character words. Main effect of component character frequency found in this study was also similar to results obtained by Zhang et al. (1992) and Peng et al. (1999). If children used whole word level reading processing only, the component character frequency would not affect their reading performance, and high frequency component characters would not assist their compound word reading. The presence of component character frequency effect implied that children used the character level processing in reading multi-character words. It implies that school age children analysed words into component characters and activated the character level representations in reading. The results obtained from the reading aloud task in this study indicates that School-aged children are able to make use of representations at word level and component character level in their reading. The question followed was in what way the word level and component character levels of processing related to each other. Significant interaction effect between word frequency and component character frequency was found in the present study. Significant component character frequency effect with reading performance decreased in an order of HH>HL>LH >LL was found in low word frequency condition. In contrast, Peng et al. (1999) found similar component character frequency effect in high word frequency condition only. The results of the present study were consistent with Taft et al’s (1999) multilevel interactive-activation framework (Figure 1). When children read words with high word frequencies, they could easily access the words at the word level and did not need to process the words into their component characters. They read words with high word frequency equally well across different component character frequency constructions. When they read low frequency words, representations of the words were difficult to activate at word level. As a result, they processed the words down a level – the component character level in order to read the words. In other words, both the word level and component character level representations were activated in reading multicharacter words in children. The word level reading strategy was used for high frequency words while the component character level reading strategy was applied for low frequency words. It appeared that both the word level and the component character level awareness were developed in children since grade one and they were also present in grade three and five. The change of the reading strategy across grades was a matter of choice of the word and component character levels. The reading strategies across grades were investigated by looking at the results of the significant three-way interaction between word frequency, component character frequency and grades. Students from all grades read high frequency words more accurately than low frequency words for HL, LH and LL component character frequency conditions. The word frequency effect was present in grade one, three and five, which meant that children in all grades used the word level reading strategy in reading Chinese multi-character words. Significant component character frequency effect was found in all grades in the low word frequency condition, whereas only grade one student showed the significant effect of the component character frequency under high word frequency condition. Students from grade three and five read all high frequency words equally well. Results also indicated that children from grade one, three and five made used the component character level reading strategy. Reading performance of the grade one students was affected by the component character frequency in a greater extent than grade three and five. It implied that grade one students had a higher tendency to read Chinese multi-character words using the component character level reading strategy. The higher graders tended to use the word level reading strategy more than the component character level strategy, as their reading performance were less affected by the component character frequency. It was predicted that children’s reading performance for low frequency words with HH component character frequency would be as low as other low frequency words. However, the results showed that they read the words with HH component character frequency equally well in both high and low word frequency conditions. Their success in reading low frequency words with HH component character frequency could be explained by the processing of words at the component character level when the whole word representations could not be found for the low frequency words. It appeared that the word level and the component character level reading processing compensated each other when the representation in either of the levels was not found reflecting the flexible use of the processing levels of Chinese multi-character words by children. The conclusions on the reading strategy used by different grades were further supported by the error patterns produced by the subjects. Based on the level of processing mentioned above, errors produced by the subjects were categorised into five groups: whole word level access errors, character level access errors, errors involved both levels of access, no response and errors that could not be categorised. The whole word level access errors were assumed to be a result of errors occurred at word level processing. It was hypothesised that error occurred when a semantically related word, which was also activated by the target two-character word, was wrongly selected as the output. An example of the whole word level access error was the activation of the word 規則 /khwi55 tsAk5/ meaning ‘rule’ in place of the target 秩序 /tit2 tsJy22/ meaning ‘order’, which were similar in word meaning. The character level access errors were errors resulted from the competition of the target words and related entries at the component character level. For example, the target 精神 /tsiN55 sAn21/ which means ‘spirit’ was replaced by 清神 /tshiN55 sAn21/ which is a non-word, where the first character was orthographically similar to the first character of the target word. The third type of errors was generated in the processing involving both word level and component character level. One example of this type of errors was the replacement of the target 友 愛 /jAu23 Oi33/ which means ‘friendship’ by 朋愛 /phAN21 Oi33/ which has no meaning, where 朋 友 /phAN21 jAu23/ is a word meaning ‘friend’. It was suggested that the child access the representation of 友 and 愛 at the component character level. However, no representation of the character 友 was found, so the subject activated words that contained the character 友 at the word level representation and he found the high frequency word 朋友. The activation at the word level was then sent down back to the component character level where mistake occurred. The character representation of 朋 was activated instead of that of 友. As a result, the child produced 朋愛 in his response. Insert Table 2 about here Table 2 showed that the numbers of whole word level access error in all three grades were similar for low frequency words. Children in different grades made similar number of errors that were generated during word level processing. It supported the word frequency main effect and the non-significant interaction effect of grade and word frequency, which suggested that word level reading strategy was developed in primary school-aged children and the word frequency effect was constant across grades. The number of character level access errors was the highest in grade one and decreased across grades. This finding provided further evidence on the main effect of component character frequency and its interaction with grade. Reading of grade one students were affected the most by component character frequency and thus made more errors during character level processing. The number of errors made in the process involving both levels of representation was also the highest in grade one and decreased across grades. This trend was assumed to be due to the component character frequency effect that occurred when the representation at the character level was accessed. The result also supported the conclusion that grade one students used the component character level access more extensively than higher graders, while higher graders tended to access multi-character words at the whole word level and was less affected by component character frequency. If Peng et al.’s (1999) findings that component character frequency effect was found only in high word frequency condition was correct, the component character reading strategy would be activated at high frequency words level. Accordingly, More character level access errors would be resulted for reading high frequency words than low frequency words. However, the fact that the number of character level access errors was larger for low frequency words than for high frequency words in the present study seemed to suggested the opposite. Evidence from the error pattern in the current study further objected Peng et al.’s (1999) conclusion. It is likely that Peng et al.’s finding is due to the use of lexical decision paradigm where subjects were “forced” to make a binary on word. A special finding was found in grade 5. The performance of LH component character frequency in low frequency words was significantly lower than HL in low frequency words in grade 5, while there were no differences between HL and LH component character frequencies in other word frequency conditions and in other grades. The grade 5 students read words with LH component character frequency as poor as LL in low word frequency. This finding disagreed with the findings in the studies done by Zhang et al. (1992) and Taft et al. (1994), as reported in Peng et al. (1999). To understand the phenomenon, the component character frequencies and word type (compound word vs. binding word) of the stimuli used in the HL and LH conditions with low word frequency in grade 5 were examined. The reading processing of compound words and binding words were different. Taft & Zhu (1997) suggested that characters from compound words, no matter whether they were free or bound morphemes, could be accessed at both character and whole-word levels. In contrast, according to Taft & Zhu (1995), characters from binding words were accessed at whole-word level because they are cannot be independently used. Therefore, the binding words included in the stimuli might contaminate the results. It was proposed that children would use word level processing only when reading binding words, where the character level processing would be inactivated. The H and L component character frequencies of the stimuli in LH conditions were comparable to that in other conditions, HH, HL and LL. The poorer performance in LH component character condition was not affected by the deviation in the frequencies of the characters in the stimuli. When looking into the types of words selected, there was no binding word in the stimuli of LH. There was always a high frequency component character, which could combine with a number of different characters to form other words, in either the first or the second position in the LH word. Therefore, the poorer performance in LH condition was not due to the involvement of any binding word. The finding could only be interpreted as the characteristic in the reading ability of the higher graders. It was suggested that a position effect of the component character frequency was shown in grade 5 when they read low word frequency words. It was hypothesized that high frequency component characters in the first character position in words facilitated the activation of the whole words at word level in low word frequency condition in higher graders. The LH construction had no facilitative effect, or even inhabitation, on the activation of the whole word in the view that the performance in LH condition was as low as in LL condition for low frequency words in grade 5. The reading performance of children increased with grades, which reflected that the children’s reading ability increased as they received longer education. The frequencies of the twocharacter words and their component characters were controlled for each individual grade in this study to make the reading performances of the three grades comparable. This eliminated the possibility that the increase in performance across grades was due to subjects’ increased exposure to Chinese words and characters as they received years of education. In conclusion, children as young as grade 1 read multi-character words using both whole word level and component character level reading strategies. Lower graders’ reading performance was affected by the component character frequency to a greater extent than higher graders’. The lower graders are more dependent on the component character level reading strategy than higher graders, while the higher graders tended to read Chinese multi-character words as meaningful wholes. Limitations There were two limitations in this study. Firstly, due to the limitation of words available for the selection of stimuli, binding words were also included in the stimuli with LL component character frequency. As mentioned above, binding words were accessed at word level, as their component characters were not single morphemes. It was considered that the present of binding words in the stimuli decreased the component character frequency effect to a certain extent. Secondly, the source of the stimuli was developed from the primary textbooks of the Chinese Language subject only. The variable that a child learned words and characters in other subjects’ textbooks, leisure books and newspapers was not controlled. The frequencies and number of different words and characters in the corpus could not entirely reflect children’s real exposure to Chinese characters and words. Some of the low frequency words and component characters used in this study might not be really unfamiliar to children who did lots of readings. Nevertheless, words and characters obtained from the Chinese Language textbooks could be an index of the primary school-aged children’s repertoires of orthography, as children learned most words in Chinese Language lessons. Further studies In order to obtain more representative results in future developmental studies on reading Chinese, it was recommended to include words and characters in textbooks of other school subjects in the selection of stimuli. This ensured the stimuli could reflect the children’s real exposure to Chinese characters and words in different areas and contexts. Further studies on the characteristics of multi-character words in children’s textbooks were suggested to investigate the types and quantity of words learned by children across grades. The results could be used to study the effect of children’s exposure to different types of words on the changes in reading strategies across grades. Studies on the development of reading strategies in pre-schoolers were recommended. Since the results of the present study revealed that children as early as grade 1 had already developed word level and character level reading strategies. The development of these readingprocessing levels was suggested to happen before children entered primary schools. Finally, as positional effect of component characters on the reading accuracy of low frequency words was found in grade 5, investigation on the effect of HL and LH component character frequency constructions on reading in higher graders was suggested. This helped us understand whether the positions of high and low frequency component characters could facilitate the reading of two-character words. Implications The findings of the present study showed that higher graders tended to read two-character words as whole units while lower graders had less advanced word level awareness in reading. Considered that the content of the primary textbooks were passages, children was assumed to read the passages character by character before they realised or learned the words in the passages. This could explain why lower graders’ word awareness was lower. It is advisable for teachers foster the development of both word level and character level awareness and the flexibility in using different reading strategies in primary school-aged children. REFERENCES Caramazza, A., Laudanna, A., & Romani, C. (1988). Lexical access and inflectional morphology. Cognition, 28, 297-332. Ho, C. S-H., Chan D. W-O. & Education Department, HKSAR Government. (2000). 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The multilevel interactive-activation framework illustrating the reading process using the example of the word 現代 (adopted from Taft, Liu & Zhu, 1999) Table 1 Mean percentage correct of the subjects’ overall performance and that in different word and component character frequency conditions Overall percentage score (%) Mean percentage score (%) Word frequency High Low Component character frequency HH HL LH LL 99.80 94.40 93.15 80.20 95.20 78.55 77.10 54.60 90.68 (5.48) Word frequency High Low 99.40 97.10 97.30 85.20 95.00 83.15 99.40 68.95 92.21 (3.90) Word frequency High 99.60 98.95 98.15 98.35 Low 99.60 89.60 77.10 76.45 Grade grade 1 Mean (S.D.) 84.11 (9.17) grade 3 grade 5 100 Percentage correct 90 Grade 1 80 Grade 3 Grade 5 70 60 HH HL LH LL component character frequency Figure 2. Interaction between Grade and Component character frequency Percentage correct 100 90 High word frequency 80 Low word frequency 70 60 HH HL LH LL Constituent character frequency Figure 3. Interaction between Word frequency and Component character frequency Table 2 Number of different errors in high and low word frequency conditions in grade 1, 3 and 5 Word frequency Whole word level access errors Character level access errors Errors involved both levels of access Other errors No response Total errors Grade 1 High Low 25 42 51 172 4 23 6 25 30 76 454 Grade 3 High Low 16 55 22 100 0 20 2 36 0 40 271 Grade 5 High Low 6 64 7 116 0 9 7 40 1 15 255