
Friday, 22 June 2012
Dear Parents
Year 11 GCSE History Visit to Orford Castle and Colchester Castle September 2012
As part of the GCSE programme of study, students must complete one controlled
assessment on History Around Us. For this, students will complete a piece of
work based on Orford Castle and Colchester Castle.
The trip is will take place on Thursday, 13 September 2012. We leave school at
9am and return to school by 4pm. The distance of the two sites and the nature of
the tasks/tours involved means it would be difficult to return to school to meet
with school buses at 3:15. Students will, therefore, have to make alternative
arrangements for travelling home. Alternatively, if you are happy for your
son/daughter to go home from Colchester Castle rather than returning to school
please sign the additional permission slip attached. Students living in Stanway
will be expected to return to school on the coach provided.
If your son/daughter is entitled to free school meals then these will be provided.
The cost of the trip is £15 and this includes transport costs and museum entry
and tour costs. Please sign the attached reply slips and submit with your
remittance by Friday, 13 July 2012 to the school office. Please also complete the
attached medical information form.
The trip to the castle provides students an excellent opportunity to experience
local history first hand and to develop their knowledge and understanding.
The trip has been developed to support the GCSE controlled assessment
requirements. Students will visit and complete fieldwork tasks on Orford Castle.
We will then travel back to Colchester where students will have a tour of the
castle by museum staff and will complete a number of tasks based on the castle
The trip is supported by a teaching unit investigating castle
development. It is essential that students attend the trip in order to be able to
successfully complete the GCSE controlled assessment task.
I have included with this letter some instructions and expectations for students,
including some health and safety information.
If you have any questions concerning this trip, please do not hesitate to contact
Mrs Jones
Co-ordinator of History
Important information for students
GCSE History Controlled Assessment fieldwork
You will study how castles developed over time.
On this trip you will be expected to complete tasks relating to each
castle so that you will understand the historical context of each site and
compare with other sites of a similar type.
Take care of your worksheets as this research will form the basis of
your controlled assessment write-up.
Behaviour expectations
Normal school rules apply for chewing gum and the use of mobiles
phones and electronic equipment. You must not use electronic
equipment, e.g. iPods, when completing fieldwork tasks at both sites.
In order to ensure your safety you will be given various instructions
throughout the day so it is really important that you listen carefully
when asked.
The coach driver will explain safety procedures for the journey to and
from the castles.
At the castle sites the ground will be uneven. The masonry is old and
some parts are broken. It is important to stay away from particular
areas when instructed to do so.
Make sure you bring:
Writing equipment. A pen is needed for note taking and a pencil and
eraser are needed to produce diagrams.
A clip board if you have one. You are not expected to buy one for this
You can bring a camera to take pictures but you will have to be
responsible for any equipment that you bring with you.
A packed lunch. There will be nowhere to purchase lunch during the
Non-uniform is permitted/required, please wear suitable footwear and
waterproof clothing. We will be spending much of the day outdoors so
dress appropriately for the trip.
£10 as a maximum amount to spend. You will be allowed to visit the
castle shops but the shop at Orford is very small and will not
accommodate many people.