Editorials - Discourse in Society

Teun A. van Dijk
February, 2013
Achugar, M. (2004). The events and actors of 11 September 2001 as seen from Uruguay: analysis of daily
newspaper editorials. Discourse & Society, 15(2-3), 291-320.
Alvarado, S. J. (1990). Understanding editorial text a computer model of argument comprehension. Boston:
Kluwer Academic Publishers. [[[b] [Editorials; Natural language processing (Computer science); Text
processing (Computer science)]]]
American Broadcasting Company. (1965). The editorial tradition, 1776-1965. (n.p.): ABC Television Stations.
[[[b] [Editorials.]]]
Atthar, R. (1992). Viewpoint, editorial-page articles from the Times of India. Bombay: Times of India. [[[b]
[Editorials; Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)]]]
Babb, L. L., & Washington Post Writers Group. (Ed.). (1974). Of the press, by the press, for the press (and others,
too). A critical study of the inside workings of the news business, from the news pages, editorials, columns,
and internal staff memos of The Washington post.. Washington: Washington post. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN:
Badarneh, M. A. (2009). Exploring the use of rhetorical questions in editorial discourse: a case study of Arabic
editorials. Text & Talk, 29(6), 639-659. [[[rhetorical questions; editorials; dialogicality; double voicing;
hidden polemic; interpellation; newspaper editorials; le-monde; authority; consensus; communication;
linguistics; language & linguistics]]]
Barbosa, A. (1970). Técnica de editoriais (para o curso de jornalismo). Belo Horizonte: Imprensa Oficial. [[[b]
Bell, E. (2003). Right wing radio crusade. Broadcasts of yesterday, viewpoints of today. Bloomington, IN: 1st
Books Library. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 1410772705 (pbk.)][Social values][Editorials][Conservatism]]]
Belmonte, I. A. (2009). Toward a genre-based characterization of the problem-solution textual pattern in English
newspaper editorials and op-eds. Text & Talk, 29(4), 393-414. [[[communication; linguistics; language &
Béteille, A. (2000). Chronicles of our time. New Delhi New York, NY: Penguin Books. [[[b] [Editorials; Clippings
(Books, newspapers, etc.)]]]
Boafo, S. T. K. (Ed.). (1991). Module on advanced writing. Nairobi, Kenya: African Council for Communication
Education. [[[b] [Feature writing.; Editorials.; Newspapers]]]
Bolívar, A. (1994). The Structure of Newspaper Editorials. In Coulthard, Malcolm (Ed.), Advances in Written Text
Analysis. (pp 276-294). London, England: Routledge. [[[Text Structure] [Newspapers] [Text Analysis]
Bonenfant, J., & Gervais, A. (1985). Dossier: La Barre du Jour/La Nouvelle Barre du Jour. Voix et Images:
Litterature Quebecoise, 10(2), 7-66. [[[French Canadian literature] [1900 1999] [periodicals] [La Barre du
Jour] [La Nouvelle Barre du Jour] [anthology] [of political editorials]]]
Bonnafous, S., & Fiala, P. (1984). L'argumentation dans les éditoriaux de droite et d'extreme droite (1973)-(1982).
Paris: Institut de langue francaise (CNRS) and Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint Cloud. [[[{press}]
[editorials] [racism] [Right]]]
Bonyadi, A. (2010). The rhetorical properties of the schematic structures of newspaper editorials: A comparative
study of English and Persian editorials. Discourse & Communication, 4(4), 323-342. [[[communication]]]
Burney, I. H. (1996). No illusions, some hopes and no fears the Outlook editorials of I.H. Burney, 1962-4, 1972-4.
Karachi New York: Oxford University Press. [[[b] [Editorials]]]
Bush, C. R. (1932). Editorial thinking and writing a textbook with exercises. New York London: D. Appleton and
Company. [[[b] [Editorials.]]]
Bush, C. R. (1970). Editorial thinking and writing a textbook with exercises. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
[[[b] [Editorials; Report writing]]]
Cacioppo, J. T., Petty, R. E., & Sidera, J. A. (1982). The effects of a salient self-schema on the evaluation of
proattitudinal editorials: Top-down versus bottom-up message processing. Journal of Experimental Social
Psychology, 18, 324-338.
Carvalho, J. J. (2008). A biologist's perspective on the future of the science-religion dialogue in the twenty-first
century. Zygon, 43(1), 217-226. [[[evolutionary biology; global warming; human rights; philosophy;
religion; science-religion; technology; theology; third world poverty; world health; guest editorials;
experience; agenda; world; social issues; religion]]]
Chang, T. K. (1989). The Impact of Presidential Statements on Press Editorials Regarding United-States China
Policy, 1950-1984. Communication Research, 16(4), 486-509.
Cundy, D. T. (1989). Televised Political Editorials and the Low-Involvement Viewer. Social Science Quarterly,
70(4), 911-922.
Day, D. M. (1991). The Role of Epistemic Style in the Processing of Style-Consistent and Style-Inconsistent
Counterattitudinal Editorials. Dissertation-Abstracts-International, Ann Arbor, MI (DAI). 1991 Apr, 51:10,
5072B University of Windsor. [[[English language Modern] [stylistics] [rhetoric] [role in persuasion]]]
El Shiyab, S. (1992). The Structure of Argumentation in Arabic: Editorials as a Case Study. DissertationAbstracts-International, Ann Arbor, MI (DAI). 1992 Mar, 52:9, 3261A DAI No.: BRDX94531. Heriot-Watt
U. [[[Arabic language Modern] [stylistics] [rhetoric] [argumentation] [treatment in English language
Elliot, H. (1967). Fate, hope and editorials contemporary accounts and opinions in the newspapers, 1862-1873.
Ottawa: Canadian Library Association. [[[b] [Canadian newspapers.; Editorials.]]]
Ethridge, M. F. (1968). The editorial writer: Facing today's issues in the White tradition. Lawrence: University of
Kansas. [[[b] [White, William Allen; Editorials.]]]
Fischer, H. D. (Ed.). (1990). Political editorial, 1916-1988 from war-related conflicts to metropolitian disputes.
München New York: K.G. Saur. [[[b] [Press and politics; Reportage literature, American.; Editorials.]]]
Flor, E. (1996). Opinión antología de editoriales aparecidos en Hoy : 1995. Quito: Hoy. [[[b] [World politics;
Forbes, M. S. (1974). Fact & comment. New York: Knopf; (distributed by Random House). [[[b] [Business.;
Success in business.; Editorials.]]]
Garimaldi de Raffo Magnasco, R. (2002). Periodismo de opinión cordobés, poder y globalización. En el marco del
análisis crítico del discurso 1997-2000. Río Cuarto, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto,
Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. [[[b][Lg: spa][ISBN: 9506651841][Journalism][Press and
Garrett, G. (2003). Defend America first. The antiwar editorials of the Saturday evening post, 1939-1942.
Caldwell, ID: Caxton Press. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 0870044338 (pbk.)][World War, 19391945][Nationalism][Neutrality][Isolationism][Editorials]]]
Giannoni, D. S. (2008). Popularizing features in English journal editorials. English for Specific Purposes, 27(2),
212-232. [[[humor; workplace; discourse; community; science; corpus; laugh; linguistics]]]
Giroud, F., Servan-Schreiber, J. J., & Steele, R. (1977). Françoise Giroud, Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber dans
"L'Express" textes pour l'étude de la langue et de la civilisation françaises. Paris: Didier. [[[b] [French
language; Editorials.]]]
Guerra B., S., & Hidalgo Saa, S. (1992). Una Década de opinión en el Ecuador la página editorial de Hoy de 1982
a 1992. Quito: Hoy. [[[b] [World politics; Editorials]]]
Guzmán, E. (1977). Editoriales de La Prensa, 1878. (Managua: Fondo de Promoción Cultural, Banco de América).
[[[b] [Editorials.]]]
Hart, J. A. (1970). Views on the news; the developing editorial syndrome, 1500-1800. Carbondale: Southern
Illinois University Press. [[[b] [American newspapers; Editorials.]]]
Hawes, T., & Thomas, S. (1995). Theme Choice and Lateral Verbs in Newspaper Editorials. Hongkong Papers in
Linguistics and Language Teaching, 18, 103-113. [[[Newspapers] [Verbs] [Rheme] [Text Analysis]
[interpersonal behavior and communication] [mass media ] [discourse analysis/text linguistics] [text
Hawes, T., & Thomas, S. (1996). Actional and Relational Verbs in Newspaper Editorials. CTJ Journal, 32, 14-18.
[[[newspapers] [stylistics] [verbs] [rhetoric] [discourse analysis/text linguistics] [stylistics]]]
Hawes, T., & Thomas, S. (1996). Rhetorical Uses of Theme in Newspaper Editorials. World Englishes, 15(2), 159170. [[[newspapers] [england] [rhetoric] [thematic roles] [interpersonal behavior and communication] [mass
Herrera, E. (1997). Periodismo de opinión los fuegos cotidianos. Caracas: Litter'Editores. [[[b] [Editorials.]]]
Hornady, J. R. (1914). The editorials of J. R. H. Birmingham, Ala.: Roberts & son. [[[b][Lg: eng][Journalism]]]
Hulteng, J. L. (1973). The opinion function: editorial and interpretive writing for the news media. New York:
Harper & Row. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 0060429895][Editorials][Mass media][Journalism][Report writing]]]
Hyde, J. (2009). Towards the characterisation of a specific text type:: the dimension of intersentential relations in
editorials from El País. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Hyde, J. (2009). Towards the characterisation of a specific text type:: the dimension of intersentential relations in
editorials from El País. Revista española de lingüística aplicada, 22, 161-188. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Hynds, E. C. (1990). Changes in Editorials: A Study of 3 Newspapers, 1955-1985. Journalism Quarterly, 67(2),
Jenkins, A., Nikolaev, A., & Porpora, D. V. (2012). Moral Reasoning and the Online Debate About Iraq. Political
Communication, 29(1), 44-63. [[[morality; online discussion groups; iraq war; editorials; religion;
communication; deliberation; communication; government & law]]]
Kerrick, J. S., Annderson, T. E., & Swwales, L. B. (1964). Balance and the Writer's Attitude in News Stories and
Editorials. Journalism Quarterly, 41, 207-215.
Khalifah, H. K. (1993). Selected writings of H. Khalif Khalifah. The continuity of the words, acts & deeds of one
of the most widely published African men of this generation : articles, editorials, commentary. Hampton,
Va.: U.B., & U.S. Communications Systems. [[[b][African Americans][Black Muslims][Black
Khan, E. (1999). A testament of time Holiday columns and editorials of Enayetullah Khan. Dhaka: Holiday
Krieghbaum, H. (1956). Facts in perspective the editorial page and news interpretation. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
Prentice-Hall. [[[b] [Editorials.]]]
Krueger, E., & Fox, J. D. (1991). The Effects of Editorials on Audience Reaction to Television Newscasters.
Journalism Quarterly, 68(3), 402-411.
Kwartowitz, A. (1987). Intensionality - Extensionality and the Press: A Comparative Analysis of Selected Articles
and Editorials from The New York Times', New York Post's and Daily News' Reporting of the Events in
Ocean Hill-Brownsville in 1968. Dissertation-Abstracts-International, Ann Arbor, MI (DAI). 1987 Dec.,
48:6, 1346A-1347A. [[[English language Modern] [semantics] [newspaper language]]]
Le, (2003). Information sources as a persuasive strategy in editorials: Le Monde and The New York Times.
Written Communication, 20(4), 478-510. [[information sources][persuasive
strategy][editorials][media][public agenda][international matters][Information Specialists][News
Media][Newspapers][Persuasive Communication][Writers]]
Le, E. (2002). Humam rights discourse and international relations: Le Monde's editorials on Russia. Discourse &
Society, 13(3), 373-408.
Le, E. (2002). Humam Rights Discourse and International-Relations: Le-Monde Editorials on Russia. Discourse &
Society, 13(3), 373-408.
Le, E. (2003). Information sources as a persuasive strategy in editorials: Le Monde and The New York Times.
Written Communication, 20 (4), 478-510. [[[information sources] [persuasive strategy] [editorials] [media]
[public agenda] [international matters]]]
Le, E. (2009). Editorials' genre and media roles: Le Monde's editorials from 1999 to 2001. Journal of Pragmatics,
41 (9), 1727-1748.[[[Lg: English] [media roles][text structures][semantics][methodology][editorial
genres][Methodology][Semantics][Text Structure]]]
Le, E. (2010). Editorials and the power of media. Interweaving of socio-cultural identities. Philadelphia: John
Benjamins Pub. Company. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 9789027288578 (eb : alk. paper)][Journalism][Press and
politics][Editorials][Discourse analysis]]]
Lee, C. C., Li, H. T., & Lee, F. L. F. (2011). Symbolic Use of Decisive Events: Tiananmen as a News Icon in the
editorials of the elite US press. International Journal of Press-Politics, 16(3), 335-356. [[[news icon; media
discourses; the press and foreign policy; tiananmen; us-china relationship; states-china policy; united-states;
editorial discourse; collective ; communication; government & law]]]
Linden, P., & Bleher, C. (2000). Glossen und Kommentare in den Printmedien. Berlin: ZV, Zeitungs-Verlag
Service. [[[b][Lg: ger][ISBN: 3929122790][Editorials][Newspapers][Political satire, German][Journalism]]]
Liu, L. H. (2009). Discourse construction of social power: interpersonal rhetoric in editorials of the China Daily.
Discourse Studies, 11(1), 59-78. [[[communication]]]
Long, H. R. (Ed.). (1977). Main Street militants. An anthology from Grassroots editor. Carbondale: Southern
Illinois University Press. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 0809307928][Journalism][Editorials]]]
Love, A., & Morrison, A. (1989). Readers' Obligations: An Examination of Some Features of Zimbabwean
Newspaper Editorials. ELR Journal, 3, 137-172. [[[Text Analysis] [Mass Media] [Discourse Analysis]
[Language and Culture]]]
MacDougall, C. D. (1973). Principles of editorial writing. Dubuque, Iowa: W. C. Brown Co. Publishers. [[[b]
Maddalena, A., & Alonso Belmonte, I. (2011). Unveiling the writer-reader interaction in Peninsular Spanish and
American English newspaper editorials: A cross linguistic study. Journal of Pragmatics, 43(3), 891-903.
[Lg: English][[[[American English] [Newspaper editorials] [Peninsular Spanish] [Rhetorical relations]
[Writer's responsibility] [Written argumentative discourse] ]]]
Maddalena, A., & Belmonte, I. A. (2011). Unveiling the writer-reader interaction in Peninsular Spanish and
American English newspaper editorials: A cross linguistic study. Journal of Pragmatics, 43(3), 891-903.
[[[newspaper editorials; peninsular spanish; american english; writer's responsibility; rhetorical relations;
written argumentative discourse; discourse; linguistics]]]
Marchesani, J. J. (1984). 'What if...?' Galaxy's Editorials and the Ideology of Science. Pennsylvania English 10(2),
35-45. [[[genres] [fiction] [science fiction] [role of Galaxy Science Fiction] [Galaxy Magazine] [(date) 1950
1959] [treatment of science] [relationship to ideology]]]
Márquez, J. (Ed.). (1976). Pensamiento de México en los periódicos páginas editoriales, 1975. México, D.F.:
Editorial Tecnos. [[[b] [Education; Editorials.]]]
Márquez, J. (Ed.). (1977). Pensamiento de México en los periódicos páginas editoriales, 1976. México: Editorial
Tecnos. [[[b] [Education; Editorials.]]]
Martínez Montón, R. (Ed.). (1997). Textos period¡sticos de opinión, 1975-1996. Barcelona: Grupo Hermes Editora
General. [[[b] [Editorials; Spanish essays.]]]
Matu, P. M., & Lubbe, H. J. (2007). Investigating language and ideology - A presentation of the ideological square
and transitivity in the editorials of three Kenyan newspapers. Journal of Language and Politics, 6(3), 401418. [[[ideology; ideological square; transitivity; editorials; kenya; discourse analysis; linguistics; language
& linguistics]]]
McCaul, R. L., & DeBoer, P. P. (1992). Annotated list of Chicago Tribune editorials on elementary and secondary
education in the U.S., 1852-1971. Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press. [[[b] [Education, Elementary;
Education, Secondary; American newspapers]]]
McCullough, J. B. (Ed.). (1999). Mark Twain at the Buffalo express articles and sketches by America's favorite
humorist. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press. [[[b] [Humorous stories, American; Editorials]]]
Meer, N., & Mouritsen, P. (2009). Political cultures compared: The Muhammad cartoons in the Danish and British
Press. Ethnicities, 9(3), 334-360. [Lg: English][[[[Cartoons controversy] [Citizenship] [Civic status]
[Freedom of speech] [Muslims] [News editorials] [Public discourse] ]]]
Miller, F. A., Ahern, C., Smith, C. A., & Harvey, E. A. (2006). Understanding the new human genetics: A review
of scientific editorials. Social Science & Medicine, 62(10), 2373-2385. [[[genetic medicine; new genetics
professionals; metaphors; attitudes; science media; public-health; human-genome; psychiatric genetics;
medicine; media; ]]]
Morris, J. M. (1988). Images of Community in Scientific Texts: A Grid Group- Approach to the Analysis of
Journal Editorials. Sociological Inquiry, 58(3), 240-260.
Myers, D. S. (1982). Editorials and foreign affairs in recent presidential campaigns. Journalism Quarterly, 59, 541547.
Myers, D. S. (1982). Editorials on the economy in the 1980 presidential campaign. Journalism Quarterly, 59, 414419.
Nordentoft, M., & Seiden, C. (1972). Avisledere nogle tekstanalyser. Copenhagen: Gyldendal. [[[b] [Danish
language; Editorials.]]]
O'Shaughnessy, W. (1999). Airwaves a collection of radio editorials from the Golden Apple. New York: Fordham
University Press. [[[b] [Freedom of speech; Politicians; Editorials]]]
Padgaonkar, D. (Ed.). (1992). Centrepiece articles by editors of the Times of India. (Bombay): Times of India.
[[[b] [Editorials; Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)]]]
Pandya, I. H. (1989). Discourse Processes and Persuasion Structure of English Editorials in Indian Languages.
Indian Linguistics: Journal of the Linguistic Society of India, 50(1-4), 23-38. [[[English language Modern]
[India] [stylistics] [rhetoric]]]
Pennock, B. (2000). A genre approach to re-entry patterns in editorials. Valencia: Lengua Inglesa, Universitat de
València. [[[b][Lg: spa][ISBN: 8437042658][Discourse analysis, Literary][Editorials][Style, Literary]]]
Phelan, S. (2007). The discursive dynamics of neo-liberal consensus - Irish broadsheet editorials and the
privatization of Eircom. Journal of Language and Politics, 6(1), 7-28. [[[linguistics; language &
Pool, I. S. (1952). The "prestige papers" a survey of their editorials. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. [[[b]
[Newspapers.; Editorials.]]]
Porpora, D. V., & Nikolaev, A. (2008). Moral muting in US newspaper op-eds debating the attack on Iraq.
Discourse & Communication, 2(2), 165-184. [[[editorials; ethics; iraq; mitigation; moral discourse;
morality; mitigation; communication]]]
Pratte, A., & Whiting, G. (1986). What Newspaper Editorials Have Said About Deregulation of Broadcasting.
Journalism Quarterly, 63, 497-502.
Pyykko, R. (1991). New Tendencies in the Language of Pravda Editorials: A Comparative Analysis of Pravda
Editorials in 1979 and 1988/89. Studia Slavica Finlandensia, 8, 184-96. [[[Russian language Modern]
[stylistics] [readability] [of newspaper language] [(date) 1979 1989]]]
Quesada Pacheco, J. A. (1990). Types and Functions of Repetition in American and Costa Rican Newspaper
Editorials. Dissertation-Abstracts-International, Ann Arbor, MI (DAI). 1990 Mar., 50:9, 2882A. [[[Spanish
language] [stylistics] [role of repetition] [in newspaper language] [compared to English language Modern]]]
Rivers, W. L., McIntyre, B., & Work, A. R. (1988). Writing opinion, editorials. Ames: Iowa State University
Press. [[[b] [Editorials]]]
Roberts, D. (1989). Charles Dickens and the Daily News: Editorials and Editorial Writers. Victorian Periodicals
Review, 22(2), 51-63. [[[English literature] [1800 1899] [Dickens, Charles] [prose] [editorial] [in Daily
News London] [(date) 1846]]]
Routt, E. (1974). Dimensions of broadcast editorializing. Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: G/L Tab Books. [[[b]
[Editorials.; Broadcasting.]]]
Rystrom, K. (1983). The why, who, and how of the editorial page. New York: Random House. [[[b] [Editorials.]]]
Rystrom, K. (1994). The why, who, and how of the editorial page. New York: McGraw-Hill. [[[b] [Editorials.]]]
Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust. (1994). Muktnaad ; Hum Sab Ayodhya. A selection of reports, editorials,
discussions, comments from the press.. New Delhi: Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust. [[[b][Lg:
Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust. (2002). Communalisation of education. The assault on history : press reportagé,
editorials, and articles.. New Delhi: Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN:
8186219374][Educational change][Nationalism and education][Education]]]
Santamaría, L. (1990). El comentario period¡stico los géneros persuasivos. Madrid: Paraninfo. [[[b] [Editorials.;
Schmid, M. (1992). Die Pressefreiheit nach dem GG und das Verhältnis der an der Herstellung eines
Presseerzeugnisses Beteiligten in bezug auf die publizistische Meinungsäusserung. Augsburg: AV-Verlag.
[[[b] [Freedom of the press; Freedom of speech; Editorials]]]
Schooler, T. Y. E., Kennet, J., Wiley, J., & Voss, J. F. (1996). On the processing of political editorials. In Roger J.
Kreuz, & Mary Sue MacNealy (Eds.), Empirical approaches to literature and aesthetics. Advances in
discourse processes, Vol. 52. (pp. 445-459). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corp. [[[politics] [experience
level] [reading comprehension] [memory] [adulthood ]]]
Sinclair, K. (1982). British press editorials on leadership during 1979 campaign. Journalism Quarterly, 59, 230234.
SK. C., & Wakefield, M. (2005). Textual Analysis of Tobacco Editorials: How Are Key Media Gatekeepers
Framing the Issues? American Journal of Health Promotion, 19(5), 361-368. [[tobacco editorials][news
media][media advocacy][Advocacy][News Media][Tobacco Smoking]]
Sloan, W. D. (1980). Pulitzer prize editorials America's best editorial writing, 1917-1979. Ames: Iowa State
University Press. [[[b] [Editorials.; Pulitzer Prizes.]]]
Sloan, W. D., & Anderson, L. B. (1994). Pulitzer Prize editorials America's best editorial writing, 1917-1993.
Ames: Iowa State University Press. [[[b] [Editorials.; Pulitzer prizes.]]]
Sloan, W. D., & Anderson, L. B. (2003). Pulitzer prize editorials Americas best writing, 1917-2003. Ames, Iowa:
Iowa State Press. [[[b] [Editorials.; Pulitzer prizes.]]]
Sloan, W. D., Wray, C. S., & Sloan, C. J. (1997). Great editorials. Masterpieces of opinion writing. Northport,
Ala.: Vision Press. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 1885219059][Editorials][Journalism]]]
Smart, A., Tutton, R., Martin, P., Ellison, G. T. H., & Ashcroft, R. (2008). The standardization of race and
ethnicity in biomedical science editorials and UK biobanks. Social Studies of Science, 38(3), 407-423.
[[[classification; ethnicity; genetics; population; race; standardization; clinical-practice; health; medicine;
genetics; classifications; genomics; genes; history & philosophy of science]]]
Spiceland, R. D. J. (1993). The Fairness Doctrine, the Chilling Effect, and Television Editorials. DissertationAbstracts-International, Ann Arbor, MI (DAI). 1993 Sept, 54:3, 719A DAI No.: DA9319234. University of
Tennessee. [[[dramatic arts] [television] [editorial] [relationship to Fairness Doctrine] [(date) 1934]
Squires, C. R. (2011). Bursting the Bubble: A Case Study of Counter-framing in the Editorial Pages. Critical
Studies in Media Communication, 28(1), 30-49. [[[african americans; counter discourse; editorials; framing;
journalism; latina; os; objectivity; race; reflexivity; subprime mortgage; whites; television-news; media;
discourse; communication]]]
Squires, C. R. (2011). Bursting the bubble: A case study of counter-framing in the editorial pages. Critical Studies
in Media Communication, 28(1), 30-49. [Lg: English][[[[African Americans] [Counter discourse]
[Editorials] [Framing] [Journalism] [Latina/os, objectivity] [Race] [Reflexivity] [Subprime mortgage]
[Whites] ]]]
Stabley, R. R. (1941). Newspaper editorials on American education... Philadelphia:. [[[b][Lg:
Stonecipher, H. W. (1979). Editorial and persuasive writing. Opinion functions of the news media. New York:
Hasting House. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 0803819536 0803819544][Editorials][Persuasion
(Rhetoric)][Press][Journalism][Journalism][Report writing]]]
Suedfeld, P. (1992). Bilateral Relations Between Countries and the Complexity of Newspaper Editorials. Political
Psychology, 13(4), 601-611.
Takekawa, S. (2007). Forging Nationalism from Pacifism and Internationalism: A Study of Asahi and Yomiuri's
New Year's Day Editorials, 1953-2005. Social Science Japan Journal, 10(1), 59-80. [[[japan; ]]]
Tarm, M., Kelam, M. A., & Estonian American National Council. (Eds.). (1989). Documents from Estonia.
Articles, speeches, resolutions, letters, editorials, interviews concerning recent developments. New York,
NY (243 E. 34th St., New York 10016): Estonian American National Council. [[[b][Lg:
Thomas, S., & Hawes, T. (1997). Theme in academic and media discourse. Nottingham: Dept. of English Studies,
University of Nottingham. [[[b] [Bibliographical citations; Discourse analysis; Editorials; Systemic
Tirkkonen-Condit, S. (1987). Argumentation in English and Finnish editorials. In F. H. van Eemeren, R.
Grootendorst, J. A. Blair, & C. A. Willard (Eds.), Argumentation across the lines of discipline. (pp. 373387). Dordrecht: Foris.
Torronen, J. (2001). Between Public Good and the Freedom of the Consumer: Negotiating the Space, Orientation
and Position of Us in the Reception of Alcohol Policy Editorials. Media Culture & Society, 23(2), 171+.
Van Dijk, T. A. (1989). Race, riots and the press. An analysis of editorials in the British press about the 1985
disorders. Gazette, 43, 229-253. [[[CDA]]]
Van Dijk, T. A. (1992). Racism and argumentation. Race Riot Rhetoric in Tabloid Editorials. In F. H. van
Eemeren, R. Grootendorst, J. A. Blair, & C. A. Willard (Eds.) Argumentation Illuminated. (pp. 243-259).
Amsterdam: SICSAT. [[[CDA] [{press}] [media]]]
Vaughan, C. (1995). A comparative discourse analysis of editorials on the Lebanon 1982 crisis. In: C. Schäffner, &
A. L. Wenden (Eds.), Language and peace. (pp. 61-74). Amsterdam,Netherlands: Harwood Academic
Publishers [[[Lg: English ] [comparative discourse analysis of newspaper editorials on crisis in Lebanon,
US vs Israel vs Lebanon, 1982 ][Cross Cultural Differences][Discourse Analysis][Newspapers][Persuasive
Communication][War ]]]
Vermeer, J. P. (2002). The view from the states national politics in local newspaper editorials. Lanham, Md.:
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