The goal of literacy instruction is the attainment of fluency
Writing genres in NAF courses include texts students will encounter in college and career
• Essays (personal, explanatory, persuasive)
• Research reports
• Business letters, memos, emails, and proposals
• Resumes and cover letters
• Directions
• Skits
• Editorials, reviews, blogs
• Ads, brochures, press releases
What is dessert?
The defining format captures a word’s characteristics
Category Characteristics is a course of a meal
Works best with words that have a range of attributes: the ocean, eyes.
Examples of words that are either too vague or too one-dimensional to use this way: the year 2010, crayons.
The process of thinking about a term in this way causes students to make new connections; to think of the term as related to a range of topics rather than in isolation, which in turn helps with retention and with using the word in future writing assignments
Requires specificity and clarity of language, while encouraging class discussion
Requires actively thinking about a term, rather than passively writing the definition down
Great way for teacher to check for level of understanding