Comprehensive Snow Removal Policy

Comprehensive Snow
Removal Policy
That Transportation and Public Works
Committee recommend to City Council:
That Policy C409E, the Winter Road
Maintenance Program, Attachment 1
of the May 15, 2007 Transportation
Department report 2007TD4934, be
Report Summary
This report provides a response to
direction from City Council to bring
forward a new comprehensive Snow
Removal Policy.
Previous Council Action
At the June 12, 2007, Transportation
and Public Works Committee
meeting, the May 15, 2007,
Transportation Department report
2007TD4934 was postponed to the
July 10, 2007, Transportation and
Public Works Committee meeting, at
9:30 a.m.
At the March 20, 2007, City Council
meeting, the following motion was
Plan and Snow and Ice Control
Manual which identifies service
delivery based on road
The updated City Policy C409E
clearly indicates what citizens can
expect as a core service delivery to
provide reliable mobility in a winter
Budget/Financial Implications
The Winter Road Maintenance
Operating and Capital Budgets will need
increased funding to meet overall
mobility and environmental
Justification of Recommendation
The changes incorporated in the
proposed revision to City Policy C409E
will reflect the extent of services we will
provide to the citizens of Edmonton for
the 21st Century.
1. Winter Road Maintenance Program
Policy C409E
2. Winter Road Maintenance Program
Procedure C409E
That Administration bring forward
a new comprehensive Snow
Removal Policy for Council’s
consideration that would clearly
state what citizens can expect the
City to deliver in terms of winter
Administration proposes that City
Policy C409E be approved as it now
incorporates our Salt Management
ROUTING – Transportation and Public Works Committee/City Council | DELEGATION – R. Ducharme
WRITTEN BY – B. Belcourt/M. Koziol | May 15, 2007 – Transportation Department 2007TD4934
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Attachment 1
Winter Road Maintenance Program - Policy C409E
City Council 2007 03 20
City Council 2006 03 21
City Council 2001 09 11
City Council 1989 12 12
City Council 1984 01 10
City Council 1982 03 09
City Council 1981 02 24
City Council 1978 11 14
Transportation Department
City Council
2007 05 15
Winter Road Maintenance Program
Policy Statement: Ensure that roadways are maintained in such a manner as to minimize economic loss
to the community, prevent or reduce accident and injury, and facilitate the handling of emergencies by
the emergency responders and police services.
The purpose of this policy is to set winter snow & ice control standards to provide road safety while
protecting the environment.
Policy Statements:
Winter Maintenance Programs (within city limits)
Roadway Sanding:
Crews will be on duty at all times from mid October to mid April to provide sand/salt mixture
to meet weather conditions.
Roadway Plowing:
Plow snow from all arterial and bus routes within 48 hours following the end of a storm to
achieve bare pavement.
Plow snow as required from roadways (other than arterial roadways and bus routes)
carrying in excess of 1500 vehicles per day, roadways abutting schools, emergency
access routes, and roadways abutting property zoned RF5-RA9 inclusive.
Residential Plowing:
When rutting or snow drifting occurs residential roadways (with less than 1500 vehicle
movements per day) will be bladed to maintain a level, snow packed condition only.
A city-wide plowing program will be undertaken when snow pack depth exceeds 10 cm in
driving lanes; not intended to be a bare pavement service.
Service level will include up to three plowing cycles per winter.
Service level will only involve the plowing of snow. Windrows left behind will be the
responsibility of the adjacent property owner.
Snow will not be hauled away.
Notification of residential plowing will be announced through the media. A parking ban will
not be used.
Plowing to bare pavement on residential roads may be initiated at the discretion of the City
Manager. Bare pavement shall include:
o All driveways, crosswalks and corners will be opened.
o Where windrows of snow are created they will not be hauled away.
o In cul de sacs snow will be stacked in the centre and hauled away.
o Alleys are not covered under city-wide bare pavement policy
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Report: 2007TD4934 Attachment 1
Attachment 1
Alley Plowing:
Bladed to maintain 10 cm snow pack.
Snow will not be hauled away.
Snow Removal:
Remove snow from business districts as required.
Remove snow from arterial roadways and bus routes when the driving width or parking
area restricts safe vehicular movement.
Remove snow as required from roadways (other than arterial roadways and bus routes)
carrying in excess of 1500 vehicles per day, roadways abutting RA9 when the driving width
or parking area restricts safe vehicular movement.
Plow snow from sidewalks adjacent to city owned land within 48 hours to meet the
requirement of Bylaw 5590, Section 801.
Snow will not be hauled away.
Snow Storage Site Management:
Snow removed from arterial roads, bus routes, and private parking lots must be hauled to
snow storage sites to meet Environment Canada and Alberta Environment guidelines and
Codes of Practice outlined in the Salt Management Plan.
Spring Clean-Up:
Annual removal of all street sand from entire paved road system placed during winter
months. Street sweepings must be disposed to meet environmental guidelines set by
Alberta Environment.
Street Sanding Recycling:
All street sand collected shall be washed and recycled for re-use.
Salt Management Plan:
Report to both Alberta Environment and Environment Canada annually on road salt usage
and road salt management. Meet Codes of Practice established by Transportation
Association of Canada and adopted by Environment Canada.
Roadway Priority Hierarchy
Priority I
River valley hills, all bridges, grade separations, freeways.
Business Areas: C.B.D. (City Business Districts – Central, Southwest, Northwest,
Northeast, Southeast)
Priority 2
Arterial Roadways
Priority 3
Collector I Roadways
Priority 4
Collector II Roadways
Priority 5
Rural Roadways:
Priority 6
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Report: 2007TD4934 Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Winter Road Maintenance Program – Procedures C409E
City Manager
Winter Road Maintenance Program
Arterial Roadways and Bus Routes – as routes shown as snow plowing and removal
priorities in the Edmonton Snow Route Guide. All routes are permanently signed under
the authority of the City of EdmontonTraffic Bylaw 5590 Section 614.
As Required – as a statement that service will not be limited to a preplanned number of
work occurrences per year. It allows operating forces to apply field judgment and
expertise to varying weather conditions.
Bare Pavement – condition refers to a snow free condition in the driving lanes of
roadways. Bare pavement shall be not more than 2 cm of snow cover on the roadway
Blade Snow – Light blading of snow or compacted snow and ice to make roadways
passable or to level ruts.
Collector I – This category of roadway carries vehicles between Arterial and Residential
roadways. It may be divided and have more than two travel lanes with full access to
adjacent properties.
Collector II – Designated bus route through a residential area.
Emergency Access Routes – as defined by Roadways Maintenance Section, roads
providing access from arterial, collector roadways or bus routes to a hospital, auxiliary
hospital, nursing home, ambulance centre, police station, or fire station.
Plow Snow – pushing accumulated snow from the roadways surface either to the sides of
the roadway or the centre of the roadway in order to maintain no less than one vehicle
lane in each direction.
Properties Zone RF5-RA9 – are streets where sufficient development in these propertyuse classes has occurred but not meant to service isolated blocks where vehicle volumes
are low.
Residential Streets – as streets or designed portions thereof abutting by sites four fifths of
which are occupied by residential buildings only and non of which are occupied by
industrial buildings.
Road Salt – all de-icing agents that promote the melting of snow and/or ice.
Rural Road – Roadways on which no development or improvement has been made, e.g.:
oiled or gravel roads.
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Report: 2007TD4934 Attachment 2
Attachment 2
Rutting – troughs in compacted snow and ice which make the maneuvering of a vehicle
dangerous. Ruts will usually be 10 cm in depth before this condition warrants blading.
Sanding – The application of abrasive materials and road salt to roadways by calibrated
mechanical spreaders. To improve vehicle traction and promote safe traffic flow.
Snow Drifting – as the deposit of wind blown snow on roadways or lanes which makes
the passage of vehicle traffic impossible.
Snow Removal – the complete removal of windrowed snow from established routes to a
snow storage site.
Snow Route Ban – A ban on all parking on designated roadways for a period of 72 hours
after a declaration of Snow Route (No Parking) Ban is made by the Manager of Traffic
Operations of his designate.
Spring Clean-Up – street sweeping and flushing of all paved roadways and alleys.
The General Manager of Transportation to:
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authorize the instructions or specifications necessary to properly implement the
Policy of City Council and to approve any changes in those instructions upon
direction of City Council.
Exercise control of the staff of the Transportation Department directing such
assistance as may be required to the Roadway Maintenance Section during
snow related emergencies. Will act as liaison with City Council.
Detailed instructions necessary to properly implement this policy are contained in
the ”Snow and Ice Control Manual” and “Salt Management Plan” as approved by
the General Manager of the Transportation Department for the direction of all
employees and equipment concerned.
Report: 2007TD4934 Attachment 2