21 McIntosh Ck Rd GYMPIE QLD 4570 ABN. 21 534 304 264 Phone: 54890555 Fax: 5483 6127 Email: the.principal@jonehillss.qld.edu.au JONES HILL STATE SCHOOL Achievement Through Understanding P&C President: Stephen Delisser Secretary: Carmel Window P&C Email: pandc@jonehillss.eq.edu.au MINUTES OF THE GENERAL MEETING HELD 20th April 2015 PRESENT: Leisa Van Doran, Renee Ivory, Maree Fanshaw, Janessa Keogh, Sasha Baxter, Jennifer Albrecht, Daryl Davis, James Watt, Stephen Delisser, Julie Baker, Jill Wells, Tammy Pengelly, Helen Grogan, Carmel Window, Jo McEwan, Denise Cottrill APOLOGIES : Sherri Kerr, Luke Delisser, Darren Seed. President Steve opened the meeting and welcomed all in attendance at 7.10pm. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Carmel moved, seconded by Jill that the minutes be adopted as a true and correct record, and the motion was carried. Business arising from minutes; Correction to Jo’s information on her back, not being a pre-existing condition but an injury that has happened out of tuckshop time. The building in front of tuckshop has been removed over the holidays. Correspondence In. A letter from Helen Ward, Mary Valley Local Chaplaincy, with an update of our new Chappy Caitlyn Forward. P&C email advising that we have to update our constitution by the end of May. Picture plate fundraising, Cadbury, Homestyle, and carnival fundraising. Business arising from correspondence. A special meeting will be held before next general meeting to adopt the new constitution. Correspondence Out Letters to families that owe money at the tuckshop. Denise moved and Darryl seconded the correspondence. Treasures Report. At the end of March we had a bank balance of$39471.55.During March we have paid a total of $14422.97, with $6200 of that being given back to the school for our term 1 budget items. In April we are due to pay $5656.18 which includes the payment to scholastic $2790.30.The tuckshop has a year to date profit of -$936.86 with a -10.3% turnover. This month the reconciliation did not balance due to a bank processing error. Julie moved and Jennifer seconded the treasures report. Uniform Report: Uniform sales from 13/03/2015 to 27/03/2015 were $713.00 Shirts, shorts and combos and hats have been ordered. Jill moved and Denise seconded the uniform report. Fundraising: Cookie Dough fundraiser was very successful. We sold 414 tubs of Dough and our profit was $1370.00. The movie Shaun the Sheep, 55 tickets sold with $330 profit. Easter raffle profit $360. Free dress day $264.70. Bunning’s BBQ $770, including the money board. For term 1 fundraising has raised a total of $3761.00. This also includes the election day stall $666. Upcoming events. Movie Tinkerbell & the legend of the never beast Saturday 2nd May, Mother’s Days stall Tuesday 5th May, Mother’s Day raffle to be drawn Friday the 8th May, Bunnings BBQ Saturday 23rd May, Sports day Canteen- date to be advised, school disco 12th June, Minion Movie Sunday 21st June. A Blue light disco to be supervised 19th June, we need people with blue cards for this. Sasha moved and Jill seconded that this be adopted. Principal’s Report: Shave for a cure crazy hair day is set for the 8th May. The cross country is set for the 24th July but this could change in line with zone events. The building removal took place over the holidays and caused a few minor problems with phones not working. Cement work has been done replacing uneven pavers and cementing around modular two and a path to the tennis court and P&C shed. James gave the attending P&C members an Asbestos Awareness Presentation. Informing all members that we must adhere to the guidelines set out by the department and follow all policies and procedures. No work is to be undertaken without work access permits inplace.We are to report any damages to buildings where Asbestos may be present as soon as possible. There was a meeting held with Main Roads regarding the crossing. A count of the traffic flow has been carried out and our situation has moved up the list of numbers. Some options that are being looked at are lolly pop person, new signs. Further discussions are to be carried out. We are still waiting on a quote for the sound system in the hall to be moved to a cupboard. James moved and Sasha seconded that this be adopted. Tuckshop Report: Jo has changed the tuckshop menu items deleting some and adding others. General Business: A grant application for Nestle is to be applied for on behalf of the P&C. We would like to have funds for the improvement to the senior playground area. It was asked if the year 6 would like to take part in the Pomona King of the Mountain with a run and tug a war. Jennifer is to gather more information regarding this. There is to be an ANZAC parade on Friday the 24th April and the school will also march. Meeting closed 8.25pm Next meeting to be held 11 May 2015. All are welcome and encouraged to attend to support our P&C. Meeting to commence at 7PM.