Table 1 Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020 targets against indicators (updated June 2011) The ‘possible global indicators’ have been taken from the CBD document ‘Revised and updated strategic plan: technical rationale and suggested milestones and indicators’. The match with the EU subtargets and SEBI (Streamlining European Biodiversity Indicators was checked after the EU Biodiversity Strategy was published (in May 2011). Existing UK (Biodiversity Indicators in Your Pocket), and England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland indicators have been mapped against the ‘20 targets for 2020’, which were produced following the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP 10) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) held in Nagoya in October 2010. The country-level indicators are from the most-recent country biodiversity/environment strategies, links are provided below: England Biodiversity Strategy (EBS) indicators can be found at:, updated following a review in 2010 Indicators for Scotland can be found at: and Indicators for Wales can be found at:, published in July 2010. Indicators for Northern Ireland can be found at: This set of indicators was updated in 2010. Additional comments were received from representatives from Wales, Scotland, and the Forestry Commission and added in May 2011. Existing UK indicators (BIYP) in bold denote a clear link to the targets. Normal text denotes an indirect link. For the existing UK indicators (BIYP) each box is also colour coded to signify the extent to which the existing indicators can be used to report of targets in the future: Green – indicators sufficient; Amber – indicators will provide some information; Red – indicators insufficient for reporting. (Colour-coding was also carried out by Defra for the England indicators and by WAG for the Wales indicators). Strategic Goal A. Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society Revised global targets following CoP 10, Nagoya Possible global indicators Target 1: By 2020, Number of at the latest, people opinion and are aware of the awareness values of biodiversity surveys and the steps they Number of can take to conserve education and use it programmes or sustainably. materials Number of visits to museums, parks Number of programmes for citizen led actions Target 2: By 2020, at the latest, biodiversity values have been integrated into national and local development and poverty reduction strategies and planning processes and are being incorporated into national accounting, as appropriate, and reporting systems. Number of countries with PRSP/NDP incorporating biodiversity Number of countries with biodiversity reflected in national statistics Number of companies/ market share with biodiversity friendly practices Stocks and flows of natural capital EU Sub-targets Existing SEBI indicators 1: Fully implement the Birds and Habitats Directives SEBI 26: Public awareness 2: Maintain and restore ecosystems and their services 6: Help avert global biodiversity loss SEBI 25: Financing biodiversity management (?) Existing UK indicators (BIYP) Volunteer time spent in biodiversity conservation Existing England indicators Existing Scotland indicators Existing Wales indicators Volunteer time spent in biodiversity conservation Public attitudes to biodiversity Number of visits to nature reserves Proportion of households undertaking wildlife gardening Attitudes to biodiversity Involvement in biodiversity conservation Membership of biodiversity NGOs Land and sea under positive management Information provision Tourism Percentage of people volunteering on a formal or informal basis Percentage of people taking action to improve the environment Public opinion – level of concern for the environment Sustainability of lifestyle – actions taken to protect the environment Gaps: none Possible alternative data sources: Number of people in tertiary education on biodiversity related courses Biodiversity- related NGO membership. Public attitude survey. Monitoring enjoyment in the Natural Environment No of volunteers participating in citizen science projects Land & sea under positive management Trends in Policy Gateway assessments for contribution of policies to environmental priorities Achievement of Environment Strategy outcomes demonstrated in regular State of the Environment reporting The number of organisations signed up to the Welsh Assembly Government’s Sustainable Development Charter Gaps: no current BIYP or EBS indicators available for this target Action: Check with NVP Possible additional data sources: Local plans which address biodiversity. National accounting – values of biodiversity. Also, potential additional indicator (s) Scotland’s Natural Capital Index (under consultation) 1 Existing Northern Ireland indicators Comments Revised global targets following CoP 10, Nagoya Possible global indicators Target 3: By 2020, Value of at the latest, subsidies incentives, including harmful to subsidies, harmful to biodiversity biodiversity are Successful eliminated, phased conclusion of out or reformed in WTO order to minimize or negotiations on avoid negative fishery impacts, and positive subsidies and incentives for the on agricultural conservation and domestic sustainable use of support biodiversity are developed and applied, consistent and in harmony with the Convention and other relevant international obligations, taking into account national socio-economic conditions. Target 4: By 2020, at the latest, Governments, business and stakeholders at all levels have taken steps to achieve or have implemented plans for sustainable production and Ecological footprint/ related concepts Number of sectors, by country and company, with management plans EU Sub-targets Existing SEBI indicators Existing UK indicators (BIYP) Existing England indicators 3: Increase the SEBI 12: contribution of Marine Trophic agriculture and Index of forestry to European seas maintaining SEBI 21: and enhancing Fisheries: biodiversity European 4: Ensure commercial fish sustainable use stocks of fisheries (proportion of resources stocks within and outside 6: Help avert safe biological global limits) biodiversity loss SEBI 22: Aquaculture: effluent water quality from finfish farms SEBI 17: Forest: growing stock, increment and fellings SEBI 18: Forest: deadwood SEBI 19: Agriculture: nitrogen balance SEBI 20: Agriculture: area under management practices potentially supporting biodiversity (distribution of High Nature Value Farmland & share of total UAA occupied by organic farming Area of land under sustainable woodland management schemes Area of land under Agrienvironment agreement Fish stocks managed sustainably Expenditure on biodiversity in the UK Area of land under Agrienvironment agreement Fish stocks managed sustainably Expenditure on biodiversity in England 3: : Increase SEBI 12: the contribution Marine Trophic of agriculture Index of and forestry to European seas maintaining SEBI 21: and enhancing Fisheries: biodiversity European commercial fish 4: Ensure sustainable use stocks of fisheries (proportion of Area of land under sustainable woodland management schemes Area of land under Agrienvironment agreement Area of land under Agrienvironment agreement Fish stocks managed sustainably 2 Existing Scotland indicators Commercially exploited fish stocks Land and sea under conservation management Also, Scottish Government indicator(s): Ecological footprint Commercially exploited fish stocks Also, Scottish Government indicator(s): Ecological footprint Reduce waste sent to landfill Scotland’s Rural Development Existing Wales indicators Existing Northern Ireland indicators Proportion of woodland that is certified The number of agrienvironment agreements and the area covered Number of marine stewardship council certified sustainable fisheries in welsh waters Number of fisheries assessed by ICES and Sea Fisheries Committees to be in safe biological condition Sustainable land management Area of woodland Tree preservation orders Proportion of woodland that is certified The number of agrienvironment agreements and the area covered Number of marine stewardship council certified sustainable Comments Gaps: indicators of the extent of harmful subsidies. Action required to identify harmful subsidies (England and global impacts). Possible additional data sources: Expenditure on specific incentive schemes Certified forest Area could be used as a measure of sustainable forest management, aligned to the CBD Ecosystem approach Sustainable land management Area of woodland Tree preservation orders Gaps: indicators specifically on sustainable consumption Action: Check with SCP Possible additional data source Assess the suitability of ecological footprint concept for use in England/UK Revised global targets following CoP 10, Nagoya consumption and have kept the impacts of use of natural resources well within safe ecological limits. Possible global indicators EU Sub-targets incorporating resources biodiversity 6: Help avert global Number of plans with clear biodiversity and loss measurable targets Number of countries with SEA tools including biodiversity Existing SEBI indicators Existing UK indicators (BIYP) stocks within and outside safe biological limits) SEBI 22: Aquaculture: effluent water quality from finfish farms SEBI 17: Forest: growing stock, increment and fellings SEBI 18: Forest: deadwood SEBI 19: Agriculture: nitrogen balance SEBI 20: Agriculture: area under management practices potentially supporting biodiversity (distribution of High Nature Value Farmland & share of total UAA occupied by organic farming SEBI 23: Ecological footprint of EU countries Fish stocks managed sustainably Existing England indicators Existing Scotland indicators Programme – High Nature Value Farmland and Forest (SRDP – HNVFF in prep.) Existing Wales indicators Existing Northern Ireland indicators Comments Identify changes in consumption patterns for individuals Consumption of peatbased products, certified timber etc Businesses addressing biodiversity impacts fisheries in welsh waters Number of fisheries assessed by ICES and Sea Fisheries Committees to be in safe biological condition Ecological footprint The number of organisations signed up to the Welsh Assembly Governments’s Sustainable Development Charter. Proportion of timber production that is certified could be used Strategic Goal B. Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use Revised global targets following CoP 10, Nagoya Possible global indicators EU Sub-targets Existing SEBI indicators Existing UK indicators (BIYP) Existing England indicators Target 5: By 2020, the rate of loss of all natural habitats, including forests, is at least halved and where feasible brought close to zero, and degradation and Trends in extent of selected biomes, ecosystems and habitats Trends in abundance and distribution of 1: Fully implement the Birds and Habitats Directives 2: Maintain and restore ecosystems and their SEBI 01: Abundance and distribution of selected species (a) birds: farmland & forest (b) butterflies Populations of birds Populations of butterflies Populations of bats Plant diversity in the wider countryside Populations of birds Populations of butterflies Populations of bats Plant diversity in the wider countryside 3 Existing Scotland Indicators Status of BAP priority habitats Notified habitats in favourable condition Existing Wales indicators Trends in BAP species and habitats Trends in wild bird population index Percentage of features on Natura 2000 sites in favourable or recovering condition Existing Northern Ireland indicators Priority habitats Priority species Wild birds Wetland birds seals Area of woodland Nature conservation designations Comments Range of indicators on extent and condition of habitats. Possibly need further work on connectivity indicator. Data sources, including Countryside Survey need to be secured. Revised global targets following CoP 10, Nagoya Possible global indicators fragmentation is significantly reduced. species Connectivity/ fragmentation of ecosystems Proportion of products from sustainable sources The incidence of humaninduced ecosystem failure Target 6: By 2020 all fish and invertebrate stocks and aquatic plants are managed and harvested sustainably, legally and applying ecosystem based approaches, so that overfishing is avoided, recovery plans and measures are in place for all depleted species, fisheries have no significant adverse impacts on threatened species and vulnerable ecosystems and the impacts of fisheries Marine trophic index Distribution and abundance of fish species Proportion of products derived from sustainable sources Proportion of collapsed species Fisheries catch Catch per unit effort Proportion of stocks overexploited EU Sub-targets services 1: Fully implement the Birds and Habitats Directives 2: Maintain and restore ecosystems and their services 4: Ensure sustainable use of fisheries resources Existing SEBI indicators Existing UK indicators (BIYP) Existing England indicators SEBI 02: Red List Index for European species SEBI 03: Species of European interest SEBI 04: Ecosystem coverage SEBI 05: Habitats of European interest SEBI 07: Nationally designated protected areas SEBI 08: Sites designated under the EU Habitats and Birds Directives SEBI 13: Fragmentation of natural and semi-natural areas SEBI 14: Fragmentation of river systems (when available) UK Priority species UK Priority habitats Extent & condition of protected sites Habitat connectivity UK Priority species UK Priority habitats Extent & condition of protected sites SEBI 2: Red list of birds (and butterflies) SEBI 3: Species of European interest SEBI 4: Ecosystems coverage SEBI 5: Habitats of European interest SEBI 7: Nationally designated protected areas Fish stocks managed sustainably Marine ecosystem integrity UK Priority species Fish stocks managed sustainably Marine Ecosystem Integrity Number of rivers with sustainable salmon stocks Cetacean bycatch in UK waters UK Priority species 4 Existing Scotland Indicators Existing Wales indicators Commercially exploited fish stocks Status of BAP priority species Existing Northern Ireland indicators Trends in seabird population index Number of marine stewardship council certified sustainable fisheries in Welsh waters Number of fisheries assessed to be in safe biological condition Trends in BAP species and habitats Sites of Local Nature Conservation Importance UK priority species Comments In due course the National Forest Inventory could be used for Priority woodland habitats. High Nature Value forestry? Possible additional data sources: Management plans for MCZs Develop sub-set of marine priority spp Trade in endangered species Revised global targets following CoP 10, Nagoya Possible global indicators EU Sub-targets Existing UK indicators (BIYP) Existing England indicators Existing Scotland Indicators Area of land under sustainable woodland management schemes Area of land under Agrienvironment agreement Genetic diversity in cattle and sheep Populations of birds Populations of butterflies Populations of bats Plant diversity in the wider countryside Area of land under Agrienvironment agreement Populations of birds Populations of butterflies Populations of bats Plant diversity in the wider countryside Number of rivers with sustainable salmon stocks Status of BAP priority species Status of BAP priority habitats Abundance of terrestrial breeding birds Abundance of wintering waterbirds Abundance of breeding seabirds Vascular plant diversity Woodland diversity Terrestrial insect abundance: moths Terrestrial insect abundance: butterflies Notified species in favourable condition Notified habitats in favourable condition Otter Estuarine fish diversity Commercially exploited fish stocks Land and sea under conservation management Existing Wales indicators Existing Northern Ireland indicators Comments SEBI 8: Sites designated under the EU Habitats and Birds Directives SEBI 12: Marine Trophic Index of European seas SEBI 21: Fisheries: European commercial fish stocks (proportion of stocks within and outside safe biological limits) SEBI 22: Aquaculture: effluent water quality from finfish farm (?) on stocks, species and ecosystems are within safe ecological limits. Target 7: By 2020 Area of forest, areas under agricultural and agriculture, aquaculture aquaculture and ecosystems forestry are managed under sustainably, ensuring sustainable conservation of management biodiversity. Proportion of products derived from sustainable sources Trends in genetic diversity of domesticated animals, cultivated plants and fish species of major socioeconomic importance Existing SEBI indicators 1: Fully implement the Birds and Habitats Directives 2: Maintain and restore ecosystems and their services 3: Increase the contribution of agriculture and forestry to maintaining and enhancing biodiversity SEBI 1: Selected species (birds & butterflies) SEBI 2: Red list of Birds (& butterflies) SEBI 3: Species of European interest SEBI 4: Ecosystems coverage SEBI 5: habitats of European interest SEBI 7: Nationally designated protected areas SEBI 8: Sites designated under the EU Habitats and Birds Directives SEBI 13: Fragmentation 5 Proportion of land under agrienvironment agreement Proportion of woodland that is certified Trends in wild birds population index Trends in seabird population index Sustainable land management Areas of woodland Wild birds Wetland birds Seals Cross-reference to T4. Sustainable aquaculture? Forest area under certification High Nature Value forestry? Revised global targets following CoP 10, Nagoya Possible global indicators Existing SEBI indicators EU Sub-targets Target 8: By 2020, pollution, including from excess Nitrogen deposition Water quality in 3: Increase the contribution of agriculture and Existing UK indicators (BIYP) Existing England indicators Existing Scotland Indicators Existing Wales indicators Existing Northern Ireland indicators Comments areas and semi-natural areas SEBI 14: Fragmentation of river systems SEBI 12: Marine Trophic Index of European seas SEBI 21: Fisheries: European commercial fish stocks (proportion of stocks within and outside safe biological limits) SEBI 22: Aquaculture: effluent water quality from finfish farms SEBI 17: Forest: growing stock, increment and fellings SEBI 18: Forest: deadwood SEBI 19: Agriculture: nitrogen balance SEBI 20: Agriculture: area under management practices potentially supporting biodiversity (distribution of High Nature Value Farmland & share of total UAA occupied by organic farming SEBI 09: Critical load exceedance Impact of air pollution Biological river Biological river quality Nutrient levels in 6 River quality Notified species in favourable condition Input of hazardous substances to the marine environment Nitrogen oxides Particulate matter Further development of indicators in context of WFD Impact of air pollution – Revised global targets following CoP 10, Nagoya Possible global indicators nutrients, has been aquatic brought to levels that ecosystems are not detrimental to Ecological ecosystem function footprint and and biodiversity. related concepts, Human-induced ecosystem failure Total nutrient use, nutrient loading in fresh-water and marine areas Incidence of hypoxic zones and algal blooms EU Sub-targets forestry to maintaining and enhancing biodiversity Existing SEBI indicators for nitrogen SEBI 15: Nutrients in transitional, coastal and marine waters SEBI 16: Freshwater quality Existing UK indicators (BIYP) quality Existing England indicators rivers and lakes Hazardous substances in the marine environment Existing Scotland Indicators Notified habitats in favourable condition Otter Freshwater macroinvertebrate Estuarine fish diversity Existing Wales indicators 7 Trends in number of days when air pollution is moderate or higher Air concentrations of heavy metals Number of people living in air quality management areas Levels of emissions of sulphur dioxide Level of emissions of ammonia Level of emissions of nitrogen oxides Level of emissions of fine particulates Level of emissions of NMVOC Level of emissions of carbon monoxide Area of natural or semi-natural habitat where deposition of acid exceeds critical loads Area of natural and semi-natural habitat where deposition of nitrogen compounds exceeds critical loads River water quality – biological and chemical Compliance with ‘good status’ under the WFD Area of Wales designated as nitrate vulnerable zones Emissions of toxic air pollutants and concentrations in the air Existing Northern Ireland indicators Air quality trends Ground level ozone Ammonia Greenhouse gas emissions Carbon dioxide emissions Chemical river quality Biological river quality Lake quality Groundwater quality Industrial discharge quality Water utility discharge quality Water pollution Winter nutrient concentrations Groundwater quality Marine water quality Soil quality Comments critical load exceedance in England? Revised global targets following CoP 10, Nagoya Possible global indicators EU Sub-targets Existing SEBI indicators Existing UK indicators (BIYP) Existing England indicators SEBI 10: Invasive alien species in Europe Extent of invasive species Extent of invasive species Marine ecosystem integrity UK Priority Habitats Timing of biological events Marine Ecosystem Integrity UK Priority Habitats Climate impacts Status of BAP priority habitats Wintering waterbirds Breeding seabirds Marine plankton The timing of seasonal events Target 9: By 2020, invasive alien species and pathways are identified and prioritized, priority species are controlled or eradicated, and measures are in place to manage pathways to prevent their introduction and establishment. Trends in invasive alien species The Red List Index for impacts of invasive alien species Number of countries with national invasive species strategies and action plans Number of countries which have ratified relevant international agreements and standards 5: Combat Invasive alien species Target 10: By 2015, the multiple anthropogenic pressures on coral reefs, and other vulnerable ecosystems impacted by climate change or ocean acidification are minimized, so as to maintain their integrity and functioning. Trends in extent of selected biomes, ecosystems and habitats (% live coral, bleaching) The marine trophic index, The incidence of humaninduced ecosystem failure Health and well-being of communities who depend directly on local ecosystem services 2: Maintain and SEBI 11: Climate change on birds restore ecosystems and their services 4: Ensure sustainable use of fisheries resources Existing Scotland Indicators Existing Wales indicators Existing Northern Ireland indicators Comments Gaps: success in intercepting species; costs of impacts? Non-native species Trends in BAP priority habitats and species Percentage of features on Natura 2000 sites in favourable condition Annual emissions of basket of greenhouse gases Ecological footprint The carbon stock and pH in the top 15cm of soil as recorded by Countryside Survey Area of natural and semi-natural habitat where deposition of acid exceeds critical load Priority habitats Climate change Nature conservation designations Existing Wales indicators Existing Northern Ireland indicators Gaps: extent of vulnerable habitat (coastal habitat, wetlands, bog, montane habitats). Coastal Squeeze / realignment OT coral reefs ? Strategic Goal C. To improve the status of biodiversity by safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity Revised global targets following CoP 10, Nagoya Target 11: By 2020, at least 17 per cent of terrestrial and inland water, and 10 per cent of coastal Possible global indicators Coverage of protected areas Management effectiveness EU Sub-targets 1: Fully implement the Birds and Habitats Directives Existing SEBI indicators SEBI 03: Species of European interest SEBI 05: Existing UK indicators (BIYP) Extent and condition of protected sites Habitat connectivity Existing England indicators Extent and condition of protected sites 8 Existing Scotland indicators Notified species in favourable condition Notified habitats in favourable condition Land and sea under Percent of features on Natura 2000 sites in favourable or recovering condition Indicator based on Nature conservation designations Comments Cross- ref to T7 Measure of well-connected PAs? Ecosystem services provided by PAs? Revised global targets following CoP 10, Nagoya Possible global indicators and marine areas, especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services, are conserved through effectively and equitably managed, ecologically representative and well connected systems of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures, and integrated into the wider landscape and seascapes. of protected areas Trends in extent of selected biomes, ecosystems and habitats Water quality in aquatic ecosystems Connectivity/ fragmentation of ecosystems The marine trophic index The overlay of protected areas with ecoregions Existing SEBI indicators EU Sub-targets 2: Maintain and restore ecosystems and their services Existing UK indicators (BIYP) Existing England indicators Habitats of European interest SEBI 07: Nationally designated protected areas SEBI 08: Sites designated under the EU Habitats and Birds Directives SEBI 13: Fragmentation of natural and semi-natural areas SEBI 14: Fragmentation of river systems (when available) Target 12: By 2020 the extinction of known threatened species has been prevented and their conservation status, particularly of those most in decline, has been improved and sustained. Change in status of threatened species Protected area coverage (Proportion of known threatened species protected) 1: Fully implement the Birds and Habitats Directives SEBI 02: Red List Index for European species SEBI 03: Species of European interest SEBI 05: Habitats of European interest SEBI 07: Nationally designated protected areas SEBI 08: Sites designated under the EU Habitats and Birds Directives Status of UK Priority species Status of UK Priority habitats Populations of birds Populations of butterflies Populations of bats Target 13: By 2020, the genetic diversity of cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals and of wild relatives, including other socioeconomically as well as culturally valuable species, is maintained, and strategies have been developed and Trends in genetic diversity of domesticated animals, cultivated plants, and fish species of major socioeconomic importance Number of genebank accessions 3: Increase the contribution of agriculture and forestry to maintaining and enhancing biodiversity SEBI 06. Livestock genetic diversity Genetic diversity in cattle and sheep Status of UK Priority species Status of UK Priority habitats Populations of birds Populations of butterflies Populations of bats Existing Scotland indicators Existing Wales indicators positive management Charting progress 2 Volume of water abstracted from the environment River water quality – biological and chemical Status of BAP priority species Trends in BAP priority species and habitats Trends in wild birds population index Trends in seabird population index Existing Northern Ireland indicators Priority habitats Priority species Wild birds Wetland birds Seals Comments Cross-ref to T11 Data source for UK Priority species and habitats uncertain. Millennium seed bank accessions by sector? Conservation programmes (in situ and ex situ) for genetic resources. 9 Revised global targets following CoP 10, Nagoya implemented for minimizing genetic erosion and safeguarding their genetic diversity. Possible global indicators EU Sub-targets Existing SEBI indicators Existing UK indicators (BIYP) Existing England indicators Existing Scotland indicators Existing Wales indicators Existing Northern Ireland indicators Comments Existing Scotland indicators Existing Wales indicators Existing Northern Ireland indicators Comments Ex-situ crop collections Strategic Goal D: Enhance the benefits to all from biodiversity and ecosystems Revised global targets following CoP 10, Nagoya Possible global indicators EU Sub-targets Existing SEBI indicators Existing UK indicators (BIYP) Existing England indicators Connectivity/ fragmentation of ecosystems Health and well-being of communities who depend directly on local ecosystem services Biodiversity used in food and medicine Incidence of humaninduced ecosystem failure (status and trends of land use in indigenous peoples’ territories) (status and trends in the practice of traditional occupations) 2: Maintain and restore ecosystems and their services 3: Increase the contribution of agriculture and forestry to maintaining and enhancing biodiversity 6: Help avert global biodiversity loss SEBI 13: Fragmentation of natural and semi-natural areas SEBI 14: Fragmentation of river systems (when available) Biological water quality Marine ecosystem integrity Status of UK Priority Habitats Extent and condition of protected sites Plant diversity in the wider countryside Biological water quality Status of UK Priority Habitats Extent and condition of protected sites Plant diversity in the wider countryside Marine Ecosystem Integrity Target 15: By 2020, Trends in ecosystem resilience extent of and the contribution selected of biodiversity to biomes, carbon stocks has ecosystems, been enhanced, and habitats through conservation Trophic and restoration, integrity of including restoration other systems of at least 15 per Storage of cent of degraded carbon and ecosystems, thereby other GHG contributing to (using climate change UNFCCC 2: Maintain and restore ecosystems and their services 3: Increase the contribution of agriculture and forestry to maintaining and enhancing biodiversity SEBI 04: Ecosystem coverage SEBI 05: Habitats of European interest SEBI 07: Nationally designated protected areas SEBI 08: Sites designated under the EU Status of UK Priority Habitats Extent and condition of protected sites Status of UK Priority Habitats Extent and condition of protected sites Target 14: By 2020, ecosystems that provide essential services, including services related to water, and contribute to health, livelihoods and well-being, are restored and safeguarded, taking into account the needs of women, indigenous and local communities, and the poor and vulnerable. 10 River quality Trends in BAP priority species and habitats River water quality Percentage of features in Natura 2000 sites in favourable or recovering condition Ecological footprint? Trends in BAP priority species and habitats Percentage of features in Natura 2000 sites in favourable or recovering condition The carbon stock and pH in the top 15cm of soil as recorded by country side survey Net greenhouse gas Priority habitats Nature conservation designations Greenhouse gas emissions Biological river quality Lake quality Groundwater quality Water pollution Marine water quality Priority habitats Nature conservation designations Gaps: Direct measures of ecosystem services and related human well-being eg water ‘bundle’ quality, quantity, use. Gaps: Contribution to carbon capture.; extent of restoration area (ERZs) Possible additional data sources: Soil carbon content (tC in natural habitats) Area of habitats restored (BARS) ERZs Ocean CO2 flux Revised global targets following CoP 10, Nagoya mitigation and adaptation and to combating desertification. Possible global indicators EU Sub-targets inventories supplemented by scientific assessments) Assessment of vulnerability and adaptive capacity Target 16: By 2015, Access and the Nagoya Protocol Benefit-sharing on Access to Genetic Number of Resources and the countries Party Fair and Equitable to international Sharing of Benefits regime, Arising from their ITPGRFA Utilization is in force Number of and operational, national ABS consistent with frameworks, national legislation. legislation) Number of ABS agreements Number of technical assistance programmes Value of benefits shared Existing SEBI indicators Existing UK indicators (BIYP) Existing England indicators Existing Scotland indicators Habitats and Birds Directives 6: Help avert global biodiversity loss SEBI 24: Patent applications based on genetic resources Existing Wales indicators Existing Northern Ireland indicators National Forest Inventory – in due course. emissions from land use, land-use change and forestry None Comments None Gaps: No suitable indicators identified. Action required: Review existing datasets Value of benefits shared. Strategic Goal E. Enhance implementation through participatory planning, knowledge management and capacity building Revised global targets following CoP 10, Nagoya Possible global indicators Target 17: By 2015 each Party has developed, adopted as a policy instrument, and has commenced implementing an effective, participatory and updated national biodiversity strategy and action plan. Number of countries with revised NBSAPs Number of stakeholders participating in the revision progress Assessment of NBSAP implementation Target 18: By 2020, the traditional knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities relevant Status and trends of linguistic diversity and numbers of speakers of indigenous EU Sub-targets 6: Help avert global biodiversity loss Existing SEBI indicators Existing UK indicators (BIYP) Existing England indicators None None None None Existing Scotland indicators Existing Wales indicators Possibly N/A Existing Northern Ireland indicators Comments Simple reporting on progress does not require a national level indicator. Gaps: No suitable indicators identified. Action required: Review extent to which OTs are involved 11 Revised global targets following CoP 10, Nagoya Possible global indicators for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and their customary use of biological resources, are respected, subject to national legislation and relevant international obligations, and fully integrated and reflected in the implementation of the Convention with the full and effective participation of indigenous and local communities, at all relevant levels languages Other indicators of the status of indigenous and traditional knowledge are under development. Status and trends of land use in indigenous peoples’ territories Status and trends in the practice of traditional occupations Target 19: By 2020, knowledge, the science base and technologies relating to biodiversity, its values, functioning, status and trends, and the consequences of its loss, are improved, widely shared and transferred,1 and applied. Indicator to be developed Number of countries using biodiversity indicators and the extent of their data coverage Number of cases technical assistance to developing countries Number of countries with national CHM websites visitors/per year at each national CHM websites quality of web content and on-line services Use of biodiversity information in the fifth and sixth national reports 1 EU Sub-targets Existing SEBI indicators SEBI 25. Financing biodiversity management Existing UK indicators (BIYP) None Existing England indicators Existing Scotland indicators Status of BAP priority species Status of BAP priority habitats Information provision None A reference to Article 16 of the Convention will be added to the technical rationale. 12 Existing Wales indicators Existing Northern Ireland indicators Comments Possible additional data sources: Funding for international science initiatives (GBIF, IPBES, GEO BON etc. Spending on biodiversity research and assessments. Biodiversity data sharing Revised global targets following CoP 10, Nagoya Possible global indicators Target 20: By 2020, Official at the latest, the Development mobilization of Assistance financial resources provided in for effectively support of the implementing the Convention Strategic Plan 2011- Number of 2020 from all sources officials and and in accordance experts with the consolidated qualified on and agreed process biodiversity in the Strategy for related matters Resource Mobilization should increase substantially from the current levels. This target will be subject to changes contingent to resources needs assessments to be developed and reported by Parties. EU Sub-targets 6: Help avert global biodiversity loss Existing SEBI indicators SEBI 25. Financing biodiversity management SEBI 26. Public awareness Existing UK indicators (BIYP) UK biodiversity expenditure Global biodiversity expenditure Existing England indicators Biodiversity expenditure in England 13 Existing Scotland indicators Also, potential additional indicator (s) Scotland’s Natural Capital Index (under consultation) Scotland contribution to UK biodiversity expenditure (as provided to Defra) Existing Wales indicators Existing Northern Ireland indicators Comments Possible additional data sources: Funding mobilised through innovative mechanisms