View the Course Review Checklist

Course Review Checklist: PART A
Title page
1.1 Rationale for
review [Part A:
Overview: Rationale for
1.2 Previous
course changes
[Part A: Overview:
Previous Course
1.3 Continued
offering [Part A:
Overview: Continued
Offering of the Course]
All courses being reviewed are identified, earliest proposed date
for introducing any changes is used, and date of introduction is
inside allowed timelines
Standard schedule/other reasons
Date(s): previous reviews/year & session course introduced
Reason for any delay provided
Any changes to the following, with rationale:
Course structure
standard credit packages
admission requirements
point value
Statement: ‘Based on the review process, the Faculty has
determined that continued offering of this course, in its current
modes (specify these), is appropriate.’
Brief summary provided of reasons for determination, taking
account of:
advice received in review advisory process
continued relevance of the course
analysis of all relevant performance indicators (see fields 3 and 4, and Appendices)
any notification of the course being ‘on notice’
context of other course offerings
justification for continuation of underperforming course (check fields 2,3 &4 for
adequate analysis and discussion of problems).
If continuation is inappropriate, notification to UCPC to suspend
intakes, and Phase Out docs. required as follows:
2.1 CSU Staff [Part
A: Working Party: CSU
Staff Involved in the
Review Process]
2.2 Advisors [Part A:
Working Party:
List of names, titles and positions provided
 educational designers, learning skills advisors, library staff, and other relevant personnel are
to be expected here
List of advisors provided, including:
2.3 Professional
bodies [Part A:
Working Party:
Professional Bodies]
2.4 Advisory
process [Part A:
Advisory Process:
Advisory Process]
stand alone course – course review doc not needed, just notification and Phase-Out doc
articulated set/4 year degree with honours ALL to go – as for stand-alone course
applies to some parts of a set, or integrated honours stream, proposals included in this
why their contribution addresses policy objectives under L1.1, S4.10. In sum, these are:
intellectual challenge & stimulating learning experience
clear & appropriate aims and objectives
content (inc. T/L strategies and assessment) is at appropriate level &
consistent with aims and objectives
relevance to the profession/industry , the community, reputation and trends
presence of independent external experts
provide for community input into and enhancement of courses
encourage professional recognition and
assist in course promotion
representatives of professional bodies are not included (belong in S2.3)
students (current and graduate), are included here
Indigenous/international representation included here
Their role (review and/or accreditation) is specified
Extent of their involvement is identified
Their recommendations are identified
High quality account is required, not just a reiteration of what each
person said – the details are in the attachments, which should
match up with the summary statements
An account is provided which is a synthesis of:
type and frequency of interactions
whether specifically for the review or ongoing
input, including specific recommendations, from those listed under S2.2
documentation attached
relevant extracts incorporated in the description
inclusion of advice on extent to which Graduate Attributes are being met
2.5 Future process
Arrangements for monitoring course effectiveness specified (only
at major reviews or ongoing)
Arrangements for continuing professional accreditation specified
Summary of this section provided
Recommendations: Faculty decisions arising from the advisory process are
summarised, incorporating:
summary [Part A:
[Part A: Advisory
Process: Future Process]
Working Party Recs:
Working Party/Advisory
Executive Summary:
Advisory Process]
3.1 Need [Part A:
Need and Demand:
High quality account is required, with appropriate data and
Has the need identified in the previous course document been
shown to be real/unchanged/different? Evidence includes:
3.2 Demand and
Student Enrolment
figures [Part A: Need
and Demand: Demand
and Student Enrolment
A: Other Perf Indicators:
3.4 Quality of
claims and predictions of previous course document
performance indicators (Graduate Destination Survey; graduate full-time employment
advice from advisory process
division of communication/international relations
any other relevant information
High quality account is required, with appropriate data and
What was described in the last major course document?
Were the demand and projections borne out?
For each mode (internal/DE/onshore with/out partner) the
following is provided:
3.3 Resources [Part
summary of advisory recommendations
rationale for any decisions (including not following advice
how the decision has been addressed in this document
internal UG – 1st to 3rd preferences and total preferences for preceding 5 years or
other courses – numbers of applications over the last 5 years
UAI cut-off & other criteria used to fill quota
Enrolment figures: intake, retention, progress, completions
Information from Division of Communications & Internal Relations
Current and future demand outlined
Intake quota to remain as is or change in the next review period
High quality account is required, with appropriate data and
Given what was identified in the previous major course document:
a) what were the resource implications (staff, teaching rooms,
b) were these delivered?
c) were they appropriate, and, if not, why not?
Resource needs that still exist or will arise are identified in the
Dean’s attestation
 This field is one of those for which contact with relevant
divisional staff is required
High quality account is required, with appropriate data and
teaching [Part A:
Other Perf Indicators:
Quality of Teaching]
An analysis of the quality of teaching since the last major course
document, inclusive of service teaching indicators, is provided as
For effective teaching
CEQ Broad Agreement: Good teaching scale
Student Subject Surveys – aggregated data
For appropriate assessment
3.5 Graduate
attributes [Part A:
Other Perf Indicators:
Graduate Attributes]
CEQ Broad Agreement: Appropriate assessment scale
Any other teaching evaluations used
 Other advice on the quality of teaching (EDs, LSAs, field
personnel, etc.)
 Statement about the learning experiences of students is
 Paucity of information in areas such as the CEQ must be
supplemented by other information on the quality of teaching,
and future processes to improve data quality must be identified
UG courses only provide evidence of students’ acquisition of
graduate attributes.
Details of the measures used to ascertain their acquisition are
Changes needed to ensure they will be achieved in future are
CEQ Broad Agreement: Generic Skills scale is drawn on.
CSU Graduate Attributes build students’ capacity to contribute to their community and to the wider
society. By the conclusion of their studies, students are able to:
Demonstrate a broad overview of their field of knowledge
Communicate effectively in a manner relevant to their discipline
Demonstrate analytical skills, including the exercise of critical and reflective judgement
Address unfamiliar problems
Plan their own work
Work as a team member
Demonstrate a national and international perspective
Demonstrate an understanding of, and commitment to, values-driven practice in their
field of study that takes account of open enquiry, ethical practice, social justice, cultural
diversity, and environmental sustainability.
 Ways in which the Graduate Attributes can be demonstrated
to external bodies (an e-portfolio; a ‘map’ of the course; charts
of the focus of each subject in Subject Outlines; etc.) are
provided in an attachment
Summary of this section provided
Recommendations: Faculty recommendations arising from Section 3
summary [Part A:
Course Perf Recs:
Course Performance:
Executive Summary]
4.1.1 Aims [Part A:
Aims and Objectives:
summary of recommendations
rationale for any decisions
how the decision has been addressed in this document
Original course aims are visible, prior to the new information
Extent to which the aims of the course(s) are being met is outlined
in the light of:
Their continued relevance, given the current need
Conformity to AQF Guidelines as to the level of the course
Any changes suggested have a rationale provided and are borne out in course structure
and/or content
 Aims are aligned/not aligned with the CSU Graduate
Performance indicators to support these assertions are analysed
and cited, covering:
4.1.2 Objectives
[Part A: Aims and
Objectives: Objectives]
CEQ Broad Agreement: Student satisfaction and Generic Skills Scales
CEQ Broad Agreement: Graduate further study
Graduate Destination Survey – graduates in FT employ
Aggregated data from Student Subject Surveys
Any Faculty teaching evaluations
Advice from the advisory process
Original course objectives are visible, prior to the new information
Extent to which the objectives of the course(s) are being met is
outlined in the light of:
Their continued relevance, given the current need
Conformity to AQF Guidelines as to the level of the course
Any changes suggested have a rationale provided and are borne out in course structure
and/or content
 Objectives are aligned/not aligned with the CSU Graduate
Performance indicators to support these assertions are analysed
and cited, covering:
4.2.1 Course
structure &
enrolment pattern
[Part A: Other Courses Effects: Subjects Serving
Other Courses]
4.2.1 is automatically inserted, and should include the following:
a) point value of each course in set, including any which are exit
points only
b) current course structure (no. of cores, restricted and free
electives, majors and minors – in groups if there is more than one
set), supported by list of subjects by code and title under each type
c) current enrolment pattern, session by session, including
4.2.2 Summary of
proposed changes
to course structure
and/or enrolment
pattern [Part A:
Course Str & SrvTeach:
Any Proposed Changes
to Course Structure
and/or Enrolment
Pattern] [Part A: Other
Courses - Effects: Effects
on Other Courses]
CEQ Broad Agreement: Student satisfaction and Generic Skills Scales
CEQ Broad Agreement: Graduate further study
Graduate Destination Survey – graduates in FT employ
Aggregated data from Student Subject Surveys
Any Faculty teaching evaluations
Advice from the advisory process
Any non-CSU or articulated components and points they contribute
Subject codes and titles, mentioning, where relevant, other courses served
Subjects serving other courses:
 List of subjects, courses and purpose for each is provided
 DO NOT include double-degree subjects in this field
Statement that ‘There are (no) changes to the course structure or
enrolment pattern’ is supported with a rationale
Specific reference is made to relevant aspects of performance
evaluation data (student enrolment patterns, student feedback,
feedback from advisory process, etc.)
 Provide a rationale for the way in which the course is
structured and for each component of the course, including how
the achievement of Graduate Attributes will be fostered and/or
measured’. For flexible programs, a statement is required on
how the Graduate Attributes will be achieved despite variations
in students’ learning experiences and study patterns
 An attachment is provided which charts, for core and
specialist subjects in the course, the learning objectives against
the Graduate Attributes.
Where relevant, enrolment patterns for different modes are
provided separately
4.2.3 Complete
Summary of
Subjects [Part B:
Flexible patterns of enrolment do not need a session by session
layout, but a summary statement including salient features
Implications for other courses (with partners, or upon the other
half of a double degree) are identified, and consultation re. same
Proposals to add a course in an articulated set, or add an integrated
honours stream, are not included in this field, but in proposed
Course profile.
Proposals to phase out parts of a course, or to create an exit only
course in an articulated set, to be included here
Subject levels are appropriate to the level of the award
Proposed changes, Effects on Other Courses
Any impacts on other courses which share subjects are identified
(not including double degrees) completely new subjects new subjects based on other subjects, where those subjects
still serve other courses, New subjects with subject profiles in another course
document under approval Existing subject has been revised for inclusion in this
course. If an existing subject has a change of code or title, it is
described thus:
ABC123 Title previously XYZ*** Title existing subjects with revised profiles in another course
document subjects which continue unchanged subjects already in the course revised as a result of the
review. If an existing subject has a change of code or title, it is
described thus:
 ABC123 Title previously XYZ*** Title subjects already in the course for which no revision is
4.3.1 Award
Name(s) [Part A:
Award Name Rationales:
Award Names Rationale] subjects that will continue to be offered in other courses,
but not in this one subjects to become obsolete, with final session/trimester
and year of offering specified
Implications of this decision for other courses have been identified subjects in a course which partially articulates, such as a
professional doctorate with a masters, a new course in an
articulated set, all subjects in a course that includes an integrated
honours stream, only the integrated honours stream subjects for a
course that already exists
Appendix D includes: new or revised subject profiles (under
status categories 1, 2, 4, and 7).
Changes to, or new, award names are identified, with rationales for
change (where relevant) and for the proposed choice (see L15,
3.1.1), identifying the principles being followed and why/not.
For double degrees, statement identifying that the name change is
4.3.2 PostNominals
Rationale [Part A:
Award Name Rationales:
Postnominals Rationale]
4.4 Flexible
calendar [Part B:
Flexible Calendar:
Flexible Calendar
4.5 Service
arrangements [Part
A: Course Str
&SrvTeach: Service
Teaching Arrangements
required is provided, and award names and post-nominals
modified in both double degree profiles
If changes affect honours degree students specify which
nomenclature will be used in their award, providing a rationale if
they must use the old nomenclature
If exit point only courses are being removed, rationale is provided.
Existing post-nominals automatically inserted
If post-nominals include single letters or letters as abbreviations,
rationale is provided as per L15
There are no spaces, nor of/in/to/with/for
Current arrangements are automatically inserted
Potential for increased retention/graduation is identified in
response to potential for:
Any subjects needed in more than one session are detailed
Flexible calendar for each constituent course in a double degree is
set out
Rationale is provided. Reference to student input on this issue is
required, and potential impact on staff is identified
Changes to service teaching arrangements are summarised, for
current course only, including a course being phased out:
summary [Part A:
Reduction in external stresses on students
Accelerated progress
Load averaging over more sessions
Pre-requisite and out of sequence enrolment needs
Other faculty/Faculties identified
Type of change described
Number of subjects affected for each other Faculty
Evaluation of existing service teaching arrangements provided
Explanations for new subjects developed by this Faculty for which disciplinary expertise
is located in another Faculty
Impact of changes on load or staffing for other Faculty (based on compulsory/core and
enrolment figures)
Proposals to add a course to an articulated set or to add an
integrated honours stream are not included here, but in Part B
Recommendations arising from section 4 are provided
summary of recommendations
rationale for any decisions
how the decision has been addressed in this document
Course Str Recs: Course
Structure & Content:
Executive Summary]
5 Summary of
performance [Part
A: Course Perf
Summary: Summary of
Course Performance]
6. Implications for
current students
[Part A: Student
Implications for Current
A brief summary of sections 1-4 is provided, bringing together the
various aspects of the evaluation, including any phase-out
Impact of proposed changes on students is outlined in terms of:
effects on each cohort
steps being taken to alleviate problems for each cohort
Where cohorts are to complete within the existing structure, how
this will be achieved is set out
If there is to be a change of course nomenclature, the opportunity
(or not) to transfer is outlined
Any differences between modes/partners are outlined
Where no current cohorts are affected, this is stated
Implications for double degrees are set out
Only current (not proposed) courses are considered
Implications for phased out courses/integrated honours streams are
set out (must include coverage of different modes and enrolment
patterns x year), and how any substitutions will work, as well as
how, and in what form, advice to cohorts is/will be managed)
7. Proposed date(s) Dates are within required timelines
of introduction of
Session/year is indicated for any course change to a current course
changes [Part A:
(taking account of different modes, specialisations, etc.)
Dates: Proposed Date(s)
for Introduction of
Where these differ, all dates of introduction are specified
In an articulated set, all changes would normally be introduced
simultaneously: if different dates are specified, impact of credit for
numbers of students must be addressed
Bachelor degrees with separate add-on honours have same year of
introduction if students can choose a changed nomenclature;
otherwise, the first date of graduation from the degree with the old
title is specified for the add-on honours
If there is a new exit-point only course, the phrase: ‘First session
in which the requirements of the exit point only course could be
met: session/year’.
If a course/stream is being phased out, last session/year of intake is
PART B: All information in this section refers to the post-review course, and in
based on information provided in Part A. No new information is included.
1. CASIMS Course
Award names that might confuse the system are indicated as
2. Award Name(s)
Nomenclature appropriate
All course names are included in full, including any
specialisations, all courses in an articulated set, and any
Honours degrees as awards in their own right
3. Award Postnominal(s)
4. Points required for
course completion
5. Duration in
equivalent FT years
courses with same award name are distinguished from each other, e.g. Bachelor of
Education (Primary) – Wagga campus
courses which have specialisations under the one award are listed as, for e.g.,,
Bachelor of Arts (with specialisations), or, without the specialisation, Bachelor of
joint awards put the ‘parent’ course first: Bachelor of Applied Science (Library
and Information Science – and Bachelor of xyz – joint award
double degrees: Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Commerce (only include
specialisations if only one is offered in this program)
integrated honours courses have identifiers for both the 4 year degree and the
honours stream
[exit point only] after the title of relevant courses
new courses in an articulated set are added to this field
courses with name changes should have the existing name altered to the new one
in this field
Approved abbreviations checked under section L15.1
No spaces or punctuation or of/in/to/with/for
No single letters used unless common practice (e.g. HR)
Double degrees have post-nominals for each constituent
Full set of points for each course (including each
specialisation, where relevant) is provided
Double degree points will vary because of subject overlaps,
but each degree is complete in its own right
Subject points add up to this total
Duration is set out in equivalent full-time years (1.0, 2.5, etc.):
Overall duration (FTE): 1.5
Articulated courses (including where new course is added to
articulated set) have:
Overall duration of each course in the set for courses which can be entered at any
Where entry to higher level is only after completion of lower level, overall and
actual durations are provided, with note that students receive credit for lower level
Double degrees set out duration of program only, with no
prescribed duration or point value:
For courses in which: a standard component is always
awarded as credit; there is a conversion or upgrade stream
with standard credit; there is a set of articulated courses; or a 4
year Bachelor course to which an integrated Hons. is being
6. Modes and locations
of offering
Notes about any credit arrangements are added
Actual durations are specified, e.g.
Actual duration (FTE): 2.0
Stream 1: 2.0
Stream 2: 1.5
Number of offerings in each mode are identified, including
campuses for onshore and offshore partners
6.1 Internal offerings
6.2 DE offerings
6.3 Face-to-face
offerings with onshore
6.4 Face-to-face
offerings with offshore
7. Funding source
Any specialisations/courses on different campuses have the
correct campus identified
Onshore CSU campuses only are identified by School and
CRICOS approval appears here
Covers standard DE offerings only (including when
administration, but not teaching, is conducted offshore), by
School and campus
If convening School is to rotate, this is noted
Partner, institution(s) and location are specified
See section L16.1, or obtain advice from Academic Secretary
Partner, institution(s) and location are specified
See section L16.1, or obtain advice from Academic Secretary
For each course (if different), it has been specified:
8. Flexible calendar
Load (HECS) funded
Fee paying (student pays) (Text identifies the source or UCPC approval)
Employer funded (employer pays)
Other (specify)
No reference to rationale or changes is provided
Course as a whole:
6 digits name of code
same code usual for new course in articulated set, applies for integrated honours
double degrees retain original codes, with one nominated as primary code
With specialisations, articulations which differ in terms of
their fields, and double degrees, the following is provided:
10. DEST Course Type
11. 1 Aims
11.2 Objectives
12. Admission
Name of specialisation etc. 6 digits name of code
Code and descriptor correct for each level of course - watch
out for PG (07) and G (06), and B pass and B Hons both
No reference to review process
Different aims provided for each level of course
Different aims provided for each degree in a double degree
Standard entry for PhD, Masters by research, and mention of
research in relevant course types (hons and coursework
masters with research component)
Professional doctorates info. consistent with standard entry
encompassing aims and objectives
Different objectives provided for each level of course
Different objectives provided for each degree in a double
PhD, Masters by research, hons. courses without secondary
objectives and professional doctorates have ‘See standard
entry in 9.1 above’
Courses with secondary objectives have these specified here
All objectives are measurable, relate to the level of the course,
and incorporate graduate attributes in UG courses
Academic or other qualifications required for entry are
described, including for each course in a double degree
See Division of Planning and Development: Other Resources.
13. Course structure &
enrolment pattern
13.1 Course structure
Standard entry for PhD, Master by research covers standard
qualifications, other qualifications and preliminary
Prof. doctorate entry covers academic/other requirements
compliant with Admission Regs (5) – complicated, and needs
to be sufficiently detailed to show they are capable of this
level of study
Level of performance required to get into hons. (integrated or
add-on), or a specialist stream to which students are not
admitted directly, or to the next course in an articulated set, is
Note the distinction between structure and enrolment:
structure is about the framework of cores and electives, and
enrolment is about the order in which students undertake the
Points must add up to the value in Field 4, and to the value in
This is not a session enrolment pattern: all components (cores,
electives, key subjects, specialisations, etc.) of the course(s)
are set out according to:
13.2 Enrolment pattern
If nothing is here, it may have been an attempt to cut and
paste from Word
Points must add up to the value in Field 4, and to the value in
Enrolment pattern is delineated separately, session by session,
14. Course curriculum
DE and FT
Majors and specialisations if a single pattern cannot be used
Choice between subjects is indicated by or
Or cannot be used for core subjects – these would be restricted electives
‘restricted elective’ or ‘free elective’ is indicated in the appropriate pattern,
without specifying the choices
point values are given for subjects with point values > 8
points for each session are indicated by session for subjects with point values > 8
Non-CSU courses are included at the correct points in the sequence
Articulation between courses is clear
Where there is an exit-point, it is stated that ‘Students may exit with ‘x’ at this
Pass and honours sequences are clear
For subjects other than free electives, information about each
subject is provided
Check the following:
15. Graduate attributes
Number of subjects within the category
List of subjects within the category by code and title, except for free electives
Any non-CSU component, and the points awarded for it, are indicated
Articulation of a set of courses shows the relationships
Integrated Hons. courses clearly delineated
Courses with partners where there are differences in structures are clearly
Subject code is the same as in fields 13.1 and 13.2
Subject title is the same as in fields 13.1 and 13.2
Entry restrictions allow for students in this course
Prerequisites and corequisites match the enrolment pattern in 13.2
Abstract (as per current or attached new proforma)
UG only, how the course curriculum ensures the attainment of
graduate attributes
16. Assessment policy
In the light of the level of the course, the aims and objectives,
any procedures for the following are detailed:
approval processes for teaching and assessment strategies within subjects (Subject
Outline approval procedures and quality monitoring)
ensuring full application of University and Faculty Assessment policies
monitoring and mapping assessment across the course
benchmarking of grade standards at all subject levels
determining the outcomes re. graduate attributes
ensuring the timely release of grades and how offshore students ill not
disadvantage those onshore
B(Hons.) and integrated hons describe how the level of the
award (e.g., a 2/1) is derived
Standard entry for PhD
Professional doctorate includes:
17. Service teaching
Master by research with coursework includes standard info &
conflation of research results
Any subject that is (to be) owned and/or taught by another
Faculty is described, covering:
18. Requirements for
19. Articulation and
19.1 Articulation
19.2 Credit
19.3 Institutional
articulation agreements
specification for coursework of how subjects are assessed so as to contribute to the
object of the program; the relationship between coursework and progress in
specification for research of how the assessment of the research contributes to the
object of the program, and how the exam results will be conflated to determine
eligibility to graduate
code, title, relationship (ownership, teaching or convening), Faculty, and the AOU
in brackets
field also needs completing for shared courses
Minimum requirements are outlined, covering points,
numbers of subjects, specialisations, etc. (e.g., ‘Must complete
192 points at Pass level or better’)
Double degrees which have an award that is not offered
outside of the double degree specify this, and any variations in
the size of specialisations
Standard entries for PhD and M by research
Any practice requirements are specified, including a SY grade
for zero points practice subjects
The distinction between the two is clearly understood
(articulation is where first part of higher level award is
entirely made up by a lower level course)
Only relates to CSU courses, or N/A is entered
Only used for a set of courses in which each lower level
course in a component of a higher level one
All courses in the set are identified
Non-CSU courses which are credited as an essential
component of a course or as relevant components of a course
are identified
Only the new arrangements are provided for new courses in
an articulated set
Each degree’s arrangements in a double degree are specified
Subjects for which credit is not available are identified and
reasons supplied
Credit limits are adhered to
Statement describes private institution’s involvement and a
statement certifying academic standing is provided
20. Course
Name, tel., fax, email, School provided (for each campus if
course offered on more than one campus)