Ch 12 DNA Checkpoint Questions

Name: ____________________________________________________
Chapter 12 DNA Analysis Review Questions
1. Name the four bases that pair together in the DNA molecule and state how they
pair up.
2. What is a nucleotide?
3. Where in the body is DNA located? What can be used for DNA fingerprinting?
4. How many chromosomes does human DNA contain?
5. What percent of DNA is similar between all humans?
6. What type of evidence is the source for mitochondrial DNA?
7. From whom is nuclear DNA inherited? From whom is mitochondrial DNA
8. What are three (3) differences between nuclear DNA and mDNA?
9. Who is credited with the discovery of DNA?
10. What do the letters RFLP stand for in DNA fingerprinting and what is the
11. What is the function of a restriction enzyme?
Name: ____________________________________________________
12. What is PCR and what is the advantage in the use of PCR for DNA found at a
crime scene?
13. How long does one sequence of PCR take?
14. What is the name of the enzyme used in PCR?
15. How is the DNA molecule divided in RFLP? In PCR?
16. What is electrophoresis and its benefit to DNA Fingerprinting?
17. What is STR and how is it used? What are its advantages?
18. What is a loci? What is the preferred number of loci for STR?
19. What does the loci marked AMEL represent?
20. What is CODIS, what is in it and who uses it? How many states are included?