Manuscript No. HEP-11-1036 Supporting information to the manuscript of Suneetha et al.: HEV-specific T cell responses are associated with control of HEV infection Pothakamuri Venkata Suneetha1, Sven Pischke1, Verena Schlaphoff1, Jan Grabowski1, Paraskevi Fytili1, Anna Gronert Alvarez1, Birgit Bremer1, Antoaneta Markova1, Jerzy Jaroszewicz1,2, Christoph Bara3, Michael Peter Manns1, Markus Cornberg1, Heiner Wedemeyer1* 1 Department of Gastroenterology Hepatology and Endocrinology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany; 2Department of Infectious Diseases and Hepatology, Medical University in Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland; 3Division of Cardiac, Thoracic Transplantation and Vascular Surgery, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany. * Address for correspondence: Prof. Heiner Wedemeyer Department of Gastroenterology Hepatology and Endocrinology Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany Phone: +49-511-532-6814 Fax: +49-511-532-8662 Email: Supporting methods: Isolation of Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) PBMCs were isolated from whole blood samples using standard Ficoll-Hypaque density gradient centrifugation (Biocoll. BIOCHROM AG, Berlin, Germany) and cryo-preserved in liquid nitrogen as described earlier (1, 2). Antibodies The proliferation of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes was determined by flow cytometric CFSE assay using PE-labelled anti-CD4 and PE-Cy7 labelled anti-CD8 antibodies (BD Biosciences, CA, USA). For determining intracellular cytokine levels anti-IFN-γ -FITC, anti-MIP-1β-PE and anti-TNF-APC antibodies were used. Surface antibody staining was performed by using antiCD8-APC-eFluor® 780 antibody (eBioscience, CA, USA). Levels of PD-1and CTLA-4 were measured by using anti-PD1 (BioLegend Inc., San Diego, CA, USA) and anti-CTLA-4 antibodies (BD Biosciences, CA, USA) antibodies respectively. Hepatitis E virus peptide pools HEV-specific overlapping peptides (15mers, overlapping adjacent peptides by 5aa) spanning ORF2 and ORF3 of the genome corresponding to the amino acid sequences of the Yam67 strain of genotype 1a (Gene Bank accession number: AF459438) were synthesized from PEPscreen custom peptide library (Proimmune, Oxford, UK). Peptides were dissolved in DMSO as a stock solution with a concentration of 60 mg/ml. Details of the peptide pools, including sequences, number of peptides per pool, and composition of each pool are given in Supporting table 1. A total of 78 overlapping peptides were divided into 6 pools and cells were stimulated using a final concentration of 5μg/ml with final DMSO concentration of 0.2% per pool. The ORF2 and ORF3 regions of HEV genome are at least 90% conserved among genotype 1 vs genotype 3 strains. All HEV overlapping peptides were synthesised based on standard single resin synthesis. Peptides purity was tested by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and the average purity of most of the peptides is >90%. In-vitro lymphocyte proliferation assay In-vitro proliferation assay was performed by CFSE method as described elsewhere (1, 2). After staining, 0.3x106 cells were stimulated with HEV overlapping peptide pools at a final concentration of 5μg/ml in 96 well round bottom plates for 7 days at 37ºC and 5% CO2. On day 4, IL-2 was added (5U/ml). PHA (6μg/ml) and medium with 0.2% of DMSO served as positive and negative control respectively. On day 7, CFSE labeled cells were stained with CD4+ and CD8+ antibodies before acquiring the samples by flow-cytometry (FACSCanto II, Becton Dickinson). Data was analyzed by FlowJo Software (TreeStar, SanCarlos, USA). T cell proliferation was also measured in all patients with chronic hepatitis E overtime in the presence or absence of viremia. Stimulation index (SI) was calculated by dividing proliferated cells in the presence of peptide pools by proliferated cells in the absence of peptide pools. A SI value more than 2 was considered as positive signal. Cytometric Bead Array (CBA) and Intracellular cytokine Staining (ICS) Both the assays were performed in different study groups as described earlier (1). Levels of IL10, IFN- -17 were quantified in cell culture supernatants and intracellular IFN-γ, TNF and MIP-1β cytokine levels were measured by FACS. References 1. Suneetha PV, Schlaphoff V, Wang C, Stegmann KA, Fytili P, Sarin SK, Manns MP, et al. Effect of peptide pools on effector functions of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells J Immunol Methods 2009; 342(1-2): 33-48. 2. Schlaphoff V, Lunemann S, Suneetha PV, Jaroszewicz J, Grabowski J, Dietz J, Helfritz F, et al. Dual function of the NK cell receptor 2B4 (CD244) in the regulation of HCV-specific CD8+ T cells. PLoS Pathog 2011; 7(5): e1002045. Supporting figure 1 Supporting Figure 1: HEV-specific antibody (IgG) titres: HEV-specific IgG antibodies were relatively higher in immune-suppressed patients who developed chronic HEV infection as compared to resolved transplant subjects (p=0.014) sero-positive healthy controls (p=0.02). Supporting figure 2 Gated on CD4+ T cells PD1 CTLACTLA-4 Gated on CD8+ T cells PD1 CTLACTLA-4 Supporting figure 2: Ex vivo expression levels of PD-1 and CTLA-4 was studied in patients with chronic HEV infection by surface or intracellular staining respectively, and the expression was detectable in all the patients included in the study. Supporting table 1: Details of amino acid sequences of peptides spanning entire region of ORF2 (peptides 1-66) and ORF3 (peptides 67-76) regions of the HEV genome. Pool number 1 Peptide sequence 1. MRPRPILLLFLMFLP 2. LMFLPMLPAPPPGQP 3. PPGQPSGRRRGRRSG 4. GRRSGGSGGGFWGDR 5. FWGDRVDSQPFAPYI 6. FAPYIHPTNPFAPDV 7. FAPDVTAAAGAGPRV 8. AGPRVRQPVRPLGSA 9. PLGSAWRDQAQRPAA 10. QRPAAASRRRPTTAG 11. PTTAGAAPLTAVAPA 12. AVAPAHDTPPVPDVD 13. VPDVDSRGAILRRQY 2 14. LRRQYNLSTSPLTSS 15. PLTSSVATGTNLVLY 16. NLVLYAAHLSPLLPL 17. PLLPLQDGTNTHIMA 18. THIMATEASNYAQYR 19. YAQYRVARATIRYRP 20. IRYRPLVPNAVGGYA 21. VGGYAISISFWPQTT 22. WPQTTPTPTSVDMNS 23. VDMNSVTSTGVRILV 24. VRILVQPGIASELVI 25. SELVIPSERLHYRNQ 26. HYRNQGWRPVETSGV 3 27. ETSGVAEEEATSGLV 28. TSGLVMLCIHGSPVN 29. GSPVNSYTNTPYTGA 30. PYTGALGLLDFALEL 31. FALELEFRNLTPGNT 32. TPGNTNTRVSRYSST 33. RYSSTARHRLRRGAD 34. RRGADGTAELTTTAA 35. TTTAATRFMKDLYFT 36. DLYFTSTNGVGEIGR 37. GEIGRGIALTLFNLA 38. LFNLADTLLGGLPTE 39. GLPTELISSAGGQLF 40. GGQLFYSRPVVSANG 41. VSANGEPTVKLYTSV Genome region ORF2 4 42. LYTSVENAQQDKGIA 43. DKGIAIPHDIDLGES 44. DLGESRVVIQDYDNQ 45. DYDNQHEQDRPTPSP 46. PTPSPAPSRPFSVLR 47. FSVLRANDVLWLSLT 48. WLSLTGAEYDQSTYG 49. QSTYGSSTGPVYVSD 50. VYVSDSVTLVNVATG 51. NVATGAQAVARSLDW 52. RSLDWTKVTLDGRPL 5 53. DGRPLSTIQQYSKTF 54. YSKTFFVLPLRGKLS 55. RGKLSFWEAGTTKAG 56. TTKAGYPYNYNTTAS 57. NTTASDQLLVENAAG 58. ENAAGHRVAISTYTT 59. STYTTSLGAGPVSIS 60. PVSISAVAVLAPHSA 61. APHSALALLEDTLDY 62. DTLDYPARAHTFDDF 63. TFDDFCPECRPLGLQ 64. PLGLQGCAFQSTVAE 65. STVAELQRLKMKVGK 6 66. ELQRLKMKVGKTREL 67. MNNMSFAAPMGSRPC 68. GSRPCALGLFCCCSS 69. CCCSSCFCLCCPRHR 70. CPRHRPVSRLAAVVG 71. AAVVGGAAAVPAVVS 72. PAVVSGVTGLILSPS 73. ILSPSPPIFIQPTPS 74. QPTPSPPMSPLRPGL 75. LRPGLDLVFANPSDH 76. NPSDHSAPLGATRPS 77. ATRPSAPPLPHVVDL 78. PLPHVVDLPQLGPRR ORF3