Our Lady of Victory Pastoral Council

Our Lady of Victory Pastoral Council
Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2014
I. Vice President John Wichelmann called the meeting to order. We opened the meeting with a prayer.
II. Roll call was taken.
A. Present: Al Boboth, George Bradley, Karon DeCock-Husted, Tommy Fallon, Trish Gallagher, Matt
Henning, Charlie Jones, Elaine Kopf, Ann Lee, Luis Moya, Gary Neltner, Matt Osen, Msgr. Parizek, Kyle
Rick, Ken Ruefer, John Scordato, Chad Steimle, John Wagner, John Wichelmann and Suzanne Yackley.
B. Excused: Marc Mosse, Kyle Rick, Chris Wemhoff, and Helen White.
III. The agenda was approved as written.
IV. The minutes of September meeting were approved.
V. John read the mission statement.
VI. New Business
A. None
VII. Old business
A. Strategic plan: Ken presented a summary of the responses from the various questionnaires.
VIII. Ministry reports
A. Social Action
1. Christian Services and Social Justice: Karon reported that there will be a Food, Fun and
Fellowship on November 23 at 12:00 p.m.
2. Ecumenical: Gary reported that he is getting a better grip on this assignment.
B. Church Life
1. Church Life: No report
2. Stewardship: Matt reported that Stewardship Sunday was held. Ministry booklets were handed
out. It is on the website as well. The insert sheet has the contact information to make it easier to
update. There will be no meetings in November or December. Reconvene in January.
3. Wellness: Ann submitted a written report. They are looking for people to take blood pressures.
They are also looking at doing a falls class in November. They will again have their Valentine
bake sale. They are looking for some tasty sugar-free treat recipes.
C. Faith Formation
1. Faith Formation / RCIA: Trish submitted a written report. Trunk or treat was held. They served
150 hotdogs. There were lots of costumes. RCIA held the Rite of Welcome and Acceptance.
Four were welcomed or accepted. There are also three currently in the process. The last pro-life
series of Holy Hours will be held on November 13. It will be on end of life decisions and be
presented by Fr. Thom Hennen.
2. JFK / Board of Education: Chad Steimle submitted a written report. Chad reported that JFK is
enjoying record enrollment. There are 494 students. It is the 3rd largest school in the Diocese.
He also reported on the changing demographics as our school’s Hispanic representation has
increased to 17%. Chad reported that Iowa’s withdrawal from Starter Balance was due to end of
contract. It is not a reflection on Iowa Core.
3. Youth Ministry: Tommy submitted a written report. He stated that the Diocesan Catholic Youth
Conference is replacing the Youth Rally. It is held every other year, in the off years of NCYC.
There will be a NCYC question and answer session after Mass next weekend.
4. Young Adults: No report.
D. Family Life: No report.
E. Finance and Administration: Matt reported that they have finished the Strategic Plan questionnaire. They
have decided to utilize the Diocesan payroll service. It is less expensive and easier to access. This will
start on January 1. The two parish office positions are open. They have about 12 resumes and
applications. There appear to be qualified applicants for both positions.
F. Liturgy: They have a new coordinator for altar server training. A new coordinator for music. They are
looking into a Christmas program. They need cantors. All Souls Mass will be on Saturday. There will
refreshments following the service. The hospitality ministry needs new leaders. They may decide to go
with one for each Mass.
IX. Standing committee reports
A. Buildings and Grounds: A written report was submitted. The roof was completed today. They had some
extra shingles. Used them to shingle the shed roof as a trade-off. The total cost for the roof replacement
was $28,800.
B. Vocations: Al reported that they didn’t meet. They are pushing the adopt-a-seminarian program. Looking
for people to pray for our seminarians, someone to send them encouraging notes and cards on their
special days.
X. Unfinished Business: None
XI. Parishioners’ Comments: Matt Henning reported how impressed he was at our Mock Trial program.
XII. Pastor’s comments: Msgr. introduced Nick, our in residence seminarian. He asked us to pray that they would
find the right people to fill the vacancies in our parish office. Emily and Nancy are both gone now. Please have
some patience. Volunteers will be helping out. Msgr. also reported that Nancy Iossi’s mother had died this week.
Her funeral will be tomorrow. Deacon Marc Mosse fell and has a broken bone in his hand and a bruised rib. He
will see the doctor this week to see if surgery is necessary. We were also reminded that the official Mass counts
will be this week and next week.
XIII. Next meeting: November 25, 2014 at 7:00pm in Gathering Space.
XIV. Adjournment and closing prayer: The meeting was adjourned with a closing prayer.
Minutes respectfully submitted by
Elaine C. Kopf, Secretary (unapproved)