Leonardo da Vinci II / INNOPREVENT Project Health Care Advice and Prevention for the Medical and Qualified Medical Laboratory Professions in Europe with Special Reference to Wellness and Tourism European Survey concerning Thematic Areas, Topics and Key Competences 1. General introduction According to the results of the Schwerin meeting, we designed new tools for finding answers to following questions crucial to our project: Question 1) Which thematic areas of health care advice and prevention should be covered by our project? Question 2) What are the main topics within these thematic areas? Question 3) Which key competences does one need to perform professionally as health care adviser in these very areas? To avoid too much confusion, following questions will be discussed and answered at the next meeting in Naples: Question 4) Can these key competences be measured/tested and if yes how? Question 5) Can these key competences be trained and if yes how? The general sense of this survey is to find out whether or not … … there are transnational differences/similarities concerning areas and topics in the field of health care advice and prevention? ... there are transnational differences/similarities concerning key competences to perform professionally as health care adviser. 2. Rough definition of “Key Comptence” To make sure we all think in same directions if we speak about “key competences” following definition should be respected: Key Competence: A Key Competence is the ability to mobilize and correctly apply one’s own resources (abilities, knowledge, experiences etc.) as well as environmental resources (instruments, tools, other persons etc.) to bring a performance to a positively defined result within the setting of a particular working environment. In this definition there are all relevant factors included, which are important to the aims of our project. Since these points are very important, we would like to call them the “Key Competence Principles” of our project. And here they are: Principle 1) It is not enough that persons have a certain key competence, they also must be able to “mobilize and apply” it. A key competence must become evident and measurable during a special performance! Principle 2) Key competences must be mobilized and applied “correctly”, that means the performance must lead to a “positively defined result”; there is no use in mobilizing a key competence, if it leads to a negatively defined result or to a result, which was not defined at all. Principle 3) It is not said that a “performance” is linked to only one key competence. This might be the case concerning some performances, but in most cases, there will be more than one key competence (= a set of key competences) needed to perform properly. Principle 4) Although key competences are naturally linked to persons, they also have a very strong contextual side. Since a person always (or at least mostly) lives, moves, works, performs etc. in a social environment, key competences also have to be seen in context with these daily life or daily working life settings. Key competences interact highly with their environment, because persons interact with their environment. For our work Principle 4 is important, because we might find key competences, which are linked very strongly to “environmental resources”. We also might find key competences, which differ in structure and/or importance in connection with different social backgrounds. Principle 5) Principle 5 is very closely linked to Principle 4); it says that the contextual setting is strongly linked to the thematic areas and topics within the field of health care advice and prevention, which will be defined through the European Survey done by you! Competences outside these thematic areas and topics are of no or only of lower interest for our work! 3. Categories of Key Competences For getting our data collection slightly structured right from the beginning, we should distinguish between 3 categories of key competences: A) Content Key Competences (CKC) are linked to the thematic/professional content of the different thematic areas/topics we want to cover in the field of Health Care Advice and Prevention for the Medical and Qualified Medical Laboratory Professions in Europe with Special Reference to Wellness and Tourism; such CKC could be all special kinds of professional knowledge, experiences and/or abilities in the thematic areas/topics we will define by our European Survey. B) Personal and Social Key Competences (PSKC) are linked to the person and its social behaviour during its performance as health care adviser; such PSKC could be patience, empathy, communication, listening to others etc.) C) Methodical Key Competences (MKC) are linked to methods, tools and instruments a person would need to perform properly as heath care adviser; such MKC could be moderation, visualisation of information, structuring of information, expressing data in diagrams/tables etc.) Please be aware that some competences could fit into more than one category! E.g.: If there was a competence called face to face communication, is this a personal/social competence or could this be a methodical competence, too? It is very difficult to find a correct answer to this question, and for several reasons it is very doubtful, if there is any at all! Please do not bother with such kind questions too much and too long; put them into one of the categories, we will discuss this kind of questions during the meeting in Naples. 4. Guideline for doing the Survey Step 1: Draw and contact your national sample according to the criteria we agreed on in Schwerin! As reminder Karsten will send out the minutes of the meeting as soon as possible! Step 2: The data collection should be done as guided interviews by using Form A “European Survey concerning Thematic Areas, Topics and Key Competences” (please see below; please copy this form as often as necessary!) You can do the interviews individually or in small groups (but it is recommended not to ask more than 3 experts at the same time); the interviews could be done in face to face situations or via telephone; if experts know enough about our project and the aim of this survey, you even could do the questionnaire by themselves. Important: For each interview you did – whether individually or in small groups – you have to fill in one of the questionnaire forms. Do not mind, if thematic areas, topics, key competences etc. get mentioned redundantly, because it is really important to know, which answers were given several times and which ones only one or two times! Step 3: Fill in Form B European Survey – Overview of Experts and Duration (please see below) after you have done all your interviews. Step 4: Send all documents fully and correctly filled in (Forms A and Form B) by electronic mail to Karsten; deadline of sending the documents you will find in the minutes of the Schwerin meeting! Leonardo da Vinci II / INNOPREVENT Project / FORM A European Survey concerning Thematic Areas, Topics and Key Competences Number of Interview: ____________ Date: ________________________ Time: ________________________ Interviewed person 1: ______________________________ Interviewed person 2: ______________________________ Interviewed person 3: ______________________________ A) Which thematic areas of health care advice and prevention do you think should be covered in any case by the Innoprevent project? (Please add more areas if necessary!) A1) Thematic Area 1: A2) Thematic Area 2: A3) Thematic Area 3: A4) Thematic Area 4: B) Which topics within each Thematic Area indicated under A1)-A4) do you think should be covered in any case by the Innoprevent project? (Please add more topics if necessary!) B1) Topics of Thematic Area A1: ________________________________________________ Topic 1: Topic 2: Topic 3: Topic 4: Topic 5: B2) Topics of Thematic Area A2:_________________________________________________ Topic 1: Topic 2: Topic 3: Topic 4: Topic 5: B3) Topics of Thematic Area A3:__________________________________________________ Topic 1: Topic 2: Topic 3: Topic 4: Topic 5: B4) Topics of Thematic Area A4:_________________________________________________ Topic 1: Topic 2: Topic 3: Topic 4: Topic 5: C) Which content key competences do you think does one need for performing successfully as health care adviser? Please go through each of your above mentioned thematic areas/topics and link relevant content key competences to each single area. Such competences could be any kind of knowledge, experiences, abilities etc. (Please add more competences if necessary!) C1) Content Key Competences concerning Thematic Area A1/Topics B1: Content Competence 1: Content Competence 2: Content Competence 3: Content Competence 4: Content Competence 5: C2) Content Key Competences concerning Thematic Area A2/Topics B2: Content Competence 1: Content Competence 2: Content Competence 3: Content Competence 4: Content Competence 5: C3) Content Key Competences concerning Thematic Area A3/Topics B3: Content Competence 1: Content Competence 2: Content Competence 3: Content Competence 4: Content Competence 5: C4) Content Key Competences concerning Thematic Area A4/Topics B4: Content Competence 1: Content Competence 2: Content Competence 3: Content Competence 4: Content Competence 5: D) Which personal and social key competences do you think does one need for performing successfully as health care adviser? Please think of general situations of information transfer, advice, guidance etc. in the field of health care advise and describe briefly why and how this very competence is needed! (Please add more competences if necessary!) D1a) Personal/Social Key Competence 1: D1b) Please describe very briefly in which working situation this very competence is needed for performing well! D2a) Personal/Social Key Competence 2: D2b) Please describe very briefly in which working situation this very competence is needed for performing well! D3a) Personal/Social Key Competence 3: D3b) Please describe very briefly in which working situation this very competence is needed for performing well! D4a) Personal/Social Key Competence 4: D4b) Please describe very briefly in which working situation this very competence is needed for performing well! D5a) Personal/Social Key Competence 5: D5b) Please describe very briefly in which working situation this very competence is needed for performing well! D6a) Personal/Social Key Competence 6: D6b) Please describe very briefly in which working situation this very competence is needed for performing well! D7a) Personal/Social Key Competence 7: D7b) Please describe very briefly in which working situation this very competence is needed for performing well! E) Which methodical key competences do you think does one need for performing successfully as health care adviser? Please think of general situations of information transfer, advice, guidance etc. in the field of health care advise and describe briefly why and how this very competence is needed! (Please add more competences if necessary!) D1a) Methodical Key Competence 1: D1b) Please describe very briefly in which working situation this very competence is needed for performing well! D2a) Methodical Key Competence 2: D2b) Please describe very briefly in which working situation this very competence is needed for performing well! D3a) Methodical Key Competence 3: D3b) Please describe very briefly in which working situation this very competence is needed for performing well! D4a) Methodical Key Competence 4: D4b) Please describe very briefly in which working situation this very competence is needed for performing well! D5a) Methodical Key Competence 5: D5b) Please describe very briefly in which working situation this very competence is needed for performing well! Leonardo da Vinci / INNOPREVENT / FORM B European Survey – Overview of Experts and Duration 1) Name of Innoprevent Partner Institution: _______________________________________________________ 3) Name and expertise of experts contacted for this data collection: Name of expert Field of Experience 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 2) Name/s of person/s responsible for data collection: Person 1: _____________________________________________ Person 2: _____________________________________________ (Please add further lines if necessary!) Name of expert Field of Experience 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 4) Day you started with your data collection: 5) Day you finished with your data collection: Thank you very much for your co-operation and effort!