1 Extension of the continental lithosphere Introduction The mode of continental lithospheric extension and subsequent basin formation along continental margins and in the interior of continents depends on the rheological stratification of the lithosphere. For example the strength of the lower crust varies as a function of its composition (eg amount of internal radiogenic heat production) and on mantle heat flow. By changing the strength ratio of the upper to lower crusts, the distribution of subsidence and faulting may be predicted. We will use the particle-in-cell finite element code Ellipsis to create a two-dimensional model of the layers of the Earth under extension and we will explore what impacts various strength changes and initial weaknesses have on lithospheric deformation, thereby mimicking geological reality. Background The lithosphere is the outer shell of the Earth whose boundary is characterised by an abrupt decrease in shear-wave velocities at depths of around 100km. It is comprised of a strong brittle upper crust, a weaker, more ductile lower crust, and the strong brittle upper mantle lithosphere with the total thickness increasing with age up to 400km in case of old continental lithosphere. The Mohorovicic discontinuity (in short Moho) lies between the crust and the upper mantle lithosphere and is a seismically defined boundary. The crust can be either coupled or decoupled from the underlying mantle. If the lower crust deforms entirely in the brittle regime the crust is said to be coupled to the mantle, while if the lower crust deforms entirely the ductile regime the crust is said to be decoupled from the mantle. Underlying the lithosphere is a weak zone in the upper mantle called the asthenosphere where the temperature gradient increases rapidly, and dehydration reactions and changes in mineralogical composition occur. The continental lithosphere is less dense and has a thicker crust than the oceanic lithosphere and is compositionally different. During extension of the lithosphere, the crust and upper mantle lithosphere are stretched and extended. The way in which they deform is dependent on their rheological properties, pressure, temperature and strain conditions. When the lithospheric is extended hot mantle (asthenosphere) rises to the base of the thinned lithosphere to maintain isostatic equilibrium. The lithosphere cools, contracts, and, while the crust is thinned permanently, the upper mantle lithosphere returns to its original thickness over time. Extension may cease without a new ocean basin being formed, creating a failed rift. Properties to be considered when investigating the dynamics of the layers of the Earth include stress, strain, heat transfer, gravity, fluid mechanics and rock rheology. Many of these are co-dependent and some simplifications are usually made for computation. Figure 1 shows a representative lithospheric strength profile (yield strength envelope), illustrating the differences in strength between continental lithospheric layers as a function of depth. 1 2 Figure 1. Yield strength envelope for the continental lithosphere Stress Stress is the internal resistance of a material to the distorting effects of an external force with units of force per unit area. Strain is the dimensionless ratio of change in length to original length and describes the compressibility of a solid. In a fluid, the rate of Ý(velocity gradient) is related to the applied stress and the viscosity (constant for a strain given material) by the following Ý (1) At laboratory temperatures and pressures, crustal rocks are brittle and behave elastically until failing by fracture. An idealised elastic-perfectly plastic rheology is the model used to approximate the behaviour of ductile materials. Elastic deformation is linear until a yield stress is reached and maintained whereon the material deforms plastically. Just below the Moho in figure 1 (35km), the straight edge of the yield envelope means the upper mantle (below 35 km) deforms in a brittle fashion. However, this is also strain-rate dependent, and in reality brittle deformation in the upper mantle only occurs when the strain rates are relatively high, ie when the material is deformed relatively rapidly. When temperatures reach a significant fraction of the melt temperature, atoms and dislocations in the crystal lattice become mobile enough resulting in creep. Dislocations are imperfections in the crystalline lattice structure and creep defines fluid behaviour over long time scales. Even with a high viscosity, the crust is considered to behave like a fluid that flows over geological time scales. Newtonian flow assumes a simple linear relationship between stress and strain, the constant of proportionality being viscosity. As soon as the viscosity is no longer constant, for example temperature dependent, the flow is no longer strictly Newtonian. In particular, the viscosity is modified during yielding, which makes it a function of stress, which breaks the linear relationship, making it non-Newtonian. This behaviour can be approximated by a so-called power-law rheology (see strain weakening), or it can be modelled more realistically by 2 3 allowing inter-dependence of variables, as is done in Ellipsis. The rheological laws used in Ellipsis include very complicated strain and strain-rate dependencies, making the constitutive laws very non-linear, and effectively non-Newtonian. One of the most important parameters is the strength ratio of the upper and lower crust, at least in the absence of pre-existing weaknesses. Extension models are also sensitive to changes in the ratio of the relative thicknesses of the upper and lower crust. In general, the brittle upper crust is the focus for much of the stress, which is localised in zones with large strength ratios. Small strength ratios cause more densely spaced and widely distributed faulting. To approximate the brittle behaviour in the strong upper crust overlying the weak ductile lower crust, a yield law, with a maximum shear stress yield, describes the stress profile of figure 1: (2) Ý yield c 0 c p pf where c0 is the cohesion (yield stress at zero pressure), and cp is the pressure dependence of Ýthe strain rate. The relative strength of the upper and the yield stress, p is the pressure and lower crust can be calculated by integration of equation (2), which is the area between 0 and the maximum shear strength in figure 1. Two different temperature dependent viscosity models can be used in Ellipsis: The complex Arrhenius viscosity model and the simpler Frank-Kamenetskii approximation to the Arrhenius viscosity. The Arrhenius viscosity (arr) is defined as, 1 1 arr E n 1 n Exp a A R T 1 n n (3) where A is a scaling factor, n is the stress exponent, Ea is the activation energy, R is the universal gas constant (8.314 J/mol.K), T is the temperature (K) and ε is the strain rate. Here however, we will only use the Frank-Kamenetskii viscosity model, which is expressed as follows: T 0e T T (4) 1 where is the viscosity, T is the temperature (K) and 0 and T1 are constants. By finding two values for viscosity (a and b) calculated at two different temperatures (Ta and Tb) using the Arrhenius viscosity model you can solve the following equations to find the constants 0 and T1 in the Frank-Kamenetskii viscosity approximation, a (Ta ) 0e T T (5a) b (Tb ) 0e (5b) 1 a T1Tb 3 4 Strain Weakening When a material is placed under high amounts of strain it can become weaker; this process is termed strain weakening. Strain weakening is implemented in Ellipsis using the power-law function: f 1 (1 a)( a 0) n 0 0 (4) where is the accumulated plastic strain, 0 is the saturation strain beyond which no further weakening takes place, n is an exponent which controls the shape of the function and a is a maximum value of strain weakening beyond which no further weakening occurs. Figure 3 shows strain weakening behaviour for various exponents (n). Fig 2. Strain weakening behaviour showing strength weakening from 100% to 20% after an accumulated strain of 0.5, after which no further weakening occurs. Dashed lines show the effect of the exponential parameter (En) on the curve (see Equation 4). Ellipsis Background and Download Information Ellipsis is a modelling program that simulates large deformations of materials using a finite element method where the problem domain is represented using an Eulerian mesh, in which Lagrangian integration points are embedded. Ellipsis has been applied to study a number of problems, including two and three-dimensional lithospheric extension, mantle convection modelling with a visco-elastic/brittle lithosphere, folding in finely layered visco-elastic rock structures, and the investigation of continental geotherms, heat flow and the survival of cratonic lithosphere through geological time. 4 5 Ellipsis is a freely available open source program, which can be downloaded from the GeoFramework site at the California Institute of Technology (www.geoframework.org). Ellipsis has a long history of development, mainly driven by geodynamic modeller Louis Moresi, including not only Caltech, but also CSIRO and Monash University. Therefore, additional web pages with Ellipsis background information and examples can be found at: http://www.mcc.monash.edu/twiki/view/Codes/EllipsisCode http://www.earthbyte.org/Resources/resources_ellipsis.html Ellipsis runs on all unix-based computer operating systems (e.g. Linux, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris, Windows (using cygwin), etc). The Ellipsis Input File The Ellipsis input file is a plain text file which defines all parameters we need to set up for an Ellipsis run, ie material geometries, rheologies, boundary conditions, mesh and tracer definitions, and output variables. The file contains an enormous number of things that the program needs to know, but most of which don't concern us. Lines in the input file that start with a hash mark (#) represent comments which are ignored by Ellipsis. In the following, those sections in the input file will be highlighted that you may need to alter for your model runs. The initial sections are: # # # # GENERAL ADVECTION-DIFFUSION PARAMETERS SOLVER RELATED MATTERS GRID POINTS We won't have to change anything in these sections, they relate mostly to the resolution and accuracy of the simulation. The first setup we need to look at is: # OUTPUT FILES The file is setup at the moment to give us four visual output files (in ppm file format – a graphics file format like jpg, bmp and gif), ie: PPM_files=2 The output files will display distribution of temperature, stress and strain. We also need to extract some other data out of these models, as defined in: # Specifications for graphical output files We have pre-defined that we are outputting stress profiles at different points along the surface (-more on this later). Ellipsis Graphical User Interface In order to make the Ellipsis program easier to use, a graphical user interface (GUI) has been developed here at the University of Sydney. Simulations using Ellipsis must be set up by creating a text file, called an Ellipsis input file. These files contains a long list of parameters, 5 6 in the format parameter name=parameter value. These parameter settings control all aspects of the simulations, ranging from the types and locations of different materials in the simulation, the rheological properties of those materials, parameters controlling how much information Ellipsis should provide about the simulation as it executes as well as the types and specifications of graphical output files. The parameter values can be numeric, or they can consist of a text string. In addition, some parameters require lists of numbers or strings to be specified. Often groups of these parameters work together, so that it is necessary to ensure that they are consistent with one another. For example, several parameters are used to define the materials present at the start of the simulation, and this is done by specifying regions of various shapes. For rectangular regions we have to define the locations of the top left and bottom right of each region, and which material the region consists of. Because we will normally have more than one such region in a particular simulation, we must enter lists of coordinates, so that we have one entry for each region. It is difficult to determine the layout of the regions from such lists, and when editing them, the user has to be careful to edit the correct number in each list. This becomes increasingly complex as more regions, and more different region shapes are used. Clearly it would be preferable if such lists could be replaced with a GUI that would plot the regions graphically and allow new regions to be drawn using a mouse. Ellipsis GUI incorporates such a system, not only for material regions, but also for boundary conditions and tracer regions, as well as providing support for rectangular, triangular and circular regions. The figure below illustrates the main window of the Ellipsis GUI showing the geometrical editing capability of the GUI. Figure 3. The visual editor pane of the GUI, showing four rectangular regions. The colour or grey-level in which each material appears in the GUI can be specified. Here material 0 (Air) is assigned a light blue colour, material 1 (Upper crust) appears in gold, material 2 (Lower crust) appears in orange and material 3 (Mantle) appears in red. On the left, the rectangle controls are showing, but these can be switched to show circle or triangle controls 6 7 instead. On the right are the controls for defining and choosing materials, together with a list of all the material regions. There are also controls, which allow individual material regions to be selected and then edited, or deleted. To run the Ellipsis GUI, copy the following directory (using cp -r) into your home directory from /geo/services/teaching/geos3003/Prac_extension/ellipsisgui. After you have copied it, the GUI can be run using the command java –jar ellipsisgui.jar &. This will load the GUI and you will see a window similar to that displayed in figure 3 above. To load an input file simply go to File -> Load and select the input template you wish to edit. To add a shape to the model, select the type of geometry you wish to add from the drop down menu in the upper left of the visualisation window (rectangle, circle or triangle) and then click and drag the mouse to add the shape. The shape that you add with be made from the currently selected material which appears in the drop down menu to the right of the visualisation window (Figure 3). To create a shape using a different material, simply select the material you wish to use from the drop down menu to the right before creating the shape. In the Visual Editor window (Figure 3) you will see a window in the bottom right called Material Regions. This windows shows all shapes currently defined in the model. You can manually edit the boundaries of these shapes by clicking on them and altering their coordinates. You may also delete shapes by clicking on them in the Material Regions window and pressing delete. Model Resolution Resolution of models in Ellipsis is handled using a multigrid. This technique converges on a solution using a coarsely meshed model, and this solution is used as input for a more finely gridded mesh, which may contain even finer meshes, and that mesh may also contain several more nested meshes itself. This is a very computationally efficient method for solving high resolution problems. In Ellipsis input files, different levels relate to the resolution of the finite element mesh we are using to solve problem (Fig. 4). Fig. 4. The meaning of levels in Ellipsis. In this example mgunitx=5 and mgunitz=3. Top: Level 0, 15 elements, middle: level 1, 60 elements, bottom: level 2, 240 elements. Our finite element grid also contains tracers, which can move around within the mesh. They carry information about the material properties. The more tracers we use, the higher the resolution of the material properties we can follow through the model run. 7 8 Fig. 5. Tracer_density defined on the finest level. In this example tracer_density=4, meaning there are four tracers/element both in the x and z direction. So in this case we have 260 elements * 16 tracers/element = 4160 tracers. There is no hard and fast rule for how many mesh levels and tracers you should use in a given model run. The finer the mesh and the larger the number of tracers, the longer the model run will take. As consequence, a model run may take any time between just a few minutes to several days (of course the geological time period covered by the run, i.e. run-length, also has an impact on the cpu-time consumed). The number of particles of the materials (also known as tracers), which are tracked by the simulation can be controlled by the user. Typically the number of tracers used will be fixed throughout the simulation area, but if necessary the number of tracers in each part of the simulation can be varied. The maintenance of a pretty high resolution is important for your simulations, which is why they may take a while. But, if for some reason they are taking an extremely long time, you can set mgunitx and mgunitz to less than 8 (e.g., 5) to make things run more quickly. Reducing ‘levels’ from 3 to 2 will greatly speed it up, but is probably too great a sacrifice to the resolution. If the simulations are running fairly quickly, feel free to run them for more increments (via the ‘maxstep’ parameter in the input file). Boundary Conditions Another factor that we have to build into the model is boundary conditions. A boundary condition is the property of a field, either a temperate, pressure or velocity that is kept fixed throughout the simulation, rather than being allowed to vary dynamically. These boundary conditions can be at fixed locations, or moving, and the shape of the area to which the boundary condition applies can vary. Commonly they are set at the edges of the simulation area, to reflect the properties of the neighbouring spaces. We should note that stress and velocity boundary conditions cannot both occur on the same face of the simulation volume, if both are also in the same direction, as these are not independent factors. However, it is possible to place orthogonal velocity and stress boundary conditions on the same face of the simulation. By default, all velocities in a direction normal to a given face are zero, in order to avoid a mesh that expands. 8 9 Exercise: Extension Modelling with Ellipsis Your task In this exercise you will: 1) Evaluate the effect of changing the coupling between the lower crust and the mantle on the style of extension and basin formation during extension, based on Ellipsis model run outputs I provide you with. 2) Run your own Ellipsis models (we aim for at least 4-6 runs) by focusing on two model aspects of your choice as listed below: a. Model with random noise b. Model with many weak seed(s) i. try changing the depth of the weak seed(s) ii. try changing the strain weakening parameters c. Model with weak fault(s) i. try changing the angle of the fault(s) ii. try adding multiple faults d. Coupled model with laterally varying crustal thickness e. Test various models with different strain rates (extension velocities) At the same time you may vary the coupling of the crust and mantle as desired. It is recommended that you initially only alter one set of parameters, but in your last couple of model runs you should combine variations of parameters, eg have a couple of preexisting faults and a thick lithospheric root somewhere in the model, or embed material weaknesses in your model (other than faults), maybe representing a large salt dome or a hot/weak intrusion in the upper crust together with changing the speed of extension. Our intention is to find out how the style of deformation and basin formation changes as a function of all these parameters (when do we get wide or narrow, shallow or deep basins, when do we get magmatic or amagmatic, hot or cold basins, etc etc). 3) Lastly I have provided you with a number of papers in pdf format in /geo/services/teaching/mars3006/Prac_extension/papers. Depending on which combinations of parameters you choose you will find various papers where similar questions are discussed. Discuss your results based on the papers of your choice (2-3) and make sure to include all references you have used into a ref list in the end of your document. Convert all your movies into gif animations (see instructions below). Refer to your gif animations in your report but leave them as separate files. The following example (from Artyushkov et al., Tectonophysics 320, 271-310, 2000) illustrates the development of the Ural Mountains collision zone in the Paleozoic. The figure shows in cross-section how many different kinds of weak and strong crustal elements were juxtaposed during plate collision. A real world question is: what happens when such a heterogenous crustal area is extended again some time later? What kind of basin(s) would we expect to form? 9 10 Running Ellipsis Copy all the files from the course directory into your home directory into your home directory. The executable Ellipsis 2d version will be used in this practical exercise, and is installed on the School of Geosciences Linux system. It is executed simply by typing in a command shell: nohup nice -10 ellipsis2d inputfile & Where inputfile corresponds to the name of a text input file. Try it with the extension.input file you just copied. The “nohup” command means “no hangup”. This means if you accidentally close the command shell in which you have started this run, or even if you log out, Ellipsis will keep on running. This is important, as runs may take several hours. The “nice” command assigns an appropriate priority to your run, such that the computer does not get totally bogged down from your Ellipsis run. When you run a program using the “nohup” command, all output that would normally be written to the screen will be written to a file called “nohup.out” in your working directory. In order to inspect the Ellipsis screen output as it is running, type: tail –f nohup.out 10 11 This will reproduce the screen output that Ellipsis would normally produce. NOTE: Please only use the computer that has been assigned to you for running models. A lot of weird stuff will scroll down the screen, but this is just normal diagnostics. Open up another terminal and cd into the directory you left Ellipsis running in. You will eventually notice some files being created, and they look similar to the ones you looked at in the previous section. There are the ppm image files, also our stress profiles (out_ext.***.profiles), and node_data (don't worry about these...). To do one simulation, it usually takes around 3hrs depending on the machine, and its work load. Each of the following sections contains 3 simulations to do (~9hrs total, but you just let the machine work overnight etc, ie start a new run just before you leave the prac on any given day). You will only have to cover 2 sections, but these simulations will take a while (so make sure your input parameters are correct!!). You can edit the inputfile with any text editor such as abiword or gedit. I recommend a simple editor such as gedit. Make the changes, save your file (in a new directory!!! The output files will overwrite other things of the same name). Then run Ellipsis from that directory, have a coffee, and then check out your results. There are a number of questions for each section. You are required to run your models in its own directory on your scratch space, as the output takes up a lot of room. The scratch space is located in /geo/services/scratch The following sections include a lot on the initial conditions for the model, and its boundary conditions. The defaults are sensible to start with. For the initial extension simulation setup we use a three-layer 2-dimensional model, including an upper crust, lower crust, and mantle (including the mantle lithosphere and asthenosphere). These material rectangles are defined in the Ellipsis input template under the section: # Material distributions The extension.input file already contains a number of pre-exsiting weakness types and structures defined in the template. You can use this file for a template for your own ellipsis models. The extension.input contains a single weak seed placed in the upper mantle by default, defined as the 5th rectangle in the Material_rect=5 section. The template also contains a fault and random diffuse weaknesses defined under the headings Fault Triangle and Strain Triangles in the input file, however, these are commented out. If you would like to use the weakness types defined in the model simply uncomment the relevant lines. These weaknesses have been included in the extension.input template really as a guide for how to implement weaknesses of this type in Ellipsis. 1. Strength of the lower crust Scroll down till you find the Material labelled: #: Lower crust The Lower Crust is Material 2. Find the viscosity parameters (Material_2_viscN0 and Material_2_viscT1). The viscosity is a measure of strength for rocks that flow ductilely. ## coupled Material_2_viscN0=8.985e5 Material_2_viscT1=14.4 ## N0 in viscosity models ## T1 in viscosity models 11 12 ## decoupled ##Material_2_viscN0=3.696e+06 ##Material_2_viscT1=26 ## N0 in viscosity models ## T1 in viscosity models Note: these viscosities are non-dimensional, ie they have been scaled, along with everything else, to input into the simulation (see appendix for how to scale real world variables such as length in km and time in millions of years, or extension speed in km/million years.) You can alter the coupling of the crust to the mantle by changing the viscosity parameters of the lower crust. You can do this using the GUI or by altering the input file with a text editor. Altering the viscosity of the lower crust so that the lower crust deforms entirely the brittle regime couples the crust to the mantle, while altering the viscosity of the lower crust so that the lower crust deforms entirely the ductile regime decoupled the crust from the mantle, creating a decoupled system. To model a coupled system uncomment the “coupled” viscosity parameters, while to model a decoupled system uncomment the “decoupled” viscosity parameters. Results from a simulation where the crust was coupled to the mantle and a weak seed was placed in the upper mantle can be found here: http://www.geosci.usyd.edu.au/users/scott/Ellipsis/Publication_Data/HuismanModels/Coupled/Single-Seed-ppm0.htm The Ellipsis simulation templates are set up to produce two sets of image files, ending in ppm0 and ppm1. As mentioned above, these files correspond to ppm0 = temperature and strain localization (shaded in blue) ppm1 = temperature only The "ppm1" output equivalent to the model link above can be found at: http://www.geosci.usyd.edu.au/users/scott/Ellipsis/Publication_Data/HuismanModels/Coupled/Single-Seed-ppm1.htm and the equivalent movies can be viewed here: http://www.geosci.usyd.edu.au/users/scott/Ellipsis/Publication_Data/HuismanModels/Coupled/movies/coupled/level5/single/coupled-hf-single-seed-huisman.00095-ppm08.7Ma-level5.gif To look at ppm0 and ppm1 images that you produce with your model runs, type: display filename.ppm0 & where you need to replace filename with the actual name of your file To see an animation of a series of figures, type: animate out*ppm0 & (or ppm1 depending on what you want to look at). 12 13 How does the spacing of faults vary with different strength lower crust (ie. coupled/decoupled)? From your output images, where is the extension actually occurring (hint: look at the blue regions in ppm0)? How does the lower crustal viscosity affect the distribution of faulting? We also want to look at what the stress profiles look like using MATLAB. Copy the files profile.m and hdrload.m to the directory with your Ellipsis output. Start MATLAB by typing: matlab & Run the profile plotting script by typing profile into the MATLAB command prompt. 2. Distribution of faults The examples so far have had one pre-existing weakness in the system, to act as a nucleus for deformation. How does the distribution of faulting control the dynamics of extension? Does the extension occur along the original faults for the entire length of the simulation? Or do the faults just act as seed points? Does the system readjust itself if the faults cannot accommodate the extension? Try adding faults (using the triangle geometry) with different dips to the model. The extension.input file already contains one fault inclined at 45˚ in the center of the model which is commented out. This fault is defined in: Material_trgl=1 Material_trgl_vert=3 Material_trgl_property=4 Material_trgl_x1=1.3833 Material_trgl_z1=0.3000 Material_trgl_x2=1.6167 Material_trgl_z2=0.0667 Material_trgl_x3=1.6167 Material_trgl_z3=0.0867 Here the triangle is defined by 3 vertices, which each have an x and z position. The weakness of the fault is defined by the rheological properties of Material 4. To add more faults, use the GUI to include more triangular weaknesses or alter the input file by hand. NOTE: When using the GUI to add materials make sure that the new materials are aligned with the boundaries of existing ones (eg. Do not extend a fault above the surface of the upper crust into the air!). 3. Distributed Material weakness Uniformly distributed random weaknesses can be included in the model in two ways. They can be included simply by uncommenting the appropriate lines in the input file, highlighted in red below. ## Strain Triangles - Uncomment the below lines to include random weak seeds uniformly distributed through the crust 13 14 ##Strain_trgl=40 ##Strain_trgl_value=1,1,1,… ##Strain_trgl_x1=0.99,1.98,0.63,… ##Strain_trgl_z1=0.18,0.20,0.10,… ##Strain_trgl_x2=1.02,2.01,0.66,… ##Strain_trgl_z2=0.21,0.23,0.13,… ##Strain_trgl_x3=0.96,1.96,0.60,… ##Strain_trgl_z3=0.21,0.23,0.13,… ##Strain_trgl_mag=0.50,0.50,0.50,… You can also include random weakness in your model by using the GUI to include many random shapes of Material 4 in your model (Note: since the GUI does not yet allow you to define regions of pre-strained material). In model runs with random weakness seedpoints, is strain localised at all weak seedpoints, or not? If not, how is strain distributed? 4. Intrusions/ Seeds To include an intrusion in your model use the GUI to place a rectangular block at various depths within the lithosphere. Using Material 4 in the GUI, simply select the rectangle shape option and draw a small rectangle. What happens as you change the depth of the seed in your model? How does the distribution of faults change with an intrusion in the mantle? Does it affect the stress field? Where is strain occuring now? 5. Thick lithospheric roots We want to simulate the effect of a thick lower crust in one region. We do this by altering the strength of the continental crust or by altering the temperature of regions of the model. You can test to see what effects altering material and thermal properties have on the strength envelope of your lithosphere by playing with the Matlab script ellispis_prac_scale.m. After deciding which material properties you which to edit you can create a new material and add it to your model using the GUI or by editing the text input file. What is the effect of this thickening the crust? Now try a thinner crust in one area by adding a small rectangle of mantle material (Material 4) at the base of the lower crust in your model. How is having a thinner crust different from having a thicker? Is the resulting crust stronger or weaker? How does this affect deformation? 6. Extension rates The extension rate of the simulation is currently 4.5 x 10-10 m/s, which is equivalent to an extension rate of 14cm/year (this is defined in the Ellipsis input template by the BCmoveX1v variable). Try changing the velocity in the model. Using the GUI go to the Boundary Conditions option in the Visual Editor window and click the Boundary Settings button, where you will be able to alter the extension velocity of the right face of the model. 14 15 How does the style of deformation vary? Are the stresses greater or less? Is the strain/deformation more or less localised? Does any layer preferentially deform more? Gif Animations To make a gif animation of a set of ppm output files (you will have 2 sets of ppm files for each model run, ending with ppm0 and ppm1: ppm2gif.mk 0 Will run a script to take all files in your working directory ending with ppm0 and turn them into a gif animation, whereas ppm2gif.mk 1 will do the same for all files ending with ppm1 etc. Recommended Reading for Extension Modelling Dyksterhuis, S., Rey, P., Müller, R.D., and Moresi, L. in press, Initial Weakness Controls on Rift Architecture: Implications for the Iberian-Newfoundland Margin, in: MARGINS Theoretical and Experimental Earth Science, eds: Karner, G., Manatschal, G. and Pinheiro, L., Columbia University Press. Harry amd Grandell, in press, A Dynamic Model of Rifting Between Galicia Bank and Flemish Cap During Opening of the North Atlantic Ocean, in: MARGINS Theoretical and Experimental Earth Science, eds: Karner, G., Manatschal, G. and Pinheiro, L., Columbia University Press. Gartrell, A.P., 2000, Rheological controls of extensional styles and the structural evolution of the Carnarvon Basin, Northwest Shelf, Australia, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 47, 231-244. Lavier and Manatschal, 2006, A mechanism to thin the continental lithosphere at magma-poor margins, Nature, 440, 324-328. Manatschal, 2004, New models for evolution of magma-poor rifted margins based on a review of data and concepts from West Iberia and the Alps, International Journal of Earth Sciences, 93, 432466. Michon, L. and Merle, O., 2003, Mode of lithospheric extension: conceptual models from analogue modelling, Tectonics, 22 (4). Wijns et al., 2005, Mode of crustal extension determined by rheological layering, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 236, 120-134. 15 16 Appendix – Non-Dimensional Scaling The Ellipsis model input parameters are scaled from real world values into dimensionless values in order to minimise computation time and increase the accuracy of the solution. We use the non-dimensional scaling approach given by: E N S Equation (1) where E is a dimensionless Ellipsis variable, N is the dimensional real world parameter and S is a dimensional scaling factor. Scaling from real model length dimensions of 450km wide by 150km deep is done using a length scaling factor (SL) of 1.5 x 105 m resulting in non-dimensional model geometry of 3 units wide by 1 unit deep. Using a Thermal diffusivity scaling factor (S) of 1 x 10-6 a time scaling factor (St) can be found using: St SL S 2 Equation (2) With a viscosity scaling factor (S) of 1 x 1021 Pa and a gravity scaling factor (Sg) of 1 m/s2, a density scaling factor (S) can be found: S S g S L St S Equation (3) Using a velocity scale (Su) defined by: Su S L St Equation (4) a non-dimensional velocity of 67.5 is calculated to achieve a real world strain rate of 1e-15s-1 over the length of the model. Temperature is scaled between non-dimensional values of 0.17 and 1 corresponding to temperatures of 273K and 1603K respectively using a temperature scale (ST) of 1603K. For more in-depth information concerning scaling please consult the MATLAB scaling script ellispis_prac_scale.m. 16