Gaston County Multi-jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan Subsection 3-2, Belmont Strategies, October 2010 S3-2- 1 3-2 CITY OF BELMONT HAZARD MITIGATION STRATEGIES The City of Belmont agrees with the Hazard Mitigation Goals and Strategies, outlined by Gaston County. Following are the Hazard Mitigation Strategies specific to the City of Belmont. Gaston County Multi-jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan Subsection 3-2, Belmont Strategies, October 2010 S3-2- 2 MODIFIED Dam Failure A. Institute regulations requiring long-term care facilities to provide emergency generation and self-sustainability capability on-site. May require local amendments to Building Codes, Zoning and or separate Ordinance. (New initiative, On-going strategy, Moderate to High Cost to facilities with potentially High Benefits.) Belmont City Council B. Cooperate with state regulators in assessing vulnerability of dams and assure corrective actions are taken when suggested (Continuation, On-going strategy, Low Cost with High Benefits) Emergency Management, Code Enforcement, Belmont Pending On-going Priority (High, Medium, Low) Thunderstorms, Extreme Cold, Hurricane, Snow & Ice, High Winds FUNDING SOURCE MITIGATION STRATEGIES TIME FRAME HAZARD GOAL I. To protect persons and property, and reduce future damage and losses to the community. RESPONSIBLE PARTY CITY OF BELMONT -HAZARD MITIGATION STRATEGIES Local Funding as available Medium Local, State and or Federal Funding as available High Gaston County Hazard Mitigation Plan Subsection 3-2, Belmont DRAFT REVISED Strategies, October 2010 S3-2- 3 Thunderstorms, Hurricane, Snow & Ice, High Winds Snow & Ice, Extreme Cold, Thunderstorms Vegetative Fires COMPLETED Snow & Ice, Thunderstorms, High Winds, Hurricanes COMPLETED Flood, Hurricanes A. Initiate road clearing efforts early in storms. (Continuation, On-going strategy, Low Cost with High Benefits ) B. Provide generator connections to vital facilities and inventory generators capable of supplying 25% of these facilities simultaneously. ( On-going strategy, little or no resources allocated, Moderate to High Costs with Potentially High Benefits) C. Provide and maintain water system interconnects to increase reliability of fire protection water supply. (Continuation, On-going strategy, High Initial Cost with moderate benefits [for Fire considerations only) COMPLETED Located at the intersection of Catawba Ave. and Moses Rhyne Dr. in North Belmont D. Inventory water pumping facilities and sewer facilities, including their demand for electrical power and connection capabilities. (In progress with County All Hazards Plan update, Low Cost, Potentially High Benefits if used for Emergency Operations) COMPLETED , also Added Generators in North Belmont Area in 2009 E. Reinforce and strengthen City’s raw water intake facility and structure(s) in/at the Catawba River. (New initiative, Medium cost with high benefits. Project could be short term, provided funding is available.) FUNDING SOURCE Priority (High, Medium, Low) MITIGATION STRATEGIES TIME FRAME HAZARD GOAL II. To identify and protect critical services, buildings, facilities and infrastructure at risk to natural hazards and undertake costeffective mitigation measures. RESPONSIBLE PARTY City of Belmont -HAZARD MITIGATION STRATEGIES Belmont Public Works On-going Local Funding as available High Public Works, Belmont Pending Funding Local Funding and/ or Grants, as available High Public Works, Belmont Funded and Completed 2009 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Belmont Public Works Pending Funding Local, State, Federal Funding and/ or Grants, as available High Gaston County Hazard Mitigation Plan Subsection 3-2, Belmont DRAFT REVISED Strategies, October 2010 S3-2- 4 High Winds, Thunderstorms, Tornado, Snow & Ice, Extreme Cold, Extreme Heat, Flood, Hurricane MODIFIED All Weather Related Hazards MODIFIED A. Educate the public to take shelter and /or appropriate actions when the potential for development of high winds, tornadoes, thunderstorms, winter storms, floods, hurricanes, etc is present and watches and warnings are issued by the National Weather Service. Education can take form of Public Service Messages on Government Access TV Channel, Posters and Fliers. (Low cost with Potentially High Benefits, Continuation, On-going strategy, limited funding in place.) B. Encourage purchase and use of weather alert radios. Education can take form of Public Service Messages on Government Access TV Channel, Posters and Fliers. (Low cost with Potentially High Benefits, Continuation, On-going strategy, limited funding in place.) FUNDING SOURCE Priority (High, Medium, Low) MITIGATION STRATEGIES TIME FRAME HAZARD GOAL III. To increase public awareness of natural hazards and mitigation measures and to foster support and knowledge of efforts reduce future potential losses. RESPONSIBLE PARTY City of Belmont -HAZARD MITIGATION STRATEGIES Belmont Fire Dept. On-going to some extent w/ PSA, Pending Funding Local Funding, Grants, as available High Belmont Fire Dept. Pending Funding Local Funding, Grants, as available High Gaston County Hazard Mitigation Plan Subsection 3-2, Belmont DRAFT REVISED Strategies, October 2010 S3-2- 5 Drought DELETED Drought DELETED Drought DELETED Drought COMPLETED A. Encourage underground utilities and removal of trees that could down power lines. Besides education, codes & planning can make such suggestions in the field during normal site inspections. (Low Cost with High Benefits) (New initiative, On-going strategy, no funding identified) E. Determine Alternative Water Sources. Alternatives may include industrial sources, additional surface intakes, additional impoundments, wells, recycling, etc pending local requirements and conditions. (New initiative, On-going strategy, no funding identified)( Low to Moderate Costs with low to moderate benefits) F. Identify programs to provide financial and physical assistance to citizens who experience dry wells for both residential and animal locations. (New initiative, On-going strategy, no funding identified) (Low Cost with moderate to high Benefits) G. Evaluate and document elevation differences between water systems in Gaston County in preparation of interconnections. (New initiative, On-going strategy, no funding identified) (Low Cost H. Construct interconnects to facilitate water interchange between municipal systems. (Continuation, On-going initiative, no funding, long term strategy) (High Cost with Potentially High Benefits) Funded and Completed 2009 Priority (High, Medium, Low) Thunderstorms, Extreme Cold, Hurricane, Snow & Ice, High Winds FUNDING SOURCE MITIGATION STRATEGIES Planning, Belmont Pending Local Funding, Grants, as available Medium N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Public Works, Belmont Funded and Completed 2009 N/A N/A TIME FRAME HAZARD GOAL IV. To enhance the capabilities of local government to lessen the impacts of future disasters. RESPONSIBLE PARTY City of Belmont -HAZARD MITIGATION STRATEGIES Gaston County Hazard Mitigation Plan Subsection 3-2, Belmont DRAFT REVISED Strategies, October 2010 S3-2- 6 Drought COMPLETED Earthquake Erosion & Sedimentation Fire Fire I. Develop uniform water use restriction ordinances and criteria when to enact these. (New initiative, On-going strategy, no funding identified) (Low Cost with Moderate to High Benefits) L. Enforce building, zoning and minimum housing codes. (Continuation, On-going strategy, long-term) (Low Cost with High Benefits) M. Enforcement of Erosion & Sedimentation Ordinances. (Continuation, On-going strategy) (Low Cost with Moderate to High long Term Benefits) N. Actively participate in mutual aid programs to strengthen suppression capabilities. (Continuation, On-going strategy) (Low Cost, High Benefits) O. A mass, train and equip a strong fire suppression force capable of intervening in fires during incipient stages. (Continuation, On-going strategy) Moderate Cost with High Benefits) FUNDING SOURCE Priority (High, Medium, Low) MITIGATION STRATEGIES TIME FRAME HAZARD GOAL IV. To enhance the capabilities of local government to lessen the impacts of future disasters. RESPONSIBLE PARTY City of Belmont -HAZARD MITIGATION STRATEGIES N/A Complete N/A N/A Codes, Belmont On-going Local Funding, Grants, as available Low On-going Local Funding High On-going Local Funding, as available High Local Funding, Grants ,as available Medium County Natural Resources Emergency Management, Belmont Emergency Management, Belmont FD On-going Gaston County Hazard Mitigation Plan Subsection 3-2, Belmont DRAFT REVISED Strategies, October 2010 S3-2- 7 Flood Mass Earth Movement Thunderstorms, Tornado, High Winds Thunderstorms, Extreme Cold, Hurricane, Snow & Ice, High Winds Tornado P. Implement a program to seal and vent sewer system components, i.e. manhole covers that are located in the 100-year flood plain or other areas identified as highly probable for flooding. (Continuation, On-going strategy) (Mod. To High Costs, Mod. To High Benefits) S. Enforce zoning and building codes to prevent construction within the flood zone. (Existing enforcement) (Continuation, On-going strategy) (Low Cost with High Benefits) V. Enforce Building Code and educate inspectors as to mass earth movements. (New initiative, short term strategy) (Low Cost with Low to Moderate Benefits) W. Strengthen building codes so structures are “survivable”. This may also be included in educations, and the encouragement of building ‘Safe Rooms’ may be included.) (New initiative, On-going, short term strategy) (Low Cost High Benefits) X. Require underground utilities for new construction. (New initiative, Ongoing, short term strategy, amendment to existing regulatory ordinance where not adopted) (Low Cost with High Benefits) Y. Provide alternative sheltering locations that open during times of Tornado Watches. (New initiative, On-going strategy) (Low to Moderate Costs with Moderate to High Benefits) Priority (High, Medium, Low) Flood FUNDING SOURCE MITIGATION STRATEGIES Belmont Pending Funding Local Funding, Grants ,as available Medium Codes, Belmont On-going Local Funding High Codes Pending Local Funding Low Emergency Management, Belmont Pending Local Funding Low Planning, Belmont Pending Local Funding, Grants, as available Medium Emergency Management, Belmont Pending Local Funding, Grants, as available Medium TIME FRAME HAZARD GOAL IV. To enhance the capabilities of local government to lessen the impacts of future disasters. RESPONSIBLE PARTY City of Belmont -HAZARD MITIGATION STRATEGIES Gaston County Hazard Mitigation Plan Subsection 3-2, Belmont DRAFT REVISED Strategies, October 2010 S3-2- 8 Snow & Ice, Extreme Cold Flooding and other Disasters FLOOD NEW STRATEGY Z. Identify a cadre of persons with 4 wheel drive vehicles that are willing to provide transportation services during ice/snow events. (New initiative, On-going strategy) (Low Cost, Mod. Benefits) AA. Belmont to participate in FEMA’s Community Rating System (CRS) in order to continue mitigation strategies and to reduce Flood Insurance Rates for residents within National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) guidelines. (New initiative, On-going, short term strategy) (Low Cost with High Potential of Benefits with respect to continued mitigation efforts and reduce flood insurance rates for citizens) BB. Strengthen Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance to include unstudied streams, CLOMR requirements and other measures to mitigate flood damages. Emergency Management, Belmont Pending Priority (High, Medium, Low) MITIGATION STRATEGIES FUNDING SOURCE HAZARD TIME FRAME GOAL IV. To enhance the capabilities of local government to lessen the impacts of future disasters. RESPONSIBLE PARTY City of Belmont -HAZARD MITIGATION STRATEGIES Local Funding, Grants, as available Low Belmont Planning Dept. Pending Staff Time & CAV Local Funding, Grants, as available High Belmont Planning Dept. 2010 N/A Medium Gaston County Multi-jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan Subsection 3-2, Belmont Strategies, October 2010 S3-2- 9 CITY of BELMONT STRATEGY SUMMARY ANALYSIS The City of Belmont, like all other jurisdictions in Gaston County have faced budget constraints due to the economy. This has been detrimental to many mitigation strategies which have not been implemented due to a lack of funding. In light of the realizations of current in-abilities and a lack of funding, the City will concentrate limited resources on low cost and no cost strategies where possible. Grants, when available will also be utilized, however in many instances matching funds requirements place such grant out of reach. DELETED STRATEGIES GOAL IV E. Determine Alternative Water Sources. Alternatives may include industrial sources, additional surface intakes, additional impoundments, wells, recycling, etc pending local requirements and conditions. With water interconnections to surrounding municipalities completed, this strategy is no longer needed and is deleted. F. Identify programs to provide financial and physical assistance to citizens who experience dry wells for both residential and animal locations. With water interconnections to surrounding municipalities completed, this strategy is no longer needed and is deleted. G. Evaluate and document elevation differences between water systems in Gaston County in preparation of interconnections. With water interconnections to surrounding municipalities completed, this strategy is no longer needed and is deleted. PENDING & ON-GOING STRATEGIES The City will continue its current on-going strategies and try to enact pending strategies, as limited funding permits. MODIFIED & COMPLETED STRATEGIES GOAL I A. Institute regulations requiring long-term care facilities to provide emergency generation and selfsustainability capability on-site. May require local amendments to Building Codes, Zoning and or separate Ordinance. Strategy is modified, removing Gaston County Emergency Management as a responsible party. GOAL II C. Provide and maintain water system interconnects to increase reliability of fire protection water supply. With completion of interconnects to surrounding municipalities this strategy is completed and is modified to maintain these connections. D. Inventory water pumping facilities and sewer facilities, including their demand for electrical power and connection capabilities. With completion of interconnects to surrounding municipalities this strategy is completed. Gaston County Hazard Mitigation Plan Subsection 3-2, Belmont DRAFT REVISED Strategies, October 2010 S3-2- 10 GOAL III A. Educate the public to take shelter and /or appropriate actions when the potential for development of high winds, tornadoes, thunderstorms, winter storms, floods, hurricanes, etc is present and watches and warnings are issued by the National Weather Service. Education can take form of Public Service Messages on Government Access TV Channel, Posters and Fliers. Modified to remove Public Information Officer. Fire Department is now responsible party. B. Encourage purchase and use of weather alert radios. Education can take form of Public Service Messages on Government Access TV Channel, Posters and Fliers. Modified to remove Public Information Officer. Fire Department is now responsible party. GOAL IV E. Construct interconnects to facilitate water interchange between municipal systems. With interconnects with surrounding municipalities, this strategy is completed and is will be deleted. F. Develop uniform water use restriction ordinances and criteria when to enact these. With adoption of water use regulations this strategy is considered complete NEW STRATEGIES GOAL IV BB. Enhance Flood Damage Prevention Regulations to better control development in flood prone areas. Such to include unstudied streams, CLOMR requirements. Also review potential of future conditions FIRMs in future updates.