12. Who launched the first commercially successful steamship in

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Великобритании, США, Германии, Франции: учебно-методическое
пособие / О.М.Киушкина, Е.Г.Долгова, И.А.Маскинскова и др.;
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по адресу:
г. Саранск, проспект Ленина, 18
1. The emblem of Northern Ireland is________________.
A. the leek
B. the red rose
C. the shamrock
D. the thistle
2. Who appoints senior clergy of the Church of England?
A. the Prime Minister
B. the Archbishop of Canterbury
C. the Archbishop of York
D. the Queen
3. Who led the English navy to victory against the Spanish Armada?
A. William Adams
B. Sir Martin Frobisher
C. Sir John Hawkins
D. Sir Francis Drake
4. ______________ was one of the foremost seamen of 16th-century England and the chief
architect of the Elizabethan navy.
A. William Adams
B. Sir Martin Frobisher
C. Sir John Hawkins
D. Sir Francis Drake
5. Shakespeare borrowed from _______________ “The Lives of the Noble Grecians and
Romanes”, for his Roman plays—“Antony and Cleopatra”, “Julius Caesar”, “Timon of Athens”,
and “Coriolanus”—and, in fact, he put some of _______ prose directly into blank verse, with
only minor changes.
A. North's
B. Marlowe’s
C. Marston’s
D. Dekker’s
6. Her unwise marital and political actions provoked rebellion among the Scottish nobles, forcing
her to flee to England, where she was eventually beheaded as a Roman Catholic threat to the
English throne. Her name was _________________.
A. Mary I
B. Mary II
C. Mary Stuart
D. Jane Grey
7. By tradition, the Prime Minister is ____________________________________.
A. the Speaker and First Lord of Treasury
B. Lord Chancellor and Minister for the Civil Service
C. First Lord of Treasury and Minister for the Civil Service
D. the Speaker and Minister for the Civil Service
8. _____________________is the oldest English theatre still in use. It prospered until being
destroyed by fire (1672); it was rebuilt in 1674.
A. the Globe Theatre
B. the Drury Lane Theatre
C. the Fortune Theatre
D. the Royal Court Theatre
9. ____________made it illegal to keep anyone in prison without a trial, it decided that every
prisoner should have as quick and fair trial as possible.
A. Bill of Rights: Toleration Act
B. Habeas Corpus
C. Provisions of Oxford
D. Combination Acts
10. _______________ranks second only to Shakespeare among English poets; his writings and
his influence are an important part of the history of English literature, culture, and libertarian
A. Francis Beaumont
B. John Milton
C. Ben Jonson
D. Alexander Brome
11. Isaac Bickerstaff’s pseudonym was ________________.
A. Samuel Johnson
B. Henry Fielding
C. Daniel Defoe
D. Jonathan Swift
12. Who launched the first commercially successful steamship in Europe?
A. Charles Macintosh
B. Thomas Hancock
C. Joseph Bramah
D. Henry Bell
13. In 1829 ______________ carried through the Metropolitan Police Act, which set up the first
disciplined police force for the Greater London area.
A. Robert Walpole
B. William Pitt, the Elder
C. Robert Peel
D. William Pitt, The Younger
14. This English inventor and manufacturer founded the British rubber industry. His name is
A. Charles Macintosh
B. Thomas Hancock
C. Joseph Bramah
D. Henry Bell
15. Who was the founder of antiseptic medicine and a pioneer in preventive medicine?
A. Joseph Lister
B. Edgar Douglas Adrian
C. Harry George Ferguson
D. John Milne
16. Who developed the modern seismograph and promoted the establishment of seismological
stations worldwide?
A. Joseph Lister
B. Edgar Douglas Adrian
C. Harry George Ferguson
D. John Milne
17. In ______________ the House of Commons agreed that MPs should be paid. It meant that
men of low income could now become MPs.
A. 1907
D. 1911
18. Throughout his career, ____________ was fascinated by film, and he often emulated
cinematic techniques in his writing.
A.James Joyce
B. Jerome K. Jerome
C. Graham Greene
D. H(erbert) G(eorge)Wells
19. ______________ was the first woman to sit in the British House of Commons.
a. Edith Margaret Emily Ashcroft
b. Nancy Witcher Astor
c. Amy Johnson
d. Sarah Siddons
20. ____________ was made Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 1951 and Dame
Commander in 1956; in 1962 a new theatre in London was named in her honour.
A. Edith Margaret Emily Ashcroft
B. Nancy Witcher Astor
C. Amy Johnson
D. Sarah Siddons
21. ____________ was a pioneering female aviator who first achieved fame as a result of her
attempt to set a record for solo flight from London to Darwin, Australia. She was dubbed “Queen
of the Air” by the British press.
A. Edith Margaret Emily Ashcroft
B. Nancy Witcher Astor
C. Amy Johnson
D. Sarah Siddons
22. The highest point of Northern Ireland is _____________.
A. Snowdon
B. Scafell Pike
C. Ben Nevis
D. Slieve Donard
23. Westminster Abbey is the site of coronations and other ceremonies of national significance
(since ______________, every British sovereign has been crowned there).
A. William I
B. William II
C. Richard I
D. Henry II
24. ________________ was the only British sovereign ever voluntarily to resign the crown.
A. Edward VII
B. Edward VIII
C. George V
D. George VI
25. He was famous for his prose style, his promotion of the vernacular, and his theories of
education. His success in tutoring three females — Lady Jane Grey, Queen Mary, and Queen
Elizabeth — has led some to consider him an early proponent of education for girls.
A. Roger Ascham
B. John Cheke
C. John Foxe
D. Edmund Spenser