The following snow removal plan covers the procedures that will be followed in the event of a winter snow
Any of the operations may be altered by the Highway Superintendent or Road Foreman depending on
weather conditions and/or emergencies.
Regular winter working hours between the months of November 1 and April 1 are 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.,
Monday through Friday. No overtime work will be performed on weekdays, weekends or holidays unless
authorized by the Highway Superintendent or Road Foreman.
In the event of a snow storm, the Highway Superintendent or Road Foreman will contact the operators as to
when to proceed with plowing operations.
All operators have a map of their area with emergency snow routes clearly marked. These routes will be
strictly followed by priority and will not be deviated from for any reason other than an emergency. After the
prioritized routes have been cleared, a systematic approach will be taken to clear the rest of the area, with
school bus and mail routes taking priority.
1. Emergency Snow Removal Priority Route Maps-- Snow removal priority route maps shall be mailed to
all school districts and post offices that use county roads and an emergency snow removal priority route map
will be placed in all county newspapers each fall to inform the public of the county’s priority snow removal
2. Gravel Roads-- Gravel windrows shall be leveled as much as possible in the fall and gravel left on the road
so windrow doesn't get bladed into the ditch. Gravel should remain on the road for possible snow melt. If
there is too much grass and weeds in the windrow, move windrow to the south on east-west roads and to the
east on north-south roads. No operators or equipment will be dispatched for snow removal on gravel roads
until at least three inches or more snow has accumulated. Snow and wind conditions will determine when
plowing operations proceed due to poor visibility, safety conditions, snowfall per hour, etc. Snow removal will
not proceed until visibility is no longer a problem. Maintain snow plow blade one to two inches above gravel
road to keep from removing gravel off the road. Plow snow to the south edge of east-west roads and to the
east edge of north-south roads whenever possible to prevent drifting if the wind is out of the northwest.
Plow according to wind conditions. In a very heavy snow, plow both ways and leave snow windrow beyond
the road shoulder so snow will melt away from the road and not on it. Open priority routes for one lane
traffic before starting secondary routes. Do not widen large drifts until entire route has been cleared to at least
one lane traffic. Motor grader operators are responsible for clearing intersections where gravel and pavement
meet. Minimum maintenance roads will not be cleared unless there is an emergency.
3. Paved roads-- Truck plows will be dispatched on all paved roads when one inch or more snow
accumulation is received. Trucks will continue to remove snow from paved roads until snow becomes too
deep for trucks to remove. If motor graders need to be used, tight blade paved roads to remove as much
snow and ice as possible without harming the pavement surface. Plow snow out to a minimum of two feet
beyond pavement edge, where possible, so snow will melt away from the road and not back on it causing ice
4. Salt and Sand Operations-- Salt and sand application location maps are attached and have been
distributed to employees. Additional locations may be sanded as required. County will begin sanding
operations when conditions require. No salt and sand will be applied to bridges. Salt and sand will not be
applied when snowfall is so heavy that material will be covered in a short period of time. Salt will be ordered
in the month of July for August delivery and when delivered, will be moved immediately into the salt storage
building. Salt and sand mix ratio is one ton of salt to four tons of sand.
5. Bridges-- All snow will be removed from bridges as roads are cleared. DO NOT leave snow windrows
along bridge rail. This creates a ramp condition which could cause a vehicle to jump the guardrail. Remove
snow beyond the bridge ends and guard rail 15 - 20 feet so snow will not melt back onto bridge causing ice
6. Snow Fence-- It is county policy to purchase and install snow fence at the locations described on the
attached map. Written permission will be obtained from landowners prior to installation of snow fence on
private property and kept on file in the Highway Superintendent’s office. Dates of snow fence installation and
removal will be stated in the written permission from landowner.
7. Special Circumstances-- Rarely does the County receive the same amount of snow county wide. Under
these circumstances, employees and equipment will be moved from the least heavy snowfall area to
concentrate on the hardest hit portions of the county. This will be done only upon authorization of the
Highway Superintendent or Road Foreman. Under extreme heavy snowfall, the need for outside contractors
may be required to assist in removing snow. The following contractors are to be contacted each fall for a
written per hour quote on employees and equipment to be used in snow removal. A current “Certificate of
Insurance” shall be obtained at this time.
Contractor A, _____________, NE
Contractor C, _____________, NE
Contractor B, _____________, NE
Contractor D, _____________, NE
8. Abandoned Vehicles/Stuck Motorists-- The Sheriff’s office will be notified when abandoned vehicles
are found stuck in snowdrifts. The vehicle license number will be provided to the Sheriff’s office so they can
contact owner. The Sheriff’s office can make the determination as to calling a towing firm and billing the
owner of the vehicle for towing services. Vehicles will only be removed from roadway or snowdrift by the
county employee when the owner is present and able to attach chain or tow rope onto personal vehicle. If the
owner of vehicle is present and physically unable to attach chain or tow rope to vehicle, the owner should
approve means of attachment to the vehicle by county employee.
The Sheriff, County Attorney, County Board and Highway Superintendent should all be involved to
determine the policy on removing abandoned vehicles or assisting stuck motorists. The policy
should then be included in the road department’s snow removal plan and policies.
Updates to the _____________ County Department of Roads Snow Removal Plan and Policies will be made
by the _____________ County Board of Commissioners and the _____________ County Highway
Heavy black lines indicate emergency snow removal routes that have priority and will be opened to
one way traffic before secondary roads. Please contact the _______________ County Highway
Superintendent’s office at ___________ if you have any questions.
(Assists In Establishing Emergency Snow Routes)
Outside Contractors – In very heavy snowfall events, it may be required to hire contractors to assist
the county in clearing roads. The following items should be done in the early fall of each year:
 Contact local contractors who could assist in snow removal, if needed.
 Determine what snow removal equipment the contractor owns and negotiate an hourly rate for
contract employee and equipment.
 Require the contractor to supply the county with a “Certificate of Liability Insurance” naming the
county as additional insured.
 Discuss with the contractor the snow removal route he will be responsible for and design a route map
for each contractor.
 A simple written agreement should be entered into each fall as contractor rates change due to
inflation, demand, etc. Most contractors are eager for this type of work as there is not much else they
can do during snowstorms.
Sample Contractor Snow Route Map
September 15, 2009
Really Good Contractor, Inc.
Rt. 3, Box 250
Anywhere, NE 00000
Dear Contractor,
Attached is a map showing an emergency snow route that we would like you to clear in case of a severe,
heavy snowstorm. This would be in emergency situations and only when called upon.
A current "Certificate of Insurance" must be attached to this document when returned and contractor to keep
the depicted coverage in place for the duration of this agreement. The following insurance requirements must
be met.
Worker's Compensation
Comprehensive General Liability (naming the County as an
additional insured)
$2,000,000 General Aggregate
$2,000,000 Products and Completed Operations
Coverage A - Statutory
Coverage B - $500,000
Automobile Liability (naming the County as an additional insured)
$1,000,000 Per Occurrence
You agree to indemnify and hold harmless, protect and defend the County and its elected and appointed
officials, employees, agents, and representatives from any and all claims, losses, demands, suits, actions,
payments and judgments, including any and all costs and expenses connected therewith, legal cost or
otherwise, for any damages which may be asserted, claimed, or recovered against or from the County or its
insurers because of personal injury, including bodily injury or death, or on account of property damage
sustained by any person or persons which arises out of, is in any way connected with, or results from any and
all work or activity arising out of your snow removal activities under this agreement.
If you are interested in performing this type of snow removal, please put your hourly operator and equipment
rates and any other equipment you have that may be used for snow removal below and deliver to me at your
earliest convenience. Any extra snow removal beyond what is shown on the enclosed map must be approved
by the Highway Superintendent.
_____________ Loader
______________ Maintainer $___________/hr.
______________ Other
Owner's Signature
Really Good Contractor, Inc.
Business Phone
Emergency Phone
_____________ County Highway Superintendent
 Instruct your employees to always look back when backing from snow drifts. There have been
numerous accidents where a motorist pulls up behind a motor grader and the operator is not aware of
the vehicle and backs over the vehicle.
 Encourage employees to not back up at a stop sign when plowing snow or sanding roads unless they
know there is no vehicle or pedestrian behind them.
Use of portable “Road Work Ahead” signs placed in advance of and behind of snow clearing
equipment while removing snow will greatly improve safety and assist in defending the county
should an accident occur and a claim be filed. Costs are approximately $150 for sign and stand and
can easily be folded up and transported on equipment. Signage of this type is especially critical in
hilly country and around curves where visibility is restricted.
The following photo shows what can happen when snow is left along bridge rails which freezes and causes a
ramping effect. Snow along bridge rails should be removed as soon as practical to improve safety and reduce
liability. This driver was very fortunate as he could have easily gone over the railing onto the highway below.