1 The Code of Ethics for Evaluators / Accreditors 61st EA&QEC/EAB, June 4, 2011 Individuals assigned as member of Accreditation team must conduct themselves in accordance with the following Code of Ethics for Evaluators/Reviewers. 1. Confidentiality of Information Individuals assigned as member of visitation team for accreditation purpose (Convener, examiners/evaluators, PEC representatives and observers/on-study) must not transmit nor reveal the contents of documents and information obtained during the accreditation process to any third party other than the EA&QEC/EAB or its Convener / Chair or the Secretary EA&QEC/EAB in their regular meetings and/or to the PEC Governing Body, including authorized secretariat member(s)/officials involved in dispatching the visitation team and relevant process, if deemed necessary. 2. Handling of Document and Information (Prohibition of usage other than for the Designated Objectives) Self-assessment Reports (AC-1 form and attached data/info), relevant writings (confidential documents) and information obtained during the accreditation process shall be considered privileged information only for the purpose of accreditation. Materials submitted for examination by an applicant institution must not be circulated, rented out, or copied to distribute to the third party without authorization of the applicant institution concerned. Confidential documents include self-assessment reports (AC-1 report), evaluation /Accreditation reports (AC-2 and/or any other similar relevant report /information), and documents designated by PEC EA&QEC/EAB and the members of evaluation/visitation team dispatching organizations. When it is uncertain whether a material is regarded as confidential or not, it must be confirmed with Secretary PEC EA&QEC/EAB or the Convener PEC EA&QEC/EAB. 3. Assignment of Examiners and Avoidance of Conflict of Interest Individuals assigned as examining experts/evaluators shall intimate any possibility of conflict of interest and disclose any real or potential possibility that may cause any conflict of interest. The followings show rules about avoidance of conflict of interest: a) Individuals as current and past faculty members, honorary professors, part-time lecturers/employees, supervising graduate’s thesis and researchers or research projects etc. who has an interest in the program concerned, must not participate in accreditation process for the programs concerned of a University/institution. b) Current administration Heads/officers, Principles/campus Directors, and Vice Chancellors/Rectors of universities/institutions must not participate in accreditation process as examiners/evaluators/experts. c) Current EA&QEC/EAB members, the Convener/Chair EA&QEC/EAB including PEC Representatives belong to the same area and or graduated from that university/institute must not participate in accreditation process as team chair or member/representative. The Ethics Codes for PEVs.docx 2 4. Withdrawal of Examiners/evaluators from Specific Discussion / Decision During accreditation process, individuals must withdraw themselves from any portion of discussions of decisions that may constitute conflicts of interest for the individuals or for any organizations where the individuals involved. Individuals must not participate in such discussion or decision making process. In case the situation arise, the Convener visitation team or the Convener EA&QEC/EAB, which ever the case may be, may take decision/request to that individual in such situations to act as Observer only. 5. Fair Examination/Evaluation and Judgment. Conduct fair examination/evaluation and make fair judgments, taking the position to improve the quality of engineering education in conjunction with the applicant institutions concerned. Appendix: Storage of Confidential Documents Confidential documents must be stored for a settled time period that is stipulated by the responsible regular committees at PEC EA&QEC or the PEC Secretariat. DECLARATION STATEMENT I have received and read "PEC EA&QEC/EAB the Codes of Ethics for Evaluators/Accreditors/Examining experts”. I understand the contents and follow these codes to the best of my understanding and knowledge. Name Affiliation Signature Date (Dully singed by each individual member of the dispatched visitation team including PEC representative Observers). The Ethics Codes for PEVs.docx