Ballyheada N.S. Action Plan for Litter and Waste 2012 – 2013 Goals: To educate our school community on Litter and Waste and being part of Green-Schools. To keep our school and its environs litter-free To reduce school’s landfill waste by 20% in February 2013 audit through recycling more of our waste and setting up a school wormery for composting Action Elect a committee Green-School Committee Meetings to discuss green school topics Complete the Litter and Waste surveys from the Green-Schools Handbook. Person/ Group Responsible Timeframe Comment / Outcome Teachers November, 2012 Mrs. Horgan Green-Schools Committee Mrs. Horgan / Mr. Coakley On-going 2 pupils from each class group 1st – 6th. Names of interested pupils put into a box and 2 names pulled out at random. On-going November, 2012 Completed 1 Green-Schools Committee 22nd November Shocked that over 50% of our total school waste is food waste! 5th / 6th Class Pupils Green-Schools Committee Pupils / Teachers 22nd November Educate our pupils about litter and waste through cross-curricular approaches in classrooms. Teachers On-going 75% of the school’s total waste directly going to landfill This highlighted litter black spots and areas that needed cleaning / tidying up On-going Waste management system to be introduced to all classrooms with a 3 bin system and bins to be labelled: General Waste Paper Recycling (all pages bigger than A5. These pages are not to be folded or crumpled and will be collected for shredding) Wormery (torn paper smaller than A5 size, tissues, toilet roll inserts, pencil parings, etc.) Green-Schools Committee 16th November On-going Shane & Aoife Green-Schools November Completed Evaluate the volume and type of waste consumption in each classroom, kitchen, halla, resource / learning support rooms, office. Categorise waste according to type and weight – white paper, coloured paper, plastic, food waste, metal, cardboard, other, etc. Calculate results of audit and show results on piechart. Carry out a litter survey of the school environs – Children in 5th and 6th draw up map of school grounds. Label maps with A,B,C system and with codes for types of litter found. Establish how many extra bins required. November 2 Committee Mrs. Horgan November Junk mail, leaflets and paper bigger than A5 size to be shredded, bagged and given to local community as bedding for horses. Mrs. Collins On-going No visits this year due to staff shortages. On-going Organise a 3-bin system in Staff Room: ‘Dry Recyclables’, ‘Wormery’ and ‘General Waste’. Bins to be clearly labelled. ‘Wormery’ bin to be used once wormery has been set up. Staff to take home non-recyclable residual waste, where possible. Staff November Completed Staff On-going On-going Mrs. Collins asap Nominated Litter Wardens in each class (2 new Wardens appointed each week on a rotational basis) Audits to be carried out until Christmas break Talk will be given on Monday, 14th January, 2013 Talk cancelled Less waste being produced for landfill. More recycling taking place. Pupils becoming more conscious of recycling within the school and more mindful of what is Contact Council re. visit by pupils to local landfill site. Arrange talk on recycling of batteries (2nd – 6th) Pupil Self Monitoring: Pupils to fill in audit sheet of type of waste being disposed of in each classroom in ‘General Waste’ bins. Pupils to also note how full ‘General Waste’ bin is at the end of the day. Sheets to be collected and analysed. Two Litter Wardens appointed by class teacher every week to check a) that classroom is kept tidy and litter free 3 b) that bins are being used correctly All pupils to take home food waste and packaging in lunch boxes. Healthy eating policy to be implemented and monitored. One treat only, if desired, on Fridays. Continue rule of no food or drink to be taken out into the yard at break times. Staff to be mindful of doing double-sided photocopying where possible. Number of photocopies to be monitored. Scrap paper to be saved in classrooms and used for working out sums, drawing, cutting activities, etc. Circulars and Notes to Parents: continue practice of giving notes, if necessary, to only the eldest child in each family. Text-a-Parent, where possible, to save paper. Use staff notice-boards for informing teachers. Curriculum Work: integration of Green-Schools Programme into the curriculum Allocate two prominent areas for Green-Schools’ Noticeboards in Junior and Senior corridors so as to inform and educate on Litter and Waste theme and to update on Green-School Activities. Inform parents of aims for the Green-School programme and encourage recycling at home – School Website Contact Local Authority about getting compost bin for school going in to each bin. Almost total elimination in amount of food waste & packaging in classroom bins. No difficulties enforcing this rule Staff mindful of only doing double sided photocopying All pupils On-going Pupils Teacher monitoring Staff On-going Principal / Secretary On-going Text-a-Parent has reduced a great deal of paper waste. Teachers On-going On-going Mrs. Horgan Committee Members December (to set up) On-going Completed in December Principal December Website updated regularly Mrs. Horgan November Bin was acquired On-going 4 Mrs. Horgan 17th December Completed Mrs. Horgan Pupils Mrs. Horgan December On-going December Completed Pupils from 1st to 6th January Completed Litter and Waste Poster Competition from Infants to 6th Class. All pupils December Completed. Display all posters in Halla for classes to view them and discuss the messages in class. All pupils February Completed 23rd March (Easter egg) 26th January Completed Contact environment officer with Country Clean Recycling (Tony Buckley) to talk to pupils (1st – 6th) on Recycling Contact Local Authority re. bird tables and set up in school garden. Contact Mary Walsh re. Master Composter (Donal O’Leary) to show pupils how to set up and maintain wormery. Talk given to pupils from 1st – 6th on Recycling by Tony Buckley from Country Clean Recycling Prize winner from each class. Visit to Iniscarra to view the different composting systems available. Demonstration given by Donal O’Leary. Video Clip on the four stages of water treatment at Iniscarra. Green-Schools Committee / Jack P. / Thomas B. Mrs. Horgan Organise rota system for pupils from Junior Infants to 6th to be trained and to take responsibility for 1. bird table 2. collection of litter in the yard and its environs All pupils from 1st to 6th to have a turn at each job (Each class teacher to January / February to set up Completed Unable to do litter pick up on some days due to bad weather. 5 (garden / courtyard, pitch, etc.) and collecting leaves for wormery on alternating days depending on the need at the time. Checklist of jobs associated with each of the above to be drawn up and checked off by pupils. draw up a class list and tick off pupils as they complete duty) On-going Arrange for Denis McCarthy, local carpenter, to construct a wormery for the school. Arrange visit of Master Composter, Donal O’Leary from Cork County Council to visit school to show pupils how to set up and maintain a wormery. Mr. Coakley January 4th Class Pupils Green-Schools Committee January Children write up an account of Donal’s Visit (how wormery was set up and interesting facts about worms) and some of their work is included on school website. 4th Class Pupils Green-Schools Committee 27th February Children from 4th class give talk to other classes on how the wormery was set up and how it will be maintained. 4th class talk to different class bands and each class views the wormery Week of 18th March Register school with An Taisce to be part of the National Spring Day. Conduct Waste and Litter Audits to see if school has reached its goal of reducing waste going to landfill by 25% since November audit. Calculate results of audit and show results on pie- Mrs. Horgan 27th February Green-Schools Committee 7th March 5th / 6th Class Pupils March Heightened awareness of litter in our school grounds. Children enjoyed observing birds feed on bird table. Completed 27th February Wormery set up and located in school shed. Completed Completed. Talk given to classes from Junior Infants to 3rd by 4th class pupils. Completed Completed. Waste significantly reduced. School’s waste 6 chart. Show comparative bar chart with results from November audit. Video presentation by Jack, a pupil in 4 th class, to be shown in all classes re. our school wormery, tiger worms and composting. Clip to be put up on school website. Contact Ballinhassig Tidy Village Committee re. liaising for ‘Action Day’ and working out a plan of action and date. Plan events for ‘Day of Action’ / Lá Glas and liaise with outside bodies – Donal O’Leary (Cork County Council) Notify parents of our ‘Lá Glas’ Carry out our Day of Action / Lá Glas Green-Schools Committee Jack P. (pupil) April going to landfill is reduced by 76%!! Completed Mrs. Horgan February 29th February Staff Mrs. Horgan Week of 8th April Completed Mrs. Horgan Mr. Coakley Whole School body Donal O’Leary 10th April Parents notified 17th and 19th April Inform Cork City Council of our Day of Action and arrange for rubbish to be collected. Mrs. Horgan 10th April An enjoyable day for all. Huge surprise expressed at the amount of rubbish collected from the village! Completed. Book bus to take children down to village for Day of Action clean up Wormery Competition: children come up with designs to paint on outside of wormery. One design selected from each class. Winning designs will be sketched and painted on box by past pupil, Dylan Mr. Coakley / Mrs. Collins All Pupils 10th April Completed Competition deadline: 22nd March Completed 10th / 11th June June 7 Whelan. Reinforce healthy eating as school policy. Regular checks on lunches by teachers. (for painting) Teachers On-going Green-Code Competition: Pupils to come up with a suitable school motto encompassing our Green Schools’ Vision. Pupils from 1st to 6th Deadline: 22nd March Whole staff to review entries and to choose our school motto. Winning entries to be professionally printed and displayed in halla. Teaching Staff 11th April Mr. Coakley & Mrs. Horgan September, 2013 Teaching Staff 10th April All pupils and staff Members of Ballinhassig 17th April Agenda for ‘Day of Action’ to be discussed at Staff Meeting. Complete a ‘Day of Action’ – National Spring Clean Spring Clean event and Litter Pick Up Activity in the community – each class designated an area. Lá Glas – item(s) of green clothing One healthy green food item to eat in lunchbox Cross-Curricular Work – i.e. Science / Art / Geography / English, relevant web sites, songs, etc. in individual classrooms. Unfinished lunches and food waste to be brought home Completed. ‘Sonas agus Snas l’Oideachas Glas’ = winning motto Completed. Ideas shared and discussed. Completed. Had to have a separate day for the Litter Pick Up due to inclement weather. (19th April) 8 Conduct Waste and Litter Audits and compare with March and November Audits. Record data on comparative bar-graphs Review the year’s work Presentation of certificates to outgoing GreenSchools’ Committee at Friday Assembly. Green-Schools Committee th 5 / 6th class pupils Green-Schools Committee, pupils and staff Mr. Coakley June June Completed 11th / 12th June Completed Completed June Completed June Ballyheada N.S. Action Plan for Litter and Waste 2013 – 2014 Goals: To further educate our school community on Litter and Waste through talks, curriculum links and Our Day of Action. To reduce the amount of our school waste going to Landfill by 20% on 2012 figures by continuing to recycle more of our waste and to use our school wormery for food waste, coffee grounds, tea bags, pencil parings, tissues, scraps of paper, etc. To reduce the amount of wrappings going home in children’s lunchboxes and to encourage drink bottles to be reused. 9 To take on a whole school project of improving our courtyards through planting, etc. with the help and guidance of local gardener, William Grainger, and parent volunteers. Action Person/ Group Responsible Timeframe Comment / Outcome Participation in ‘Green-Schools’ Summer Course for teachers in the Life-time Lab. Mrs. Horgan Ms. Kelly Ms. Kirwan July, 2013 Completed Review and discussion on ideas, practices for the new school year in relation to ‘Litter and Waste’. Establish criteria for choosing new Committee from pupil body. Mrs. Horgan Ms. Kelly Ms. Kirwan 12th September, 2013 Staff Meeting Decided that all interested pupils give a short speech to their class on why they should be on the committee. 2 pupils from each class group 1st – 6th. Teachers choose from their own classes. Committee meets formally at least once a month and informally on a weekly basis or Wider School Staff Elect a new committee. Interested children from 1 st – 6th give short speech to class on why they should be chosen. Teachers September, 2013 Green-School Committee Meetings to discuss green school topics Mrs. Horgan Green-Schools Committee On-going 10 more depending on work to be done. Carry out a bin audit in each room to determine if all classrooms have 3 bins (General Waste / Wormery / Paper for Shredding) and check if any additional labelling required for bins. Aoife & Colm 4th October Some classes need new bins and signage. Carry out a litter review of the school environs to determine if there is litter and main areas where litter is an issue. Label maps with A,B,C system and with codes for types of litter found. Compare with Litter Review from previous year. Amy & Conor 4th October Enclosed area near oil tank has collected some litter from over the summer. Send out check list to teachers to ensure they have the following in their classrooms: Rota for Litter Wardens Rota for Bird Table (Ms. Kelly’s Room only) Staff 8th October Completed Educate our pupils about litter and waste through cross-curricular approaches in classrooms. Teachers On-going On-going Whole School October All pupils October Litter and Waste Poster Competition Display all posters in Halla for classes to view them and discuss the messages in class. Posters to be displayed in halla. One prize winner from each class. Completed 11 Prize winner from each class. Set up ‘Golden Bin Award’. SNAs responsible for evaluating each class on a daily basis and giving a score out of 10. Results to be announced at Assemblies and a golden star added to chart of winning class on chart displayed in halla. Each winning class gets to keep the ‘Golden Bin’ on display in their room until the following assembly. Winning class to receive a prize at the end of each term. ‘Wrappers in lunchboxes’ survey. Children asked how many wrappers going home in lunchboxes. Boxes for lunches, no cling film. Children encouraged to use compartmentalised lunchboxes. Survey to be carried out weekly. Whole School On-going Began in October, 2013 Creating competition and heightening awareness among the children! Aislinn & Cathal ‘Drinks Bottles’ Survey. Children asked how many bring same re-usable bottle to school each day. Survey to be carried out weekly. Aislinn & Cathal Encourage fruit and healthy lunches. Cut down on lunch packaging – encourage use of reusable drink bottles and use of lunch boxes with containers for different foods. Discourage use of cling film, drink cartons, etc. Our school court yard identified by pupils as an area needing to be cultivated. Arrange for William Grainger, local gardener, to give us ideas to help us All pupils and teachers William Grainger Teachers 20th November = 1st survey On-going Aim: to cut down on wrappings being disposed of at home and to raise awareness of packaging waste. 20 November = 1st survey. When first surveyed On-going 88% of pupils in school have recyclable bottles. Aim: 100% On-going Less waste being taken home for landfill by pupils and teachers. October Completed. Awaiting quotation from William. 12 cultivate our court yards so that courtyard is suitably divided for each class to cultivate and look after. Arrange for William to speak to pupils from 4 th – 6th re school garden. Set up courtyard for pupils to cultivate and maintain during the school year. Purchase a new paper shredder. Organise rota system for pupils from 1st to 6th to take responsibility for bird table (Ms. Kelly’s Class) collection of litter in the yard and its environs (garden / courtyard, pitch, etc.) and collecting leaves for wormery on alternating days depending on the need at the time. Rota to be set up and visible in each classroom. Change and up-date notice boards (new committee, etc.) Pupils to measure area of school grounds for GreenSchools Application. William Grainger Parent Volunteers Staff Pupils To be on-going once set up On-going Mr. Coakley November, 2013 Completed All pupils from 1st to 6th to have a turn at each job (Each class teacher to draw up a class list and tick off pupils as they complete duty) September to set up On-going Green-Schools Committee Mrs. Horgan 6th Class pupils Ongoing On-going 22nd November On-going Completed 13 Arrange for Donal O’Leary to give a talk to pupils in two sessions (Juniors and Seniors) re Litter and Waste and for him to check the progress of our school wormery. Mrs. Horgan Contact re. December talk Evaluate the volume and type of waste consumption in each classroom, kitchen, halla, resource / learning support rooms, office. Categorise waste according to type and weight – white paper, coloured paper, plastic, food waste, metal, cardboard, other, etc. Green-Schools Committee 19th / 20th November for collecting and categorising rubbish Talks arranged for Wednesday, 11th December No more food waste being sent to land fill!! Significant reduction in the amount of general waste (cf. GS folder) Compare with results from November, 2012 and publish on Green-Schools Noticeboards. Calculate results of audit and show results on comparative bar-chart. Compare with results from November 2012. Set up ‘You’re an Eco-Star!’ certificates to recognise efforts of individual children in each room in reducing litter and waste in their own classrooms. Certificates to presented at Friday Assembly. 5th / 6th Class Pupils Green-Schools Committee Staff 27th November, 2013 Completed. January 2014. Completed Register school with An Taisce to be part of the National Spring Day. Conduct Waste and Litter Audits in March and compare results with those from March 2012. Calculate results of waste audit and show results on bar-chart. Show comparative bar chart with results Mrs. Horgan February / March Green-Schools Committee th 5 / 6th Class Pupils Green-Schools 14 from November audit. Agenda for ‘Lá Glas’ to be discussed at GreenSchool Meeting and then at Staff Meeting. Organise a Day of Action – Lá Glas. Committee Staff and Pupils Arrange for a speaker to come to the school to give a talk for our ‘Lá Glas’, ie. WEEE Mrs. Horgan Notify parents of our ‘Lá Glas’ Carry out our Day of Action / Lá Glas Staff and Pupils Mrs. Horgan Mr. Coakley Whole School body Inform Cork City Council of our Day of Action and arrange for rubbish to be collected. Mrs. Horgan Book bus to take children down to village for Day of Action clean up Mr. Coakley / Mrs. Collins Conduct Waste and Litter Audits and compare with June 2012 Audits. Record data on comparative bar-graphs Green-Schools Committee th 5 / 6th class pupils Review the year’s work Presentation of certificates to outgoing GreenSchools’ Committee at Friday Assembly. Green-Schools Committee, pupils and staff Mr. Coakley June June 15 16