Maynard Smith, J - School of Life Sciences

John Maynard Smith, Publications
 Maynard Smith, J. The importance of the nervous system in the
evolution of animal flight. Evolution 6: 127-9.
 Maynard Smith, J. Birds as aeroplanes. New Biology 14: 64-81.
 Maynard Smith, J., Maynard Smith, S. Genetics and cytology of
Drosophila subobscura – VIII. Heterozygosity, viability and rate of
development. J. Genet. 52: 152-64.
 Koske. T., Maynard Smith J. Genetics and cytology of Drosophila
subobscura – X. The fifth linkage group. J. Genet. 53: 521-41.
 Clarke, J. M., Maynard Smith J. Genetics and cytology of
Drosophila subobscura – X.I. Hybrid vigour and longevity. J.
Genet 53: 172-80.
 Hollingsworth, M. J., Maynard Smith J. The effects of inbreeding
on rate of development and on fertility in Drosophila subobscura .
J. Genet. 53: 295-314.
 Maynard Smith J., Clarke, J. M., Hollingsworth, M. J. The
expression of hybrid vigour in Drosophila subobscura. Proc. Roy.
Soc. Lond. B. 144: 159-71.
 Maynard Smith J. Fertility, mating behaviour and sexual selection
in Drosophila subobscura. J. Genet. 54: 261-79.
 Maynard Smith J. Acclimatization to high temperatures in inbred
and outbred Drosophila subobscura. J. Genet. 54: 497-505.
 Maynard Smith J., Savage, R. J. G. Some locomotory adaptations
in mammals. J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zool.) 42: 603-22.
 Maynard Smith J. Temperature tolerance and acclimatization in
Drosophila subobscura. J. Experimental Biol. 34: 85-96.
 Maynard Smith J. Prolongation of the life of Drosophila
subobscura by a brief exposure of adults to a high temperature.
Nature 181: 496-7.
 Maynard Smith J. The effects of temperature and of egg-laying on
the longevity of Drosophila subobscura. J. Experimental Biol. 35:
 Maynard Smith J. The Theory of Evolution. London, Penguin
 Maynard Smith J. Sex-limited inheritance of longevity in
Drosophila subobscura. J. Genet. 56: 1-9.
 Maynard Smith J. A theory of ageing. Nature 184: 956-8.
 Maynard Smith J. The rate of ageing in Drosophila subobscura. In
CIBA Foundation Symposium on the Lifespan on Animals, 26981.
 Maynard Smith J., Savage, R. J. G. The mechanics of mammalian
jaws. The School Science Review 141: 289-301.
 Clarke, J. M., Maynard Smith, J., Travers, P. Maternal effects on
the rate of egg development in Drosophila subobscura. Genet.
Res. Camb. 1: 375-80.
 Maynard Smith J. Continuous, quantized and modal variation.
Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B. 152: 397-409.
 Maynard Smith J., Sondhi, K. C. The genetics of pattern. Genetics
45: 1039-50.
 Clarke, J. M., Maynard Smith, J. Independence of temperature of
the rate of ageing in Drosophila subobscura. Nature 190: 1027-8.
 Clarke, J. M., Maynard Smith, J. Two phases of ageing in
Drosophila subobscura. J. Experimental Biol. 38: 679-84.
 Clarke, J. M., Maynard Smith, J., Sondhi, K. C. Asymmetrical
response to selection for rate of development in Drosophila
subobscura. Gen. Res. Camb. 2: 70-81.
 Maynard Smith J. Evolution and history. In Darwinism and the
Study of Society, ed. Banton, M., 83-93. London, Tavistock
 Maynard Smith J., Sondhi, K. C. The arrangement of bristles in
Drosophila. J. Embryology and Experimental Morphology 9: 66172.
 Maynard Smith J. The causes of ageing. In Review Lectures on
Senescence. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 157: 115-27.
 Maynard Smith J. Disruptive selection, polymorphism and
sympatric speciation. Nature 195: 60-2.
 Maynard Smith J. The limitations of molecular evolution. In The
Scientist Speculates, ed. Good, I. J. 252-6.
 Maynard Smith J. Temperature and the rate of ageing in
poikilotherms. Nature 199: 400-2.
 Maynard Smith J. Letter to the Editor. The Lancet 358.
 Lamb, M. J., Maynard Smith J. Radiation and ageing in insects.
Experimental Gerontology 1: 11-20.
 Maynard Smith J. Group selection and kin selection. Nature 200:
 Maynard Smith J., Michie D. Machines that play games. New
Scientist 12: 367-9.
 Maynard Smith J. The spatial and temporal organization of cells. In
Mathematics and Computer Science in Biology and Medicine, 24754. London, Medical Research Council.
 Maynard Smith J. An agnostic view of evolution. In Biology and
Personality, ed. Ramsey, I., 49-73. Oxford, Blackwell.
 Maynard Smith J. Professor J. B. S. Haldane, FRS. Nature 206:
 Maynard Smith J. The evolution of alarm calls. Am. Nat. 94: 59-64.
 Maynard Smith J. Eugenics and Utopia. Daedalus 94: 487-505.
 Clark, J. M., Maynard Smith J. Increase in the rate of protein
synthesis with age in Drosophila subobscura. Nature 209: 627-9.
 Maynard Smith J. Theories of ageing. In Topics in the Biology of
Ageing, ed. Krohn, P. L., 1-35. New York, Wiley.
 Maynard Smith J. Sympatric speciation. Am. Nat. 100: 637-50.
 Maynard Smith S., Maynard Smith J. The preservation of genetic
variability. In Regulation and Control of in Living Systems, ed.
Kalmus, H., 328-48. London, Wiley.
 Maynard Smith J. The genetics of ageing. The Woodhull Lecture 3
Nov. 1967. Proc. Roy. Institute. 42: 69-74.
 Dingley, F., Maynard Smith, J. Temperature acclimatization in the
absence of protein synthesis in Drosophila subobscura. J. Insect
Physiology 14: 1185-94.
 Maynard Smith, J. Evolution in sexual and asexual populations.
Am. Nat. 102: 469-73.
 Maynard Smith, J. ‘Haldane’s Dilemma’ and the rate of evolution.
Nature 219: 1114-6.
 Maynard Smith, J. Mathematical Ideas in Biology. Cambridge
University Press.
 Maynard Smith J. The counting problem. In Towards a Theoretical
Biology, vol 1: prolegomena, ed. Waddington, C. H., 120-124.
Edinburgh University Press.
 Dingley, F., Maynard Smith, J. Absence of a life-shortening effect
of amino-acid analogues on adult Drosophila. Experimental
Gerontology 4: 145-9.
 Lamb, M. J., Maynard Smith, J. Radiation-induced life-shortening
in Drosophila. Radiation Research 40: 450-64.
 Maynard Smith J. Limitations on growth rate. Symposia of the
Society for General Microbiology 19: 1-13.
 Maynard Smith J. The status of neo-Darwinism. In Towards a
Theoretical Biology, vol 2: Sketches, ed. Waddington, C. H., 82-9.
Edinburgh University Press.
 Maynard Smith, J. Time in the evolutionary process. Studium
Generale 23: 266-72.
 Maynard Smith, J. Population size, polymorphism, and the rate of
non-Darwinian evolution. Am Nat. 104: 231-7.
 Maynard Smith, J. Natural selection and the concept of protein
space. Nature 225: 563-4.
 Maynard Smith, J. The causes of polymorphism. Symposia of the
Zoological Society of London 26: 371-83.
 Maynard Smith, J. Genetic polymorphism in a varied environment.
Am. Nat. 104: 487-90.
 Maynard Smith, J., Bozcuk, A. N., Tebbutt, S. Protein turnover in
adult Drosophila. J. Insect Physiology 16: 601-3.
 Maynard Smith, J. What use is sex? J. Theor. Biol. 30: 319-35.
 Maynard Smith, J. Population genetics and molecular evolution. In
De la Physique Theoretique a la Biologie, 230-9. Comptes rendus
de la Seconde Conference Internationale de Physique
Theoretique et Biologie.
 Haigh, J., Maynard Smith J. Population size and protein variation
in man. Gen. Res. Camb. 19: 73-89.
 Haigh, J., Maynard Smith J. Can there be more predators than
prey? Theor. Pop. Biol. 3: 290-9.
 Maynard Smith J. On Evolution. Edinburgh University Press.
 Maynard Smith J., Ridpath, M. G. Wife sharing in the Tasmanian
native hen (Tribonyx mortierii): a case of kin selection? Am. Nat.
106: 447-52.
 Maynard Smith J., Price G. R. The logic of animal conflict. Nature
246: 15-18.
 Maynard Smith J., Slatkin, M. The stability of predator-prey
systems. Ecology 54: 384-91.
 Maynard Smith J., The theory of games and the evolution of
animal conflicts. J. Theor. Biol. 47: 209-21.
 Maynard Smith J. Models in Ecology. Cambridge University Press.
 Maynard Smith J., Haigh, J. The hitch-hiking effect of a favourable
gene. Gen. Res. Camb. 23: 23-35.
 Baker, J., Maynard Smith, J., Strobeck, C. Genetic polymorphisms
in the bladder campion, Silene maritime. Biochemical Genetics 13:
 Charnov, E., Maynard Smith J., Bull, J. J. Why be a
hermaphrodite? Nature 263: 125-6.
 Maynard Smith J., Haigh, J. The hitch-hiking effect - a reply. Gen.
Res. 27: 85-7.
 Lawlor, L., Maynard Smith J. The coevolution and stability of
competing species. Am. Nat. 110: 79-99.
 Maynard Smith J. Sexual selection and the handicap principle. J.
Theor. Biol. 57: 239-42.
 Maynard Smith J. A comment on the Red Queen. Am. Nat. 110:
 Maynard Smith J. What determines the rate of evolution? Am. Nat.
110: 331-8.
 Maynard Smith J. Evolution and the theory of games. American
Scientist 64: 41-5.
 Maynard Smith J. Group Selection. Quart. Rev. Biol. 63: 51: 20-9.
 Maynard Smith J. A short-term advantage for sex and
recombination through sib-competition. J. Theor. Biol. 63: 245-8.
 Maynard Smith, J., Parker, G. R. The logic of asymmetric contests.
Animal Behavior 24: 159-175.
 Strobeck, C., Maynard Smith J., Charlesworth, B. The effects of
hitchhiking on a gene for recombination. Genetics 82: 547-58.
 Maynard Smith J. Parential investment: a prospective analysis.
Animal Behaviour 25: 1-9.
 Maynard Smith J. Why the genome does not congeal. Nature 268:
 Maynard Smith J. The limitations of evolutionary theory. In The
Encyclopaedia of Ignorance, ed. Duncan, R., Weston-Smith, M.,
235-42. Oxford, Pergamon Press.
 Maynard Smith J. The sex habits in plants and animals. In
Measuring Selection in Natural Populations, ed. Christiansen, F.
B., Fenchel, T. H., 265-73. Berlin, Springer-Verlag.
 Maynard Smith J. The handicap principle - a comment. J. Theor.
Biol. 70: 251-2.
 Maynard Smith J. The evolution of behaviour. Scientific American
239: 176-91.
 Maynard Smith J. Optimization theory in evolution. Ann. Rev. Ecol.
Syst. 9: 31-56.
 Maynard Smith J. The concept of sociobiology. In Morality as a
Biological Phenomenon, ed. Stent, G. S., 23-34. Berlin, VerlagChemie.
 Maynard Smith J. The Evolution of Sex. Cambridge University
 Heller, R., Maynard Smith J. Does Muller’s ratchet work with
selfing? Gen. Res. Camb. 32: 289-93.
 Hines, W. G. S., Maynard Smith, J. Games between relatives. J.
Theor. Biol. 79: 19-30.
 Maynard Smith J. Hypercycles and the origin of life. Nature 280:
 Maynard Smith J. The effects of normalizing and disruptive
selection on genes for recombination. Gen. Res. 33: 121-8.
 Maynard Smith J. The ecology of sex. In Behavioural Ecology – An
Evolutionary Approach, ed. Krebs, J. R., Davies, N. B., 159-79.
Oxford, Blackwell.
 Maynard Smith J. Game theory and the evolution of behaviour.
Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B. 205: 475-88.
 Slatkin, M., Maynard Smith, J. Models of coevolution. Quart. Rev.
Biol. 54: 233-63.
 Maynard Smith J. A new theory of sexual investment. Behavioural
Ecology and Sociobiology 7: 247-51.
 Maynard Smith J. Selection for recombination in a polygenic
model. Gen. Res. 35: 269-77.
 Maynard Smith J. Models of the evolution altruism. Theor. Pop.
Biol. 18: 151-9.
 Maynard Smith J., Hoekstra, R. Polymorphism in a varied
environment: how robust are the models? Gen. Res. 35: 45-57.
 Maynard Smith J. Macroevolution. Nature 289: 13-14.
 Maynard Smith J. Will a sexual population evolve to an ESS? Am.
Nat. 117: 1015-18.
 Maynard Smith J. Learning the evolutionary stable strategy. J.
Theor. Biol. 89: 611-33.
 Maynard Smith J. Symbolism and chance. In Scientific Philosophy
Today, ed. Agassi, J., Cohen, R. S., 201-6. D. Reidel Publishing
 Maynard Smith J. Overview – unsolved evolutionary problems. In
Genome Evolution, Genome Conference, Cambridge, ed. Dover,
G. A., Flavell, R. B., 375-82. London, Academic Press.
 Maynard Smith, J. Commentary on Webster and Goodwin’s ‘The
origin of species: a structuralist approach.’ Journal of Social and
Biological Structures 5: 49-68.
 Maynard Smith, J. The evolution of social behavior: A classification
of models. In Current Problems in Sociobiology, ed. King's
College Sociobiology Group, 30-44. Cambridge University Press.
 Maynard Smith, J. Do animals convey information about their
intentions? J. Theor. Biol. 97: 1-5.
 Maynard Smith, J. (ed.) Evolution Now. London, Macmillan.
 Maynard Smith, J., Warren N. Models of cultural and genetic
change. Evolution 36: 620-7.
 Maynard Smith J. The century since Darwin Nature 296: 599-601.
 Maynard Smith, J. Game theory and the evolution of cooperation.
In Evolution from Molecules to Men, ed. Bendall, D. S., 445-56.
Cambridge University Press.
 Maynard Smith, J. Evolution and Development. In Development
and Evolution, ed. Goodwin, B., Holder, N., Wylie, C. C., 33-45.
Cambridge University Press.
 Maynard Smith, J. Contemporary aspects of evolution. Experientia
39: 805-6.
 Maynard Smith, J. Evolution and the Theory of Games. Cambridge
University Press.
 Maynard Smith, J. Models of evolution. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B.
219: 315-325
 Maynard Smith, J. The genetics of stasis and punctuation. Ann.
Rev. Genet. 17: 11-25.
 Maynard Smith, J. Adaptation and satisficing. Behavioral and
Brain Sciences 6: 370-1.
 Maynard Smith, J. Current controversies in evolutionary biology. In
Dimensions of Darwinism, ed. Greene, M., 273-86. Cambridge
University Press.
 Maynard Smith, J. Science and myth. Natural History 93: 10-24.
(see also Natural History 94: 79).
 Maynard Smith, J. Game theory and the evolution of behaviour.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7: 95-125.
 Maynard Smith, J. The population as a unit of selection. In
Evolutionary Ecology, ed. Shorrocks, B., 195-202.
 Maynard Smith, J. Matchsticks, brains and curtain rings. New
Scientist 16 Feb.: 9-10.
 Maynard Smith, J., Riechert, S. E. A conflicting-tendency model of
spider antagonistic behaviour. Animal Behaviour 32: 564-78.
 Maynard Smith, J. A one-sided view of evolution. Behavioral and
brain sciences 7: 493-493.
 Stenseth, N. C., Maynard Smith, J. Coevolution in ecosystems Red Queen evolution or stasis? Evolution 38: 870-880.
 Maynard Smith, J., The evolution of intelligence. In Mind Machines
and Evolution, ed. Hookway, C. Cambridge University Press.
 Maynard Smith, J., Burian, R., Kauffman, S., Alberch, P.,
Campbell J., Goodwin, B., Lande, R., Raup, D., Wolpert, L.
Developmental constraints and evolution. Quart. Rev. Biol. 60:
 Haldane, J. B. S. On Being the Right Size and Other Essays. Ed.
Maynard Smith, J. Oxford Paperbacks.
 Maynard Smith, J. The birth of sociobiology. New Sci. 107: 48-50.
 Maynard Smith, J. Sexual selection, handicaps and true fitness. J.
Theor. Biol. 115: 1-8.
 Maynard Smith, J., Brown R. L. Competition and body size. Theor.
Pop. Biol. 30: 166-79.
 Maynard Smith, J. The Problems of Biology. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
 Maynard Smith, J. Evolution - contemplating life without sex .
Nature 324: 300-301.
 Maynard Smith, J. Ownership and honesty in competitive
interaction. Behav. Brain Sci. 9: 742-744.
 Maynard Smith, J. Evolutionary game-theory. Physica D 22: 43-49.
 Heisler, L., Andersson, M.B., Arnold, S.J., Boake, C.R., Borgia, G.,
Hausfater, G., Kirkpatrick, M., Lande, R., Maynard Smith, J.,
O'Donald, P., Thornhill, R., Weissing, F.J. The evolution of mating
preferences and attractive traits. In Sexual Selection: Testing the
Alternatives, eds. Bradbury, J., Andersson, M. Wiley.
 Maynard Smith, J. How to model evolution. In The latest on the
best: Essays on evolution and optimality, ed. Dupré J., 119-131.
MIT Press.
 Maynard Smith, J. Evolution - Darwinism stays unpunctured.
Nature 30: 516-516.
 Maynard Smith, J. Natural-selection - when learning guides
evolution. Nature 329: 761-762.
 Maynard Smith, J. The evolution of recombination. Heredity 59:
 Maynard Smith, J. On the equality of origin and fixation times in
genetics. J. Theor. Biol. 128: 247-252.
 Maynard Smith, J., Hofbauer J. The battle of the sexes - a genetic
model with limit-cycle behavior. Theor. Pop. Biol. 32: 1-14.
 Bell, G., Maynard Smith, J. Short-term selection for recombination
among mutually antagonistic species. Nature 328: 66-68.
 Parker, G. A., Maynard Smith, J. The distribution of stay times in
scatophaga - reply to Curtsinger. Am. Nat. 129: 621-628.
 Maynard Smith, J. Did Darwin Get it Right?: Essays on Games,
Sex and Evolution. London, Chapman & Hall.
 Maynard Smith, J. Evolution - complex vertebrate structures.
Nature 336: 107-108.
 Maynard Smith, J., Harper, D. G. C. The evolution of aggression can selection generate variability. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. B.
319: 557-570.
 Maynard Smith, J. Wright, Sewall (1889-1988) – Obituary. Nature
332: 492-492.
 Maynard Smith, J. Selection for recombination in a polygenic
model - the mechanism. Genet. Res. 51: 59-63.
 Maynard Smith, J. Punctuation in perspective. Nature 332: 311312.
 Maynard Smith, J. Can a mixed strategy be stable in a finite
population? J. Theor. Biol. 130: 247-251.
 Maynard Smith, J. Evolutionary Genetics. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
 Maynard Smith, J. Evolution - generating novelty by symbiosis.
Nature 341: 284-285.
 Maynard Smith, J. The causes of extinction. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc.
Lond. B 325: 241-252.
 Maynard Smith, J. Trees, bundles or nets. TREE 4: 302-304.
 Riechert S. E., Maynard Smith, J. Genetic analyses of 2 behavioral
traits linked to individual fitness in the desert spider Agelenopsis
aperta, Anim. Behav. 37: 624-637.
 Maynard Smith, J. Explanation in Biology. In Explanation and Its
Limits, ed. Knowles, D. Cambridge University Press.
 Maynard Smith, J. Models of a dual inheritance system. J. Theor.
Biol. 143: 41-53.
 Parker, G.A., Maynard Smith, J. Optimality theory in evolutionary
biology. Nature 348: 27-33.
 Maynard Smith, J. Human-evolution - The Y of human
relationships. Nature 344: 591-592.
 Maynard Smith, J. The evolution of prokaryotes - Does sex
matter? Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 21: 1-12.
 Maynard Smith, J., Nee, S. Evolution - clicking into decline. Nature
348: 391-392.
 Maynard Smith, J. Flight of the bumblebee. Nature 347: 719-719.
 Nee, S., Maynard Smith, J. The evolutionary biology of molecular
parasites. Parasitology 100: S5-S18.
 Maynard Smith, J. The evolution of reproductive strategies - a
commentary . Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. B.332: 103-4.
 Maynard Smith, J. Theories of sexual selection. TREE 6: 146-151
 Maynard Smith, J. , Dowson, C. G., Spratt, B. G. Localized sex in
bacteria. Nature 349: 29-31
 Maynard Smith, J. The population-genetics of bacteria. Proc. Roy.
Soc. Lond. B. 245: 37-41.
 Maynard Smith, J. Fitness. Biology & philosophy 6: 37-37.
 Maynard Smith, J. Honest signaling - The Philip Sidney game.
Animal Behaviour 42: 1034-1035.
 Maynard Smith, J. Analyzing the mosaic structure of genes. J. Mol.
Evol. 34: 126-129.
 Maynard Smith, J. “J. B. S. Haldane”. In The Founders of
Evolutionary Genetics, ed. Sarkar, S., 37-51. Kluwer Academic
 Maynard Smith, J. Evolutionary biology - byte-sized evolution.
Nature 355: 772-773.
 Spratt, B. G., Bowler, L. D., Zhang, Q. Y., Zhou, J. J., Maynard
Smith J. Role of interspecies transfer of chromosomal genes in
the evolution of penicillin resistance in pathogenic and commensal
neisseria species. J. Mol. Evol. 34: 115-125.
 Maynard Smith, J. Clonal histories - age and the unisexual
lineage. Nature 356: 661-662.
 Maynard Smith, J., Szathmary, E. The origin of chromosomes. 1:
selection for linkage. J. Theor. Biol. 164: 437-446.
 Szathmary, E., Maynard Smith, J. The evolution of chromosomes.
2: molecular mechanisms. J. Theor. Biol. 164: 447-454.
 Maynard Smith, J. The role of sex in bacterial evolution. J.
Heredity 84: 326-327.
 Maynard Smith, J., Smith N. H., Orourke, M., Spratt, B. G. How
clonal are bacteria? PNAS 90: 4384-4388.
 Maynard Smith, J. Confusion over evolution - an exchange. New
York Review of Books 40: 43-43.
 Maynard Smith, J. Foreword to The Ant and the Peacock: Altruism
and Sexual Selection from Darwin to Today. Cronin, H. Cambridge
University Press.
 Maynard Smith, J. Must reliable signals always be costly? Animal
Behaviour 47: 1115-1120.
 Maynard Smith, J. Estimating the minimum rate of genetictransformation in bacteria. J. Evol. Biol. 7: 525-534.
 Maynard Smith, J. Estimating selection by comparing synonymous
and substitutional changes. J. Mol. Evol. 39: 123-128.
 Maynard Smith, J. The major transitions in evolution. In
Complexity: metaphors, models, and reality, eds. Cowan, G. A.,
Pines, D., Meltzer, D. Addison-Wesley.
 Maynard Smith J., Harper, D. G. C. Animal signals: Models and
terminology. J. Theor. Biol. 177: 305-11.
 Smith, N. H., Maynard Smith, J., Spratt, B. G. Sequence evolution
of the porB gene of Neisseria-gonorrhoeae and Neisseriameningitidis - evidence of positive Darwinian selection. Mol. Biol.
Evol. 12: 363-370.
 Szathmary, E., Maynard Smith J. The major evolutionary
transitions. Nature 374: 227-232.
 Harvey, P. H., Brown, A.. J. L., Maynard Smith J. New uses for
new phylogenies - Editors introduction. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc.
Lond. B. 349: 3-4.
 Maynard Smith, J. Evolution: natural and artificial. In The
Philosophy of Artificial Life, ed. Boden, M. Oxford University Press.
 Feil, E., Zhou, J., Maynard Smith, J. and Spratt, B. G. A
comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the adk and recA
genes of pathogenic and commensal Neisseria species: Evidence
for extensive interspecies recombination within adk. J. Mol. Evol.
43, 631-640.
 Maynard Smith, J. Evolution - The games lizards play. Nature
380: 198-9.
 Maynard Smith, J., Smith, N. H. Site-specific codon bias in
bacteria. Genetics 142: 1037-1043.
 Maynard Smith, J. Smith, N. H. Synonymous nucleotide
divergence: What is ''saturation''? Genetics 142: 1033-1036.
 Maynard Smith, J. Szathmáry, E. On the likelihood of habitable
worlds. Nature 384: 107.
 Campbell, N. A., Maynard Smith, J. A conversation with John
Maynard Smith. American Biology Teacher 58: 408-412.
 Szathmáry, E., Maynard Smith, J. From replicators to reproducers:
The first major transitions leading to life. J. Theor. Biol. 187: 555571.
 Maynard Smith, J., Szathmáry, E. The Major Transitions in
Evolution. New York: Oxford University Press.
 Runciman, W. G., Maynard Smith, J. Dunbar, R. I. M., eds.
Evolution of Social Behaviour Patterns in Primates and Man: A
Joint Discussion Meeting of the Royal Society and the British
Academy. Oxford University Press.
 Cooke, J., Novak, M. A., Boerlijst, M., Maynard Smith, J.
Evolutionary origins and maintenance of redundant gene
expression during metazoan development. TIG 13: 360-4.
 Novak, M. A. Boerlijst, M. C., Cooke, J., Maynard Smith, J.
Evolution of genetic redundancy. Nature 388: 167-171.
 Taddei, F., Radman, M., Maynard Smith, J., Toupance, B.,
Gouyon, P. H., Godelle, B. Role of mutator genes in adaptive
evolution. Nature 387: 700-2.
 PostelVinay, O., Maynard Smith, J. John Maynard Smith - Heredity
need not depend necessarily on the code. Recherche 296: 32-35.
 Dalton, H., Goodwin, B., Ho, M. W., McGlade, J., Prance, G.,
Saunders, P., Sherratt, D., Maynard Smith, J., Whittenbury, R.
Patent threat to research. Nature 385: 672-672.
 Suerbaum, S., Maynard Smith, J., Bapumia, K., Morelli, G.,
Smith, N. H., Kunstmann, E., Dyrek, I., Achtman, M. Free
recombination within Helicobacter pylori. PNAS 95: 12619-12624.
 Maynard Smith J. The units of selection. Limits of reductionism in
biology CIBA foundation symposia 213: 203-211.
 Maynard Smith, J., Smith, N. H. Detecting recombination from
gene trees. Mol. Biol. Evol. 15: 590-599.
 Maynard Smith, J. Shaping Life – Embryos and Evolution.
Weidenfeld & Nicholson.
 Eyre-Walker, A., Smith, N. H., Maynard Smith J. How clonal are
human mitochondria? Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 266: 477-483.
 Maynard Smith, J. Too good to be true. Nature 400: 223-223.
 Maynard Smith, J. The detection and measurement of
recombination from sequence data. Genetics 153: 1021-1027.
 Eyre-Walker, A., Smith, N. H., Maynard Smith J. Reply to
Macaulay et al. (1999): mitochondrial DNA recombination reasons to panic. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 266: 2041-2.
 Awadalla, P., Eyre-Walker, A., Maynard Smith J. Linkage
disequilibrium and recombination in hominid mitochondrial DNA.
Science 286: 2524-2525.
 Maynard Smith, J., Szathmáry, E. The Origins of Life: From the
Birth of Life to the Origin of Language. Oxford: Oxford University
 Maynard Smith, J., Mayr, E., Williams, G. C. The 1999 Crafoord
Prize Lectures – Introduction. Quart. Rev. Biol. 74: 391-393.
 Maynard Smith, J. The idea of information in biology. Quart. Rev.
Biol. 74: 395-400.
 Maynard Smith, J. The concept of information in biology.
Philosophy of Science 67: 177-194. Reply to commentaries, 214218.
 Maynard Smith J. Mathematics of evolution. Nature 403: 594-595.
 Maynard Smith, J., Feil, E. J., Smith, N. H. Population structure
and evolutionary dynamics of pathogenic bacteria. Bioessays 22:
 Weiner, J., Maynard Smith, J. A conversation with John Maynard
Smith. Natural History 109: 78-80.
 Maynard Smith, J. Cautionary tales for aspiring species or the
beast's book of blunders. TREE 16: 717-721.
 Maynard Smith, J. Why fruitflies dance - The variety and reliability
of animal signals. TLS 5131: 11-12.
 Maynard Smith, J., Smith, N. H. Recombination in animal
mitochondrial DNA. Mol. Biol. Evol. 19: 2330-2332.
 Maynard Smith, J. Commentary on Kerr and Godfrey-Smith.
Biology & Philosophy 17: 523-527.
 Maynard Smith, J. Equations of Life: The Mathematics of
Evolution. In It Must Be Beautiful: great equations of modern
science., ed. Farmelo, G. Granta.
 Bromham, L., Eyre-Walker, A., Smith, N. H., Maynard Smith J.
Mitochondrial Steve: paternal inheritance of mitochondria in
humans. TREE 18: 2-4.
 Feil, E. J., Cooper, J. E., Grundmann, H., Robinson, D. A., Enright
M. C., Berendt, T., Peacock, S. J., Maynard Smith J., Murphy, M.,
Spratt, B. G., Moore, C. E., Day, N. P. J. How clonal is
Staphylococcus aureus? J. Bacteriology 185: 3307-3316.
 Russell, M., Pomiankowski, A., Turner, G., Rainey, P., Maynard
Smith, J. Evolution - Five big questions. New Scientist 178: 33-39.
 Smith, N. H., Dale, J., Inwald, J., Palmer, S., Gordon, S. V.,
Hewinson, R. G., Maynard Smith, J. The population structure of
Mycobacterium bovis in Great Britain: Clonal expansion. PNAS
100: 15271-15275.
 Maynard Smith, J. Games and theories. New Scientist 178: 48-51.
 Maynard Smith, J., Harper, D. Animal Signals. Oxford University