Nova Scotia Records - Susan Dorey Designs

Nova Scotia Records
That Mention Doreys
Church Records
In Nova Scotia birth, marriage, and death records were kept in the individual churches. All of
these records were handwritten and many are in French. The following list of churches are those
whose records mention Doreys:
Arichat on Isle Madame: St. John’s Anglican Church. Records began in 1828. They have
not been published.
Arichat on Isle Madame: Notre Dame de L’Assomption Church. Records began in 1837.
They were published by Jeanne Joyce-Stone and Rufine Bonin-Briand at
West Arichat on Isle Madame: Immaculate Conception Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Records began in 1862, but a fire destroyed records between 1862 and 1880. The baptism
records of 1881–1904 were transcribed by Arlene McDonald, marriage records of 1881–
1904 were transcribed by Joseph Adolph Marchand. These have been published by Helena
Fougère McCay at
L'Ardoise on Cape Breton Island: Church of the Holy Guardian Angel. Birth, marriage, and
death records from 1821–1876 were transcribed by Maureen McNeil; records from 1876–
1904 were transcribed by several others They were published by Paul C. Landry at
River Bourgeois, Cape Breton Island: St. John the Baptiste Church. Birth, marriage, and
death records are from 1840 to 1945. They were published by Jeanne Joyce-Stone and
Rufine Bonin-Briand at
Guysborough: Christ Church Anglican. Cemetery records were transcribed by Maureen
Brown and are published at
Few records are on the web. All are on microfilm at The Public Archives of Nova Scotia
(PANS), located in Halifax.
Civil Records
West Arichat on Isle Madame: Civil birth, marriage, and death records for 1864–1877 were
transcribed by Arlene McDonald. These have been published by Helena Fougère McCay at
D’Escousse on Isle Madame: Marriages from the Nova Scotia Board of Statistics for
Richmond County were copied from microfilm at the Los Angeles Family History Center by
Edward L. Galvin 1992–1995. He also has the census records. They were published at
D’Escousse on Isle Madame: St. Hyacinth's Roman Catholic Church. The first church
began in 1845. A second Church was completed around 1870. The church was completely
destroyed by fire on July 20, 1954. The present Church was built in 1955. Records began in
Nova Scotia Records
That Mention Doreys
1831, but those from Feb 1844 to June 1856 are missing. Published by George C. Rose of
Halifax at
L'Ardoise on Cape Breton Island: Civil Register marriages 1899 to 1912 were transcribed
from Richmond County microfilm by Paul C Landry. They were published by Paul C.
Landry at
St. Peter's on Cape Breton Island: Civil Register marriages 1903 to 1912 were transcribed
from Richmond County microfilm by Paul C Landry. They were published by Paul C.
Landry at
Census Records
River Bourgois on Cape Breton Island: 1901 Census . Transcribed by Paul C Landry.
Published by him at
L'Ardoise on Cape Breton Island: 1838 Census. Transcribed by ?. Published by Paul C.
Landry at
L'Ardoise on Cape Breton Island: 1871 Census, Families 1 through 49. Transcribed by
Patrick B. Burke. Published by Paul C. Landry at
L'Ardoise on Cape Breton Island: 1881 Census. Transcribed by Pat Burke & Glenn Crease.
Published by Paul C. Landry at
L'Ardoise on Cape Breton Island: 1891 Census. Transcribed by Paul C. Landry. Published
by Paul C. Landry at and
L'Ardoise on Cape Breton Island: 1901 Census. Transcribed by Michele Pottie. Published
by Paul C. Landry at
Grand River on Cape Breton Island: 1901 Census. Transcribed by Patricia Casper.
Published at
History of the County of Guysborough by Hart, Harriet Cunningham, 1975 is on the web at