Antenatal Physiotherapy Classes - London Hospital

Antenatal Physiotherapy Classes
Thursdays 09:30-11:00
Antenatal Physiotherapy Classes
Thursdays 09:30-11:00
Please book in advance by calling this number:
0203 594 1082
Please book in advance by calling this number:
0203 594 1082
Limited spaces available, so book early to avoid
Limited spaces available, so book early to avoid
Monthly Programme
o Week 1: Looking after your back, tummy and pelvic
floor exercises.
o Week 2: Breathing and relaxation techniques during
pregnancy and labour.
o Week 3: Labour positions, massage techniques and
o Week 4: Back and pelvic pain during pregnancy,
postnatal care.
Outpatient Therapies Department
2nd Floor, North Tower
The Royal London Hospital
Monthly Programme
o Week 1: Looking after your back, tummy and pelvic
floor exercises.
o Week 2: Breathing and relaxation techniques during
pregnancy and labour.
o Week 3: Labour positions, massage techniques and
o Week 4: Back and pelvic pain during pregnancy,
postnatal care.
Outpatient Therapies Department
2nd Floor, North Tower
The Royal London Hospital