FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 3 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content Reference FSPS Year-at-a-Glance Module 6, Week 1: PARCC EOY 3rd Grade Window M6- WEEK 2 READING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS CC.RL.3.9 Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the same or similar characters (e.g., in books from a series). OBJECTIVE Comprehension Main CC Standards I will compare and contrast themes, characters, and plots of two stories by the same author. ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY RESOURCES MATERIALS, EXPLANATIONS & EXAMPLES LESSON FOCUS Comprehension/ Fluency Compare Contrast Themes Plot. GRW: p. 445 TDC: p. 143-146 (T) STW1: p. 197-206 ASSESSMENTS Teacher Selected Read-Aloud Skill: Main Idea Author Study Strategy: Compare/Contrast Genre: Author Study CC.L.3.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. CC.L.3.5a Distinguish the literal and non-literal meaning of words and phrases in context (e.g., take steps). Vocabulary I will distinguish between literal and figurative meanings of words and phrases in context. Teacher Selected Vocabulary Literal Non-literal (Refer to FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines K-6) CC.L.3.6 Acquire & use accurately gradeappropriate conversational, general academic, & domain- specific words and phrases, including those that signal spatial & temporal relationships (e.g., After dinner that night we went looking for them.) I will use words and phrases that I have learned through listening and reading. Phrases GRW: (figurative language) WP: p. 45 (figurative language) LC: Book 6, Lesson 13, p. 175 BWL MI: p. 90 WTW: Chapters 7, 8, 9 Refer to FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines K-6 (Refer to FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines K-6) Spelling Phonics/Spelling J-L29 Refer to FSPS ongoing CCSS Grade 3 for CC.RF.3.3c, CC.L.3.2e, and CC.L.3.2f when teaching spelling. Spelling: Words Ending in -er or -le J-L29 Detailed Spelling Plan T170-171 T170- Teach the principle- pretest PB-p. 172 T170- Word Sort PB-p. 173 T171- Word Families T171- Connect to Writing, PB- p. 174 T171- Assess Spelling (OPTIONAL) Assessments T178-179 Module 6- 1 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 3 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content M6- WEEK 2 WRITING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS OBJECTIVE ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY RESOURSES Grammar Teacher may differentiate activities according to the class needs in order to teach the weekly grammar components and standards. LESSON FOCUS MATERIALS, EXPLANATIONS & EXAMPLES ASSESSMENTS FSPS Grammar Focus J-L13 Review- Subject/Verb Agreement Teacher Selected Grammar Materials Teacher will need to review the English Language Arts Common Core Standards Unpacking document to understand the specific criteria specified by, CC.L.3.1f, CC.L.3.1i. CC.L.3.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. CC.L.3.1i Produce simple, compound, & complex sentences. I will produce simple, compound, and complex sentences. Simple Compound Complex /index.html MM2-3 MM4-5 MI EE (The rigor of this standard is not addressed in this Journeys lesson.) Writing Standards Teacher may differentiate activities according to the class needs in order to teach the weekly writing components and standards. Refer to Journeys Lessons 6-10 Teacher will need to review the English Language Arts Common Core Standards Unpacking document to understand the specific criteria specified by CC.W.3.8 and CC.W.3.9. Research to Build and Present Knowledge *Use these standards for Weeks 2-5. CC.W.3.8 Research to Build and Present Knowledge: Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided categories I will recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources. I will take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided categories. Recall Experiences Gather Sources Evidence *Brief Notes Module 6- 2 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 3 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content M6-WEEK 3 READING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS CC.RL.3.9 Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the same or similar characters (e.g., in books from a series). OBJECTIVE Comprehension Main CC Standards I will compare and contrast themes, characters, and plots of two stories by the same author. ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY RESOURCES MATERIALS, EXPLANATIONS & EXAMPLES LESSON FOCUS Comprehension/ Fluency Compare Contrast Themes Plot. GRW: p. 445 TDC: p. 143-146 (T) STW1: p. 197-206 ASSESSMENTS Teacher Selected Read-Aloud Skill: Author’s Purpose Author Study Strategy: Compare/Contrast Genre: Author Study CC.L.3.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. CC.L.3.5a Distinguish the literal and nonliteral meaning of words and phrases in context (e.g., take steps). Vocabulary I will distinguish between literal and figurative meanings of words and phrases in context. Literal Non-Literal GRW: (figurative language) WP: p. 45 (figurative language) LC: Book 6, Lesson 13, p. 175 Teacher Selected Vocabulary Refer to FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines K-6 (Refer to FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines K-6 CC.L.3.6 Acquire & use accurately gradeappropriate conversational, general academic, & domain- specific words and phrases, including those that signal spatial & temporal relationships (e.g., After dinner that night we went looking for them.) I will use words and phrases that I have learned through listening and reading. Phrases BWL MI: p. 90 WTW: Chapters 7, 8, 9 (Refer to FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines K-6) Spelling Refer to FSPS ongoing CCSS Grade 3 for CC.RF.3.3c, CC.L.3.2e, and CC.L.3.2f when teaching spelling. Phonics/Spelling J-L30 Spelling: Schwa Sound J-L30 Detailed Spelling Plan T216-217 T216- Teach the Principlepretest PB-p. 182 T216- Word Sort PB-p. 183 T217- Word Families T217- Connect to Writing, PB-p. 184 (OPTIONAL) Assessments Weekly tests: T224-225 Module 6- 3 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 3 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content M6-WEEK 3 T217- Assess Spelling WRITING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS OBJECTIVE ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY RESOURCES Grammar Teacher may differentiate activities according to the class needs in order to teach the weekly grammar components and standards. Teacher will need to review the English Language Arts Common Core Standards Unpacking document to understand the specific criteria specified by, CC.L.3.2b CC.L.3.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions Functions I will explain of standard English grammar and usage when writing /index.html functions of nouns, or speaking. MM2-3 verbs, pronouns, CC.L.3.1a Explain the function of nouns, MM4-5 adjectives, and pronouns, verbs, adjectives, & MI adverbs. adverbs in general and their functions in EE particular sentences. LESSON FOCUS FSPS Grammar Focus MATERIALS, EXPLANATIONS & EXAMPLES ASSESSMENTS Teacher Selected Grammar Materials J-L24 Adverbs (The rigor of this standard is not addressed in this Journeys lesson.) Writing Teacher may differentiate activities according to the class needs in order to teach the weekly writing components and standards. Refer to Journeys Lessons 6-10 Teacher will need to review the English Language Arts Common Core Standards Unpacking document to understand the specific criteria specified by CC.W.3.8 and CC.W.3.9 *Refer to Week 2. Research to Build and Present Knowledge *Brief Notes Module 6- 4 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 3 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content M5-WEEK 4 READING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS CC.RL.3.9 Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the same or similar characters (e.g., in books from a series). CC.L.3.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. CC.L.3.5a Distinguish the literal and nonliteral meaning of words and phrases in context (e.g., take steps). OBJECTIVE Comprehension Main CC Standards I will compare and contrast themes, characters, and plots of two stories by the same author. Vocabulary I will distinguish between literal and figurative meanings of words and phrases in context. ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY RESOURCES LESSON FOCUS Comprehension/ Fluency Compare Contrast Themes Plot. Literal Non-Literal GRW: p. 445 TDC: p. 143-146 (T) STW1: p. 197-206 Skill: Compare/Contrast MATERIALS, EXPLANATIONS & EXAMPLES ASSESSMENTS Teacher Selected Read-Aloud Two Texts on the Same Topic Strategy: Main Idea GRW: (figurative language) WP: p. 45 (figurative language) LC: Book 6, Lesson 13, p. 175 Teacher Selected Vocabulary Refer to FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines K-6 (Refer to FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines K-6 CC.L.3.6 Acquire & use accurately gradeappropriate conversational, general academic, & domain- specific words and phrases, including those that signal spatial & temporal relationships (e.g., After dinner that night we went looking for them.) I will use words and phrases that I have learned through listening and reading. Phrases BWL MI: p. 90 WTW: Chapters 7, 8, 9 (Refer to FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines K-6) Spelling Refer to FSPS ongoing CCSS Grade 3 for CC.RF.3.3c, CC.L.3.2e, and CC.L.3.2f when teaching spelling. Review Spelling skills previously taught WRITING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS OBJECTIVE ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY RESOURCES Grammar Teacher may differentiate activities according to the class needs in order to teach the weekly grammar components and standards. LESSON FOCUS Review Grammar skills previously taught MATERIALS, EXPLANATIONS & EXAMPLES ASSESSMENTS Teacher Selected Grammar Materials Module 6- 5 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 3 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content M5-WEEK 4 Teacher will need to review the English Language Arts Common Core Standards Unpacking document to understand the specific criteria specified by, CC.L.3.2b CC.L.3.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions Functions I will explain of standard English grammar and usage when writing /index.html functions of nouns, or speaking. MM2-3 verbs, pronouns, CC.L.3.1a Explain the function of nouns, MM4-5 adjectives, and pronouns, verbs, adjectives, & MI adverbs. adverbs in general and their functions in EE particular sentences. Writing Teacher may differentiate activities according to the class needs in order to teach the weekly writing components and standards. Refer to Journeys Lessons 6-10 Teacher will need to review the English Language Arts Common Core Standards Unpacking document to understand the specific criteria specified by CC.W.3.8 and CC.W.3.9 *Refer to Week 2. Research to Build and Present Knowledge *Brief Notes Module 6- 6 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 3 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content M5-WEEK 5 READING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS CC.RL.3.9 Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the same or similar characters (e.g., in books from a series). CC.L.3.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. CC.L.3.5a Distinguish the literal and nonliteral meaning of words and phrases in context (e.g., take steps). OBJECTIVE Comprehension Main CC Standards I will compare and contrast themes, characters, and plots of two stories by the same author. Vocabulary I will distinguish between literal and figurative meanings of words and phrases in context. ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY RESOURCES LESSON FOCUS Comprehension/ Fluency Compare Contrast Themes Plot. Literal Non-Literal GRW: p. 445 TDC: p. 143-146 (T) STW1: p. 197-206 Skill: Cause & Effect MATERIALS, EXPLANATIONS & EXAMPLES ASSESSMENTS Teacher Selected Read-Aloud Two Texts on the Same Topic Strategy: Key Details GRW: (figurative language) WP: p. 45 (figurative language) LC: Book 6, Lesson 13, p. 175 Teacher Selected Vocabulary Refer to FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines K-6 (Refer to FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines K-6 CC.L.3.6 Acquire & use accurately gradeappropriate conversational, general academic, & domain- specific words and phrases, including those that signal spatial & temporal relationships (e.g., After dinner that night we went looking for them.) I will use words and phrases that I have learned through listening and reading. Phrases BWL MI: p. 90 WTW: Chapters 7, 8, 9 (Refer to FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines K-6) Spelling Refer to FSPS ongoing CCSS Grade 3 for CC.RF.3.3c, CC.L.3.2e, and CC.L.3.2f when teaching spelling. Review Spelling skills previously taught WRITING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS OBJECTIVE ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY RESOURCES Grammar Teacher may differentiate activities according to the class needs in order to teach the weekly grammar components and standards. LESSON FOCUS Review Grammar skills previously taught MATERIALS, EXPLANATIONS & EXAMPLES ASSESSMENTS Teacher Selected Grammar Materials Module 6- 7 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 3 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content Teacher will need to review the English Language Arts Common Core Standards Unpacking document to understand the specific criteria specified by, CC.L.3.2b CC.L.3.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions Functions I will explain of standard English grammar and usage when writing /index.html functions of nouns, or speaking. MM2-3 verbs, pronouns, CC.L.3.1a Explain the function of nouns, MM4-5 adjectives, and pronouns, verbs, adjectives, & MI adverbs. adverbs in general and their functions in EE particular sentences. Writing Teacher may differentiate activities according to the class needs in order to teach the weekly writing components and standards. M5-WEEK 5 Refer to Journeys Lessons 6-10 Teacher will need to review the English Language Arts Common Core Standards Unpacking document to understand the specific criteria specified by CC.W.3.8 and CC.W.3.9 *Refer to Week 2. Research to Build and Present Knowledge *Brief Notes Reference FSPS Year-at-a-Glance END OF 4TH QUARTER Module 6- 8