PERSUASIVE ESSAY RUBRIC Criteria Quality 4 3 2 1 I make a I make a I make a claim and claim but claim but it Make a I do not explain why don't explain is buried, make a claim. claim it is why it is confused, or controversial. controversial. unclear. I give 1 or 2 I give reasons I give clear reasons in which don't I do not give Give reasons and accurate support of support the convincing the claim, but claim well, reasons in in support of reasons in support of overlook and/or support of the the claim the claim. important irrelevant or claim. reasons. confusing reasons. I discuss I thoroughly reasons I discuss against acknowledge reasons claim, but Consider that there are I do not give against the leave out reasons reasons reasons claim and important against the against the against the explain why reasons claim but claim. claim the claim is and/or don't don't explain valid explain why them. anyway. the claim still stands. My writing is well My writing organized, My writing is usually has a has a clear organized compelling beginning, but opening, middle and sometimes My writing Organization strong end. I gets off is aimless and informative generally use topic. Has disorganized. body and appropriate several satisfying paragraph errors in conclusion. format. paragraph Has format. appropriate paragraph format. The words I use are I use mostly striking but Word choice routine natural, words. varied and vivid. Sentence Fluency My words are dull, uninspired or they sound like I am trying too hard to impress. My My sentences sentences I wrote wellare clear, are often flat constructed complete and or awkward. but routine of different Some runsentences. lengths. ons and fragments. I use firstperson form, and I use correct Conventions sentence structure, grammar, punctuation and spelling. My spelling is correct on common words. some erros in grammar and punctuation. I need to revise it again. I use the same words over and over and over.... Some words may be confusing. Many runons, fragments and awkward phrasings make my essay hard to read. Frequent Many errors errors are in grammar, distracting to capitalization, the reader spelling and but do not punctuation interfere make my with the paper hard to meaning of read. my paper.