Data request table for hindcasted and projected modelled variables used in fish and foodweb modelling in Eco-support. Dep. Var. Forcing var. depth area Temporal resolution (month, season?) Cod recruitment Reproductive volume Bornholm, Gdansk, Gotland Arkona Basins Monthly; Cod recruitment Salinity Defined by vertical profiles of salinity and oxygen (physiological thresholds to be provided) 80-100m (Gotland B) 70-90m (BB) 80-100m (Gdansk B) April-May; and June-August for all 3 areas 19002100 Cod and herring recruitment Pseudocalanus spp. 1) (biomass of all lifehistory stages) Temperature 0-100 m GB (BY 15) BB (BY 45) (station nr) For Gdansk, use same lat. and long. as for RV definition GB, GD, BB May And August in all 3 areas 19002100 April-May and June-August 19002100 Acartia spp. 1) (biomass of all lifehistory stages) 0-100 m GB (BY 15) BB (BY 45) (station nr) For Gdansk, use same lat. and long. as for RV definition GB, GD, BB May And August in all 3 areas 19002100 Sprat recruitment Sprat recruitment 0-10m 40-60m Time period needed 19002100 (18502100) Herring recruitment Salinity 80-100m (GB) 70-90m (BB) 80-100m (GD) GB (BY 15) BB (BY 45) (station nr) For Gdansk, use same lat. and long. as for RV definition April-May and June-August 19002100 Herring predation rate Herring-cod vertical overlap Bornholm, Gdansk, Gotland Arkona Basins Monthly 19742100 Sprat predation rate Sprat-cod vertical overlap Bornholm, Gdansk, Gotland Arkona Basins Monthly 19742100 Cod cannibalism Juvenile-adult cod vertical overlap Defined by vertical profiles of salinity and oxygen (physiological thresholds to be provided) Defined by vertical profiles of salinity and oxygen (physiological thresholds to be provided) Defined by vertical profiles of salinity and oxygen (physiological thresholds to be provided) Bornholm, Gdansk, Gotland Arkona Basins Monthly 19742100 Alternative forcing of cod & herring recruitment, and Pseudoc. Salinity 0-10m, 1020m, 20-30 m, etc until bottom depth GB (BY 15) BB (BY 45) GD Monthly 19002100 Alternative forcing of Temperature 0-10m, 10GB (BY 20m, 20-30 m, 15) Monthly 19002100 sprat, Acartia & Temora Sprat recruitment Juvenile cod and herring growth Zoobenthos biomass, juvenile cod and herring growth Sprat and herring growth etc until bottom depth BB (BY 45) GD Temora spp.1) 0-100 m spp.(biomass of all lifehistory stages) Zoobenthos biomass (especially mysids, isopods and amphipods) Volume of anoxic bottoms GB, GD, BB May And August in all 3 areas 19002100 GB, GD, BB, GF, Landsort deep Monthly 19002100 GB, GD, BB, GF, Landsort deep Monthly 19002100 Cladocerans biomass (if possible divided in the species Bosmina maritima, Podon spp. and Evadne nordmanni) GB, GD, BB, GF, Landsort deep May, August, October 19002100 Bornholm, Gdansk, Gotland Arkona Basins Bornholm, Gdansk, Gotland Arkona Basins Annual/monthly 19002100 April-May; and June-August for all 3 areas and annual 19002100 Bottom fauna macro benthos Anoxic area and depth of anoxic zone Pseudocalanus spp Salinity 0-100 m 0-10m Acartia /Temora spp Temperature Phytoplankton /primary producers Nutrient concentration Phytoplankton /primary producers Nutrients loads Phytoplankton /primary producers Primary production Seals Area and length of ice cover Macrobentos fauna H2S area 1) 0-10m Gotland Basin Bornholm Basin For Gdansk, use same lat. and long. as for RV definition Bornholm, Gdansk, Gotland Arkona Basins Bornholm, Gdansk, Gotland Arkona Basins Bornholm, Gdansk, Gotland Arkona Basins Bornholm, Gdansk, Gotland Arkona Basins All Central baltic Sea April-May and June-August and annual 19002100 Winter/summer 19002100 annual 19002100 Spring/summer/annual 19002100 Winter 19002100 April-May; and June-August for all 3 areas and annual For models only generating a generic zooplankton, not specified to species, biomass of total zooplankton replaces request for Pseudocalanus, Acartia and Temora projections.