iCRAG PhD studentship TP4.2 PhD7 Prediction of deep

iCRAG PhD studentship TP4.2 PhD7
Prediction of deep-water stratigraphic traps developed across the syn-rift to post-rift
transition in Atlantic-margin basins
Main supervisors: Peter Haughton & Patrick Shannon
Atlantic margin basins west of Ireland have significant potential for hydrocarbons in
stratigraphic and combination traps comprising deep-water sandstones that pinch out
laterally against draped structural highs and unconformities. This project will analyse the
deep-water slope onlap styles present in the Irish basins and develop tools that help
characterise sand presence, character and reservoir quality trends in base-of-slope settings.
The Lower Cretaceous will be a particular focus as this is known to locally include important
post-rift sands in the inboard European basins and shallow water sands of this age are
present on the margins of the Irish basins. A focus here will be the potential for large-volume
flows that bypass proximal slopes and deposit in deeper areas away from basins margins
where their deposits abut slopes against which the flows were forced to decelerate. The
project will combine seismic-based characterisation and analysis of onlap geometries in the
Porcupine and Rockall basins, study of comparable and better constrained seismic and
cored examples in the North Sea and elsewhere, and outcrop investigations in analogous
settings. A key aim will be to better understand the expression of event beds close to distal
onlap slopes and to link this to original flow processes, reservoir quality trends and likely trap
Applications are invited from motivated and high-achieving geoscience graduates with a first
or strong second class (upper) division first degree. The successful candidate will join a
large applied research group at University College Dublin and receive a broad training in
deep-water sedimentology, seismic stratigraphy and basin analysis. The position is fully
funded for four years and brings with it a stipend of €17,000/year plus fees together with
provision for conference and external course attendance. To apply, please send a full CV
and contact details for 3 academic referees, together with a letter of motivation, to Prof Peter
Haughton at Peter.Haughton@ucd.ie from whom further particulars may also be requested.
The deadline for applications is 30th April 2015 for a 1st September 2015 start-up. iCRAG is
funded under the SFI Research Centres Programme and is co-funded under the European
Regional Development Fund.